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Doctor Who 2005 The End Of Time Part One 2009 Special HDTV XviD
Video TV
Video/TV shows
2009-12-25 (by VTV )
Doctor Who The End Of Time (Part 1)(HDTV-FOV)[VTV]
Files count:
550.70 Mb
Cailieg (2009-12-26)
I am now in the midst of trying to grab all 3 versions here on the Pirate Bay, I think VTV though the last started might end up the first finished since I am it looks like able to connect to seeds and am still stuck to peer only on the other 2.fdx180 (2009-12-26)
Same here. Although it is still going to take 8000 years.Cailieg (2009-12-26)
Saddest part is this one is only 32% done for me, and the TVTeam release is 90% done, the problem though, the TVTeam release I have a 0 seed 50 peer connection, for this one I have a 12 seed 40 peer connection.Green_Banana (2009-12-26)
Yeah, it does seem kind of odd that this would have over a dozen people at 100% with only one of them actually uploading. Can't really offer much when you can't get the file to upload yourself, y'know? Still, at least there ARE people who have 100% finished with this one. It's probably good to mention port forwarding, since it really does help immensely.fdx180 (2009-12-26)
All of mine stopped working. So aggravating. Downloading it at another place that is going quickly. Good luck everyone and merry christmas!Green_Banana (2009-12-26)
Hey, where's the tracker info? Apart from port forwarding, that's the other important step for speeding up torrents.misslerider (2009-12-26)
dirka dirka dirka dirkaFatwa agains ayatollah
nwo (2009-12-26)
FUCK YOU Ayatollah_Mahmoud, how fucking dare you insult us "DOCTOR WHO" this is not some fucking shity American show, fuck back off to America you dirty MUSLIM dog.Kyrol (2009-12-26)
Ayatollah_Mahmoud, this isn't, as already pointed out, an American production, thus proving, quite clearly that you're an idiot, which we already knew since you couldn't find the shift key.Prick.
Richaado-kun (2009-12-26)
Just finished watching it.Part 2 come on New Years Day
Amazing! Simply amazing!
eddboy876 (2009-12-26)
Please seed. I missed this earlier due to family :\sinesurfer (2009-12-26)
It's a BRITISH show you smegging twot! (and if you want to avoid Yanks then.......... quit using the Internet Mr Troll.- Sinesurfer (NZ)
rosefisted (2009-12-26)
Ayatollah_Mahmoud, you realise why Jesus Christ was born in Bethelhem and not Iraq... Becasue they couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin. Now run along and bring me a ham sandwich, you sad pathetic excuse for a human.Just.fearless (2009-12-26)
Dr. Who isn't pornographic or American you fucking extremist bellend. If you watched some of the shit you spread hate about maybe you would chill the fuck out.RALSTON8358 (2009-12-26)
Thanks.crucible01 (2009-12-26)
It's genuine. It's awesome. I'm seeding the hell out of it. And the Ayatollah_Mahmoud guy is just some schmuck stirring up hate. Probably not even a real Muslim. Why give him the satisfaction? Best thing to do to assholes...of any to ignore them.righteousone (2009-12-26)
nwo-you dare to insult American shows?better than the Coronation Street shite that you British queer-beasts come up with .You belong with the rest of your English Nancy-boys whose idea of athleticism is to take a dramatic dive when they are tackled softly in a soccer match. Englishmen are the biggest pansies the world over and the whole international community is aware of this glaringly obvious fact. I'm sure that your delicate features are a big hit at the gay brothels in London. Best of luck with that.Green_Banana (2009-12-26)
Um, why are all those immature comments not deleted yet?felixrad (2009-12-26)
IT WORKS!!!!!!just saying
curlyvale87 (2009-12-26)
Thank you, it's perfect! Seeding now.finkleman (2009-12-26)
@righteousoneEat shit asswipe. If it wasn't for Britain the whole world would be living in a nightmare Nazi dominated world. Waht the fuck are you - some European surrender monkey? You were all so piss weak in the second world war Hitler could have farted on you and you would've surrendered. And if your Americam you should fucking know better than to slag off the only freind you've got. Fucking fucktard flamer FUCK OFF! Come hare and slag off my country would you? You sack of worthless shit.
finkleman (2009-12-26)
@righteousoneTell me where you're at motherfucker and I'll come over and beat you to a pulp you little chicken shit.
cenuij (2009-12-26)
Thanks 10/10--
TV Calendar & Episode Guide
misslerider (2009-12-27)
who is that retarded ayatollah?finkleman (2009-12-27)
What is all this hatred against gays on this torrent? WTF has Dr Who got to do with homosexuality? First we get this asshole righteousone calling all British people queers and them we get this muslim ayatollah fuck shitting on about stoning gays. Fucking retards like these with medieval ideas should be stoned, no one else. Fuck of The Pirate Bay you stupid flaming cunts.Livens (2009-12-27)
Thanks for uploading this one :) Cant wait for part 2!!!!!!!!!!righteousone (2009-12-27)
FinklemanThe English are well-known for making fun of gay people, just watch an episode of the office. Don't be a hypocrite, don't call it hatred and don't pretend to be offended by it because, considering your use of profanity and foul language, I'm sure that you are guilty of doing the same thing yourself. This form of humor is quite amusing, as were the remarks I made about you and your countrymen, you have to admit. I got a rise out of you. Mission accomplished. Finkleman-why did you threaten to beat me to a pulp for my earlier remarks? Since you are such a formidable keyboard warrior, I would like to take this opportunity to formally opologize to you and to the British army who,as you so insightfully stated, saved the world from Hitler in WW2. My only concern is that while those soldiers were alone in the trenches, defending the freedom of the western world , there must have been quite a bit of hanky-panky taking place. I mean those men spent so much time alone, in those dark muddy places, and they were after all, British, so there must of been at least a little bit of man-love going on. Regarding the threat that you made against me earlier, the only thing that you will be beating to a pulp is your boyfriend's ass as you are speed-bagging his colon. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!
yuchun_loveyou (2009-12-27)
thanks!!finkleman (2009-12-27)
@righteousoneClearly you are so stupid that you believe a sweeping generalization about the British people. Clearly you're an American because only the dumbed down and ignorant Americans reduce the whole world to national stereotypes. Clearly they are incapable of fathoming other countries with resorting to them like you retard former president George W Bush (who was complete retard). Even so I'm not aware of any stereo type where the British are regarded as being predeominately gay. There are no more gays in Britain than anywhere else. To beleive this crap you are obviously just a stupid kid or a complete douche bag.
finkleman (2009-12-27)
@righteousoneOh yeah and you can EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!
timrehnborg (2009-12-27)
everyone- just download it!palistar (2009-12-28)
is this another cartoon bullchit?righteousone (2009-12-28)
FinklemanYou are correct in saying that it is wrong to generalize that all people in England are homosexuals. If I gave you that impression, then I apologize. The idea that I meant to get across was not that all English are homosexuals, but that if you are English, born or raised, there is a much greater likelihood that you are a homosexual, than there would be if you born or raised in any other country. A 2008 study done by representatives of the World Health Organization had some very interesting findings. Renowned British Social Psychologist and researcher, Dr. James Bernard Hastings found that in other western nations like the US, and Canada for example, there are much lower percentages of homosexuals, at 8.1% and 7.6% of their populations respectively. In England, the percentage of homosexuals within the general population is a staggering 14.4%. That is almost twice as much as it is in Canada or America. I didn?t want to cross this bridge but forms of sexual deviance such as pedophilia are also much more common in England. According to a different study done by Dr. Hastings, you are 3.6 times more likely to be accosted by a pedophile in England than you are in The United States. I could also bring up the sex crimes in the British army that your government has been attempting to conceal from the public for decades, that is, the buggering of subordinate soldiers by their military superiors, but that is an issue that we can explore at a later time. Let us, for a moment, stop focusing on the problems and try to come up with solutions. Perhaps, we could create community outreach programs like those used in the nation that you so fervently despise: the United States. These programs, if instituted with great diligence and foresight, could help bring support to those areas of England where acts perpetrated by these sexual predatures occur so frequently. Perhaps Finkleman, we can put our differences aside, and try to focus on ways we can both help to build a brighter future for the English people and prevent all of these deplorable acts from occurring within your great nation. I hope that my ideas today will empower you and give you the necessary resolve to make a difference in your community.
LeGra (2010-01-01)
I heard this is so good, that non-fans seeing this show 4 the first time.........think it's a movie.righteousone (2010-01-02)
@ razzalghulYour suggestion to go to Africa to measure the heads of natives is an interesting one. If I was to embark on such an undertaking, I would make sure that none of my research team were british males. Putting british males together with natives and or primates is a recipe for disaster. It is postulated that the HIV virus first was common in monkeys in Africa, then due to human sexual intervention, a researcher contracted the virus from the monkey and then spread it to humans. That researcher was Dr. Terence Williams, a very accomplished and revered british Biologist. Does it come to anyone as a surprise that the person who violated the monkey was british? If british researchers were to travel to Africa to study natives and monkeys there would be little or no research getting done. Instead, the british would have cabaret dancing with the monkeys as the entertainers. The british researchers would teach the monkeys to do the foxtrot instead of doing their job of collecting and analyzing scientific data. They would also teach the monkeys sign language, and the first sentence that the monkeys would learn to sign is: "after we are finished our tea and biscuits love, lets have male-on-male anal monkey sex".
voyager1970 (2010-01-02)
Isn't it amazing that even in this day and age that people can be so pathetic about worring about other peoples lives. If your life is so sad that you need to worry about other peoples way of life. Get over it! This is a major reason why I have left the UK. I can't abide the narrow midedness of people. It's a TV show! Get over it! And people are people let them live - if they are not harming you, does it matter!?DragonRebel (2010-01-02)
All the homophobes here should be chained facedown on a bed, get buggered repeatedly and have it videos SO THE TORRENTS CAN GO ON PIRATE BAY!That's before they're castrated so they can't breed.
iluyshin (2010-01-03)
Look at me i can post fake studies and percentages to make me look clever.Even if Britain had more homosexuals than any other nation they still managed to beat the USA in UFC.
iluyshin (2010-01-03)
Btw thanks for uploading.Best show on TV :D
righteousone (2010-01-03)
@ iluyshinThe talent pool amongst the American fighters that were chosen for the ultimate fighter that year was slim. Yes, the british fighters won, but they were your country's best, against the American's mediocre. Your country's hero Michael Bisping got knocked the fuck out by American Dan Henderson. How many British UFC champions have there been? That's right, zero. They are all Americans, Brazilians, and a Canadian. You won a gay reality show for silly queer poofs. Congratulations!
L_Moyse (2010-01-03)
@ righteousoneI think if you check your history, you'll find the world owes a lot to this little island. We practically invented every useful thing the world has ever known or began the process for some one else to steal. We also provided America with all the intellectuals it needed during the great brain drain, before which America didn't know the difference between up and down. We colonised 2/3 of the world and educated huge numbers of people (admittedly alot of this was fiction in the way of religion) laying the foundations for a better way of life. We are in essence the most powerful country on the planet. Our numbers are minuscule compared to most other countries, but our drive and determination are second to non. When our hands aren't tied by red tape, we kick arse. America has the weapons but lacks the intellect or ability to use them correctly and require British troops to show them how it's done, and they still manage to kill their own people. As for your offering of statistical data, I think you'll find the number of gays is pretty even the world over, it's just being British, our gays aren't scared to admit to it. They may be gay but they stand up for what they believe, even if it means a kick in. This means British gays have more back bone than you or any other countries straight population. With that said, you can now come out of your closet and join the other brave outed gays. lol
docmatrix (2010-01-06)
@finkleman: Russell T Davies is well-known, if not for being gay, for creating Captain Jack, who is wildly bisexual; gay-bashing RTD has become a hobby for some with little else to do.Jon_Smith1 (2010-01-10)
@righteousoneNormally I wouldn't enter into a debate such as this but I felt compelled to after seeing what you are writing as you are dressing up ignorance and fact.
Firstly as for the aids being caused by someone having gay sex with a monkey, that has been pretty much discredited nowadays (to be fair if a simian can get into a bad mood and rip a womans face and fingers off as recently in the american media can you really think one would let itself be violated).
The most likely explanation (backed up with significant evidence unlike the monkey-bummer theory) is that during the Polio vaccine race one of the two scientific contenders did his research in the african jungle, it is well documented that he kept a large number of simians captive and used certain organs to 'grow' the vaccine on (after being removed from the monkey/chimp), doing it this way often left the vaccine contaminated with simian antigens, antibodies and virus's, it just took one SIV virus to mutate to HIV and then be injected into humans via the vaccine. sound more likely than interspecies sex?
Back to your intolerance to homosexuals, even if the UK had more gays than elsewhere who really cares? A homosexual isn't some sort of strange sexual predator that will arse rape you given the chance, chill out with you hate they are people like you and me who happen to have different bedroom habits.
Lastly if you want to get into sports and athletics you should check out the english rugby team (who is one of the best in the world winning the world cup last decade, I can't remember which year) and compare it to the wussy watered down version you call american football and as for our wealth of talent compared to yours, put it into perspective our population is a fraction of yours but we can still compete and win against you, if you had a smaller sample of people (such as a single state) I bet you wouldn't have a chance against us.
micender (2010-01-16)
To all those who have participated in the hyperbolic portions of this thread(myself included):we have all demonstrated why the human race should be wiped away from the universe. now, we should all be quiet in case we could be heard by something smarter than we are.
"Hitler had the right idea! He was just an underachiever! Kill everyone!"
--Bill Hicks
alpha678 (2010-02-06)
Exactly the kind of BS I have come to expect from the religious. It's the last refuge where elitist, homophobic, misogynistic, hypocritic attitudes can still thrive, now that Naziism got its ass rightly kicked. In the name of god, the most ungodly violations of human rights are committed. You've set science and REAL miracles back 1,000 years with your dogma; at least keep your pollution out of Pirate Bay. People are here for the movies, not your toxic delusions.alpha678 (2010-02-06)
People, if I may - don't waste your time and your effort on so-called "religiousone." Which is a dubious self-title at best. "Never try and teach a pig to sing. It will only frustrate you, and annoy the pig."gibletsofflesh (2010-02-17)
@everyone who has something negative to sayim an american and i PERSONALLY love some of the stuff that comes from the who being one....spaced being just get over yourselves and download this and enjoy it because its GREAT!
lozza (2010-03-03)
@righteousone, You fucking idiot, if you knew anything at all, you would know that americans would not be there is it wast for us british, us british discovered america, so your basically talking shit about yourself, lmfaoooliquidrave (2010-03-10)
@righteousone, You fucking idiot, if you knew anything at all, you would know that americans would not be there is it wast for us british, us british discovered america, so your basically talking shit about yourself, lmfaooohaha you children are so stupid, the american people ar british from the begining and they did not discover amerika there was alredy people in so cald america the nativ americans british people just came there to kill them and take over the land, so you 2 are brothers so i think you shuld go fuck your self
liquidrave (2010-03-10)
and if i may say americans and british are both losers,your littel illuminati lands are shit and shuld burn in hell,i pitty you people you are blind.xaxton (2010-05-19)
WOW@liquidrave and everyone else too
First if you knew your history the viking found America first just fyi.
Everyone needs to get over how great their country is. Our countries have all had problems and we have all gave to the world not just the UK.
Someone said if it was not for the UK we would have nothing. In some cases this may be true the UK has given many great things to the world. It is arrogance to say they gave it all though.
The US has been can up with some good ones. Blood transfusion, Telegraph Key,Telegraph,Sewing Machine,Light Bulb,and we have George Washington Carver jut in case you like peanut butter.
The whole gay thing is silly If the US had the say population as the Uk our % would be high to. I wonder what % i gay in China. No offence to China. Just saying.
crakhed32 (2011-01-08)
I never knew Doctor Who stirred up such emotions in peopleJason210 (2012-05-31)
I must say I'm very glad for the light bulb. My girlfriend is also glad for her sewing machine. While we were aware that the light bulb was an American invention, we did not think it was particularly clever, especially as we know that Edison stole the idea from another man. However, we had no idea that the sewing machine was also invented by an American, and we both agree that the sewing machine is a clever invention. So now we know that American's aren't so dumb after all! Thanks for enlightening us!Jason210 (2012-05-31)
I must say I'm very glad for the light bulb. My girlfriend is also glad for her sewing machine. While we were aware that the light bulb was an American invention, we did not think it was particularly clever, especially as we know that Edison stole the idea from another man. However, we had no idea that the sewing machine was also invented by an American, and we both agree that the sewing machine is a clever (2013-03-05)
This thread is funny. Every great thing in the world has been built upon something that came before. Today America is the superpower, and has created a lot of the latest in breakthroughs. Before, it was the British, who gave rise to America. Before that it was the Romans, who conquered most of Europe and allowed for the prosperity that would lead to today. Before them and before that and further back... there was always a great civilization that pushed forward to bring us to today. Everyone has gays. Everyone has pussies. Everyone has beast of men and women. We are all human, with the same capabilities and strengths and weaknesses... they are just expressed differently the world over. Doctor Who kicks ass... keep the hate and bigotry out of TBP. Go to 4chan or Reddit to circle jerk each other.Files:
1. Doctor_Who_2005.The_End_Of_Time_Part_One_2009_Special.HDTV_XviD-FoV.[VTV].avi 550.70 Mb