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2009-01-28 (by FXG_team )



TiTLE.........[ Religulous YEAR..........[ 2008 GENRE.........[ Documentary RUNTiME.......[ 1:41:01 iMDB RATE.....[ 7.7/10 (7,883 votes) FXG RATE......[ 8.5/10 (2 votes) iMDB URL......[ AUDiO.........[ MP3 48000Hz 112 kb/s CBR (2 chnls) LANGUAGE......[ English | Hebrew | Arabic | Persian | Spanish ViDEO.........[ 847 kbps XviD 23.976 FPS RESOLUTiON....[ 608 x 336 DAR...........[ 1.810 (38:21) QUALiTY FRAME.[ 0.173 SUBS..........[ English SiZE..........[ 699 MB SOURCE........[ NTSC DVD RiP...........[ #243 RELEASE DATE..[ 28/01/2009 PLOT SUMMARY Bill Maher's take on the current state of world religion.


  1. FXG

Files count:



700.09 Mb




mickeyfleskes (2009-01-29)

If you're using VLC player and the .srt file is in the same folder as the .avi file VLC should find it and automatically display subtitles. good luck.

choydebok (2009-01-29)

how would i open the subtitles if i want to make a data disc for a PS3?

FilthyLopez (2009-01-29)

Finally! Thanks for upload.

FilthyLopez (2009-01-29)

hellmarvel, I'm not Bill, but if I may...
Everyone have the right to do whatever they want, as long as they are not harming anyone else. So people can believe in God, but they shouldn't
1) convert anyone else (incl. they own kids) to their religion,
2) say that their own religion is the one true faith,
3) control government's policies,
4) try to kill anyone because of their faith(or lack of it)(!!!),
5) try to make a profit of religion.

7thSense (2009-01-30)

haha I knew idiots like Surfingjones would use these comments to flaunt his ignorance

Golden-Hornet (2009-01-30)

FilthyLopez I agree with what your saying. However religion, and most (not all) people who follow religion are complete Nut-Jobs... I think that pretty much sums that one up!

fipred (2009-01-30)

... I would like to have a chat with Bill Maher though, because he takes the Bible a bit too literally....Touche! You just cant let people live without any norms or faith or they run riot the religulous say. But why would you believe in anything in the bible when you cant use it literally without editing and filtering? And isnt faith a binary thing or either you do or dont? I believe in those parts but that silly part cant be taken literally. Its must be a hell to be god. Imagine keeping track on all prayers, what going on in all bedrooms, all the spoken f words, all speeches about america, all those selfchosen bigots assholes that claim they represents you, all boring sermons...

scumbug (2009-01-30)

The Monty Python crew got it right in "The Life of Brian". Most humans are shallow in thought and need religion to explain what they are uncapeble of understanding. So let it be.
Anyway, I am Jesus Christ reborn!
Worship ME!

sunshine1980 (2009-01-30)

can't wait until some extremist jihad fuck gets Maher by the balls and fucks him up. haha. What a fucking loser.

smokeyk24 (2009-01-30)

keep your opinions to yourselves D.A.'s

Golden-Hornet (2009-01-31)

Hellmarvel, I believe that is know as Buddisham!
Out of all the religions, buddisham is by far the greatest. I have never heard of a buddist monk strapping a bomb to himself and killing a bus full of americans (shame really), or going on a buddist crusade across asia killing all none believers, or trying to teach innocent young children that the eatrh, the moon & all stars are only 5000 years old (are u fuking serious), or telling everyone that does not follow buddhas teaching that they will burn for eternity in hell!!
You sick mothers & fathers (lol), does anyone still bang 2 stones together for a spark to light a fire....I'm guessing no! Yes that was a NO from me as well. It was also a no fuking way when i was 10 years old being taught the BS about the universe being 5000 years old at my local sunday "school"
It's over, most (not all unfortunately, mainly american) people these days have figured out, proberley at the same time they figured out santa and the tooth fairy are both made up, figured out that the invisible man in the sky listening to your EVERY word is also simply not true... shame on you!
Amen. ;-)

Sikkwolf (2009-01-31)

Hellmarvel, as you manage to explain your points, they have no real basis. Your examples are very brittle, like an old mans hip. And your logic is flawed in presenting severity of the caliber you are using in this vain attempt at making others see your point of view.
And I am not being as nitpicky as I may seem, but I am being tediously critical, if you are going to attempt to say what doctoral school of higher education is qualified to tackle, certain issues, and not others. You may want to learn to spell "Psychiatrist", or "Psychologist", I don't remember which one you used, but "psi" is the wrong foundate.
As well, Neurologist, are essentially physiology specialized psychologist, as opposed to the pharmacy based Psychiatrist. They have plenty of right to talk to a patient about whether their mother was a whore, or whether, everything you believe is absurdity or based in reality. They are more likely to chuck it up to physiological reasons over psychological ones. because in their profession, just like a psychiatrist, it is what they see work the best.
Beyond that, we all need something to believe in, and it is none of any one persons', or group of peoples' business, what you believe in until it begins affecting them. When you choose to practice voodoo, you have that right. Till you start killing chickens and hanging them from the gutters on your house, or killing goats in the front yard.
When your "religion" begins to affect other people, you have a problem. Not the religious practice you follow, not the other people that practice the same faith, not the people of another faith, YOU have a problem.
An inability to deal with life, in the condition that it exists for you, is not something religion can really help you with. It is the people that practice that religion that make an impact on you, in one way or another.
So, on to your other "point", believing in yourself is a sign of self esteem. Not really representative of a miracle. And what you said is not correct, not believing in your own potential based on the facts you see in front of you telling you that you are not special, that you are not intelligent, and that you are never going to amount to shit... Is a byproduct of you being overly open to subliminal programming, or possibly a sign of clinical depression. Both of which can be handled by medication, or a trained professional, or possibly even something as simple as a friend. Hell they have done studies that show suicidal people become less manic when they play WoW.
So maybe we should consider WoW a form of organized religion?

wontgetfooledagain1 (2009-01-31)

Just comment on the torrent quality, for fucks sake! Do you really think anyone cares to have a philosophical debate with you on TPB?
You're surrounded by thieves, pervs and smugglers. Not one of them is really interested in your take. The MOST you can hope to get is a trollish response from one of the aforementioned folks.
And no one cares what they think either. There are plenty of forums for your kind, TPB is not one of them.

Misterkriskooper (2009-01-31)

Alright thats enough people.
Its about time to end talking all this religous stuff and get down to the reason were here:
To hate on america

IndIka420 (2009-01-31)

This movie sucks. Bill Mahre talks a lot of shit about douche bag Christians and crazy fuckin Muslims.. but barely takes the time to bash the crazy fuckin jews.. I think he spends 4 minutes talking bad about one jew who visits Iran.. F - for bias bullshit.

1-2repsaj (2009-01-31)

Thank you very much FXG!!!!
your consistency is greatly appreciated

1-2repsaj (2009-01-31)


DoogleberryWinkler (2009-01-31)

IndIka420... he attacks Jews equally as much as Muslims?!?! You seem to have forgotten entire chunks of the movie (i.e. the segment with all the crazy kosher devices). Christians do feature more prominently though.. but I'm assuming this documentary was more a message to Maher's fellow Americans where Christianity is the norm (more so than any other country). It's so ingrained in American society it's ridiculous and IMO exactly why other Western civilizations tend to laugh at their (your?) expense. Just as countries ruled by Islamic law tend to get scoffed at for the apparent crazy behaviors, practices, beliefs...
As for the film as a whole, it's obvious Maher is pissed religion is merging with politics more and more in America; the whole concept of a 'separation between church and state' becoming increasingly ignored. I like how it's not just directed at the crazy fundamentalists (i.e. those found in middle America) but also speaks to those with less-involved, more 'acceptable' levels of religion (people with a simplistic appreciation of faith derived from one of the religions, who don't take the texts literally but definitely believe in 'magical' Jesus/other prophet, then selectively choose agreeable readings/passages to match their ideals).
Unfortunately, this film won't reach the intended audience - religious people - they're typically too easily offended with such material, particularly in America. It's just not something you question... well... maybe just not Christianity, everything else is fair game! For the rest of us out there (the majority of the world's population being non-believers) the film is just preaching to the choir and fodder to laugh at arguably more insecure, less intelligent/rational people. The film is nowhere near as deep or insightful as agnostic/atheist people would seek, because Maher dumbed it down a little too much in an attempt not to offend and so it was more accessible/comprehensible to religious America (again, who probably won't even watch it!).
movie: 7/10
quality: 10/10 (for a rip it's as good as you're gonna get)

fipred (2009-01-31)

neverborn: And I hate lazy analfixed assholes that whas eager beavers in school. Why dont you just downloadet it and see it and finally cast your vote on quality? Its free or its too much trouble just to download it?

faisalm1991 (2009-02-01)

for those who are looking for quality info.
video 10/10 for a rip ( looks very good on a tv)
sound 10/10 for stereo sound
movie 8/10 good points,funny,good directing,bill maher is awesome.

AScottToney (2009-02-01)

Great quality all around. I really enjoyed this movie. Religion is a poison.

drcheney (2009-02-02)

this is the best movie of all time. ever.

katzin (2009-02-02)

The movie is great.
Is Atheist.

iceborg (2009-02-02)

10/10 Great Movie
- "did Jesus shit himself on the cross?"
- "what did Mohammed actually do with those goats?"

Robby_Robot (2009-02-02)

From watching this I get the idea that Bill thinks all our problems will be solved if all mentioned religions didn't exist. To me that is pretty naive, take away religion and I assure you the human race will find some other reason for killing each other. We're too stupid and too hateful a species.

richard301 (2009-02-05)

Hey can someone tell me how to add the subs into the movie,please. thanks

fitteblo (2009-02-05)

ive been sensing a lot of jew-hate, in this forum and others like it, lately. whats up with that?
headed for another holocaust, are we?
i mean, the fanatics will be fanatics in any religous, social, political or whatever type of group.
lets make a group out of the crazy fanatics and just hate the fanatics,now can i get an amen?
I said can i get an amen!?

fitteblo (2009-02-05)

"we are a stupid species fucking animals have more sense than we"
I find thist to be very true ,for as we all know:
the female praying mantis bites the males head off while copulating, the koala bear is basically a junkie constantly high on eucalypt leaves, many species of animals feed on their young when nothing else is available. Chimpanzees and a lot of their fellow apes are cronic masturbators and copulate constantly,both in the wild and in captivity. Inscest is very commom. They also use rape to punish the females into submission. Furthermore, they have learned a clever way of fermenting fruits in puddles of water thus making an alcoholic slush wich they force-feed the females with and rape them when they pass out. Dolphins have the habit of swimming close to the surface, facing eachothers bellys, and using their fins, they jerk eachother off.
Seems like the smarter you get the weirder you get.

KevinErkes (2009-02-15)

Monkeys are making beer and dolphins are jacking off, awesome! Really that just shows that deep down, every living thing on this planet is a perverted drunk. Long live beer!!

KevinErkes (2009-02-15)

and @ Pussyhole
Why is your name pussy hole if all you say is butthole sex? (He's on the first page if knowone knows what the hell im talking about)

KevinErkes (2009-02-15)

thats a bigass comic book. but youre right. Here's a rough quote from fable 2, I think it's a hit on religion:
"This isn't a book that has scematics on how to build guns that shoot lightning, it's an old story book that tells you things that never helped anyone, and if you swallow it all, your likely to get killed"
The words aren't exactly that but it still says the same kind of thing.

Frukfruk (2009-02-15)

Thank FXG

drcheney (2009-02-15)

Great movie! Great audio and sound quality as well. The movie isn't extremely well researched is my only complaint, but overall, it is an overwhelming 10/10 for great interviews, great laughs, and almost worth it just to see a guy's hair catch on fire.

GoFishy (2009-02-17)

@ ulfahl
your an fucking idiot...
good movie

MrClean202 (2009-02-19)

Israel is the most hated country in the world because all of its inhabitants do nothing but incessantly bicker about who is right. Seems akin to what you are doing Filthy. Odd that you share so much in common with that which you hate so deeply.

doctorturbo (2009-02-21)

He's a Homo cocksucker

sotamurphy (2009-02-22)

I still don't understand why people hate Jews. I really don't and I think it's retarded.
I don't hate black people, I hate gangsters.
I hate people who bring hate and pain into this world. God didn't bring harm in this world, man did.

watty42 (2009-02-22)

lmao, doesn't anyone remember....? its the MORMONS who get to go to heaven... not anyone else. The Mormons! i tells ya.. if i learned anything from southpark, its that i'm going to hell no matter what i do. peace.

pimpplaya (2009-02-27)

Our founding fathers said "The world would be better off without religion!" to bad americas politics are corrupt with religion or they might have learned something from john adams and thomas jefferson

Guzzla (2009-02-28)

Jesus is the sun, and the 12 deciples reprecents the 12 Star sign´s how hard is that to realize?

ellenpea (2009-03-01)

FXG_team - Thanks for the release! Everybody else - There are sites for debating religion. This one's for torrents, not proving you're an uneducated idiot. Maher would have a ball reading these comments - it's exactly what the movie's about.

djdesi (2009-03-07)

Live and let live. Peace to all the humanity.
A: 9
V: 10
M: A good laugh for the people who do not belive in religion.

Abdulmumit (2009-03-07)

Works fine, torrent is ok (however the movie is so so :) ). Thank you.

Churchdcta (2009-03-19)

I don't know how you could say this movie isn't extremely well researched. You cant make this type of movie if you don't do your research.

cadl159 (2009-03-20)

Sorry to burst ur bubble and i dont mean to sound rude because I agree with your point but the very bases of all Christianity has commited all of the following

1) convert anyone else (incl. they own kids) to their religion,
2) say that their own religion is the one true faith,
3) control government's policies,
4) try to kill anyone because of their faith(or lack of it)(!!!),
5) try to make a profit of religion.
sad truth is pple in this world wont understand that short of killing someone u cant make them believe something that has been instilled in them since they were little. So I say to cut it at the middle ground that those on the bay whom believe in god and know in there hearts hes there then thats fine and for them to bite there tongues its okay lay down your sword the crusades are over. and for those who choose to challenge the mass's why? Why cant we all be right? It is mans ambition to THINK and to challenge and be rebellious but man should never attack his fellow man for what he believes in.
The bay is an expression of the right that we all have to share information. And that could be applied to the comment section. But its not worth ruining the spirit on this place over disagreements over a movie.

salpo (2009-03-22)

And ALWAYS with subtitles! You are SO great!
Thanks FXG

xMule (2009-03-23)

"1) convert anyone else (incl. they own kids) to their religion,
2) say that their own religion is the one true faith,
3) control government's policies,
4) try to kill anyone because of their faith(or lack of it)(!!!),
5) try to make a profit of religion. "
Atheists have been every bit as guilty of these as Christian's or Muslims. Some Japanese Buddhists justified violence against Chinese Buddhists in WW2 because they were of an "inferior" school. Econuts try to change government policies all the time and are certainly operating out of faith. Also, Harris, Dawkins and the like are not only trying to convince others that their perspective is the true one but also have no problems making some cash a long the way.
No matter if you cling to an idea of a god or of a world without a god, you are still caught up in concepts. Prejudice is just as much the flaw of the secular as it is the religious.
Thanks for the upload, FGX. Long live freedom of speech. Without it we are fucked.

Nitzrokk (2009-03-23)

@ lazlo4, if you read the entry for the term "semite" in wikipedia, you'll find it's a religious reference to the son of Noah, "Shem", and those who decended of him. Of those peoplem are the Hebrews, some arab peoples, Turks, Kurds, and most arian proto Indo-European people. Hence, I don't think many of those aforementioned ethnic groups would be offended (other than the Hebrews) by a jew hating comment. I'm not condoning racism, I'm semitic myself, but something CANNOT be considered antisemitic unless the vulgar statement pertains to the majority of semites.
So if you would please refer your ZIONIST propoganda elsewhere.

suisenbenjo (2009-03-25)

Thanks to fxg and seeders

thadmacracken (2009-04-01)

Say what? This is rated as one of the funniest movies of 2008. Why would some of you take a comedy so seriously ?
Looken forward to some shits a giggle my self, take it easy yall.
Thanks FXG, god bless you.

GodOfFuXXX (2009-04-03)

1) convert anyone else (incl. they own kids) to their religion,
2) say that their own religion is the one true faith,
3) control government's policies,
4) try to kill anyone because of their faith(or lack of it)(!!!),
5) try to make a profit of religion.
This is the goal of every "power" that has ever existed, including Hitler, christian Rome and the USA. Its only there to control you and continue their power over the week. It has been proven whats wrong and right, its the little issues that are now designed to keep you busy from seeing the bigger picture...
Great movie, unfortunately it only pisses off the uneducated because you cant fix stupid no matter how funny and ignorant you make them look.

naypalm (2009-04-06)

Thank you for seeding this, I've been looking for this ever since it came out last year. Thanks again!

damclean (2009-04-12)

Agreed Macrak.
Thank you for uploading this great COMEDY fxg.

ogodefacto (2009-04-12)

GodOfFuXXX = possibly the stupidest "person" alive

DarKlowd (2009-04-14)

yea, he takes it too seriously, but there are people whom are out there who do take the bible to seriously. for one, im jewish, and i constantly see people whom take the religion way too seriously. like, after watching, seeing that part with the sign saying that the jews killed JC, i was disgusted at those people. and from what ive seen, most christians believe that the jews did kill JC. his comedy is funny, regardless of wat he says because hes honestly looking into the lives of people who are complete idiots when it comes to things like this. he's just giving his views on all of it. so, hes not taking the bible too seriously, cuz who the hell was able to live in a whale for three days withoiut dying. thats so fake.

DarKlowd (2009-04-15)

help! i cant see the movie!
the video isnt showing

rex... (2009-05-11)

DarKlowd - Could be a codec problem. Try this pack. Should work on most sound configerations.

Selmuir (2009-05-17)

Hate Christians.

elleestpasbellelavie (2009-05-23)

man kind created religions, it started 10s of thousand years ago, as we developed we find answers to our questions, and solutions to our problems. the one who gave the best answer about our physical needs became chief of the village whistle the answer given for the uncontroled events became the villages witches.
basically the hunter who provided most food and better shelter will become more powerful and became the cheif. the ones who was completly loopy and give answer about what nobody knew (not even themselves) became the village witches.
these two formes of power have struggled and fighted along for as long as we remember, sometime both power were united under one governing body, but most of the time they were fighing for more power.
this hasn't change much today, only the medias have became the third form power.
So clearly religions are human made, and "to beleive" has become part of the human psyche for the large majority of us. The few who trully do not rely on spiritual beleive could be divided in two kind.
1)the one who beleive in humanty and life as a whole, and trust humanity to overcome it's struggles, they generaly are very peaceful and willing to help for a better world.
2) the one who beleive in nothing at all and they are the one who

uses people needing to beleive in a spiritual world(religions) to manipulate them to acheive they personal goals. they are politicians, prophetes, rullers, corporation directors, they go to chuch mosque temple or synagogues, not to prey but to exploit other people beleives.

goliatus (2009-05-30)

u just be nice pay taxes for someone to spend your money, and to church, they dont pay taxes, u should belive in it, god loves u , and he vant you to go to church and give money , then the church can build more churches and etc etc, an a point maybe u wil be awere the human mankind need , always need a leader or somthing to dream, u all god peapole make me sick church has enough money to feed the poor people, but the dont make it, why? so belive in whar u want there wil be always a good preast to tell u what to do or not ;) , so good dream chasing to all of u GOOD PEAPOLE PEACE !

RR719 (2009-07-28)

Great documentary

grevgrusom (2009-07-31)

Hmm, in fact there has died just as many people through the entire human history that there are people alive today, so how many of theese died following or opposing certain faiths?
from all the way back when some belived in a stone and others in a tree, through thousand of years of greek, babylonian, egyptian religions that still have a few thousand years more history than christianity, to the times of christianity thats the far worst of em all . and has "by far" killed the most people. from the crusades, holy wars that lasted centuries, to burning of catholics , forcing people into fears that never can be proven , makin people give away all they own just for a chance to redeem themselfes, making the church richer and more powerfull. read the bible peeps it clearly says U SHAL NOT KILL. but still. if the jews hadnt had their religion 2000 and some years ago whould they still alegedly have killed jesus? whould hitler have killed them? whould stalin have purged the catholics from his population had there not been christianity? islam uses the same shit only in a diffrent way, martyrs for a cause not of their own and not of their god.
As all this is not enough today we got 100s of cults or sects if u wish from cientology that sucks people dry in an insane faith that was created by L. Ron Hubbard A Sci-fi writer.
to jevoas ,suicide and doomsday cults and sick sex faiths. All praying on those that already has little or nothing. Catholic priests that molests young boys, a pope telling severley aids infected african catholic populations NOT to wear a condom condeming millions , leaders using religion as a means to gain public support for their own wars and greedy agendas killing thousands.
Well im not Afraid to go to hell if such a place exists, its most likley full of those that was never supposed to go there, but then again if i go there il say hello from hitler, stalin all the popes , gorge w bush , his cabinet, osama, and all the other nimwits thats dumb enough to follow such insane and ludicrus ways to live an otherwise beautiful life

VU7 (2009-08-03)

Ha ha, I don't think The Pirate Bay is the place for religious debate. Atheism FTW, though.

jock9 (2009-08-15)

The most ironic passage of the doc starts 1:04. He's as religious on the holocaust as any of the other nutcases are on their religion. Just as the Old Testament judges homosexuals it's ok to kill Palestinians coz of the Holocaust...dream on Naher, fuckin hypocrit!

Edweird (2009-08-16)

But if you hate Christians, it makes you as bad as them...

zurx (2009-08-20)

Anyone know how to get the special features? There are like 10 interviews that weren't included in the feature that are absolutely awesome! Anyone??

Gliktch (2009-09-20)

I have faith...
...that we will one day live in a saner, secular world. :p

johanponken (2009-12-11)

If you have something sane and secular - a country, a town, or even bits and pieces - defend it, in a way you find appropriate.

canyonduckie (2010-02-01)

This is a good documentary. A remark about a racist who posted here . . . He would never say something like this in public because he would be afraid. Deep down, he knows he's wrong, but can't get past his misguided hatred.

pesmaniac (2010-02-24)

GOD-->>"I cometh upon any Seeders and Leechers with great vengeance and anger for watchin Anti-Religious movies"
Fuck u GOD,where were u when I was begging for ciggarettes

F1LTHY (2010-03-10)

Pesmaniac FTW!

nwo777 (2010-05-11)

Religulous is very one sided and sets out to mock Christians Bill Maher even says he ?sells doubt?? On numerous occasions Christians make valid points and then he cuts to a cartoon or other movies to mock their words. He has obviously been very selective in what he has placed in this movie. Ken Ham did a good job in the interview and make it very difficult for Maher to propagate doubt. If you want a comedian trying to give advice on Christianity this is a good movie to watch. If you want more than mocking jokes rather download Kent Hovind stuff which is free or find some dvds from AIG (answers in Genesis)
Download some truth here:

The only good thing I got from this movie it that he is very anti-Mormon and show interviews with ex-Mormons as well as a cartoon showing their warped and racist beliefs
The link below shows how they managed to get Christians into an interviewed with this con-man.

From wikipedia:
?Maher is number 38 on Comedy Central's 100 greatest stand-ups of all time?

DevilPrez (2010-05-17)

Religion, that's just for people who:
1. were indoctrinated since birth
2. cannot think for themselves
3. believe in fairytales
4. all of the above
of course,we know the answer....Devil4President

pirzol89 (2010-05-22)

FXG rip rules, like always.
Good quality. Download recommended

Fluffiey (2010-06-14)

@nwo777 lol kent hovind. hahaha fail.

jasonjenkinseed (2010-07-30)

thank you

truebeliever1969 (2010-09-23)

Thanks for the upload. Great quality.
I am now a fan of Bill.
He has, as he stated, definitely harpooned his Moby Dick with this film.
Too bad people would rather watch Titanic.

Rabbi_Marshak (2010-10-09)

אַ שײנעם דאַנק
A sheynem dank!

Rabbi_Marshak (2010-10-09)

Here's Harold Bloom's take on the subject:

lokust167 (2010-10-25)

Jesus saves when :-
1. Priests sodomize children
2. Bible allows enslavement of blacks,native indians,etc.
3. The church prohibits usage of condoms in AIDS ridden Africa
4. Missionaries rob the poor sections of the society to build useless churches in Africa and convert them to christianity.
Jesus loves you all!!!!!!!!
I'm a proud atheist and common sense tells me that i dont have to believe in jesus or any god to not harm anyone.

udittlamba (2010-12-23)

first it was animalism...then monotheism...later...ATHEISM!!!
atheism FTW!!! \m/

udittlamba (2010-12-23)

And BTW, i m a militant atheist... ;)

bbb86 (2010-12-24)

Good rip and excellent film, its really funny and quite true!

Vikingmad (2011-04-10)

will seed for the sake of atheist in me, im sure the quality is perfect, thnx!

joejohnson1236 (2011-05-23)

Bill Maher is on the chairman's board of PETA. Shit, he's the most useless man alive... I'm a doubter and appreciate his message in this movie, but a little more integrity would help our cause more than this fuckup.

joejohnson1236 (2011-05-23)

udittlamba for pope!

Tgiri2 (2011-06-09)

I am not an atheist but I am still going to watch this - thanks FXG!

Dillin (2011-11-26)

It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around, and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats.

Adam2009 (2012-01-11)

Thanks very much for the upload. A good documentary that successfully demonstartes the idiotic nature of all religions.

pjspim (2012-02-20)

Religion is the best way to control idiots' minds and limit humanity innovation. A small comparison with the religious communities or countries can point this fact out. But still we need to respect people thought including believes.

Brognor (2012-02-20)

I will seed as much as I can for my fellow antitheists out there!!!

fe.hlf (2012-06-14)

Thanks from Brazil!

exicee (2012-09-23)

Movie:1/10 , dumb
Bill Maher lines people up and shoots them down
if its the other way around,
he wouldn't include it in this movie..

pyroarch (2012-10-16)

I like that Karl Marx quote...I think you all know it >:D

HumanGenocide (2013-09-30)

exicee, those people should be shot FOR REAL

Smokestar (2013-11-21)

Joe Rogan had this performance in which he talks about religion, I found it quite humorous. I just watched the God who wasn't there and also found it a good watch, wanted something more and found this.
I'm respectful of peoples ignorance, I'm not going to shove down their throat that religion is wrong and they believe the wrong thing. Try nailing jello to a tree, it just isn't possible. I just like to be educated about things. Thanks for the upload, mr. uploader.

yogdagon (2015-07-29)

V-8, A-8, M-5, thanx.


1. Religulous[2008]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG/FXG™.nfo 4.74 Kb
2. Religulous[2008]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG/Religulous[2008]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG.avi 699.57 Mb
3. Religulous[2008]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG/Religulous[DvD cover].jpg 375.44 Kb
4. Religulous[2008]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG/Religulous[Eng][Subs].srt 153.85 Kb