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Office Mac '08 Beta
Office Mac '08 Beta
2007-10-21 (by emacnuel)
Office Mac '08 Beta
Files count:
465.02 Mb
emacnuel (2007-10-21)
Reseed because of problems in my networkNow to Enjoy !!!
quiproquo (2007-10-21)
This expire after 60 days, though...gregersamsa (2007-10-21)
Surely there's some way to work around the date limit, no?golfpro (2007-10-21)
Buggy too. Crashes far too much for my liking.golfpro (2007-10-21)
Re the date, no one to my knowledge has elsewhere.quiproquo (2007-10-21)
I don't there's a way to workaround the date limit, and it's almost sure that, after 60 days, there will be another beta, hopefully less unstable...Here you go, to know about next beta release:
Mikesh (2007-10-21)
it is working?balahir (2007-10-21)
I can confirm that it works fine. The, I guess, there are bugs since it is a beta, but it installs fine and I could open all parts. I will report more soon.And yes, it installed fine on build 9A559...
bobtentpeg (2007-10-21)
it may be 60 day. but the 60 day limit is set to expire in 2009quiproquo (2007-10-21)
It's depend on your first launch. If you download this beta today, and then open it on november... This means that you can open it even in 2009. This will work for the next betas too.bradfantin (2007-10-22)
good torrent! great speeds too. downloaded in about 10 minutes and installed in about 2. the apps seem nicer than 2004, but work still needs to be done. kinda bugy, and unresponsive at times for brief moments. there definatly needs to be a new microsoft messenger too... the one out there today is nothing compared to whats out there...kevinm1 (2007-10-22)
I'm really impressed with the speed of this. Yes it's very buggy but to have Office FINALLY Universal is bliss. Load time on my Macbook Pro is instant. Can't wait 'till the release!kevinm1 (2007-10-22)
I also love the new backgrounds for Powerpoint.mikal (2007-10-22)
Is messenger 7 included? If so, is videochat working?kevinm1 (2007-10-23)
It' s Messenger 6.0.3. Microsoft haven't touched that yet.kevinm1 (2007-10-23)
Actually, for a beta, this is not bad. Not a crash yet for me.ShintaniJapan (2007-10-23)
Gracias! Thanks! ; )http://appleenespaƱ
findermix (2007-10-25)
Woks fine.Language English
mahak420 (2007-10-26)
works fine for me....e3m (2007-10-26)
it's working good!!!!!awes1003 (2007-10-28)
does anyone know how to eliminate the daemon database files that appear on the desktop or at least change where they save?thanks
goive (2007-10-28)
please seed im about to go back to school where bt is blocked!! pretty please :)
azazello-rk (2007-10-31)
Crashes too much!Lisa2000 (2007-11-01)
Whats the product key number?osalom (2007-11-01)
Lost the product key number.. could someone please post it so I don't have to download the whole torrent again? thanks!Lisa2000 (2007-11-02)
Isn't there any way to get the numbers?osalom (2007-11-02)
OK downloaded again... here's the number:VFP3B-BMK8K-K6GVB-6V7C7-XY9PB
Lisa2000 (2007-11-02)
What can I say.... YOU ARE A STAR!!!!! ThanX sooo much! =)AlphaOmegaaaa (2007-11-03)
Anyone else notice how microsoft is copying almost every Apple function? this is like a MS version of iWork's Pages...same with Vista... it's like a misshaped clone of OS X
ontopic: great torrent :) thanks to uploader
tikitak (2007-11-08)
We're down to 10 days left :(Hopefully there will be another beta update - I really don't want to have to go back to 2004!
Eljest_mannen (2007-11-08)
I really enjoyed having office 2008 instead of the 2004 version and I hope that someone can upload a new version of the beta or a crack so that we could continue after the 18 of November :)I have to second that - I really don't want to have to go back to 2004!
Lisa2000 (2007-11-09)
this is super... dont wanna lose it!!!the.truth_is_out_there (2007-11-09)
I just reset my MAC Clock back 1 Month and I no longer get the expiration message. Not a crack but it works.leboots (2007-11-10)
any work around on the expiration? (other then setting my computer back a month)kevinm1 (2007-11-11)
Yep, expiring in 8 days from now. I really need a crack or hope for an update via the Office Update utility this week.kevinm1 (2007-11-11)
Office 2004 feels like crap compared to this on an Intel Mac.Entrobias (2007-11-15)
@Jakecool:Thanks for posting. Program works just fine...
pimver (2007-11-17)
Jake, no seeds?P
pimver (2007-11-17)
You ARE a star sir, got it and seeding, works a treat :-)MoscowMan (2007-11-17)
Anyone got another serial? Trying to install on desktop and PB.jakecool (2007-11-17)
The serial listed in these pages works least on my mbp.gillsberrt (2007-11-18)
how do you contact microsoft for an updated beta? because this one is out tomorrow.kladse (2007-11-18)
an emergency fix to the update problem is to set the date back on your mac... it worksstreetsmart (2007-11-18)
Jakecool tack.jakecool (2007-11-20)
@streetsmart:sorry, i'm not english...what do you mean with tack?
zimonrock (2007-12-03)
Anyone got another serial? VFP3B-BMK8K-K6GVB-6V7C7-XY9PB dosn't works.Please
Winged2point0 (2007-12-06)
"Tack" is Swedish for Thank You.Oh, and to the uploader. Thanks for the torrent. Mac Office 2004 is an atrocity.
teddyhedenquist (2007-12-08)
The patch does not work for me! Can someone please tell me a way to make this work...Levi_McSeam (2007-12-09)
To make Office 2008 work, change the system date to 2006 year, then install Office, then apply crack. I will work. =) Good luck!Cherlemagne (2007-12-10)
It's not working for me and I already tried to change the system back. Installer won't run file.tikitak (2007-12-11)
Getting closer to the final release in January! But until then....Some people might have noticed that your .docx files sometimes get corrupted. Although Word '08 will not open the file, you can still use TextEdit to read the .docx and recover your data - though you lose all the formatting which is a pain.
However there is a better solution! I found that if you open your "corrupted" docx file to a computer running Vista + Office 2007, it will prompt you to recover the file and restore all the data perfectly. You can then resave the file, and transfer it back to your mac :).
tikitak (2007-12-11)
Oh yeah, and if it randomly crashes, or freezes up when you are saving your file, you're screwed.Although 08 is so much better than 04, I simply can't take these BS crashes and file loss that I'm going back to 2004. Should have done this a long time ago!
aREALmacuser (2007-12-15)
^^ What about "beta" software don't you necessarily understand?tikitak (2007-12-17)
^^^ Of course I understand it is beta - but this is one hell of an extreme.Anyways, we're close to the final version so it really doesn't matter.
Nightwatch (2007-12-18)
Hey can you count?1) it's a beta
2) It's from Microsoft
1+1=....... superbuggy software
palestin (2007-12-19)
thanks for sharing, it's works :)the crack from another link also works :)
Dizaztor (2007-12-24)
Buggy?what are people talking about?
this is the best Office version out yet, just becuase it says beta doesnt mean it is still fully workable!
Remeber people, this is a Beta realease from Microsoft, not some 3rd party freeware app...
anyways when Major companies like microsoft realease betas, they are just a good as the real deal.
Once again great upload, the crack worked great (if intrsuctions are followed) :)
Dizaztor (2007-12-24)
And for thoose who have trouble applying the crack:A) after the torrent is downloaded, turn of the Internet (airoport)
b) Go to System Preferences > Time & Date > set back time to october 2006.
c) instal office
d) apply crack
f) run office
d) turn back date and time as well as internet.
hope it works :)