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Grim Fandango Number 15 all time best pc game






Grim Fandango




2004-10-03 (by kami)


Grim Fandango, äventrysspelens kung numbero uno. För alla er som minns äventyret med Manny Calavera samt Glottis. Men även för de olyckliga själar som inte fått spela spelet.

Files count:



1264.61 Mb




kami (2004-10-03)

Ah, nevermind

Gneiss (2004-10-03)

Man kanske ska lägga till att Svenska PCGamer har utsett detta spelet till Bästa Spelet Som Någonsin Gjortis.

Gneiss (2004-10-03)

Man kanske ska lägga till att Svenska PCGamer har utsett detta spelet till Bästa Spelet Som Någonsin Gjorts.

beatnick (2004-10-03)

kanonspel, men kanske inte passar alla

nebbugvrok (2004-10-03)

Detta är ett av de absoluta bästa spelen någonsin, jag köpte det när det kom ur och det var värt varända öre, och om en uppföljare skulle komma så skulle jag köpa det, inget snack om saken, och jag köper aldrig spel till pc längre så det säger en del.
Till alla er som inte spelat grim fandango, ladda hem och testa, bästa äventyrsspelet någonsin.

Azare (2004-10-03)

Tyvärr så funkar det inte under winXP. Vet inte om någon har lyckats men såvitt jag vet så finns det inte stöd för XP. :(

kami (2004-10-03)

Ang Win XP: Jo det funakr hur bra som helst. Sitter och spelar just nu. Har Win XP pro med SP1 och det funkar prima.

illern_rambo (2004-10-03)

öh?!... är kanske lite noob men behöver man mounta filer å sånt... hur instalerar man... har bara laddat ner filmer

Fubi (2004-10-03)

Grim Fandango står fortfarande högt på min favoritlista. Och det är ju några år sedan det kom ut. Rekomenderar det varmt..

D3us (2004-10-04)

Varför är filerna så stora? :-O

razor45 (2004-10-04)

Lucas Arts har lyckats bra med detta kanon spel :yay:

illern_rambo (2004-10-04)

är det stöd för windows XP home edition? undrade bara för e sa att det inte var stöd för win xp å en sa att de var... :unsure:

krutan (2004-10-04)

Haha, de här har man ju på original. Diggar Glottis eller va han hette, ni vet demonen :)

jimmywelch (2004-10-09)

i cant get grim fandango to play in xp. how do i install it???? can anyone help me. im dying to play this game.

kurrenta (2004-10-09)

Hej! Har utan problem installerat CD1 [och spelet verkar fungera] undrar dock vad CD2 innehåller och om fler har problem att installera detta... När jag sätter i den skivan händer ingenting. kan varken startas auto eller manuellt.

Niklas85 (2004-10-12)


loffe6 (2004-10-13)

laddade ner allt, men det visade sig att cd1 filen inte kom ner...vad hände?

rsrts (2004-10-15)

Någon som har problem med att Grim Fandango avslutas oväntat titt som tätt? Denna version + andra har gjort det på min dator och även på andra jag prövat. Kan det ha något att göra med att datorerna blivit för snabba? Någon som har någon aning...
Det är iaf skumt att det bara avslutas när man typ går genom en dörr....

Bredberg (2004-10-22)

Oerhört skojigt spel.....:fish: F*n ska man göra med skottkärran och det snurrande trädet? snälla nån... hjälp mig... jag vill komma vidare....

QZQ (2004-10-28)

Finns det någon som lyckats klura ut vad man ska göra om man har problem med att köra spelet i XP? När jag mountar cd1 så händer ingenting. Jag måste gå in i cd och klicka på grim.exe och när jag sen trycker install grim fandango, så försvinner rutan och inget händer. Vad ska man göra för att komma vidare och lyckas installera spelet?

orkaone (2004-10-31)

jag har precis samma problem, spelet avslutas fan hela tiden.. någon som vet hur man ska fixa problemet?

rizzzooo (2004-11-05)

Ladda hem patchen på :D
DETTA SPELET ÄR SÅ JÄVLA SKÖNT O KLASSISKT! *tänker tillbaka* *fäller en tår*

Brandis (2004-11-15)

Om du har en "för snabb" dator måste du ladda ner patchen (från LucasArts eller Ett tämligen intressant problem :)

Qancel (2004-11-16)

Jag får en Setup Initialization Error x_x
"Setup requires _SETUP.DLL and _ISRES.DLL (located in _Setup.LIB) in order to operate properly. Please ensure these files are located with SETUP.EXE"
Vet någon hur man fixar detta?

PigBear (2005-01-03)

Okay hade osså problem med att starta installationen, men löste det så här:
1. Öppna din bin i deamon-tools in i utforskaren gå in i din mountade cd sen /install.
2. högerklicka på setup.. sätt kompat.. till win2000.. kör setup.
3.Pussa å krama min hamster franz

PigBear (2005-01-06)

Du killen med Setup Initialization Error x_x
Har du mauntat eller "Jag kanske kan hjälpa!"

PigBear (2005-01-06)

Du killen med Setup Initialization Error x_x
Har du mauntat cd'n eller vad har du för Windos
"Jag kanske kan hjälpa dig"
Pussa å krama min hamster franz

juMAZDAj (2005-01-14)

Is it english version in this game ?

kaz-opu (2005-02-11)

Detta spelet funkade perfekt för mig!

Anden_11 (2005-03-06)

kan nån seeda

SoulRebel (2005-03-17)

Installationen funkar inte även om man sätter kompakt win 2000. Setupen kommer aldrig igång..och exe filen sätts på men när man trycker install grim fandango så stängs den av. Jag har provat alla lägen i kompatibilitetsläget :S need help måste installera spelet!!!!

JohnteDoe (2005-03-21)

hallå. skulle nån vänlig person som fått ner spelet vilja skicka ett pm till mej. mina skiva är som jag har det på är lite repig och jag behöver en viss fil från skiva 1. vore dunderglad om nån kunde kontakta mej.
puss på er alla

JohnteDoe (2005-03-21)

eller fått ner kvittar men om ni har en hel disc 1 så räcker de :)

seMic (2005-03-26)

nämen komigen nu grabbar, det har inte gått snabbare än 10kb/s :( får jag bara hem liret så kan jag seeda hela påsken

Fragalot (2005-03-28)

Säger samma som Semic. seeda lite nu va? snääälla!

weezl (2005-03-28)

Jag ska försöka lösa lite problem som folk har fått.
Det problemet med att install-fönstret krånglar har jag ingen riktig förklaring på.
Mitt Grim Fandango rippade jag bara rakt av med NERO till 2 st .iso (använder D-tools), och det funkar hur fint som helst. Kan det vara att formatet .nrg är felet?
Sen det med win XP/2000:
När spelet är installerat, installera patchen från
När patchen är installerad så gå till spelets mapp och sätt kompatibilitet för 'grim.EXE' och GRIMFANDANGO.EXE' till det aktuella OS
(för er som inte vet hur:
1. högerklicka
2. egenskaper
3. fliken "kompatibilitet"
4. ändra kompatibilitetsläge).
Kör sedan spelet från install-fönstret.
Om detta inte funkar så testa att avinstallera, ta bort resterna, installera om, och utföra mina åtgärder igen.
Om detta inte funkar så skicka ett argt mail till tillverkaren och klaga på att det nedladdade spelet inte fungerar.

KaOs127 (2005-03-30)

Jag var tvungen att göra följande innan jag kunde installera:;en-us;324767

Pinkfloyd86 (2005-04-03)

I cant get the installsetup file to run...not even when I set compatibility to win there a solution?

nicolaus (2005-04-13)

jag har fått nån skitkonstig bugg på 3:e året... varje gång jag går ner till glottis på båten så går manny upp direkt!! nån som kan hjälpa mig? och, ja jag har uppdaterat med senaste patchen

Vordal (2005-04-21)

hur ska man göra i skogen....?? där man har räddat Glottis hjärta...kommer itne därifrån tunllarna gör mig förvirrad -.- Singed vordal~

Mawa_w (2005-04-27)

asså.. jag har windows xp home, och jag fick lov att fixa någon grejj med autoexec för att det skulle funka men sen nu när jag klickar på ikonen för att starta spelet händer ingenting =( något tipps på hur jag ska göra??

CompuTerror (2005-05-09)

Actually, someone has made custom Xp compatible launchers for the old CMI games. You can get yours at:

Of course ScummVM is an option, but you could have this also :)

rumpage (2005-05-24)

Till er som vill ha hjälp med spelet.
Det är inte här ni ska posta spoilers, hitta ett annat forum...

Adelante_82 (2005-05-31)

Rompen var mig en gnällig jävel... Gå o köp spelet då om det inte passar! Dessutom så laddade jag ner spelet i 500 kb/s i princip hela vägen, sluta sitta o ladda ner bögporr som tar upp all din bandbredd...

Tenacious (2005-06-06)

Ljudet krånglar för mig hela tiden. Det hakar upp sig och fortsätter så tills jag stänger av. What to do? Känns rätt meningslöst att spela utan ljud på detta mästerverk..

rakhyvel (2005-06-30)

C:WINDOWS.0SYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. Systemfilen är inte lämplig för att köra DOS- och Microsoft Windows.program. Välj Stäng för att avsluta programmet.
huuuuuur fixa man detta problem, får alltid det här problemet med gamla spel, n00bish javisst...

tobias_k (2006-01-22)

Great speed, great game:D

elajtdloader (2006-03-02)

Must grab this game.. I've heard that it rocks. :)

BigBoss2004 (2006-03-16)

Man, loved this game when I had it. Though never got through the sea thingie when you have to crack the code to the door. Thanks for this... :D

arwado (2006-04-06)

Grim fandango grymmaste spelet genom tiderna

arwado (2006-04-06)

it's a thinking game so dont think kick ass and shoot :D

_FaggE__ (2006-04-07)

Hade det här som demo när jag var ungefär 8 år....Har längtat som fan till det här.... (2006-04-30)

Okay guys, I need some help. I just downloaded this torrent, and I need some precise instructions on how to burn it onto a DVD so that it will run. I'm giving it as a present to someone and he's pretty computer illiterate.(I'm not too good myself.)

Optional (2006-05-27)

Brilliant, brilliant game. If you guys are having problems, go to and into the forums. there is a thread there that deals with hyperthreading issues, and NO you can't just use set affinity, because problems occur the most when you minimize it and come back, and the fact that this only works while the game runs is enough to mnake it useless. i'lll note down the proper url for that thread when i find it.

liberum (2006-08-16)

I could install it just fine, and the movies look good, but in the game it's all flickering (flimra in swedish, I just looked the word up)... can't see much...

liberum (2006-08-16)

Oh sorry.. solved it... Didn't knew you made the options with F1... I changed to 3D and now it works. Thanks!

dirtmonkey37 (2006-09-03)

how do I install it after I download it through bittorrent?
It tells me to "please insert the CD-rom" when I try to install it.

Rankaisija (2006-10-28)

I need help. I run the image in Deamon Tools. When i start installing it just gives me an red X and then the install shuts down. What the hell i must do!?!!?!

Rchon (2006-11-03)

Det hänger sig hela tiden ljudet börjar hacka o bilden fryser. Har windows XP, vad göra?

ginge511 (2007-02-16)

cant you foreign ppl use english for gods sake
plus how do i get this running on xp sp2 ive tryed everything but nothing works :(
ive applied the patch
tryed the laucher changed xp to win 95/98 but nothing works the screen is just black and i cant get past this please help some1 i wanna play this game daqmmit :(

Herr.Pilsken (2007-03-18)

"cant you foreign ppl use english for gods sake"
Ginge511 this is a swedish site if wich means you are the foreigner and there for have no right to complain about us speaking our native language.
För övrigt tack för denna torrent speler är grymt jag köpt till och med det för länge sedan tyvärr så slängde jag det (fråga mig inte varför) :)

metallmania (2007-03-18)

Oh, mkt fin upload kami! =)
Vad jag kommer ihåg så fastnade jag jämt på det stället där man skulle åka i en hiss med en gaffeltruck och stoppa in gafflarna i öppningen till en hemlig våning mellan plan 1 och 2. Problemet var att spelet inte var anpassat för att köras på snabba, moderna datorer så man hade inte chans i världen att hinna köra i gaffeltrucken i rätt läge innan hissen åkt förbi. Har för mig att det släpptes en patch för detta men kommer inte ihåg, någon som känner till något om detta?

kwd (2007-03-25)

Mitt ljud hänger sig, Vad ska jag göra för att slippa det?

nagelbitarn (2007-03-28)

jag förstår inte riktigt hu det här funkar, jag fick ner en mapp vid namn "Grim fandango" och i mappen fanns det TRE filer... De heter "Gfupd101.exe" och sen "Grim Fandango - disc 1.nrg och 2.nrg" Hur fixar jag Nrg filerna? Otroligt tacksam för svar!

nagelbitarn (2007-03-28)

Och lite till :P Tack så fruktansvärt mycket för seedningen och uploaden, och vad innebär "Mounta"? Jag kanske låter lite efterbliven, men jag är lite rookie...

Manny Cavalera (2007-04-11)

Till kwd
(Mitt ljud hänger sig, Vad ska jag göra för att slippa det?)
Välj egenskaper på Grim.exe, och under fliken kompabilitet väljer du att köra i kompabilitetsläge för Windows 98. Fixade ljudet för mig :-)
Lycka till!

sanadan (2007-04-19)

nån som forfarande seedar?

Vincenzo99 (2007-05-01)

Tack för alla seeds! :)

Papuli89 (2007-06-14)

Seed please. Im stuck at 98.6%!

TheShift (2007-06-26)

This is the English version of the game right?

converterX (2007-07-04)

jag kan inte starta det nu men förut så kunde jag det jag vet inte vad jag ska göra jag har satt kompatibelt läge men den sejer att den behöver cd....

Jonesing (2007-07-26)

Thanks for this, been meaning to play this for years!
I can confirm this IS the english language version of the game, managed to install it fine on windows 2000 using mejmoon's instructions on the page before. One extra thing, if you still have graphics issues like I did then try going into the in game graphics options and making sure hardware acceleration is on, it's off by default for some insane reason.

Rovep (2007-08-02)

va fan -.- nu när man tankar hem de läser man inga viru elle nått men gissa...... de va inga heller =P men ja kan starta de men när ja ska spela så hänger sig allt ja kan inte röra mig o de flimmrar i mitten av bilden va ska ja göra?? (måste ha hjälp)

Rovep (2007-08-02)

till converterX (jag kan inte starta det nu men förut så kunde jag det jag vet inte vad jag ska göra jag har satt kompatibelt läge men den sejer att den behöver cd....): Prova o mounta om de de kanske funkar inte säker

hlunkur (2007-09-27)

Hi, I can not install this game. The starting menu comes up and I press install but nothing happens????

Issajk (2007-10-21)

De händer en skit konstig sak för mej.. Killen man spelar syns bara ibland.. Han är helt osynlig ibland och typ försvinner bakom vissa grejer helt omöjligt att spela så jag undrar om de är nån som har samma fel ?

vickei (2007-12-08)

Real and working. Changed these to ISOs in PowerISO. Thank you!

razziv (2007-12-21)

One of the greatest games ever made.

Sachaztan (2008-01-21)

Argh, doesn't work with 64 bit windows :/

Sachaztan (2008-01-21)

w00t! Found a way by using this installer!

skippy3000 (2008-01-28)

so...why does this keep freezing? I play it, talk to the receptionist and halfway through her words start jumping, then I can't I have to reload wherever I saved from...
FINALLY get past talking to her and go outside and talk to the balloon bloke, and it does the same...over and over...and if I save, I have to close the game and restart it, because there is no sound when I go to play it...
anyone explain? pretty sure its not the program, my comp is prob too good for it...which is SO fucking annoying...

skippy3000 (2008-01-28)

oh yeah, i'm using xp media centre edition...any ideas on whats up?

list21 (2008-02-01)

I use Vista and I have same problem. I don't use loader(it crashes) or installer. Pach is installed and I use Daemon tools.

Metlahead (2008-02-02)

SoS,i launch the game but if i disrupt the movie the game shuts down and it says that the game encounterd an error,but if i let the movie play till the end the game will still shut down.

Xrick (2008-03-21)

Hatar det här! Finns det ingen fungerande crack? Spelet kraschar hela tiden när första filmen/sekvensen/cutscene är slut!

LeSeul (2008-03-25)

Thanks for a fantastic torrent! Works great but vista (and XP 64bit) users will need the launcher available from here:

eldavido (2008-04-13)


david1790 (2008-05-05)

Only reaching 1-3 kB/s! Seed please!

Futaba06 (2008-05-15)

All you need to do is burn the 2 NRG files as an image onto a CD. You're burning software should have that option. I didn't have to convert anything or do anything special. I didn't even use that EXE file that comes with this. The game worked great, but you may have to download the patch for the game. If you search for it online you will find it. The game was crashing a whole bunch on me, but after the patch, the game ran flawlessly to the end. I hope that helps anybody in need.
Thanks for having this game on here, I was missing it big time.

Futaba06 (2008-05-15)

....OH by the way, I was running this on Windows XP Pro. and I still didn't need any special installer or file converters. But do whatever works right?

Futaba06 (2008-05-15)

I think I'm retarted, I think the EXE included is the patch. haha, oh well. I'm done talking. I enjoyed the game, hope everyone else finds a way to do the same.

dullstone (2008-05-17)

Any got some idiot proof instructions?
I tried several things, and everytime i get stuck with a message saying i need to insert disc 1, or install disc 1. I am new to torrents and this is my first game DL, so i'm a bit confused. I DLed the launcher and the setup from I tried copying the files to a disc, sadly, i don't even know how to do that.
I use Windows Vista, not sure what else you may need to know. Really want to check out this game. Thanks for anyhelp.

Lemmings19 (2008-06-12)

"Futaba06 at 2008-05-15 17:07 CET:
I think I'm retarted,"
You spelled retarded wrong, so yes. You are.

UssjTrunks (2008-07-04)

To dullstone, I'm still downloading it but I assume you'll need Daemon Tools to play the game, just google it. When you download it click the icon in your tray and click the empty drive. Then find the file that can be mounted (I'm fairly new to this aswell so sorry I couldn't be more detailed).

Moparperformance (2008-07-30)

When I play the game it always crashes, any1 that can help me?

Fusse (2008-08-18)

Ohh. I actually have the original game, but I'm almost afraid to use the CDs in order to preserve them. The game is pure excellence! And yes, the exe included is the XP patch needed to run the game. I can run it unpatched on my old 400mhz / 128 SDRAM, but anything faster will create problems in certain parts of the game, making it impossible to complete.

Salix_Fatuus (2008-09-04)

Funkar bra med installationen och ljudet, kan även se intro videon men sen efter d så hänger sig typ spelet (fortfarande ljud o så) men typ bilden blir kass huvud personen försvinner från bilden o massa konstigt sträck poppar upp på skärmen.
Något som har haft samma problem o vet vad man kan göra? Har patchat upp spelet o testat olika råd givna bland andra kommentarer men inget verkar funka :/
Tack för all hjälp!

sephiroth_with_a_gun (2008-10-26)

Just started playing it and had no problems. Runs pretty smoothly for a game that's 10 years old. :) Thnx Kami, you're the best.
I'll be seeding this one for a while.

PennPenn (2008-11-10)

Yes! har alltid velat testa detta tackar! :D

lucasius (2008-11-20)

Just downloading now, Wow! Incredibly Fast! At least for Australia that is, 90k /sec!! Whoop Whoop
Thanks Kami

dangerboy2100 (2008-11-26)

Running Vista.
Ran the mojoinstaller.
The game loses sound sometimes and also freezes up.
Always need to restart.
Any suggestions?

MrDorit (2008-12-03)

Works great after the 101 patch, on my Vista Home Basic. And it is also a really fun game.
Recommends it for everyone

bityun (2008-12-06)

First off thanks to kami for making this torrent on a great game.
But I ran an avast quick scanner scan and it said that there is are two trojans one on:
Grim Fandango\Grim Fandango - Disc 1.nrg\GRIMDATA\DATA003.LAB
and the other one on:
Grim Fandango\Grim Fandango - Disc 1.nrg
Malware name for both is called: Win32:PcClient-XZ [Trj]
Did anybody run a scan on the files?
Is this a real problem, seeing as how so many of you have installed it and it seems fine for you guys?

TomCC (2009-01-08)

Will download and have a look-see. Punch me if I forget to check back about the virus scan.

dX4_GothmoG (2009-01-13)

Downloading at about 1.1mb/s, sweet.
I've never played Grim Fandango but is a huge fan of point-and-click, so I'm really looking forward to playing it :)

Don_Zabu (2009-01-24)

Okay, I tried every method of installation, and always had it up to the latest patched version, and it STILL CRASHES to the desktop right after the opening cutscene.

DandG4evr (2009-01-31)

Alright, for some reason I can't see any text for selections during interactions. Also, I have no menu.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

redeyeglass (2009-02-02)

Does anyone know a way to make this work on a Mac? If not does anyone know where I could find a copy?

getmemygun (2009-02-17)

Always crashes on the switch to disc 2. Any help?

othatzsokewl (2009-03-16)

Okay, I suck at torrents, so I need help. How do I successfully burn disc 2? I downloaded another torrent before and only disc 1 worked after I burned it. I tried burning disc 2, and it burned but didn't run, so I downloaded this torrent. Even with this one, disc 2 burns but it doesn't run. The autostart thing doesn't pop up, even when I click on it. I simply clicked on the disc 2 file it provides when you download it and I burned it. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Please, please help.

othatzsokewl (2009-03-16)

I have a Windows XP, in case that changes anything.

Bumpfel (2009-05-15)

I'm running on windows xp sp3 32bit, and didn't have any trouble with the install. Have had some problems with sound and graphics though.
1. Mount cd1 with daemon-tools and install the game.
If you have problem with the installation, there should be another version of an installer at
2. Install the patch included in this torrent, and I also recommend to download the improved launcher at, it enables you to run it in windowed mode and run the game from your hard drive
3. Set compability mode to windows 95 on GRIMFANDANGO.exe, to enable the sound and some hickups.
4. In game - access the menu by pressing F1. Enable 3d acceleration. It helps with the flickering, although I still have some.
I seem to recall a bug in the third year, where you get stuck at a certain point. If so, there should be savegames available at

Spyke88 (2009-05-21)

Hehe har aldrig lirat Grim, men efter att det fått sån kultstatus så måste jag bara lira det! :)

othatzsokewl (2009-05-24)

I changed my computer. Now I have a Windows Vista. still, I need help.

Maximus1312 (2009-06-03)

Is this in english?

Kruszakus (2009-06-16)

Hey! What the hell is going on? I cannot download the 2nd CD! Seed you A-holes!

S53 (2009-06-19)

STFU. You're gettin this for free dumbass. Be fuckin patient.

Skibidi (2009-07-13)

Hur ska man göra, har spelat spelet en stund och nu säger spelet "please insert disk B"...har försökt mounta båda men fungerar inte...

lareth (2009-07-30)

I have no sound. I have Win Vista, and a pretty fast computer. I installed disk 1, but couldn't install disk 2 for some reason. I installed the patch. It tells me that Im missing the registry keys before the launcher starts. Then I have sound at the launcher, I have sound in the intro, but as soon as I get control of Grim the game goes silent, and even the dialogue is fucked, so he opens his mouth but no words come out, no text either.

lareth (2009-07-30)

Ok, for some reason I completely forgot the compatability change... Now seems to work ok, havent played at all but the music is playing in the beginning. Switched it to Win 95.

MrJaMMaN (2009-08-27)

i bet its really simple but i have done year one and then it says insert disc 2 and i mount disc 2 and it just repeats the question

Jonasir (2009-11-04)

To remove the flickering in the game (the white disturbing lines), just disable DirectDraw acceleration and Direct3D acceleration in dxdiag.
Start --> Run --> Type in dxdiag --> Monitor --> DirectX-functions

danii555 (2009-11-22)

Fast speed! 1mbit/s :D hope it works :p...

Petch1984 (2009-11-23)

2 mb per guys are legends

mad_nate (2010-01-02)

Instructions for setting this up to work under XP were posted by Bumpfel on page 5 of the comments. (And a Swedish version of p. 2., I think.)

 Hagaren777 (2010-01-14)

Perfect upload thanks a lot.

marinoman (2010-02-19)

Hey Guys, I'm running this on XP pro in 95 compatibility mode with 3D acceleration on. The gameplay is perfect but all the cut scenes run very slow and jerky with the audio feeding back at least 3 times. Does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it cos it's very hard to keep track of the game without them.
Cheers for the upload though I've been wanting to play this game for years

Ganjagal420 (2010-06-16)

fancy sowing afew seeds? spread the luv, thanks

JoeParty (2010-07-02)


Ellis456 (2010-07-21)

Many thanks for the upload, working here on windows 7 ultimate 64, now seeding.

ChStoffesson (2010-08-04)

hmm om jag kommer ihåg rätt så var det väldigt få som kunde slutföra spelet pga att det knappt inte finns ett enda exemplar som inte skadats tack vare pappersfodralet... är det nån som lyckats med denna releasen??

crayZ32 (2010-08-05)

There's something not right about the fact that I just downloaded this in 15 minutes.

Gamejunkiez (2010-08-23)

- Mount disk 1 and run "GrimSetup1.0.exe" (This because the setup on the ISO will not run on x64)
- Download "Gfupd101.exe" and "IMAGECFG.EXE" from the site trippay gave:

- Install the update using: "Gfupd101.exe"
- Copy "IMAGECFG.EXE" to the install dir.
- Open cmd and run it as following: imagecfg -a 0x1 GRIMFANDANGO.EXE
(This patches the game to run on one core only)
- Play the game using: "Grim Fandango Launcher.exe"
Enjoy. :)

Willium_Bob_Cole (2010-09-14)

thanks for the upload, downloaded fast, I'm sure it should be working, I have followed GameJunkiez' instructions at the bottom, however I downloaded this from a different website first, which had a DLL error so I came here, however that version had a translation patch, and I believe it was that translation patch that is causing my issue, my issue being that I cannot run the gfupd101.exe file, no matter what source iu download from, even the custom launcher by some person, I forget who, instead it gives me an error message, " grim fandango ya esta actualizado. no necesitas instalar esta actualizacion." how do i undo this and correct the issue??

Gamejunkiez (2010-09-16)

It refuses to install because: the windows register still holds info on the translation patched game you had installed.
And somehow it causes conflicts telling you: You do not need to install the update, as it is already installed.
Option 1:
Perhaps by RE-installing that vesion.
And UN-Installing it right after?
After it is removed try installing the game using this torrent.
Option 2:
If that is no go you might need to use one of these options:
1 - Running a reg cleaner in the hope for it to detect the entry and delete it.
(Please be carefull and ALWAYS export the registery key(s) you are about to delete)
2 - Delete the entry from the register yourself.
(Please be carefull and ALWAYS export the registery key(s) you are about to delete)
3 - Re-install your OS.
I hope you get it to work, good luck! :)

Pinkertow (2010-10-05)

Just downloaded at average of 900kb/s. Thanks, seeders!

GrimeyMike (2010-12-03)

i'm running win xp sp3 i'm averaging about 1 mb/s seems like everyone is having problems with this game, i will return tomorrow for input on if it worked thanks for the seed ya'll

GrimeyMike (2010-12-05)

Game worked perfectly, i used alternate installer as listed by Bumpfel on previous page and everything is running smoothly, arrow key controls is taking a bit of getting used to... THANK YOU kami :)

kurtkuban (2011-01-27)

is it true that there are trojans in this download like someone said?

kurtkuban (2011-01-30)

är det sant som nån sa att den här filen innehåller trojaner?

shahofblah (2011-03-12)

have played the demo, can't wait to sample full version. Great speed! I normally get around 115kb/s, now getting 136

firsteye (2011-03-21)

To bad this does not work on windows 7 64 bit dam I remember playing this way back when and never got to finish it. If someone found a way please tell me it's not letting me run the setup.exe lower than xp ser pack 2 compatibility and it never stats installing I just get an error message saying that it's not compatible with 64 it systems.

ieatpaste (2011-03-26)

Downloaded this and it came with 2 discs but only the first disc did anything ... the game seemed to install correctly off of the 1st disc but when I attempt to play the game it has no sound on initial cutscene and when I try to skip the cutscene it freezes ???? again only 1st disc worked anyone know whats going on?
windows xp sp3

MrPoodle (2011-04-04)

Working link to imagecfg.exe:

Drums_Sax_N_Violins (2011-05-28)

thank you mr poodle ,most helpful {pat pat} :-)

Drums_Sax_N_Violins (2011-05-29)

ok, after trying the IMAGECFG.EXE fix for one core bypass and it failing i read around a bit and finally got this to work with sound and no graphic glitches using windows 7 32bit ,heres what i did for anyone else thats interested.
1) run it in windows 98 compatability mode .
2) launch the game and then press the windows key on the keyboard to go back to your desktop.
3) open up task manager (ctrl+alt+delete}
4) right click the process GRIMFANDANGO.EXE
and click on 'set affinity'
5 ) un check 'all processors' and check processor '0' only
thats it from now on it should boot and play perfectly without the need for IMAGECFG.EXE at all
this looks like a funny adventure from the outset
thank you to Kami .

Cran593 (2011-06-09)

Wow, what a piece of shit torrent, not only was the game unplayable but it also deleted my desktop background and my computer is constantly making popping sounds...

mr_peruna (2011-06-13)

Im running on XP. I mount the first disc and when I press install, it loads the install menu up to 47% and shows a setup initialization error massage "Setup requires _SETUP.DLL and _ISRES.DLL in order to operate properly". I would appreciate any help guys, please.

Lord_Quasss (2012-01-31)

does this work on windows 7?

StaticEyePee (2012-02-02)

To avoid most problems with this game use this:

kyuu999 (2012-02-09)

Just get the Grim torrent by 'Trinnit2'. It works perfect on Win7. This one had alot of bugs for me.

marzp (2012-08-01)

+++Does Not Work+++
Try one of the other ones