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FS2004 - skAI Traffic v1.1 Update






FS2004 - skAI Traffic v1.1 Update




2007-03-03 (by PopArt)


skAI Traffic v1.1 Update ======================== This update will fix some reported errors on traffic not departing. (staying parked at the gate) Tested on KSEA, KDEN and LFPG with 100% traffic. All small and major airliners seem to depart and arrive normally and frequently now. Thanks for letting me know! Keep it coming. Happy landings, PopArt ;-) Just install in your root FS directory.

Files count:



46.79 Mb




BritneysOrifice (2007-03-04)

Holy moley.. I just finished typing a comment on the original skAI Traffic post when this one popped up. Much appreciated for your obviously heartfelt determination to create the most superior AI package out there. Absolutely kick ass; Adobe is history.

MidNight8181 (2007-03-04)

Thnx for the up date, love the SkAI AI traffic, u r great PopArt
REQ: Alphasim T-6 Texan/Harvard :)

MidNight8181 (2007-03-04)

And REQ: Cloud9 Bergen/Flesland For fs2004 And Fsx

4X-AXG (2007-03-04)

Hey PopArt,
thanks for the update. I recently flew from Stansted to Hannover and when I was passing the English Channel, I spotted a whole group of 777's flying towards Holland/Belgium. All were United and American 777s. Are there maybe duplicate flightplans or is this correct AI? And also, some of the heavies, such as the 777 and the A330 are flying with a lot of (full?) flaps while are screenshots showing what I mean :) thanks


PopArt (2007-03-04)

Wow, inavasion of the American 777's LOL.
Beats me, really. I have checked all FP's for duplicates and didn't find any. Are you sure you don't have a duplicate .bgl file?
The other thing I can think of is crossing a timezone. You were flying from UK to NL, so passing a timezone. Do you have FSRealtime installed? Without it FS can reload it's traffic when crossing a timezone (I had it happen a couple of times). But that doesn't explain the duplicates...
I'll try to recreate the situation. What day and time was it appr.?

Baster23 (2007-03-04)

THX PopArt ;o)
Can anyone Please Req:
CaptainSim B757 Freighter Model
Cloud9 F4 Phantom or working Crack
Digital Aviation Do-27 Update 1.20
Please !!!!!!! :o)

ozmoderator (2007-03-04)

thanks popart ;-)

stanlow (2007-03-04)

Many thanks, PopArt!!

Brutte (2007-03-04)

To Popart!
Thank you for all your work with skAI and I must say that skAI beats the commercial AI rubbish all the way!!
Thank you from

kris018 (2007-03-04)

The problem 4X had happend to me in Alaska, i had tons of Northwest 747s pop in, not realy sure if i passed a time zone, ill fly the route again later and let you know.
Thx for the update, best AI pack ever!!
Hell everyne else is requesting so i will aswell, and oldie abacus cessna 185 :D, anyone have it lying around?
thx in advance

blankbox (2007-03-04)

markoxley....this problem you a known airbus condition....when they cut staff....planes witnessed the first..hehe..

PopArt (2007-03-04)

blankbox: LOL ;-)
To all: I guess it is a FDE problem. I'll fix this in the next update.
About the duplicates, I'll dive (haha) into it and make sure to remove it (if any).

4X-AXG (2007-03-04)

whenever I encounter the same problem again, I'll write down the exact date and time and such :) and the flap problem is in the FDE?

judasmyguide (2007-03-04)

Thx popart! Christmas is early this year! :-) A question though: Do you know if I can use tantris addon with this package? I have adobe 4.4 and tantris installed at this moment. I've notised that a few others ask about the same question, but I havent got a clear answer yet. Please..

judasmyguide (2007-03-04)

and I forgot, if you could give me a step to step guidance i would by thanksful and humble :-)

PopArt (2007-03-04)

4X-AXG: aircraft behaviour is blueprinted in the FDE (air) file. I'll search for some updated FDE files.
I did a merge of the flightplans and still no duplicates...strange. Keep on looking though.
Judasmyguide: I have included some tantris flights, for the next major update I am planning on making it optional though. If you use tantris with my package, you might see some duplicate flights. Hope this helps.

4X-AXG (2007-03-04)

alright great :)
I have another question. Could you do me a favor and go to KPHX? When I am at that airport, the entire America West/US Airways side is empty..all the Southwest 737s are present at the other side of the airport, but the rest of the airport is virtually empty. Traffic settings are 100% and season or time doesn't matter. Thanks :)

judasmyguide (2007-03-04)

Ofcourse it helps! thx!! :-)

crabdavid (2007-03-04)

Hey PopArt,
Thx for the great upload. I'll try this as soon as it's inside my pc :-)
How to get rid of the default AI traffic. Can you give some advice. I've now installed Ultimate Traffic with summer schedule 2005.

PopArt (2007-03-04)

4X-AXG, here's what I found:
I found 31 weekly flights from US Airways, but only 3 originate from KPHX! The flightplans are from Adobe, but they are in serious need for an update.
Consider this fixed in v2.0 (released april).
Thanks for the heads-up.

PopArt (2007-03-04)

crabdavid: try an uninstall for UT?

4X-AXG (2007-03-04)

awesome, thanks for the great support :)

whupp (2007-03-05)

Req. DF Piper Archer lll (anyone got a way around the RealityXP gauges as they are blanked out ?

hirstey (2007-03-05)

Thanks Popart for everything!
Cheers mate

fspilot (2007-03-05)

Popart, from what I hear, the fp's are shit. Gimme a listing of ALL the airlines and I'll mix something up. Possible a flightplan update?? :?

fspilot (2007-03-05)

Popart, from what I hear, the fp's are shit. Gimme a listing of ALL the airlines and I'll mix something up. Possibly a flightplan update?? :?

fspilot (2007-03-05)

Can you give me a listing of all the airlines in this so I can mix up a flightplan update?

PopArt (2007-03-06)

fspilot: what do you think I am working on?
I'll keep this my personal project, but if you want you can go ahead and build your own. Thanks anyway ;-)

scooby321999 (2007-03-06)

Hey PopArt... is there by any chance that you are planning to include GA and more Mil aircraft in future releases (doesn't have to be the next one... but it would be nice! ;) )?
Thanks again for this awesome package!

PopArt (2007-03-06)

scooby: I'll think about it. This package is a product of my discontent about the payware packages. It suits my taste and to be honest, GA and military traffic isn't my piece of cake. Wouldn't it be easier to download and install Tantris and/or MAIW packages if you want military traffic? Just curious ;-)

Baster23 (2007-03-07)

Hi All
Can anyone please seed one of the
Wenatchee SkyKomish Sceneryn here on Piratebay !?

scooby321999 (2007-03-07)

yea fair enough I suppose... though I heard that it creates duplicates or something.. well in that case... rather than adding GA or MIL, could you make it compatible (as an option for example) with those that have the Tantris GA and Mil packages?

PopArt (2007-03-07)

scooby, I'll give it a try. Problem is that I "integrated" the Tantris package into the rest. I have to sort it out by hand. Perhaps I'll just leave it out alltogether and create an bgl for it, just for personal use. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks ;-)

scooby321999 (2007-03-07)

Oh I see.... hmmm... is it not possible to integrate all other traffic bgl files into one (no idea about all this.... just guessing) and then edit the Tantris GA files so that any that is already included or would interfere with the others are removed and then all others added to a separate bgl file which could then be included as an option in the installation?

PopArt (2007-03-07)

Yes, that's possible. But to do that I have to make two different installs, one with and one without Tantris. It is do-able, but I've decided to remove the Tantris planes alltogether to keep everybody happy ;-)
In the next update there will be no more seperate bgl's, just one big one. I recently discovered that AITM will make that job very easy. It's a learning curve for me too.

scooby321999 (2007-03-07)

well now... if you are removing Tantris planes altogether doesn't that mean there should not be any problems (such as conflicts) with installing the Tantris GA package? If that is the case then you would not need to install 2 separate installs... just keep the things the way they are/would be and simple add a side note saying that Tantris GA can be installed without problems for those who have them.

PopArt (2007-03-08)

Yup, that's what I meant. It is a lot of work already, so not having to care about those Tantris planes is just less work for me ;-)
Thanks, I will include a side-note about it.

scooby321999 (2007-03-08)

aaah ok cool!! Well yea that is fine then... Thanks sooooooo much PopArt!! You're better than any other damn AI company out there!! kickass package with top notch customer service! :P

dancoz (2007-03-09)

Excellent stuff popart.
Thanks for sharing.

frecc (2007-03-11)

After installing 1.0, a system error occurs. After installing and starting FS, fs9 will not respond.
After unistalling skai 1.0, FS runs correctly again.
Is this install OK at your machines?
What can be the problem?
(1.1 update couldn't solve the error)

PopArt (2007-03-11)

You're the first to report this.
Dunno, maybe there's something else conflicting? Although I can't think of anything...?

cronos12 (2007-03-16)

Thanks for the update Popart!
Can someone please seed. Thanks

TheBoss01 (2007-03-23)

Now that you & skAI Traffic have your own homepage at - Why not move your folks over there to use it?

PopArt (2007-03-28)

They will, believe me :)

TheBoss01 (2007-03-29)

cronos12: I've been seeding v1.1 for approximately 3-4 weeks now. If you're still having trouble getting it, just go to skAI Traffic's homepage at & get it there.

mxc8099 (2007-05-04)

would anyone please reseed Aerosoft Beech on the beach.rar. I am at 58% and have a share ratio for this file of 16%. I have seen listings of 100% in my peers column but not seeding. This is a beautiful aircraft....some one please help!

stiffeg (2007-11-01)

when is version 2 of this package coming?????????????????

gemini9241 (2007-11-10)

hey popart can u plz reseed the lago fiat g9 i am stuck on 90% and been waitng 2 months for it so plz reseed

1napalm1 (2008-08-20)

Why have i been banned at Wingz of Silence? can i e-mail HC to find out?
PopArt your AI package rocks,thank you.