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Alcohol 120% Retail [clean]






Alcohol 120% Retail [clean]




2007-11-21 (by AnemicRebirth)


This is the latest version of Alcohol 120% (version Retail). It is virus free and installs perfectly. So...on that note...enjoy!

Files count:



7.39 Mb




AnemicRebirth (2007-11-21)

I don't know what that link has to do with this torrent.

nospam9 (2007-11-21)

Sorry to say that the setup file has been hacked. I haven't investigated further, but very likely the setup file contains a trojan. I don't recommend downloading.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-21)

LOL. What the heck are you talking about, dude? You haven't investigated further because you're a lazy bastard and then you want to go on to say that you wouldn't recommend downloading the torrent. You're a class A genius. Yeah. Okay then. The setup file does not contain a trojan or virus of any kind. Everything has been scanned with NOD32 and Kaspersky. The files are clean. Go be a scared nuisance elsewhere, thanks. I don't post things that contain viruses. I never have and I never will. Thanks for wasting my time to read your comment. If you feel so inclined, perhaps you can "investigate further". You won't find anything, I promise you that. I'm using this on my system right now. I wouldn't use anything that was crapware. Thanks, but piss off.

nospam9 (2007-11-22)

AnemicRebirth, actually it's me who's LOL.
Don't try to fool others to download your shit. Check the digital signature of the setup file. The file has been hacked. Period!
For others who really want to try this crack, download the trial setup file from and just utilize the two files from this download, Alcohol.exe and register.reg. But do not run Alcohol.exe as an admin.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-22)

You're an idiot. I didn't say the setup file hasn't been tampered with, but the file is clean. I'm not fooling others you dumb fuck. I'm using this myself. Get the fuck off this page. I like how you're recommend they download the trial and then you say to use the cracked Alcohol.exe file. The program is cracked...that's why the combination of files work together, douche bag It's it's been tampered with. The file is clean. The installation is clean. The program running is clean. If you scan your memory while it's running it's clean. There is nothing suspicious about the fucking file. Get a life.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-22)

Oh, and by the way you dumb piece of shit, the trial does not work with these files. Since you're a lazy douche bag, you wouldn't know this. Go ahead. Try the trial yourself and see what happens when you perform the same steps. Dumb ass. This is the retail version, you fuck.
Have a nice day.

nospam9 (2007-11-22)

:-) LOL
Thanks for coming clean AnemicRebirth. Next time you imply that something is clean, make sure to state that the file was hacked!

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-22)

It works fine and it's virus/malware free, that's all I'm saying.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-22)

So yes...the files are clean. Now shut the fuck up. =]

cgram7 (2007-11-22)

excellent download, as promised, AnemicRebirth try not to let the peons get you so worked up. and thanks for this.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-23)

Thanks, man. =]

mike_cooter (2007-11-23)

Clean to me means 'it has been changed in whatever way it needs to be to make it free - and won't screw your PC'. By that definition - Thanks. Don't let anyone put you off when you know inside you're doing the good stuff. :)

rooks454 (2007-11-23)

i am downloading now. going with my gut here. seeing how the loader took so much time monitoring the comments and so offended i beleive him. so i aint skeered to dl and open. it is a risk we take. and yes most cracks/hacks etc... give a scary message when scanned with a anti virus program.

Beonaam (2007-11-23)

This worked perfectly for me!
Thank you very much.
Note to downloaders: If you get an error when you click on setup.exe, try putting it on your desktop first. Make sure you follow the directions.
Thanks again!

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-23)

Thanks, guys. I feel a little better now, lol. That other dude was gettin' me worked up. I've dealt with a lot of crappy torrents before with virus-filled crap and I've made it a point to upload only what I know works 100%, so thanks for supporting me here. =P
@ mike: Exactly, man.
@ rooks: LOL. Thanks. I get pretty irked about people calling me a liar or going against my better judgment when I know very well this torrent works and works well. I wouldn't upload something I wasn't absolutely certain about.
@ Beonaam: You're very welcome.

dieselsmoke00 (2007-11-25)

works great, thanks.
If anyone is having problems getting it to copy to the alcohol 120 folder, Make sure you run as administrator.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-25)

You're welcome. =]

akerns11 (2007-11-25)

Thanks Anemic!

stellahell (2007-11-26)

works perfectly fine and no virus or anything.
Good upload! Thank you.

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-26)

No problem, guys. =]

Zettel (2007-11-26)

This is not working for me. Should it work with vista?

AnemicRebirth (2007-11-27)

No, this does not work for Vista yet. This is for:
* Windows XP
* Windows 2003
* Windows 2000
* Windows ME
* Windows NT
* Windows 98
* Windows 95

the-ghost-in-the-shell (2007-12-02)


the-ghost-in-the-shell (2007-12-02)

try this link

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-03)

It doesn't contain a virus, dumb ass. It's been scanned with the top antivirus software.
And what do you mean try this? That's the same exact fucking torrent as this one, but with German instructions. Did you guys forget to grow brains during the birthing process?

Helleu (2007-12-03)

Thanks Anemicrebirth for putting much efforts in creating a fine working torrent!
Do you know if there's a working Alcohol for Vista?

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-04)

As of right now, Alcohol is not for Vista yet. I'm sure they'll release a version that works with Vista soon, but they haven't updated their software since there's no telling when a Vista version will be out.

 TorrentEmpire (2007-12-05)

I run Vista and Alcohol 120% and have no conflicts...mounts perfectly

prestonbob (2007-12-06)

hey Anemic,thx for this,works perfectly,no fuckin probs...spambrain!

sushyu (2007-12-06)

Thankyou man. Dont let the haters get you down. Probably works for the MPAA (scared fuckwits all).

xiaoxi (2007-12-06)

Hi AnemicRebirth
Thanks, pgm working fine

adventurejunky (2007-12-06)

followed instructions, _Alcohol.exe File not found

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-07)

No, you didn't follow the instructions. That's why I said to read over the instructions multiple times before coming to a stupid conclusion. There is no _Alcohol.exe file. You're supposed to install the program and then rename the Alcohol.exe file to _Alcohol.exe like it says in the instructions that you didn't read. Then you put the loader in the installed directory and unrar it to that directory. Way to go with poor reading comprehension.

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-07)

...and just so you don't get confused again...rename the Alcohol.exe file in the installed directory, not the one inside the loader. If you read the comments and everyone else figured it out, then perhaps it might be good to consider that you either made an error or that you didn't follow the instructions. Please pay closer attention to the instruction files inside torrents next time. I was as clear as could be.

jr360mute (2007-12-08)

Thank you for the concise instructions, installation went exactly as outlined. I am; however, having problems with the A120 program crashing intermittently. Also, I got an error that states "Something is wrong with the recording procedure! Please check the log file and report any errors to Technical Support." The log file states that there is an "Invalid Field In Parameter List". I am new to A120 and this is my first attempt at burning a DL disc. Anyone have suggestions? I admit that I am ignorant and not smart enough to figure this out on my own.

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-08)

The only time this program has crashed while trying to burn is when I had AnyDVD running at the same time as this program. There seems to be some type of conflict. Try figuring out if there is a conflicting program and shut it down while running Alcohol.

chikid68 (2007-12-08)

I just downloaded it and scanned it and it is indeed virus free and it is working great as long as you follow the enclosed instructions.

rooks454 (2007-12-09)

look i dl this early when AnemicRebirth gave it to us. stop being fucking dorks. to his knowledge the software states compat w/other os but not vista. but hey it worked on my laptop w/vista and my desktops running xp sp 2's. but vista is iffy. hell my firefoxes crashes all the damn time w/vista and others do to...
also thanks AnemicRebirth sorry you have to fuck with this no it all tards. But take a look at this dork who is referring to your torrent. hes some gay Cure fan.

rooks454 (2007-12-09)

per above rant this should be "know it" not "no it all"
must be the vista causing typo's again

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-09)

It's okay. You can blame anything on Vista. =P
Glad it's working for you. I've been using this for quite some time now and it's been great. =]

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-09)

Damn...this other site was wrong.

Apparently this does work in Vista. Imagine that. I guess that's why it's been working for people. ROFL.

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-09)

Wrong link.

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-14)

Thanks. Glad it's working for you too. =]

slimjimtight (2007-12-15)

wierd, alcohol 120 for me on vista 32 bit home premium

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-16)

Why is that weird? It works in Vista.

rexeser (2007-12-17)

thanx man ! :)
Fantastic :)

bigscipio (2007-12-18)

awesome as shit!! installed and runs perfectly! anemic you are teh god for sure! all you other boobs who fucked it up, its your fault! read the damn instuctions!!

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-18)

LOL @ boobs. Thanks, bigscipio

AnemicRebirth (2007-12-25)

Firebreed. WTF are you smoking? This works fine with Vista.
...and yes...I know about the new version...seeing as I was the first person on this site to upload the new version that was released on the 22nd.

loonatic7 (2008-01-07)

"read them again so you don't make andy
"andy mistakes."
anemic mate, i've read through all 3 pages of comments and i'm totally on your side...fair play, A120 works great for me...but that mistake, at that particular place in the instructions! classic comedy man.
seriously tho, thanks for the torrent man ;o)

bead1099 (2008-01-29)

based on the comments, I downloaded it, and all is fine, thanks.

daba210 (2008-03-11)

Brilliant upload, for Windows Vista Home Premium I found that terminating the 'StarwindAE' process immediately after installation, enabled successful installation of the registry keys, with no need to keep re-activating like before. XD.

razieltempest (2009-01-26)

The only prob i get is theres no seeding for this program will someone be so kind so that i may use this.
i agree with everyone else AmericanRebirth the only possible reason why they are so jealous is because.
1. you have made programs work in the past.
2. they obviously want your spotlight.
3. they dont know a good program when they see one.
4. just too NOOBISH to understand and what i mean by noob is a jerk a well of jerk off who thinks hes got better shit when he knows his stuff is garbage.
all i can say is keep it up man and im def looking foward to other things you may have.
also most of my stuff i will down load from ares so this way you can get more seeders ok take care.

thedevilwearsrolex (2009-06-20)

noooobody is seedin?