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Fallujah: the hidden massacre - iraq doc. (27min)
Fallujah: the hidden massacre - iraq doc. (27min)
Video/Movie clips
2007-12-12 (by spacey1)
documentary called "fallujah: the hidden massacre". is very much self-explanatory if you can read, and deals with the issue of 'white phosphorous'. hey, i don't know the whole truth, but neither do you. at the very least...there is a cover-up. what a world as the wicked witch of the east said in Oz.
format: AVI
length: 27 minutes
quality: very good
Files count:
88.39 Mb
Knaster (2007-12-12)
Just so u know guys if Germany would have won ww2 the world wouldnt have to deal with russian and american worlddomination crapspacey1 (2007-12-12)
das finde ich auch. kennst du filme 'vaterland'?von England ich glaube? ok, nicht so gut, aber etwas interessant...
Im Englisch: 'you're preaching to the choir', as it were.
lucephus234 (2007-12-12)
Spacey said: "hey, i don't know the whole truth, but neither do you."True, but I notice you only produce anti American Iraqi so called "documentaries.
Isn't there any pro American Iraqi documentaries you can live with?
You have the right to hate America, but I don't see why you would want to influence others to do the same.
I'd guess you would be a voice that rants against Christians trying to press their faith in the world.
Maybe you just wanna be another Michael Moore.
How do you feel about the terms Islamo-facscist, Radical Islamist or Terrorist?
Bamimi (2007-12-12)
its obvious why he wouldnt show any of those, he has a agenda. people need to realize that the web is being used by extremists to spread propaganda, and yes this is part of it. However......bad things did happen in fallujah and elsewhere. that isnt a lie. The thing is it was never done on purpose really, it was because unfortunately we have some irresponsible people in our military just like anywhere else, and one thing our country is good at is training people to kill. it isnt because the people hated anyone or wanted to actually burn them with white phosperus/etc. honestly its because we in the US have had so many years of peace, our soldiers did not know the horrors of battle except by our movies, and well in movies its all dramatic, with the hero blowing everything up, and you never see the consequences. we're seeing them now and it is a horrible thing. it will also eventually be for the good, no offense but just like us dropping the bomb on the japanease who have wonderful lives and are our friends. (course they attacked us first also, in pearl harbor). Fallujah now because of us doing what we did is one of the most peaceful and secure areas in iraq. may peace reign over the whole country, and may none of us ever have to endure the horrors of war again. war should be horrible. if it was fun and enjoyable we'd want to do it all the time. its something we shouldnt want to do. only when we have to.billiewinkle (2007-12-13)
The Christian faith and the Muslim faith can nolonger live together. One or the other must be totally destroyed. I think the Muslims will eventually win as Christians are two stupid and soft to kill everylast m/w and child in the Muslim world. Pitybilliewinkle (2007-12-13)
Bamimi By the way you're wrong War is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Nothing beats the excitement and rush of taking another's life and protecting your friends.Up_Load (2007-12-13)
300,000 thousand dead from the first wave of american bombings, 1 million slaughtered so far, on an invasion based on a lie. Who are the monsters here.Up_Load (2007-12-14)
billiewinkle, are your parents retarded?Up_Load (2007-12-14)
bobdaslob, spacey1 may be a radical Muslim, but that's nothing being close to a radical american.spacey1 (2007-12-14)
Spacey1 goes from 'pervert loser' to 'radical muslim in like 48hrs. after the teens! Yea, I'm famous AND i piss intolerant people off.I'd rather leave the beheading videos for others to watch. As far as 'hating america', 'I love my country and fear my government' is more like it. Good luck finding a pro-American Iraqi documentary...what good has happened ? This: 3,383 dead Americans, 28,500 wounded, 600,000+ dead iraqis. $600 Billion+ spent, with another $200 B. coming soon. Just watch Fox news for the other side of the propaganda. I'm too disorganized to have 'an agenda' by the way; people watch and download what they want to on the interweb. Don't like it, don't watch it.
'May peace reign over Iraq' is ridiculous. Fallujah isn't peaceful now; have you been there? Or, maybe just watching what you believe. Pre-emptive war isn't for peace; neither is a deliberate lie to enter a war, whichever it was.
As far as me not showing both sides of the issue...that's not my job, it's yours. I don't make the documentaries; I watch and decide what I believe like any intelligent person would.
In every war, the word propaganda is used on all sides. No one has the whole truth; not even history after it's over. I haven't been there, and neither have any of you. If it wasn't done on purpose, then at the very least, the most advanced army in the world has made wrong decision after wrong decision, & lied about it before, during, and after. Support the troops, blame the pentagon, bring them home, and it never should have happened.
billiewinkle (2007-12-14)
Upload No Why do you ask? spacey 1 Our military has not made the mistakes our politicians have. They seem to fell that cowardly draftdodgers are somehow qualified to run military operations. The point of war is to cause the otherside to change it's view point or to give your side what you desire. The only way of doing this is to defeat the will of the people. The only way of defeating the will of a people is to convince them that they are wrong.This can be done socially like here in the US or militarily as in WW2. If the military option is used the people must find the horrors of continued resistance so terrifying they would rather kill their own people than continue to resist. This aspect is what the US gov't has forgotten.Spacey1 is correct that war with Iraq was unnecessary and that the US was tricked into the war by our politicians who were concerned about making money for themselves...Haliburton Cheney and Bush own major stock. Hence the closed bids for rebuilding. We did break the peoples will to resist and now face our only options Total withdrawal or a prolonged occupation that is being incorrectly carried out. If we leave, we have lost and within 10 years Iraq will be another religious gov't run by radical{to US eyes} clerics. Possibly another dictatorship.
If we stay we must close the mosque schools take over public schools and teach the children Western thinking and ways, allow all US chistian church groups to send missionaries and close important gov't offices to Muslims and tax the crap out of Muslims and Muslim churches. In addition transplanting American workers of all types to the country will increase the spead at which European values are spread. In 3 generations {80 years) the country may be able to be trusted by the US to take care of themselves. The expense will be massive, the deaths will be in the millions, but the country will be Christian and liberal enough to be trusted to maintain a democracy and the fanatics will be a distinct minority. Another option, is to declare the damn country a US territory and give massive benefits to US citizens willing to immigrate once again taking over the mosques and schools, regulating important jobs to only us citizens and creating a Muslim 3rd class. Tis option will have the added benefit of paying for itself by nationalizing the Iraqi oilfields and placing that income at reduced charges directly into the US treasury, loss of life will again be high on all sides and relations with the surrounding countries will be a constant low level conflict.
Nikos6266 (2007-12-14)
to biliewinkle:many vile conquerors have used the methods you describe. Attila, the Romans, the Ottomans, the Germans. They all failed in the long term. For example, the Ottomans occupied Greece, Romania and Bulgaria for more than 400 years and employed all those methods. They all failed. We are free. Unless I am mistaken the Christian Bible disagrees with the methods you describe. Am I wrong? What about the United States Bill of Rights? The United States Constitution?
billiewinkle (2007-12-14)
Nikos, those methods work if properly used, The American Indians, Aztecs, Maya, Basques and Lithuanian pagans, are all proof of that. Complete disruption of all social and economic norms are required to erase a ethnic group. Is it right? No. I don't believe it is right eccept in the case of selfsurvival. Will the survival of the United States and Western Europe require us to use these methods....Possibly. If it happens the US Constitution will nolonger exist in even the limited form that it now does. Our survival will require us to throw that document away or change it to reflect it's bearing on only Citizens of the US. The Bill of Rights has already been amended by our Congress and our President to nolonger apply to our citizens let alone the citizens of other countries. How long it will last as even a idea is questionable. Police here in the US can arrest me right now and it would be months or years before I see a lawyer, a judge or even charged with a crime. Did you realize that? As far as the Christian Bible goes, I'm not Christian. The Bible has been used to justify horrible atrocities in the past and will again in the future. The current Pope is a former Nazi... I mean as long as money and power can be gained by amoral individuals they will attempt to gain power by whatever means are at their disposal. You did not include your nationality in your remark. I'm guessing Greek or some other Mediterranean ethnicity. Were your ancestors Christian, Muslim or Pagan before the Ottoman Empire? Did your civilization not undergo extreme changes due to their rule? Is your nation anywhere near as powerful or respected now as in history? If the answer is now then you have changed as both a nation and a people which is what the conquerers wanted. So they did succeed in at least in part.The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights is dying. Has been dying for decades and will be history in just a few generations. The rabid religious fanatics of the Muslim world are increasing the rate of judicial decay in the US while at the same time increasing militant fervor among US citizens. Last time that happened was in conjunction with the last war the US won. World War 2. Remember how the US won that war? Take a lesson in that because US politicians have already declared the equality of all WMD's. Use of one style against the US frees our politician's to authorize the use of any in return. Ho's that for scary? People with no morals and a lust for power given access to whatever gene spliced monstrosity that big-brained whitecoats have been cooking up in labs for 50 years. The US used nukes to win WW2 We used germ warfare to help win the North American continent and the powers that rule us will do whatever it takes to stay in power. They'll lie to our citizens cheat on elections, set up our former friends as new adversaries and sell weapons to both sides of regional conflicts to prevent stabilization in a region. The average American nolonger cares as long as he or she has a car a home and a sixpack to drink while watching a reality show on TV. We the citizens of the US have allowed this to happen and can no longer change our course. The ideals the US stood for are dead my friend. Now it's time to reap the whirlwind
Up_Load (2007-12-14)
billiewinkle, spoken like a true Nazi. We know all about christian values, we saw them at Abu-Gharib. No thanks, we'll pass.Nikos6266 (2007-12-14)
to:billiewinkleYes I am Greek. Our religion was Christianity and it remained so after we got rid of them. However you are right. The Turks, through their atrocities, changed us significantly.
The rest of what you say are frighteningly true. The Bible, the Bill of rights, the Constitution have no more importance than a comic book for the average American. It is very sad that the USA is no longer the land of the brave and the home of the free. Let us just all hope there is enough spark left in your society to topple your fascist regime.
billiewinkle (2007-12-15)
My dearest Upload, Not now or ever a Nazi, when our fascists come for me my rifle will speak and my house willl disappear. Read what i said more carefully.Nikos don't confuse passivity with a lack of bravery Americans do not lack bravery every winter here 2-3 people die falling through thin ice trying to rescue kids that fell through and are already dead. Institutional stupidity is closer to true. We've had so much for so many years that the creeping loss of liberty has not been very noticeable. Complacent belief in our own superiority and a isolationist attitude are two of the big factors in our fall. Liberals and rightwingers have trained many to resort to namecalling and quick answers not to think for ourselves. Much like the Italian parliament nothing productive can get done here in the public eye at the national level. Smoky backrooms and deal making are the only real Congress we have and the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats are nearly non-existent when it comes to their real agendas. If this was not true can anyone explain why, despite more than 30 impeachable offenses President Bush is not even under investigation by a Democratic Congress? Clinton was impeached over a stanky chick and a cigar because he was an outsider. Bush lied to America and has broken major international laws as well as US law in the form of illegal wiretapping and illegal and false imprisonment.
spacey1 (2007-12-16)
we were never 'land of the free, home of the brave' ~ we killed most of the native americans with smallpox, blankets, and misfiring rifles for that bravery. our manifest destiny. i'm not hating billiewinkle as much as before, but where do you get your ideas from really? some internet site, or just playing devil's advocate?spacey1 (2007-12-16)
i noticed you upload nothing as well - - - if you hold such strong beliefs, then let people know with your own 'agenda' as i've been accused of. videotape your own rants if nothing sound like alex jones sometimes...maybe that's where you get your info?Ola435345345 (2008-09-13)
What is this message I get when I try to reach the torrentfile? Did secret service remove it?"Error 503 Service Unavailable
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Guru Meditation:
XID: 1520524669
1. xfallujah.avi 88.39 Mb