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Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA 2)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA 2)
2005-01-01 (by Sergej)
Samma GTA 2 som på Rockstar/Classics, men eftersom det inte går att ladda ner därifrån så har jag gjort en torrent.
This version of GTA2 is modified from its original version to enable support for modern PC's
and current Microsoft Windows(R) platforms. However, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that
GTA2 will work correctly on your PC. Installation and execution of this software is entirely
at your own risk.
- After downloading GTA2, unzip the file and double-click on the installer (GTA2.exe).
- The Install program will start; follow the on-screen install instructions and choose where you would like to install GTA2.
- GTA2 will then be installed and a program group created for you in "START > PROGRAMS > Rockstar Games > GTA2".
- You will NEED to run "AutoDetect" from the Program Menu BEFORE running the game for the first time.
- In AutoDetect you can choose your Rendering Engine (Method of Graphics Display). If your Graphics card supports 3D acceleration then please choose "Direct3D"; otherwise please choose "DirectDraw" or whatever other option appears in the drop-down menu. If you are unsure please choose "Direct3D" (you can always change it back later).
- Once you are done with the AutoDetect, choose "Save" to save your settings. You can now run GTA2!
- Just click on "START > PROGRAMS > Rockstar Games > GTA2 > GTA2" to start.
- Have Fun!
Files count:
344.80 Mb
Grahnman (2005-01-02)
Du är en sann räddare i nöden. Tack för upload.mika6699 (2005-01-02)
Wohoo, en sann klassiker!Sergej (2005-01-02)
Glöm inte att ni kan spela Online detta spelet, fast iofs så var det den enda orsaken till att jag laddade ner det...DennanO (2005-01-16)
Jag fattar 0 av vad som står därDennanO (2005-01-16)
Den gick inte att ladda hem för migHimitsu (2005-01-17)
jäkligt bra spel.har inte testat det förr...skulle va roligt med lite cheatsZMA (2005-01-29)
hvor finner man autodetect? Jeg får det ikke til å fungere.Noen som kan hjelpe?
perzebrant (2005-03-01)
hur spelar man online gta 2? vill veta :)Maiden_Wille (2005-03-02)
Hur faen spelar jag online :D ? HJÄLP MIG! kan man lana med det också eller?W_America (2005-04-02)
Cant uderstand it corectly ,but i hav to try againW_America (2005-04-02)
It woks correctly , very good gameGabbeza (2005-04-10)
de ligger ju på 98,7 procentkallekall (2005-06-11)
Why don't you download it free and legal from their offical site: ?hsemhsem (2006-01-22)
You have to give an American address at that website I think.Bravooo (2006-02-05)
seed pleaseGeneral Septem (2006-02-09)
seed it anyway, I refuse to give out my address to a company like Rockstarstimhassan (2006-05-09)
Seeda!!!DanniLitto (2006-05-30)
Asså jag e inte så bra åp sånt här men va fan betyder seeda??smokey5 (2006-07-15)
Please SEED!I`m at 86,7%!
Medieval (2006-08-13)
well... i don't even feel like trying it xPGortiag (2006-09-01)
AFAIK, you *can* download it from the rockstar classics website.. You get a bundle of GTA1, some other old game and GTA2.I'm downloading at the moment, with 500kb/s speed.
Gortiag (2006-09-01)
Or, no, I was wrong.You can download GTA1, Wild Metal and GTA2 individually from .
Just click on the picture of the game you want, fill in some bogus stuff and click submit. Accept their terms, and you're downloading.
jona123 (2007-05-03)
hur seedar man?ZpikeR (2007-06-21)
det är inget virus i denna va:P ingen som skriver något sånt men sisst jag ladda ner ett gta med crack låg det 3 trojaner i detxDxXx-xXx (2007-07-14)
seed please!Devils_Dime (2007-08-31)
You can get this game and GTA1 from and is a 200kb/s download and yes you do have to give information but it doesn't even have to be real just tell them a bunch of crap ( say your name is Phil McCracken and you live on 666 satan lane).projecteden (2007-09-09)
what are the system requirements, anybody knows?mandilator (2007-11-10)
Seeda plz!mandilator (2007-11-10)
Går att ladda ner från
också.. 200 kb/s ungefärAbelRules16 (2007-11-13)
Seed plzzz im stuck at 10 % for a long time im desperate to play SEED PLZZZmax_casema (2008-03-20)
bedankt vet!atti89 (2008-03-26)
please seedthx!!!
Sweeny_Todd85 (2008-04-17)
Wow, so you can Devils_Dime! Score! Thanks mate...kinda takes the fun out of it being legal and all huh? Cheers againRaqoo (2008-05-19)
How can you play this game online?DiddY196 (2008-05-25)
u need game hunterMOLOmies (2008-06-09)
seed plzburkey567 (2008-06-12)
Direct link to GTA2 on Rockstar games is.
This saves ya fillin out that form
burkey567 (2008-06-12)
oh sorry didnt see koalaveli commentozon-eater (2008-09-07)
@ projektedenHere are the PC version system requirements:
Pentium 200 MHz or above
32 MB of RAM
65 MB of hard disk space
4x CD-ROM drive
Windows 95/98
DirectX 6.1
Direct3D-compatible graphics card
Sound card (3D sound card optional)
Multiplayer: LAN (IPX & TCP/IP) 4 players plus Internet (via DirectPlay)
ideeman1994 (2008-10-21)
Does the cheats codes works?vaxa_bilar (2008-11-03)
bättre att ladda hem från rockstars hemsida går typ i 900kb/s därifråncruzzy_94 (2008-12-29)
if you download it on rockstar you have to modify some things and shit because its from the originally game so it wont work you nowProctie (2009-02-21)
I get 500 - 600 Kb/s from rockstar ;)srg-mcgyver (2009-03-29)
thank you seeders 200+kb/ssaqlain (2009-09-08)
Speeds GreatGood work