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The leaked ACTA agreement! - TPB - 2010 - [PDF-ENG]




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ACTA Agreement leaked!




2010-03-10 (by ThePirateBay)


!THE PIRATE BAY WORLD PREMIERE! The leaked ACTA agreement! Soon to be copy pasted into a law near you. ____________________________________________________________ "It provides for criminalization of copyright infringement, granting law enforcement the powers to perform criminal investigation, arrests and pursue criminal citations or prosecution of suspects who MAY have infringed on copyright" Basically, you're guilty until proven otherwise. Nice move big brother, nice move. ____________________________________________________________ Read more about it here: More to come. Please post interesting links in the comments and we'll add 'em up here. ____________________________________________________________ Now... you may react!


  1. ACTA
  2. Piracy
  3. Revolt

Files count:



14.51 Mb




ed1337 (2010-03-24)


devildog93 (2010-03-24)

Someone wanna summarize this in PLAIN English.........................LOL
Thanks for this, interesting.

b1ackmamba (2010-03-24)

this is a LONG document, can someone summarise it lol?

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

Scary stuff.
As a UK resident, I can only really comment on what's relevant to us, but of course it may well still apply to others.
Regarding the "customs search of laptops/iPods/etc" - I can't ever see that one being enforceable - even should it go through. If I choose to rip films for use on my laptop when travelling abroad, or likewise maybe some games, imagine the fun that customs officers would have.
Say they had reason to pull me to one side and investigate further. While it's true they could feasibly have a good trawl through any data at their own speed, how on earth could they ever work out whether or I not I have the legal right to own any such data? That's laughable.
Trying to look for purchase records could be one thing (iTunes purchases, for example). But, as under UK law, as long as you own the original, there's no problem, there's just no way they'd be able to tell whether a film on my laptop is there legitimately, or otherwise. Ridiculous, not to say an utter waster of resources.
The main cause for concern, to my mind, is the ISP access without a formal warrant. That is just plain WRONG!
Picture this scenario: A person who's a customer of an ISP downloads tons of films, games, etc. He gets monitored by certain IP holders (say, TimeWarner, for this example). They go to the ISP with a claim to release the offender's details. This would be the likely event under the new proposals.
Now, as TimeWarner own AOL, what a great way of finding out rival ISP's customer details!
More sinister still would be a similar situation to the which happens here at the Pirate Bay: getting sent tons of legalese every day asking to "cease and desist" etc. Now should TimeWarner (using them as an example again) start a deluge of legalese against a smaller, rival ISP, it could well bankrupt the company under sheer cost of litigation (that never happens, right?). Hey presto, a better-performing, smaller rival ISP out of the way.
A couple of very good reasons why you must NEVER let business have the say in running ANYTHING.
But, it's election time soon enough in the UK, time to let out lovely politicians know how strongly we feel about this topic.

devildog93 (2010-03-24)

All I care about is whether Canada is going to violate it's own Privacy laws which are probably the strictest in the world.
Alot of proxy servers route thru Canada BECAUSE of it's privacy laws.
Eff 'em

klab233 (2010-03-24)

when is this supposed to go into effect?

Vonyx (2010-03-24)

Nice one Crunchyfrog555, what a way to put it mate. I would like to know though, is it possible for one to hide their IP address?

wakelich (2010-03-24)

If this passes, in short, we are boned. There is a section that forces Internet Service Providers to report people suspected of internet piracy (people who upload and download copyrighted software). Local authorities then have the obligation to act without the need of a warrant. US and Canada are pretty much onboard. This is what I get out of this anyways. Soooooooo much legalese.

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

Thanks, Vonyx - I was being a little simplistic in those examples, but you get the picture :)
As for hiding your IP address, yes, it's possible, but also technically illegal (but what the fuck isn't?) Having proxy serves also helps, but it's not ideal.
But, in the long run, I don't think we're screwed at all. How long has it taken those fat-cat prats to try and shut the door on these activities.
I remember much the same sort of chagrin (albeit smaller) about cassette taping killing music. The whole point is, when one door shuts, another opens.
And when you've got guys as sharp as these as The Pirate Bay working on your side, you can rest assured they'll have a way round it in short order.
Anyway, fuck 'em - my music-buying days are over.

angenoir71 (2010-03-24)

Hmm, this is the same version that "la quadrature du net" leaked few days. Scary stuff indeed :'(

RelapseUK (2010-03-24)

In Response to: Vonyx at 2010-03-24 15:58 CET:
Nice one Crunchyfrog555, what a way to put it mate. I would like to know though, is it possible for one to hide their IP address?
The answer is simply no. You can spoof your IP to third parties but in the end, as a home user, your IP is Given to you by the ISP's DHCP server and under the terms of license they have to keep a record of what IP is given to what customer for a period of 24months. The likelyhood of you being to hide from anyone detirmined enough trace you is very low especially with the improved powers of 3rd parties to obtain your details from ISP's without a warrant.
I think direct Encrypted Secure VPN connections are probably the best way to go to a country that won't give a munkeez about this legislation and then grab you gear down that pipe. No packet sniffer technology will beat that.

psichoate (2010-03-24)

you can hide your ip a couple different ways, it is probably going to make your downloads slower as you can use a proxy service that makes multiple hops;
but there are more important uses for services like those;
your media access control number is probably on record with your name, especially if purchased from apple dell or something like that, mac can be spoofed also though;
personally, i do neither, and i dl a good bit under c0m_c@st;
i would be surprised if we started to see any legal action

marblue4ever (2010-03-24)

This world was given for free... So why they are doing this??? May be its time for us to discover another way of sharing software that hides IP's. So I challenge all hackers and IT's all the world to come as one in doing this project... I believe the lawmakers are smarter with the law, but we are smarter of what they are doing...
Let's stand for our FREEDOM!

aylengyr (2010-03-24)

Typical, this is exactly what i would expect. I think that big brother should stop wasting time with these things and just make the law as follows, "Everything you do/think is unlawful." Then rely on selective enforcement to achieve whatever results they want. Oh wait they already do that......

devildog93 (2010-03-24)

totally agree. Everytime I turn around I have committed a crime somehow.

Esmad3 (2010-03-24)

The main industry groups on fields related to intellectual property support the agreement and give input and suggestions to the creation of ACTA. These groups include the International Intellectual Property Alliance (including the RIAA) and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.
Working together to stop internet piracy AND keep 3rd world countries from getting cheap medicine. Keep up the good work...

skylamer (2010-03-24)

 Mbb15 (2010-03-24)

Im scared for nothing :)

dudew8 (2010-03-24)

i didn't reach the toilet in time so i had to take a shit on this torrent!

thomasxx (2010-03-24)

This may sound dumb but... What is going to happen now?

madpikey (2010-03-24)

well living the uk our police will use it like stop and search powers chief inspector will say look lads our arrest rate is low fuck pulling motorists weve found an eay target lets go kick a door in an tell them there down loading illeagly i say bollox fuck labour off there all ready collecting vat on internet use

Juas (2010-03-24)

Am I scared? no.
Will this stop me from downloading things? no.
Am I enraged? yes.
They cant throw the whole world in jail, so fuck them. If they start doing stupid laws noone can follow, you can start seeing an uprise of lawbreakers which at the end, just difficults things for big brother.
So, business as usual, my friends. They cant do shit to us and they know it well.
Unless ISPs want to lose 90% of their customerbase, which is retarded if you ask me.

whitephantom (2010-03-24)

And they say Russia is bad , in the end alot of people will move there .

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

Sympathise with your feelings, but "fucking labour off" will only make the problem worse.
No, Labour are not ideal (especially in their current incarnation), but as this "agreement" is being made by the superiors of more high-profile companies than you can shake a shitty stick at, what chances do you think a Tory government has of not agreeing to it? Wake up, please.
And that comment about policing - yes, they do some shitty thing as far as making their figures look more presentable, but could you imagine what sort of shit they'd get into for doing such a thing?
This is the sort of scaremongering we can all do without, thanks very much.

 ThingsfromHeaven101 (2010-03-24)

Thank goodness I am canadian

arcdavid (2010-03-24)

No worries here in Colombia! Here it is even legal to sell pirated media (software, movies, music) on the street without a license!

 SteRipper (2010-03-24)

SWEET ! I was running low on toilet paper. HAHA

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

Also, to other comments on here, I wouldn't be too hard on the ISPs (well, the ones that aren't the mainstream multi-national corporations anyhow). They mostly disagree with this anyway.
So, those silly comments about cancelling your internet - apart from being totally impractical and unworkable - are rather silly to say the least.
But, I've got to agree with the sentiment in carrying on what we're doing. One way to stop any sort of justice short is to make it unworkable. I, for one, will continue to download what I want regardless. If they prosecute me, bugger it, I can't work anyway, so it can't exactly hurt me.
Also, further to my last comments, if those stupid record companies think that by removing my source of downloads, I'd come crawling back to them to buy CDs (or whatever) at ridiculous prices, well, I guess they're just too far gone...
But, to iterate, if you want to protest this, make sure you shout at your electoral candidate for the coming election. And shout loudly, and often.

chnschckn (2010-03-24)

This is seeming like its just another international law were the governments of the world are A. more preoccupied with this than any other topic that could be discussed which might actually be more important like global warming or health care and other things that would be much better to talk about and B. just showing us that they can try and bend us over when ever they want to try and insert there giant government sized dildo up our ass
well fuck em download more shit i say stuff you wont ever watch or listen to just download it to fuck over last piece of shit that thinks they can fuck with us
Long Live The Pirate Bay and best of luck to everyone who downloads keep us the good work

HeadStud (2010-03-24)

Uhh english please? Sounds like were screwed? i didnt read it all lol just looks like some Govt. Crazy law crapp.. Anyone wanna sum it up?

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

@ ArcticMacca:
What should you do? Just keep on doing what you're doing for the time being.
If (and it's a mighty big if) the law should come to pass that ISPs have to pass on our info without a warrant, and criminal proceedings become easier to pursue, then we'll have to do something different.
As for your suggestion, go for it, but as ever, if you want to find out more, then that's what the internet's for ... Google it (and I say that without being rude).

CaveHermit (2010-03-24)

At First I hated my ISP for it's slow uploads and marginally acceptable Download cap.. But Now with this I LOVE them.
They Charge me a Copyright fee.
Ergo. If the Goldskins come knocking at my door I'll just point to to them I paid my Copyright fees. So Anything goes. MAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

reverse_engineer (2010-03-24)

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

@ headstud:
The summing-up is in the Wikipedia link, as listed.

 Mbb15 (2010-03-24)

@ all
There is always a way to hide your ip:

Stoney_Ducky (2010-03-24)

Who can get the longest sentence in prision? :P
I got dips

JINKIS4 (2010-03-24)
check this out People we R aaaaaaaaaaallll goen to Prison :(

dadac (2010-03-24)

if any of you blue dogs,inspectors,bill gates cock suckers read this i am on [jug bogdana 11] hey catch as if you can (2010-03-24)

It will be like "The Noble Experiment, is the period from 1920-1933". F*ckin' goverments!

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

I assume you're in the UK?
Changing your IP every day at the command prompt ... sorry, no, you're not. You may be thinking of your local IP adress?
In any case, a moot point, as if you're lucky enough to have one of the better ISPs (in this country at least) that give you a range as IP addresses, your ISP will know them, and happily pass them along (assuming, of course, the law was in effect).
So, I wouldn't rely on that - your kidding yourself.

dadac (2010-03-24)

here is my IP what a fuck you gona do now

Ze3g (2010-03-24)

You have a network IP and your adress IP. You can change the network IP but the only people that can change your adress IP (The one that they trace you through) can only be changed by your internet provider. Sure, you can make a phonecall and they'll change it but the only way to really do it the way you suggest is to use a proxy, swarms or "bouncing your connection" (Like in the movies) But any governmental organisation can easily track you even after that if they know what to look for because you allways leave a trace.
So no, changing your IP in cmd won't make even the slightest of differance because you are only doing it where you live. The adress IP that they trace is still the same unless changed by your internet provider...

plazmatyk (2010-03-24)

what next? searching my house WITHOUT a WARRANT?
arrest with no need to list a cause?
personal searches?
how can we protest this?

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

How can we protest this?
I believe I answered that one :)

itachi01 (2010-03-24)

get your sweat copyrighted.
if they touch you, sue them :)

thomasxx (2010-03-24)

When is this going to happen and where?

itachi01 (2010-03-24)

eh u can also try moving to bangladesh or something... 90% movies/music aren't marketed or ever release there.. they cant sue u for having the stuff if they never made it available to u :) coz where else would u get it :D right to information..
jokes apart, the thing it biols down to is that countries are actually participating in the treaty.. maybe the voters and tax payers ought weigh their votes.. so the leaders weigh their decision..

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

@ thomasxx:
When is it going to happen and where?
Rather than explaining it, I shall just say this:
Read the damn thing!

spokes078 (2010-03-24)

yo come to my hood get yo head blown off son.....fuck that copyright shit eat a fat dick free movies bitchhhhhhhhh ahahhah eat ass fuck the law!!!!!!!!!! yea thats how i feel.......

basik77 (2010-03-24)

like my mom always said..
STEALING IS WRONG!! if the law does not judge u.. GOD WILL!

 smokin_tom (2010-03-24)

basik77 (2010-03-24)

p.s. does anyone know where i can find free vids of handicapted polish girls getting dp'ed by donkeys? thanx in advance and my god be with u!

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

"If the law doesn't judge you, god will"
Indeed, that is a funny point, as the law's been about as effective in bringing prosecution on copyright theft as God has in bringing prosecutions.
lol, indeed.

morriswillis (2010-03-24)

Fuck Them. How many of us are there? millions. if they want to try to put us all away they can, but most of the jails will get crowded pretty quick.
all this will do is make the VPN companys very rich, and make the torrents slower. but shit will still be stolen.
i mean, i assume that there are some very good programmers out there who are also proud pirates, and they can probably make it alot harder for governments to find us

WoAnerges (2010-03-24)

when world fall into sleep
civilization comes to an end
crying babies
trying to awake their parents
everyone?s heart is too deep
and traitor is closest friend
fairy tales
can only absorb feelings
oh hold me mommy
oh hold me mommy
don?t drop me mommy
into river of this life
oh hold me mommy
oh hold me mommy
don?t push me mommy
into river of this life
when no one want?s to lead
and god forgot our names
planet bleeds
and nothing can return the times
of peace
of heaven
where everyone was young
where eyelook was free
where mommy was a god
oh hold me mommy
oh hold me mommy
don?t drop me mommy
into river of this life
oh hold me mommy
oh hold me mommy
don?t punch me mommy
into river of my life
goodness taken fail
and love becomes an evil
future stuck on rails
rusty rails irrigated by our tears
of human beings
was lost in dreams
of babies who crying
to awake
a human being Heart.
oh hold me mommy
oh hold me mommy
don?t throw me mommy
into the river of their life
oh hold me mommy
please hold me mommy
don?t drop me mommy
into river of my life

KOHb (2010-03-24)

??????? ????????...

joke4me (2010-03-24)

@crunchyfrog555 don't u think u r typing ryt in the pirate world? Everything here is Pirate if you think it the Religious way or even logically or rationally. But we are all here because of a reason. And u know we all deserve to live the normal way as every people elswhere in the world.

Armp0wr (2010-03-24)

OH no whats next :( its too early.. its like 2012 coming :(

morriswillis (2010-03-24)

Is there a way to route my u torrent through TOR or something? that shit would work nicely, and any government shutting that down would look really bad, since its basically for dissidents in oppressive regimes

arkthurs (2010-03-24)

well now
downloading this thing
gonna be interesting how this affects anyone..
not gonna stop me, though it'll be a pain if i do get busted or something :/
also from england, btw

Crgwal (2010-03-24)

soon, we will be reunited and start the next revolution!

radicaster (2010-03-24)

good part seems to be that according to the agreement the ISP can not give information about you to the government if it is in conflict with national law. (like for an example sweden cared with the FRA law...) well well, countries/companies do what they want until the opposition is large enough, and with the state of society today... ain't gonna happen for some while

sammydog419 (2010-03-24)

So who thinks seedbox servers are safe? My friend downloads right to the box with utorrent, then ftp's them to the home computer. It's fast and who is going to check your downloads from the box. Well maybe they could check the owner of the seedbox and still get you, not sure though.

Brian1454 (2010-03-24)

glad i live in the Netherlands,
but i just pray something this horrible won't come to my country too!
it's just insane does the goverment even heard of the word privacy?!
they may listen our phone calls, anytime
they may read our text messages, anytime
they may search our bodies and bags, when 'suspicious' (anytime!)
they may search our house and property, with warrant
and now they may search through all our stored data?!

radicaster (2010-03-24)

Well, 1984 will come down sooner or later, wherever you live, at least it looks like that today. i would gladly move there though, it's a bit more free than here in finland (and no, I'm not (only) talking about drugs and such)

basik77 (2010-03-24)

haha...sorry buddy, just came home rolled supersilver haze joint and tried to make a funny comment..
fuck copyright and fuck GOD even harder!

ComptonaGreenie (2010-03-24)

Do what you want cause a Pirate Is free.

dragonlord21 (2010-03-24)

Whew... Thank goodness i'm in india. i needn't worry coz people here sell pirated CDs to cops! But i sure hope the govt wont screw that up!

shutokou (2010-03-24)

Taken from wikipedia: "It has been argued that the main thrust of ACTA is to provide safe harbor for service providers so that they may not hesitate to provide information about infringers; this may be used, for instance, to quickly identify and stop infringers once their identities are confirmed by their providers. Similarly, it provides for criminalization of copyright infringement, granting law enforcement the powers to perform criminal investigation, arrests and pursue criminal citations or prosecution of suspects who may have infringed on copyright. It also allows criminal investigations and invasive searches to be performed against individuals for whom there is no probable cause, and in that regard weakens the presumption of innocence and allows what would in the past have been considered unlawful searches." I'd like to see them try it. Luckily enough, I live in a state in the US that has a "stand your ground law", and I'm also a proud carrier of a concealed weapon permit and quite a few weapons to go along with it. If ANY law enforcement comes onto my property without a warrant or supposedly having 1 that isn't signed by a judge, I will request very nicely that they leave once and ONLY once. If they don't, then trespassers will be shot and survivors will be shot again. For all you doubters, I'm 98% sure the .40 caliber pistols most law enforcement carry aren't near enough to go through my brick walled home, except ofcourse the windows. However, I have a plentiful supply of 7.62mm brass jacketed rounds that will. And that, ladies and gentlemen, will be my protests. :D

xmaner (2010-03-24)


jarooko (2010-03-24)

I tried to watch every video from the links, and read about it all, but I can't.
This seems to give the government a totally new kind of power, an attack on privacy and human rights maybe not seen even in China.
I understand the need of the government to stop any kind of piracy, but they have to understand the need of the people for freedom.
They can dream on about killing free sharing, but we live on... forever.

crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-24)

I'm sorry, I didn't understand a word you said. Were you agreeing with me, or disagreeing?

shankalten (2010-03-24)


G4M3S (2010-03-24)

im so frikin lucky it doesnt involve brazil

infocom4ever (2010-03-24)

Den där djävla Bodström lär väl få multipla spontanorgasmer och Ctrl C eländet till grundlag om han inte vore så uttorkad efter kommande event som datalagringslagen och pissprov på underåriga(äntligen kan vi få trakassera även dina barn som verkar "påtända" eller som polis måste man väl få roa sig med lite maktmissbruk och få utlopp för sin sanna natur) och skicka grälla kuvär till sexköpare(hoppas dom inte väljer orange eller hallickhögskolan kommer bli stormad).

 maestral (2010-03-25)

Well people, download till you can, whatever you may need. And when and IF they ever make this work in entire world dont buy originals. We are such a big comunity, only here on TPB so they would feel when we dont buy, it's not like nobody's buying originals. Imagine intire torrent comunity what can do to them and their copyright. I wont buy shit to find out its shit if I can't be sure its shit. If its good I'll get it anyway.

STFUppercut65 (2010-03-25)

Long Live The Pirates, Eh?

shankalten (2010-03-25)


crunchyfrog555 (2010-03-25)

@ WoAnerges:
I'm sorry, but every time I read your "poem", I can't help laughing out loud.
Seriously, it's so crap. Have you considered contacting someone like Girls Aloud? It's the sort of thing they "sing" (and I use that term advisedly).
Actually, no, it's too good for them ... it's got about 200 too many words.
Gonna read it again and laugh some more.

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

im liking the violence coming out in us all. maybe a raid on the bastards hq? i assume its in california somewhere

hkoraddi (2010-03-25)

internet is too vast to work dis out its like putting clorine in sea water

ironeagle32118 (2010-03-25)

When will this come into effect?

Kleissner (2010-03-25)

Crazy world we leave in those days!

 Murlok (2010-03-25)

Put it up on Twitter :D

EmilRuda (2010-03-25)

@ morriswillis,
Have AK47, will travel.

 dark_dark_dark (2010-03-25)

How can we "ract"? I have a hunch that killing cops who come to search for shit in homes won't do (if they ever will, afterall, they aren't the real enemy this time); Neither will hiding ips (if it works today, it won't work forever). Even if none of this will ever happen, (soon) the ideea heas been launched and what I see is an insult to freedom. (Offcourse it's a goal for some - some that would do just about anything to stop piracy, just as we are to defend it and we are the generation that shall be fucked the most until a new way of pirating stuff will come). So... a realistic ideea?... How the fuck can we raect (I'm not talking about useless protests).

negruvali (2010-03-25)

The guverments ! are tring to make laws over informations and our right to own receive and release information!!! the try to control the population , only o stupid and non informed population is an productive one... for them

JINKIS4 (2010-03-25)

okay let me get this clear...ARE WE DEAD? Is this the END?is this where we go to jail because we downloaded things for free?

noise_radio (2010-03-25)

will burn a politician as my protest

D3muth (2010-03-25)

I agree..

calvorin (2010-03-25)

dark_dark_dark; Protests are not meaningless. They give people a chance to get together, and to realize that they are not alone. In that unity there is strength. I'm not sure what country you are from, but in the US, we are currently undergoing a massive anti-government movement, which began with just a few protests. Hopefully this will end in a peaceful realignment of power here over the next few elections. But the level of anger is growing quickly, and it could get messy. Either way, things are changing, and those first few protests were the pebbles that started the avalanche.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

I'm sorry, you said 'useless', not 'meaningless'

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

no protest is useless or meaningless. as soon as you think that, then you've already lost. and if we lose this one, it will set our rights back decades.
we really cant afford not to protest, so write to your MP, or whoever, and tell them what you think about this. and especially in the uk, where elections are coming up.

fMfPfA (2010-03-25)

I agree calvorin, if people managed to start protests in America, it would show the whole world. America can't last much longer as a democracy and then they'll stop bullying other countries into agreeing with stupid fucking laws that promote corporate greed. Humans are the tools to their own destruction and i have a feeling the end is not too far away....

FukkaWukka (2010-03-25)

You know what ACTA , go FUCK YOUR FAT ASS MOTHER YOU STUPID MOTHER FAT COW FUCKER DICK HEADS! I'm a PIRATE, always WILL BE, always will be wen i DIE bitches, fREE STUFF IS BETTER, why PAY for shit wen we can get it for FREE, i love you PIRATE BAY and FUCK THE GOODIE TWO SHOE MOTHER FUCKERS!

 dark_dark_dark (2010-03-25)

Well, calvorin, this is not politics. And offcourse we're not alone, there are millions of us, but have a look at everything that happend since piracy started to be the target of greedy politicians. How many protests have there been and with what results? I tell you, no result. And this is piracy we're talking about, a noble but vulnerable thing.

Seederr_ (2010-03-25)

Everyone join :
To talk about this and more top secret files.

Truvbay (2010-03-25)

Not one single person here can do anything about this law, other than get mad about it. The government has power, you don't.
Protest? Protest all you want. The government loves protests! It allows them to ignore you, while making you think you are a part of the system. And you are a part of it. The sucker part.
In America, we have a constitutional right to "Petition [the government] for Redress of Grievances" And we do have that right. We can petition all we want. Those petitions will be ignored, but yes we can make them.
In America, the vast majority of the people want us out of the wars. We are still there. The vast majority do not want socialized medicine. It is here anyway. See the pattern? It doesn't matter what the people want.
Leaking this law does no good. No one here can do anything about it. We are slaves. And slaves can either submit or revolt. There is no third option. Which will you choose?

Seederr_ (2010-03-25)

go to the website tinychat.
Then type in acta and click on 'create'
Or u just type in ur browser tinychat[DOT]com/acta

azvareth (2010-03-25)

Not to "clever"...
No I don't like "big brother" but a "protest" must contain something more then:
I am a ..., I allways will be a ..., F**K all politicians, F**K all capitalists, F**K all but myself.
I only have one link to say:

And to you that this law might concern: Fight it

llpp (2010-03-25)

in the bein there was a bbs, then it cames internet, after it comes napster, soulseek, p2p networks, russian and japanese networks and then all passed but new technologies are always coming handy and on as we see a lot today, piracy is not about share or a social movement anymore, it's about evolution and survival, some countries will never know how much piracy give to security and even private enterpraises out and in usa and beyound... there is no way to such things go ahead for. 1st, great part of countries as india, russia, germany, japan and even china are way up more worried in just let this fucking stupid bullshit go dawn a ladder then just be asside their historic enemies... 2nd, piracy provides new technologies to a world of enterprises who uses a lot of them to produce from security services to even softwares, this are and ever will be needed, bullshit, i dare usa can go against the great it companies of the world who rule even their asses in WH... then, conlcuding, everything is safe, everything will stay same cause evolution is and ever will be needed, and we are one of the stronger keys to it as it never has been existing in the whole fucking world. so, just a thing to end this... FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!

azvareth (2010-03-25)

Is it true that 1 of 100 Americans is in jail allready?
If so you might rethink your statement.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

It is politics, dark, everything is, in a way. It's not about piracy, and how you feel about it. This is a much larger issue than that. This is about the power of government. It is time for us all to stand up to end the era of big government. It is time for a new age of enlightenment.

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

even if 1 in 100 americans are in jail, that just means that theyre less able to imprison you. jails cost alot of money to run. i dont think theyll want to waste it on us lowly pirates

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

and were in the document is the bit about being able to search my computer without a warrant ive been reading about? please could someone tell me, i dont speak the legal needed to read it

fMfPfA (2010-03-25)

azvareth, if that fact is true then people who arent little pussies and stand up for what they believe have a 1 in a hundred chance of getting arrested. Thats just the United States of a 'democratic' corporate dictatorship. Imagine all the other countries. If we keep downloading, they can't do much except make new laws allowing them to nuke our houses if they 'suspect' we have 'illegal' content. Nothing can stop us unified. Lets hope not too many people pussy out...

xxcalibanxx (2010-03-25)

Yay another excuse to invade everyone's privacy!!! I bet though they won't check the government's IP. I am willing to put up a fight, and I will fight for the right of free downloads, rather them paying money for over-priced shit!.

ChaoticShadow (2010-03-25)

What I would like to know is, if they need to donwload the Torrent to see our IP's, why are they not getting Infringed for downloading the Torrent themselves?

 FatFreddy69 (2010-03-25)

The Brits can make a step here:

azvareth (2010-03-25)

True, but more "free" Labours (workers) that for example can produce [hardware] CD's, DVD's, ... and sell it to the rest of the world.
The profit? Who knows?, the jails is profitable I assume. The American (or was - Lets see with Obama) Way

domomo (2010-03-25)

i have a solution... practically impossible to do cos cops will find out and were screwed, but we create our own internet thats invite only...put up our own sattilite? somehow get 2bil from somewhere then we can get all we want for free...tho if someone got 2 bil he could pay for all illegally dwnloaded stuff...three solutions?

calvorin (2010-03-25)

Not impossible at all. All you need is a small island nation to sign on. It would be a good deal for them, actually. They would get a lot of money out of the deal, and get a place on the map.

azvareth (2010-03-25)

Lets assume you could set it up, one word from a politican and the litteraly "shoot" your equipment down, because law is the law and the law must be obeyed, unless you have money that is - so a better way is to collect a lot of money and the bribe the politicians just as they do...

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

they cant make you work in jail, if they try ill just break everything they try to get me to do.
and on the new internet idea, which isn't feasible, i know. but since all that matters is the connections between computers, surely there is a way to put some serious encryption on it. i know that the us government will be able to break it, but if you make it take long enough, they wont bother. they cant make it illegal to send encrypted files.
once again, im sure we must have some decent programmers on our side in this one. if they can crack games as easy as they do, surely they can fuck these bastards over in some way. if we can make it undetectable, then this whole law is useless.
please, if your a programmer, tell me what the problems with the problem are, and how they find us. im sure we can get around this.
and if the worst comes to the worst, ill burn dvds full of pirated shit and post them to people. if they want to go high tech, we go low tech.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

I am one of the lucky ones that lives in holland, where the monitoring by a ISP is still seen as a assault on ones privacy.
However since france already adopted it and it wont take long before others in the EU will do the same, even our buttkissing goverment will be pressured into adopting it.
Somehow this all reminds me of something...: Resistance is futile.... You will be assimilated!

calvorin (2010-03-25)

I really don't like your world. Mine's a much friendlier place. Can I ask where you live, or is that considered rude. Not real sure on the etiquette around that...

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

the alternative is we all move to holland. countrys wont be so happy when we start paying our taxes to the dutch government. and there is the added bonus of the weed

azvareth (2010-03-25)

You can, I live in Sweden, but Sweden have been "Americanized" and is going towards China... fast.
America is great according to our leading politician... I could post forever about America and their impact on the rest of the world. But that is politics and I dont like politics.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

There's a big push to bring America in that direction too. Has been for some time. But people are waking up and Christ are they pissed.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

toward China, that is

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

@ morriswillis
IMO it is plausible. ISP's are required to monitor the "open" internet traffic. However VPN (virtual Private Network) is still protected by corporate law, to protect against business spying etc.
A VPN can be looked at as a LAN, so files can be shared like your on the same internal network and traffic is encrypted.
And because most of us are not as geeky as they should be, there are a lot of programs that create the VPN connection for you automaticly and makes it as easy as setting up your email.
So the solution might be to create the largest VPN ever seen, until that gets banned ofc.
Acces could be provided on invitation, as is now the case with some torrent sites/buletin boards.
Biggest problem would be: wo would manage it, and how would we set up the sharing so it would become fair to all. ie: leechers etc.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

No it will not.. Both your machines use the same external IP adress. You use 2 kinds of IP adresses 1 to idicate your computer inside your home. IE:, .2, .3, etc and a single number to indicate your internet connection. IE:
So both your computers will use the same adress even though your LAN connection gives them different internal numbers.

azvareth (2010-03-25)

I am not sure here, but is not som trackersystems serverless? theoretically (if that is correct) Then a VPN could be more or less serverless, or am I drinking too much beer.
The problem is (as you say): Who should be able to join? and who will manage that.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

He said one would be offline. An offline computer has no IP address... it's offline. However, a search warrant would allow a search of any system in the residence, therefore making this not work. In the US it wouldn't, anyway. Not familiar with laws elsewhere.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

Nope your not drinking to much :)
Files are shared in simulair fasion as your windows shared folder.
So a small rework of the current tracker system could solve that problem.
Problem i have is i dont have the programming skills, im just a communication guy.

stetco86 (2010-03-25)

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

tbh, the leechers are the least of our worrys right now. i guess the power could just be the cloud. if we all gave 1% of our machines and 10% of our connection, that would be ridiculously powerful.
but really we need a nerd for this. and i hope thats not offensive, i dont mean it to be.
im looking into it now, see if i can do it. but someone who knows what to do would be appreciated.
but the problem is how do you know who to trust in the VPN. i imagine anyone inside it could fuck it up, either deliberately, or just by getting a virus on their comp.
i dont think it needs to be done now, but i think we need to be ready to set this up if it comes to it.

azvareth (2010-03-25)

Guess that goes for me to
I am not a communication guy, I don't even own a cellphone.
And the programming I do is for homeuse.

azvareth (2010-03-25)

Such an idea should be using some kind of: hmm don't know the word... let me explain
Comp1 have File as parts Block1, Block2, ...
Comp2 have File as parts Block1, Block2, ...
As long as several sources exists for this file neither Comp1 or Comp2 should be able to distribute the whole file
CompA want this file, and asks for it
somehow CompA by a public hash somwhere or by XOR (DeEncrypt routine) of the blocks received, make it a working file from CompA and CompB
This should also be a distrubuted system so a request for FileBlock5 from Comp2 very well may be fetched from Comp10
ahh this needs a separate forum to be discussed, I am not even sure if anyone understand me.

Klassic1 (2010-03-25)

Are we fucked? They are gonna have the right to search our hard drives. I might have to format XD

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

If they dig deep enough they will eventualy find..yes
However the share host would be just as bad.
TBH i am getting visions of ppl trading usb sticks with stuff.
Safest solution (for a while) might be 3 steps back into the past.
Remember the twiglight CD's?
Anyway good to see some ppl taking matters into their own hands.
Fight the good fight!

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

Yes plz make a forum topic somewhere..
I for one would be verry interested, and have a slight notion of what you mean.
Looking foreward to a link :)

kuraisamurai (2010-03-25)

All these posts and no one quoted fight club?
Hi. You're going to call off your rigorous investigation. You're going to publicly state that there is no underground group. Or... these guys are going to take your balls. They're going to send one to the New York Times, one to the LA Times press-release style. Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us.

MusicIsMagic (2010-03-25)

Fuck the police?

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)


azvareth (2010-03-25)

Sorry I am just an idea maker, I am coding for an homebuiseness project for the moment and do not have the time.
So I guess this thread should go to the topic like:
F**K all polticians, and I allways will be a pirate and look as the freedom and citizens right one by one is decremented.
You don't think it is possible? It is the only reason Chineeses still have minor "leaks" and freedomfighters is because somewhere in the world some country let them, if all countries block and filter their traffic in a global and joint scale. You are also fucked.

MusicIsMagic (2010-03-25)

Ok, serious talk in:
Sure, they will find people and arrest(?) people, make them pay money.
But they won't and can't get us all. Hell, there's millions of us around the world. What kind of resources they have to put half population (and more?) of the world into jail? Will they pack the people up to huge airplanes and then crash them to Siberia?
The people who get caught, I'm sorry. To people who get around, you rock. To all people, good luck.
And yes, we need a solution. Right here right now.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

An excellent point, actually, and one not lost on politicians or service providers. Here's the thing. The internet is fueled by piracy/porn/hacking. People don't need lightning fast connections to shop on Ebay. They need it to download files. Microsoft makes millions by making their software easily hackable, while claiming to offer security. ISPs make millions claiming to work to protect Hollywood, while allowing pirates bandwidth. No one in power wants to stop piracy. They want to make it look like they are fighting piracy. That's why they put forth these grandstandish proposals that are completely unworkable.

calvorin (2010-03-25)

k... maybe that wasn't exactly the point you were going for, but that was where my head went from it.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

on second thought.... kuraisamurai does have a point.
The democratic countries use the 3 power system.
1: the goverment (to make laws) 2: the court (to uphold the laws) system 3: the people (to override laws, or to request them)
So if all of us would rise up together we would be able to stop it.
In that case if you wanna fight sign petitions etc do what ever you can.
If the complaining group of people is large enough, laws cant be passed!

calvorin (2010-03-25)

Interesting... completely different takes on one point, and both, I think, completely different from the actual intent of the original post.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

keep those brainfarts and idea's comming :)

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

Isnt that how most ideas are born?

xombie5 (2010-03-25)

For every person that gets caught, make sure you try 100% harder to break these laws.
to now pass a "court marshal" on free citizens is breaking a human right as far as im concerned. if i am one that gets caught, just promise me you guys wont stop.
argh! (that was my pirate argh!, i know... kinda flemmy...)

cerealr (2010-03-25)

This guy is typing the whole thing and making it easier for everybody to read:

calvorin (2010-03-25)

didn't hear me say it was a bad thing, did you?

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

oops second line didnt make the submit :)
basicly said i like these different take on things and i wanna ghave your babies :)

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

Well, ive made a forum we can post on for the time being, i hope its acceptable, and i hope people use it.
it might get shut down at some point, so if it goes well, i will start saving the important stuff onto my hard drive, so i can get it up again quick.
so yeah, please use it, and i hope it works.
that should work

Normandy114 (2010-03-25)

Ah fuck it. If they're gonna try to stop be being a pirate, i'm gonna download damn near all the music i can first.

Killajulz (2010-03-25)

Apparently two thirds, that's 66.7% of the world's bandwidth goes to you still believe democracy is ruling?
The problem is too many people believe the age of revolution is over, and everyone just takes it all in while slowly we get suppressed more and more.
Every time we take down something corrupt we haven't even scratched the surface. It goes way deeper than the visual government of countries, and unless we pry our way down to the core, we will just be slaves that can't see their own situation because they're kept "happy" within the system.
At least most pirates see that slavery is far from banished.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

ty cya there :)

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

real link (without typo):

calvorin (2010-03-25)

this link isn't working for me

calvorin (2010-03-25)

never mind... Peanutt got it...

Normandy114 (2010-03-25)

Try adding a "h" to the beginning of the link

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

dont know how there was a typo, i copyed and pasted, am obviously a retard

tkdempire (2010-03-25)

This 'law' is not infact a law, it is a statute, a statute is a rule. If you do not agree to these rules, then thats your choice, as human beings with living souls we are at the top of the 'food chain' no other human being is above another and these pricks and there 'rules' have no power over us. They just like to think they do. Find out more from Freeman on the land
Peace to all

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

@tkdempire its not a law yet, but they could use it as a base for one, and that would be shite for us all

Tjocken266 (2010-03-25)

the gouverment suck enough facts -.-

black_jester (2010-03-25)

Ok, my idea. Use other wireless networks. For example, I 'steal' my neighbors internet, and download off of that. I think that might work, however you would have to be especially careful. Basically, don't log into anything, don't use your handle, don't use your myspace. Don't log into anything that can create a link between your unknown connection to a wireless LAN, and your name/bank/myspace/anything.
Yes, by the looks of this, they are trying to put us pirates into a box, and then close the lid, so they can take us on at their own pace.
I sense many, many class-action lawsuits, most likely in titled RIAA VS Everyone, MPAA VS Quarter-US-Population.
Idea from the USA.

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

they will just do your neighbours for it. and if they get the ablity to search your comp without a warrant, you will be fucked. we need a way to share so frequently that nobody stops. the only safty will be in numbers, and some people will be scared off by this. we need a safe way to share to prove this doesnt work when they implement it

kuraisamurai (2010-03-25)

They weren't completely different to my point, and far more eloquently put.

maximushawk (2010-03-25)

just keep doing what you've always done.
dowanload what tha fuck you want. no problem.
they just cant stop us.
but im getting sick of those motherfucking Bilderberg's trying to control every fucking thing!
Theres only one thing we all must protect by all cost: FREEDOM!!!!
Slavery is still real. Politicins are just puppets to a higher club, the Bilderbeg club. (Google it)
Slavery remains by illusion. Illusion of free choice, and the Illusion of competition/concurrence.
People think they have a lot of available differente choices, if they dont like 'this', they can always chose 'that'. Thats a wrong idea, its all controled by a few companies, wich are controlled by the bilderbergs.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

Join the good fight:

BurtAlert (2010-03-25)

But great torrent thanks.

The_Wolf13 (2010-03-25)

Can anybody say BULLSHIT!

TAMC (2010-03-25)

If this shit didn't cost so fucking much to buy, maybe people wouldn't download pirated media. What can companies expect when they're motto is to fuck the consumer?!

EyeOfTheConfessor (2010-03-25)

To black_jester. Stealing wifi not even safe with progs like this.

thedjey (2010-03-25)

Corp money can buy anything now days.Especially governments and laws..And all this in the name of "justice" of course.Retards get a soul.

Dramat (2010-03-25)

I hate those sons of bitches. I will rather kill those bastards with my bare hands than let them give a way my freedom.

Raan0001 (2010-03-25)

Uploading to WikiLeaks as we speak. 2/3rds of the way done.

ocyrus70 (2010-03-25)

super slow broadband here i come no need for speed anymore, will save loads of money so can go and by movies and cd's!!..

anthonysanders (2010-03-25)

If you are concerned about them finding your IP address, just use PeerBlock.
Don't let those fuckers see your IP. :)
or just search peerblock on google. :)
It works amazingly.
email me if you have a problem.

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

i can only echo peanutt100, please, get this bitch of a forum running, at least then we have a backup to post at. also, its a little easier to order everything over there

Dramat (2010-03-25)

I'm using "PeerGuardian2". Gr8 stuff ;)

elitebuster (2010-03-25)

It talks about "copyright infringment" specificly, right? Well, if you don't use the item to make money, and, in the case of using images or music in a public forum, clearly state the copyright owner, you are essentially guiltless. Besides, liberals are in control of the government, and this shit just REEKS

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

hey, cut the slack to the liberals, its not our fault politicians all suck balls. conservatives are just as much in bed with industry as liberals.
but if a liberal votes for some shit stupid law like this, he loses my vote instantly, and i hope that goes for us all, no matter what our general political views are

retsil67934 (2010-03-25)

Silly question
but what if we all became a religious organization (or members of) that's core belief is sharing data to ensure it survival. Would we then have the rights and protections accorded to other religions?

jasonf9ace (2010-03-25)

Live like a pirate die like one!!.Fuck them all download what you want when you want and as much as you want!!You think any laws gonna stop be downloading what i like?These mother fuckers will have to pull me out of my bed and drag me to jail before i ever stop downloading.Fuck these motherfuckers if they think there gonna take our freedom.Pirates stand up to these cunts and be heard!!Piracy For Life.

kevmeister95 (2010-03-25)

one thing that was really disturbing was the fact that this was all done in secret, behind closed doors. they did not allow any reporters in the rooms where this was all "negotiated". personally, I think the pro-industry lobby groups tried to get this one done 'on the sly', and our respective governments caved-in and let it go through. this thing was done up with the interests of business in mind; not the interests of everybody in general.
while the future looks bleak, some one or some group will figure how to get around this. if anything, they will force piracy down to the local level (copy the neighbors game, music, movie, etc.) if a group of people buy a game and copy it 5 or 10 times; how much money has the company really made?

spaz92693 (2010-03-25)


omegastar013 (2010-03-25)

comon really? scare tactics again?

jasonf9ace (2010-03-25)

And also one more thing as William Wallace once said in my pirated copy of Brave Heart Freeeedommmmmm!!!!!!

stiffler420 (2010-03-25)

wont happen in our lifetimes, go ahead and try to police 100 million people, no really, go ahead and try

LubnanMan (2010-03-25)

so uh according to this treaty the cops can bust in my house and arrest me for downloading games im too cheap too buy? lol..

Paradontax (2010-03-25)

War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts.
To all pirates! Prepare for war!

TheRuthlessOne (2010-03-25)

@ThingsfromHeaven101, does that mean that we are safe in Canada?

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

lol @jasonf9ace i can only agree with you

dardar6t9 (2010-03-25)

Does this mean I cant download bootlegs anymore...,..Shhhheeeet....What am I gonna do to pass the time while my weed grows? Day-time TV sux :)

TheRuthlessOne (2010-03-25)

What's next? Is Pizza Hut going to sue me for making a stuffed crust pizza at home?

GSArora (2010-03-25)

What. The. Fuck. Fuck the Harper Administration(Canada). The thing that pisses me off the most is the searching without a warrant. That is crossing so many fucking lines. Protest, make facebook groups, send emails, do all you can. We should set a date, where EVERY pirate sends an email to there government, against this retarded law.

jmolle2 (2010-03-25)

all i can say is good luck to em i cant imagine this ever going through and the prospect of them accessing ur isp data is stupid my isp traces back to a non existant address in china i live in the uk and have never heard such crap . if they think they can control the pirates then they r gonna have to lock up atleast half the worlds population as most people do it 8 in every ten people in china and japan download pirated stuff. and i doubt customs would ever actually waste time and funds to search ur laptops and ipods u wud miss ur flight and there would be anarchy . they always say something is killing something cassete tapes killed viny cd killed cassete tape cgi ruined film makers careers . its just a load of bull and i my self being a pirate and uploading a shit load of stuff and hacking into companys to steal games etc bfore they r released will never surrender and will never backdown a new door will open that makes them forget pirating . unless they cart my ass to jail and execute me for piracy highly unlikely my crew of pirates and hackers will remain strong they can fuck off we have a right to fredom of speech and free will when the fuck did r world turn into a sims type situation were were controlled by others

sentientphil (2010-03-25)

If anyone reads this far!!! i havent looked at this, but i can get a good guess from peoples replies to it! im in the UK on BT, and any outside websites/computers etc think im based 300 miles away at the BT main server... so one call from the old bill and they will have everything! but to be honest, it seems most people downloading pirated stuff can afford most of the software/video etc from retailers anyway, in my personal opinion, torrents have always been, and always should be available for the people that genuinely cant afford this stuff!!! im a full-time carer for my dad, i get all of £55 a week to live on! so i have perfectly good reason to hunt out alternate ways of gaining entertainment/software... its a shame that all those people that can afford it are for one taking vast amounts of money from the people who take the time and effort to make/produce the stuff, and secondly its ruining it for people who have genuine cause to use pirated stuff.... i think alot of people need a major reality check!

WoAnerges (2010-03-25)

@ crunchyfrog555:
can you explain what exactly making you laugh? i don't understand. :(

Sasquatch74 (2010-03-25)

I am with retsil67934...In the old board game "Battletech" there is a quasi-mystic organization called "Comstar". They control interstellar transmissions thru out the know galaxy and they hoard ALL information and data on advanced technology in order to keep other nations in check. Surely there are enough of us Pirates to qualify as a "techno-religious organization" who's purpose is to continue the flow of data in order to insure it's continuity and, I like the sound of that...So...who wants to join "Comstar"? Seriously, though...that sounds relatively legitimate to me. FEEDBACK REQUESTED///END TRANSMISSION 09M3144ZXXXX

blue_sours (2010-03-25)

haha good question retsil67934. but (here in the US at least), freedom of religion will allow you to do anything, as long as it doesn't infringe any laws.

ninja2177 (2010-03-25)

if it wasnt for torrents i wouldnt know about half the bands i listen to, and i would never have bought half the albums i have. if anything, torrents are a good thing.
and as always, a torrent downloaded does NOT mean a sale lost.

GSArora (2010-03-25)

Exactly! That's one big point we have to get across. When I download older games and I like it, I'll usually buy other games and sequels from the same company.

VotumServio (2010-03-25)

I just wrote an essay on how preventing technical growth by constraining it with laws is a serious relapse and only brought forward by those in power who want more money, thesis was; fuck you u greedy cunts, knowledge culture and art is free to anyone who wants it, so lick some pirate balls and enjoy the pube breath.

Jakkhali (2010-03-25)

Exactly. I torrented Left 4 Dead before I knew what the big deal about it was, I loved it, I've now bought both it and its sequel. I probably never would've if I didn't torrent it first.

Peanutt010 (2010-03-25)

Join the discussion:

Lobotomite (2010-03-25)

lol they cant do shit its just too massive

BarrySoetoro (2010-03-25)

It's all part of the New World Order.

catomaru (2010-03-25)

Ok lets think about this at the moment we are in a recession. Where are they going to get the money to fund a crackdown like this. Is it going to fall right out of the "moneytree". Hell no look im in high school okay and all of the stuff i download i cant afford i have a job and help pay my family's bills so sometimes pirating is helpful. come on what would i have to do all day i mainly download book and movies for christ sake. This isnt probably going to be passed ayway but if it does there is going to be riots of some kind because i believe at least 80% of the worlds technologic populaition does this shit anyway thay dont have enough room in any jail

GSArora (2010-03-25)

Here's the thing. They obviously can't put every pirate in jail. They'll make examples of a select few scapegoats, which will scare people away from downloading. The sad thing is, that'll probably work.

alexvon (2010-03-25)

I call for a pirate-bay-wide wikipedia ACTA article edit raid. USE YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH! EXPLAIN TO THE WORLD WHAT ACTA REALLY IS!

alexvon (2010-03-25)

nevermind... i was beat to the catch

Alphadestrious (2010-03-25)

Fuck the government! Power to the people!

markgor (2010-03-25)

hey, just remember that bunch of crazy rich fucks can't stop millions of people.
we are the power, they are just bunch of cowards hiding behind their so-called law.
fuck them!
dont be a slave!
dont buy products of global companies, never buy commercial cds dvds or whatever, dont work for global companies, dont support fascist government!
"So when the long arm of the law try to get it's grip
Grip your middle finger and split"

Jedi_Master_Revan (2010-03-25)

If the ACTA actually goes through, and they actually try to enforce it, does that mean we can be arrested for pirating the ACTA, according to the ACTA?
This is gonna work. (2010-03-25)

I'm sorry, but even if this passes in some governments, I don't see how they could legalize it in the US where most of the provisions, including the secret treaty itself, are un-constitutional. In addition, look at China, how are they ever going to stop piracy there, the government is totally complicit. Walk down shopping area in Beijing and there are hundreds of people with DVDs spread out in front of them, and on many corners DVD sales shops openly sell pirated DVDs/CDs/software. Besides, even if it passes, what is to stop me from using a Chinese (or any other non-treaty country) proxy? Basically, this will only punish the un-sophisticated PC user, like the single unemployed mother from Ohio or whereever they brought suit against a coupe of years ago for pirating a few movies.

ShA1aB (2010-03-25)

I don't know if this is really a scare tactic.
If ISPs are forced to shut down your internet, then they will.

Lobotomite (2010-03-25)

and i cant understand BULLSHIT

12Damon34 (2010-03-25)

All your files are belong to us!

Pandemic_ (2010-03-25)

Parts of it are unconstitutional in the United States.
Fourth amendment:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
I would assume your personal information would be included as your papers and effects, and seizing them without warrant would be unconstitutional.
This won't pass; it's scaremongering.

DirtyFinger (2010-03-25)

just out of curiosity:
If you are slapped with a ridiculously high lawsuit, what will you do?
a) make a deal and pay them large chunks of money for the rest of your life
b) refuse to pay and either flee or face jail
c) visit some lawyer or ceo with a big club and then flee or face jail

Lobotomite (2010-03-25)

its just like marijuana prohibition sure everyone has basically tried it so the laws aren't harsh at all like they are decriminalized same goes for pirating there is just too many ppl to keep track of the ppl will always ALWAYS outweigh the government

exgenz (2010-03-25)

Encrypt your HD with an Hidden partition with Truecrypt.
Use a Wireless router without protection.
If they arrest you, you can say that anyone around could use your connection because you don't know how to protect it.
When they will search on your HD, they will be screwed up with the AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish encryption.
Then Charge against you will be dropped.
It happened in here.

Araynas (2010-03-25)

Pfft. Let the government lick the creme off our dicks. TPB will never lose agianst the ACTA

Houndf (2010-03-25)

Against the ACTA? Or at least their stance relative to Piracy? Post your Aversion @

and contribute to the community.

GSArora (2010-03-25)
Join the discussion. Save Pirating Everywhere

julTHEfast (2010-03-25)

Once again those rich ass punk try to make the law, im not even shure this can be valid in most of the contries, since putting someone into arrest without proof is unconstitutionnal into most contries. in the worst case, crypt your pc hard drive with a 2MB security, Enjoy those 2300 years to decrypt it :)

gdmarav374 (2010-03-25)

we are here. never forgive never forget.
Fuck the government.

 scuba-doo (2010-03-25)

The people should't be scared of the government! The government should be scared of the people
their are more of us...fuck them !!!

free____ (2010-03-25)

election time is now all the time. keep that mentality. stay angry. In US now we will be forced to buy health insurance AND pay more taxes, lose our jobs, and the big brother police state is growing. cyber security.... you name it. Comrades.... REVOLT!!!!!

lost7888 (2010-03-25)

lucky my country isnt ther

devildog93 (2010-03-25)

You dumbass. Read the front page. It's an agreement initially conspired by your fellow "USA" and Japan.

Alphadestrious (2010-03-25)

Hell yeah my fellow pirates! FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. Too many times have we seen our government start wars, too many times have we seen our government kill our own citizens, too many times have we seen the government tax us to death!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It is time to unite and revolt! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

GSArora (2010-03-25)
Join the discussion. Save Pirating Everywhere

xaoc_7 (2010-03-25)


tacos4life (2010-03-25)

i'm just curious. If you're a minor and you get caught, what happens?

blamotoys2 (2010-03-25)

Soon, it will be illegal to buy cheaper! Ha-ha, now you know why the Guns n´Roses call their last album CHINESE DEMOCRACY. Well, now you better start to eat rice too, man...We will navigate on Chinese Internet too...or maybe, I become a little psycho and plant a bomb...or maybe Im going to the jungle with my rifle...or maybe...just maybe...

the_revivor (2010-03-25)

The government are all a bunch of filthy scumbag dogs! OUR INTERNET FREEDOM IS UNDER THREAT!!! These cocksucking corporate thugs who make revenues of upto 100 million dollars per year have now targeted the australian piss government to censor our internet, piratebay and other torrent sites will be closed. Shame on australia for turning into this fucked up censored state, next thing they'll be charing $100 for movies and games, for people who live on a salary which is to give to the government through taxes that is pathetic. Fuck the government, Fuck the Ministers and the whole Christian pissheads who are in fascist control!!!!

grawlshtoilet (2010-03-25)

This is one of the scariest things I've ever read! I foresee another problem: free wireless. If ACTA goes into effect, people will begin to use free wireless wherever they can get it to download their content, and when the higher ups get wind of it, say goodbye to free wireless....

fgherger (2010-03-25)

If you are a minor, you'll be thrown in jail anyway, along with your parents, obviously.
You may not live in the USA, but you can bet if ACTA becomes a law in USA, soon your government will implement something like it. I don't live in USA as well, but I'm concerned.
Unfortunately, the only ones US politicians will listen is to their voters. But they are too busy paying their mortgages and looking for a bank to loan them more money to buy their junk, so my expectations are really low.

MIdniteRayne (2010-03-25)

Hmm I have to say as long as most college students get off thier ass' this isn't going to pass. also, restricting your download speed to 50kbs down and 50kbs up you should be fine. A lot of people can most defintaly get away with that and going a torrent at a time would also help. I'm honestly not worried as I'm gonna vote against it but that's really all we have to do is vote against it. I don't believe that law should have random access to my files and if I read correctly it states they don't have to provide any compensation at all for anything they do. Fuck that shit. Also, purchasing a few extra HDDS just for back up use and then storing them would probably keep your files safe. THrowing a tad bit of cash into your machine wor buying a portable laptop HDD and storing that somewhere would probably be the best bet of making sure you have all your files backed up. Screw this ACTA agreement but keep yourself safe. Also, pretty cool freeware that block serious IPs called Peer Guardian I can most definatly say it WORKS. A combo of limiting your speeds, setting a smaller que line and blocking/protecting your IP is all you really have to do. uTorrent also has encrypt mode as well. THis was most definatly an enevitable agreement but do what you can and be a little more patient and you should be OK.

RougeGamer (2010-03-25)

Now I may not have read all of it...but from what I have seen of this document, it means that it is just a sad day for guys that are just scraping by on a day to day basis, that are unable to afford the things that our media puts out anymore.
I think that "big brother" has forgotten one simple thing here in today's market. If it wasn't for sites like this one, and users like us...half of their "products" would not be successful to begin with. People wouldn't know about them, and therefore, nothing would be bought by us.
A move like this, is like a slap in the face to those of us who could be free walking ads for these companies that are trying to do this.
If you ask me, they need to stop being a bunch of babies about it, get with the times, and at least be great-full that someone out there cared enough to at least try the product, and if they liked it, tell their friends about it so that they can have it as well.
That's just my thought about it all.

grawlshtoilet (2010-03-25)

I think your missing the fact that we wont get to vote on it. It will be passed without our input....

MIdniteRayne (2010-03-25)

All it take is involvement. I live in a town with a major college and 2 major universities. If we just get involved we can vote on it in due time. Either way till or if that time comes just do what you gotta do to protect yourself. It's been a bit of a day, I should have proof-read

hvbev43 (2010-03-25)

Where did TPB get this from?

FlyeThemoon (2010-03-25)


KOBKED-X (2010-03-25)

I agree.. There are more of us then them.. so.. Be carefull use PeerBlocking/IP hideing software and SEED till it hurts :) actually this made me reflect on a lot..I think I'll join a church, start paying taxes and Join the reserve army..Not...actually I'm going to listen to Rage Against the Machine and a few others [that I DLed here of course!] and plot ways to overthrow the mindset of greedy weak fat bassterds like OhBlama and our current world bank choice of prime ministers of canada.. GL all..if it does get knocked out [TPB and the like] Just go back to passing cd's, DVDs and check out setting up a private wireless network.. a parabolic antena/reciever and a router should do the trick :) google it :) wait..Fuck Google FireFox it lol.. Peace to all and to all..a downloaders right!

seoduder (2010-03-25)

Is this why my newest torrents D/L speed is shite? On one of them there are 600 seeds and not ONE is in the swarm. FUCK! Oh well, I guess I'll have to go back to old fashioned Pirating. Mozambique or Bust!

totalfan123 (2010-03-25)

worry abt terrorism fuckers ..nd leave us alone with 0ur files!

Osku95 (2010-03-25)

Whats that?!!!!!

pcgarbage (2010-03-25)

there's nothing i can say that will stop this from happening to the pirate bay...
its just like mininova its fxcked up now

KS1BoogeyMan (2010-03-25)

No worries, Jail or Prison here is a cake walk
Ben there done that, This country has gone to the greedy, and now it's our turn to take what is ours
and that is our freedom on the internet!
The US can not afford to imprion everyone, as it is now they are releasing convicted felons by the thousands, and with less parole suppervision.
Good luck Obama, I hope this health care bil works for me while I'm serving time in prison
I sure could use "REAL HEALTH CARE" no matter how I receive it. :)

GSArora (2010-03-25)
Join. Discuss. Save our Rights.

LIGIZT (2010-03-25)

Thanks TPB, I do promise to share this :-)

KS1BoogeyMan (2010-03-25)

Must I explain how this is not going to effect the end user?
There will are not going to jail everyone who downloads illegal content, NO WAY IN HELL!
There are to many of us, and our ISP's will go broke fighting us in Court!
This is a scare tactic that will shutdown many
torrent sites like this, sadly but true, we are on the brink of extinction, but there is and always will be other alternatives to torrent sites...
I would not be afraid, as long as we stick together and stay strong, we will survive this
and get our way...If not the internet as we know it will fail, along with the ISP's )Internet Service Providers) who are on our side by the way.
Chill out, take a deep breath and FUCK THE MAN!

negativethree (2010-03-25)


sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

let them fuck away! here i live in a country that they say if you use anti filter to go to filtered news sites an even facebook, you will go to jail! just bullshit!

oOMetalOo (2010-03-25)

What are they gonna do? Put us all in jail?No way,They Just trying to scare us so we would back off.
They can't search 10 Million home (at least) in america and then prosecute us..Hahaha.
Internet companies Will crash and burn if they Did this.
If Your worried, You can Change your IP daily Its easy but it's not Going to last.

oOMetalOo (2010-03-25)

I bet These Pigs In Suits have some illegally Downloaded Porn on their Computers. Fuck Them all.

oOMetalOo (2010-03-25)

Fucking Obama And His Nazi Pigs

sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

yes! that's right! change your IP adress.. that's what we do here in iran almost every day! :)) just use fake names and ip adresses. no one can catch you. and here in iran ans some countries we have no copyright rules! so we can help. i think the best help to torrent sites can come from china. you know why.. the best hackers and so on!

Sumthinawful (2010-03-25)

"Now.. You must react!"
tell me how and i would be all over that shit

ion496 (2010-03-25)

Good thing i'm australian.

 FatFreddy69 (2010-03-25)

Make your step. Chose your country(instead of Scweiz)
Brits go here: The Brits can make a step here:

I'm very pissed since very few Germans and Brits I see nowadays in peer lists of any torrents. Don't be lazy, DO IT! It takes you 1 minute.

}T{Reme [Q_G] (2010-03-25)

Seeding this for a few months

nate23 (2010-03-25)

Reading through the comments, I must say that for the majority, the opinion of most government and anti piracy organizations of us being a group of middle aged uneducated social rejects is just not true. Now with that being said, I must add that this is not a finality. With at least one more "secret" meeting to go in June, we all need to take a collective breath and think.

nate23 (2010-03-25)

One other thing that I have done is to send the links to local news affiliates. They always seem to be trying to get the drop on the national news companies and I bet they would take something like this and run with it. Especially the part about the meetings being secret with only a few companies allowed to send delegates. As for me, the petition has been signed, and any and all links and info have been emailed to as many people as I know care. This is the corporate takeover of the internet and a stepping stone to big business running the world. This CANNOT and WILL NOT be tolerated!!!!

nate23 (2010-03-25)

And now to continue the search for my precious Star Trek...Long Live TPB

militantbystander (2010-03-25)

wheres the gun whers the tower wheres the gun wheres the tower.(quote, not a threat) you know how they already police sites like facebook for things like terrorist threats, can kick your door in if you write the wrong thing. So basically the film companies are complaining like little babies, were dipping into their profits, boo fucking hoo. they re too fuckin rich anyway the pricks, gets me annoyed that this is all such a big issue, it actually makes me feel sick that these "few" people at the top in these companies have the power to get the whole world into an uproar, how many years? how many meetings? how much cash? they should just let it be ffs, people will never stop sharing, and i know myself that i would far rather spend time with someone that uploads movies and shares files over TPB than some big fat fuckin prick of a moron fat fucking cat film producer crying like a little baby because someone watched his film for free. fuck you fat cat. i would nt pay to see your heap of shit anyway, i watch for free. its my right. i pay enough to live in this world. wheres the tower wheres the gun wheres the tower wheres the gun

Bamboo25 (2010-03-25)

not sure about all this but does having TOR help it protect you?

TrannyHooker (2010-03-25)

Hippies... They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.

hellraizer77 (2010-03-25)


breaker01 (2010-03-25)

lets face it its all about MONEY.
1. dont buy CDs
2. dont buy DVDs
3. dont go cinema
4.accept all FREE downloads
5. do not guy products made by people like sony the artists that support P2P
7.send the message out to all your freinds via facebook , twitter ect
8.if your ISP is prepared to give your IP up change it to one that wont.
9. millions of people log on to TPB millions dont but still use it, thats a lot of power

CocoaPuff268 (2010-03-25)

I live in a country in SE asia where yes, night markets sell pirated things but also where i live, it is harder to find an original game than a pirated game, especially for PS2 - i have never seen one in the 14 years that i have lived here. things like bittorrent and other file sharing software do not require us to BUY anything. i think they should crack down on people who are EXPLOITING pirated software/games/music buy selling them for money.

Benino (2010-03-25)

In my eyes this was all planned out by the government. I have been watching loads and reading LOADS about the Illuminati conspieracy.
This is the first step into making us theyre slaves.
When they control what we do on the internet, they control one of the major sources of Communication.
While they already control the media to strike fear in our hearts. The worst thing is that they already control us. Secret laws? WTF!? They want all the money on the world so they can force us all into a World Government run by the "VOTE FOR CHANGE, my ass" president. Thank you, mister in suit running the country. This is really helping us the people.

CocoaPuff268 (2010-03-25)

all in all, i think this whole thing is to simply scare us so we think twice about file sharing and stop doing it for fear of getting caught.

Benino (2010-03-25)

watch this if u want to know more of government cover ups, in order to gain money and power.

capitalist_haze (2010-03-25)

The problem isn't the government, but capitalism itself. It is corporations that are chasing down money for their intellectual property rights. Information should be free! We need to unite and revolt to overthrow it. I believe in a Neo-Marxist approach, but anarcho-syndicalism would also be much better than the existing power structures. Read Noam Chomsky!

morriswillis (2010-03-25)

no one will take us seriously if you spout that bullshit. there is no secret plan to take over the world. there are just a lot of rich people who are greedy, and even though they have more money than they can spend, they want more.
they dont care what we do so long as we are paying them for it.

justindustries (2010-03-25)

Capitalism: if you don't buy the companies will go DOWN.
So: Stop consuming/supporting from big brands instead buy from small companies and help individuals make a living..

meamea (2010-03-25)


UndeadxNurse (2010-03-25)

For those of you who are also American;
What we are seeing here is another example of our freedom being taken away by someone with a lot of money and a lot of power and plenty of high-ranking companies and people stashed within their pockets.
New World Order? Illuminati? Conspiracy? I don't think so, but a crime against the purpose that this country was formed and that purpose is freedom.
"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say 'You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the 'land of the free'" - from The American President
I still stand agree with those words and to see our freedom being taken away and torn apart piece by piece only pisses me off.
Perhaps some day, we will wage war amongst our fellow country-men and those of us who are fighting for freedom will hopefully win this war.
Freedom fighters 'til the end.

cj_appleby (2010-03-25)

lolface. Tried to put this link on Facebook, but apparently some "users" have reported it as abusive.

mirec74 (2010-03-25)

PirateBay rules, Long live PirateBay, file sharing never die!!!

ziggz09 (2010-03-25)

My 2 cents they cant afford to put everyone that pirates media in jail at least in Canada U.S.A and U.K. and as far as i know North America has the hard "Sentence" for Illegal downloads so i mean really i don't think its too much too worry about.

sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

it's an anti freedom act against american people. I'm not american and I'm middle eastern. in my country it's impossible to buy a original DVD! cause everything related to multimedia that was built in a western company is illegal here! yes! here we all live in a big jail! it's 30 years that our government says that they will put us in jail for downloading and even for listening to news that they don't like! i can say that half of the websites all over the internet is filtered in our country!!! but we learned to fight against all these years.
now I really hate that any government take people's freedom! don't let it happen! and if there is something we can do, we will do!
and lets add this to "breaker01 at 2010-03-25 10:58 CET:"'s comment:
11-all use and support open source software and so on!
12-we are all brothers and sisters and we will not let this freedom be taken for those monylovers!

sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

viva TPB! we are all supporting you...

RusBOOM (2010-03-25)

Dudes, this shit is scary though funny.
On a plane, for example, I bet half of the passengers have laptops with 'em, about 2/3 have mp3 players and ALMOST ALL have cell phones. How much time do you think it would take to examine ALL of these devices? Half a day for sure.
And if the ISP's give out torrent information to the government they will have MOST of their clients arrested (as most of us download torrents). That means the smaller ISP's are about to be closed and the biger ones will have huge financial problems.
Is THAT likely to be approved?

booman1323 (2010-03-25)

i for one support u
although i live in third would nation
caribbean . it even affects here

Cyrusisdashit (2010-03-25)

Ha this is the dumbest thing I've seen the government do in a long time, oh no wait they do something really dumb every day anyway. So they put all the consumers in the world into prison and then expect that to help? They do realise not everything we own is illegal, we have to spend money no matter what, big corporate companys make plenty of money and now that their resources are getting slim, they look to sucking out all the money from our pockets when we really didn't do anything wrong. You know what I encourage them to do just that, put us all in prison and then we'll see who's laughing, where is there income going to come from? hm what about resources they need to survive? This all comes from the consumer, the simple man/women who lives their daily lives working for corrupt governments and businesses.
Food chain people, think about it, what happens when the consumer is killed off?

LeSet (2010-03-25)

The only way you have to voice your discontent is
simple, boycott their shit, don't watch tv or support the industry.
VOTE the assholes out of office!
Support the people that work for a better tomorrow
Crush the oposition!

thomasxx (2010-03-25)

So... only going to happen in the us and japan?

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

this ACTs are made by the rich people to get more richer everyday. these rich bastards just wants to squeeze more money out of you. They are already rich enough. Its time to promote digital piracy.
They (these bullish rich companies/people) just want more money by publishing one film or one song, and then use the technology to copy the same and sell it effortlessly. Tell them we can copy it too. And its our birth right.
When they make cars, do they think who invented wheels? do they give tribute to the person who invented wheels? Dont they just copy the design of the wheel and use it everyday? There are tons of example.
When we eat a chicken, do we actually own the chicken's life? dont we steal a life for our own pleasure? Do we actually buy the chicken's life from the chicken? We do it, because we can.
They are doing it because they can. TELL THEM NO THEY CANT.
Everyone should stop buying any digital content. Its time to educate the other people. And tell them they are the looser (yes they are loosing money) if they buy any digital content.
They are organized and united, thats why they are making up all these craps (paying money to govt people to pass the bill)
Its time to do something NOW.
Bill gates is cursing piracy, and telling look what you guys did to me. i am not the richest person n the world any more. because of you guys i am the 2nd richest now.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

WTF are you guys on about. I'm going to shake some sense into you people.
I know what i'm doing is wrong. People are going about saying that it should be free. WHY? They put money into creating this medium of entertainment and you take it. You are entertained at practically no expense of your own. To me, it's considered stealing. And i recognise it. Don't be naive to say that all this shit is rightfully yours. It never is, it never was. It is only yours when you have paid for it. You might be thinking. Hey they make millions of dollars. What difference if one person does it. But it's that mentally spread out across millions. COD MW2 was downloaded illegally in the magnitudes of millions. Millions of you were entertained when you had no right to be. All i'm saying is, don't be so fucking stupid to believe that this is right. Or this is your perogative. It's not. And i'm grateful for whatever i can get from TPB but also become ashamed.
MY FUCKING GOD. The amount of bullshit that is here. Illuminati? Communist taking over the world? FOr fucks sake people get an ounce of critical thinking in you. YES, the governement with this type of power is allarming. It's frightening. BUT DON'T DELVE INTO THIS CONSPIRACY BULLCRAP. To be completely honest i understand this decision. Because it's half understandable. Piracy DOES need to be dealt with. Because i can see the injustice in it. And the onyl way we can possibly control this? YES, i disagree with these actions. I thinks it's a huge violation to my space and rights as a human being. The point of not being controlled, monitored and scrutinised. YES, in an exagerated formed it does remind you of Big Brother and of the censoring in CHina. But THINK CRITICALLY before you indulge yourself in some half proven and idiotic theory.. This shit has been a long time comming and we deal with it in a reasonable, logical and backed up manner. Not sway people with this illusion.
@Big businesses
I'm not sure about you, but big businesses provide alot of people with their income. Major businesses go bankrupt? Where do the employees go? I'm not sure about you, but the econmy is what sustains our lives. Stop saying, stop buying shit, stop going to X store or Y brand because that's just utterly ineffective. You steal their shit, then never buy anything from them. That's how huge corporations, that you MAY be working for partime, casually or fulltime die and you're out of the business.
SO MANY OF YOU are staying the most stupid shit i've seen in a long time IE christian arguments. DAMN! how i wish i could rip you all to shred with even a tine bit of logic. None of your arguments make any fucking sense. But i guess that's what it is ey? Stupid people who think of stupid shit and stupid solutions and stupid conspiracies. Isn't there enough stupidness in the world IE this agreement. Than for you to spread some more of your stupid shit. You just make yourself look bad.

davewhite123 (2010-03-25)

Should I be worried? I'm from the Philippines, a lot of vendor sell pirated Cd's in the streets.

evolvesociety (2010-03-25)

Nice editorial page as a comments. When you people talk to someone, you guys don't listen, you just wait for your turn to talk.

ravern (2010-03-25)

will be making more money thats why he is saying this ....
or he`s a nut

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

Here we go, another stupid conspiracy.
But i guess i'm glad, it's the only thing he could muster.

ravern (2010-03-25)

just hide ur IP address then there fucked
It is that simple brothers an sisters..

ravern (2010-03-25)

hide ip hide ip hide ip

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

ISP douchebag, did you read the document at all?

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

you shut up @Wholemeal... either you are bloody hypocrite or they paid you to talk here.
Big business is getting enough money to sustain and grow more.
You are talking about rights? we have all the rights in the world to see or copy whatever we like. they made entertainment fine. they are getting enough money thats why they did it. and they still will make tons of billions. its not like they did a charity. they did it for them.
And if piracy is stealing. then every one in this damn planet is a thief. including them and you. So when everyone is a thief, then just let it be like that.
You are biggest stupid guy around here who wasted his time on his long essay and still in the site doing against whatever you wrote. You are coward and hypocrite.

geezahh (2010-03-25)

All they are trying to do is scare us all into submission. As long as we ALL STICK TOGETHER they cannot persue the whole planet!!
They have had their time making millions of us....
Now the tables have turned.
We just have to seize the opportunity

djchuckiebthemechanic (2010-03-25)

I'm not to keen on this, but my local library has all the new releases, and the library in the ghetto has none... Now isn't there some kind of laws that the libraries are protected by, I don't rent the movies or music, the libraries do not "pay" the artists, it is my RIGHT to view these "public" materials to determine if my children should see them, HARDDRIVES are not eternal, so we are all just "checking out" public material that should be available at the library. NO? I think the problem is when people sell hundreds of DVD's they made from downloads, no the single download itself. NO? So this is targeting not they people selling bootlegs, but the people who pay good money for their computers and ISP - it would be a lot cheaper to walk up to the library everyday than to pay ISP and computer costs. NO? WTF then...

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"you shut up @Wholemeal... either you are bloody hypocrite or they paid you to talk here."
I'm not saying that i'm not a hypocrite, i'm saying feel bad. It's not yours.
"Big business is getting enough money to sustain and grow more."
So why are they publishing this document?
"You are talking about rights? we have all the rights in the world to see or copy whatever we like."
No you fucking don't. I want a Porche, therefore i have the right to have a copy of a porche to keep indefintely.
"they made entertainment fine. they are getting enough money thats why they did it. and they still will make tons of billions. its not like they did a charity. they did it for them."
BUT, why should you gain their entertainment for free? Because they earn enough money? If someone from a poorer socio-economic status dropped by your house, used all your shit. Decided that he/she wanted to take some back to the corner he was sleeping on. Would you let him? You have enough money to buy it back. Why the fuck not?
"And if piracy is stealing. then every one in this damn planet is a thief. including them and you. So when everyone is a thief, then just let it be like that."
WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP MORALES DO YOU HAVE. Let's all steal shit from everyone, sure nothings going to go wrong.
"You are biggest stupid guy around here who wasted his time on his long essay and still in the site doing against whatever you wrote. You are coward and hypocrite. "
Yeeah, i like how oyu said coward, why the fuck would i bag you all. SHit man, stupid people give me a headache.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

HAHAHAHA fucks sake, yeah naww 3 quotes. But i guess that's what it takes for it to become a conspiracy theory.

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

@wholemeal .. i also know if i can not tell everyone on this planet not to buy stuffs and all neighter they gonna listen me too. you are in idiot.
We need more brothers and sisters like us. so we need to educate some people to do things if they want to and dont know how to. there still will be plenty and plenty of people who wil be buying stuffs and all the business will go as smoothly as they are right now.
But we need piracy. its very important on this world. Every one dont have the money to spend on softwares or digital content.
If you dont want piracy tell them to make everything available at dirt cheaper rate.
And note this. its not one person who gets rich, top most everyone in the chain gets higly rich. And think about 3rd world country for a while. they dont earn in dollars, so they cant buy things in dollars, but they sell things in dollars or equivalent to dollars. so this 3rd world country people paying much more bigger value than us/europeans. which is not very logical if you really think hard.

ravern (2010-03-25)

I say bring it on ..they wont be making money from me thats for sure...

geezahh (2010-03-25)

Conspiracy this conspiracy that!!
Simple fact is that conspiracies are born out of critical thinking...
For those who struggle to get a grasp of this and find it psycobabble follow this link to the book...

Or the movie

Before we know it the Orwellian Utopia will soon be upon us...
I am wide awake and can see whats coming, can you??

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"you are in idiot."
Ooo nice argument.
"We need more brothers and sisters like us. so we need to educate some people to do things if they want to and dont know how to. there still will be plenty and plenty of people who wil be buying stuffs and all the business will go as smoothly as they are right now."
"But we need piracy. its very important on this world. Every one dont have the money to spend on softwares or digital content."
People who don't earn money can get stuff they didn't pay for. IE Stealing is very important in society.
"If you dont want piracy tell them to make everything available at dirt cheaper rate."
WHY??? WHy should they? To stop piracy? That makes no fucking sense. Because they lose money, and they still lose money. What reasoning is that?
"And note this. its not one person who gets rich, top most everyone in the chain gets higly rich. And think about 3rd world country for a while. they dont earn in dollars, so they cant buy things in dollars, but they sell things in dollars or equivalent to dollars. so this 3rd world country people paying much more bigger value than us/europeans. which is not very logical if you really think hard. "
POVERTY isn't logical. STEALING isn't logical. It doesn't make any of them right.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

No, conspiracy theories are born out of wishful thinking and dodgy evidence. Critical thinking, is analysing evidence. For it to be true. To get down to whether or not something is true based on it's evidence it stands upon. Conspiracy theories are just people who have a goal, or idea and they go fishing for evidence and grasp at anything they can get. IE stupid quotes from 3 people.

ravern (2010-03-25)

They are so funny ..stop piracy..
They couldnt stop a bus
round here there are so many law`s all of which are unenforcable

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

I am not gonna feel bad, because i am not doing anything wrong. you just have to see things differently.
Dude they are doing this to protect their interest and to get more richer. as simple as that.
dude, if you can make a car like porche you wont be here talking shit. i say do what u can. not dream what you cant. if you wanna copy a porche design do it and ride it in ur village. porche wont be bothered. trust me on that
Dont you think we are copying a wheel desing for free? so why not copy some digital content. no body tells me what right i dont have. who is he to decide? its my planet too :) r u telling me u dont never copied in ur exam.... see it that way. the guy who studied gets to pass.. and you gets to pass too. and you are smart enuf who didnot workd hard before exam and still passed. and they guy who worked hard he passed too... n harm done to him isnt it?
dude. welcome to digital world. you can not have all the pros and leave the cons aside. no one is stealing your laptops are pc or shit. u can steal make ur next movie or song and make more money. its just u make a litlle less money because i dnt have it. but still i will have my entertainment because i can :) and theres no worng.
dude u r giving urself a headache. not stupid people. basically u r stupid :)

4go10swrd (2010-03-25)

Another futile attempt at controlling how we use copyrighted material. Sharing vs ownership is a very tricky area. Just like any other law rules to follow, you just can't constrain the freedom people have to do what they want with their products. What's the point in putting it out there then? Some companies only understand profit and don't know how to cater to people's needs and that is their own demise.
-- Fear in what you can and can't do is a crime. It's your human right to know the difference between truth and lies, responsibility and abuse.

djchuckiebthemechanic (2010-03-25)

Big Raid at local library thousands of books, movies, and albums confiscated, dozens arrested while browsing, librarian and assistants being held without bond... It's going down! LMFAO

sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

it's loss of privacy for many people i guess! and we are not doing something wrong here! we have our brains and ability to use it in digital world!
i agree "bits_007"!
if they are more smart, then they make more money other way! why jail????? so funny....

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

nothing is right or fair in this human world dude
dont you think that?
so why they are after piracy? they are plenty more good thing to do for this planet.
if they say we want to stop piracy because we want to make the world a better place. i dont buy that.
think about that

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

here basically i am trying to educate people like you @wholemeal .... not the entire world :)

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"I am not gonna feel bad, because i am not doing anything wrong. you just have to see things differently."
You are getting something for free, that you are not meant to. If you disregard that, you disregard all laws. Therefore, why don't you kill someone?
"Dude they are doing this to protect their interest and to get more richer. as simple as that."
And what are you doing? Getting shit for free. If they weren't there, you wouldn't get anything. You know that. That's pure logic.
"dude, if you can make a car like porche you wont be here talking shit. i say do what u can. not dream what you cant. if you wanna copy a porche design do it and ride it in ur village. porche wont be bothered. trust me on that"
HAHAHA you don't fucking get an analogy. I said it in relation to your previous point. If i can make porches? I'd sell them. What would you do? You'd steal them. I put all this effort in and you'd steal them.
"Dont you think we are copying a wheel desing for free?"
No-one can claim IP on the fucking wheel though. MY GOD CAN'T YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE?
"so why not copy some digital content."
Because it's IP.
"no body tells me what right i dont have."
YES THEY FUCKING DO. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL SOMEONE. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PHYSICALLY ABUSE PEOPLE. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO STEAL SHIT FROM PEOPLE. You're so fucking caught up in your naive little world. "Ooo al this is for me, mine mine mine" greedly little fuck.
"who is he to decide? its my planet too :)"
Hey dude, i want all your stuff, you house your comp all of it. and oyu ask "WHy it's mine" and i say it's my planet too.
"r u telling me u dont never copied in ur exam...."
YES. WTF you cheat as well? HOLY SHIT you are a blight to this world. People work hard ot achieve marks, the system to to distinguish the smart ina feild to the fucking dumbshits in the field. So that they can suceed int he world. FUCKING HELL! I can't belive you people share the same mentality with this kid.
}the guy who studied gets to pass.. and you gets to pass too. and you are smart enuf who didnot workd hard before exam and still passed."
Wow, only a stupid person can says that. SOme realllllly fucking dumb shit. In my state, it's competitive, It's ranked. MEANING, if you copied me, you ruined some guys life. FAIR? FUck you man.
" n harm done to him isnt it?"
Except that you will get into a College and a course that you DID NOT DESERVE to get into. YOu will be a dumb shit and fail that fucking course.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"ude. welcome to digital world. you can not have all the pros and leave the cons aside. no one is stealing your laptops are pc or shit. u can steal make ur next movie or song and make more money. its just u make a litlle less money because i dnt have it. but still i will have my entertainment because i can :) and theres no worng."
You just don't fucking understand how economy works. Fuckign dumb cunts everywhere.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"nothing is right or fair in this human world dude
dont you think that?"
The murder is about to stab you in the chest, but before he does he says "nothing is right or fair in this human world dude dont you think that?"
The world isn't fair. Why do you have to contribute to it?
"so why they are after piracy? they are plenty more good thing to do for this planet."
Because business is dropping. And, people are steal. Because that is what it is.
"if they say we want to stop piracy because we want to make the world a better place. i dont buy that."
No, i'm not saying that. I'm saying, have some fucking sense and some fucking remorse. Because remorse, emotion, guilt. In an immorale world, it'd be slaughter .

ravern (2010-03-25)

@ Wholemeal
sounds like u got us all sumed up
oh its most of the world on the net doing it ..he he .
That make`s us all very bad :¬)
so u going to spank us all

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

What kind of fucking mentality is that. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ANY FORM OF JUSTICE? You talk about al these fat rich greedy business men. BUt look at oyu. LOOK AT YOU. Fucking hell. 'MINE, I'LL TAKE IT ALL AND LEAVE NOTHING FOR NO-ONE" It's people like you who i hate. People who still my shit, shit that i worked hard on. Fuciking hell.

shadyj0912 (2010-03-25)

You guys need to shut the fuck up. None of you can spell.

ravern (2010-03-25)

so u hate all of us then

DarkLaunch357 (2010-03-25)

Just hope Brazil doesn't join this craziness. I saved up years to build me a gaming PC, which is Core i7 rig which i been building since november 2008, very slowly and just now I can call it done. The reason - so I can pirate shit. No way i will pay up to 6x what the (already expensive) shit cost in ynklnd (USA). So, we really should rebel against this. Hack those fags, overload their ISP with p2p, DDoS their servers, take down even their pr0n. lmao, I can imagine those jackasses trying to access for the daily wank and seeing a nice message 2 em. let's rebel against them. We MUST be COMPLETELY free, and protect this with our lives. anarchism ftw.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

I hate the fucking kids that don't give a shit. Like you, and bits. Naive and stupid in your own little world. no-one int he entyire world pirates. YOu're looking at 4 millions compared to 7 billion. I praise those that work hard and earn their stuff.

sharky8186 (2010-03-25)

Wouldnt this be in direct violation with the 4th amendment if they dont need a warrent?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

I'm going to say this. I'm a pirate. I know that, and i feel bad for it. But i don't actively say, eveyrhting should be for free. That's what ai'm getting at. Not P2P sharing. But the morale in it. For people to understand that you are taking things from devs. It's the mentality that 'we should get it for free' that i hate.

ravern (2010-03-25)

when i was a kid we all used to tape of the radio
i didnt see any poor pop groups then nor do i now

KellyRobinson (2010-03-25)

I'm with Wholemeal. I STEAL things that don't belong to me and I feel some sense of guilt about it but I'll keep doing it as long as I?m able because it?s free stuff and it's easy.
However? I would never in a million years have the audacity to exclaim, "How dare these people try to stop me from stealing from them!". There?s no logic in thinking that way at all.
@ bits_007? If you think you?re making sense then YOU are the moron here.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"I'm a heavy consumer of movies and music, and im a pretty well payed guy. But if i where to buy all the shit im used to consuming, i would be living on the streets."
It's not essential to your living. The point is, you're getting more content than you are suppose to. Are you saying? YOu steal to live your lifestyle?
I get why companies are pissed because they are loosing income, i really do. But what they dont understand is that their products are not affordable to avarage joe's like myself.
Instead, i download (yes put me in prison and throw away the key) and if i find something i like. I buy it, because i dont want to support something that i had no pleasure in consuming.
Now what companies should do is look over their prices of products, if they pull their heads out of their asses and put reasonable prices on their products. I'll be happy to stop downloading, untill then - I think ill risk it :)

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"I get why companies are pissed because they are loosing income, i really do. But what they dont understand is that their products are not affordable to avarage joe's like myself."
And so you rip them off, then they're like hey i we're losing money. Let's up the prices. If you can't afford them, dont' get them. Because you CAN'T AFFORD THEM. Want a porche? Too bad, you can't afford it don't get it.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"Instead, i download (yes put me in prison and throw away the key) and if i find something i like. I buy it, because i dont want to support something that i had no pleasure in consuming."
But you still consumed it.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

"Now what companies should do is look over their prices of products, if they pull their heads out of their asses and put reasonable prices on their products. I'll be happy to stop downloading, untill then - I think ill risk it :) "
At least you know you're doing something wrong. But don't expect them to bend over and be spanked.

ravern (2010-03-25)

if ur not making money man its prob that ur crap at wot u do ...

DarkLaunch357 (2010-03-25)

ROFL, I wonder how much companies spend to pay trolls like that one here in tpb. Srsly, i could get a job professionally trolling, just for teh lulz. However i'd spend the earnings on my computer to continue pirating. Now, if shit that cost $299 like a PlayStation 3 didnt cost R$ 1599 on basic models (that would be USD 889,99), I would think of playing fair. I'm a 1337 g8mr and I complete around 10 games a week, imagine that, with each $60 game for you would cost a guy like me around R$ 239, that is USD 132. So, I am sick of playing fair and live in misery. TPB FTW.

Wholemeal (2010-03-25)

I'm studying Engineering.
Going down to ad homeniems now? Great. People should know that what you're doing is wrong. By all means, do it. But know it's wrong. And you can't reason with it. Because this type of wrong is a justice wrong. It means equality is non-existent. And all you guys are shouting, that the big fat cats are the different ones. I'm out, i'm fucking tired. I"m got a massive headache from all these stupid people, I'll be back to debunk more of your self-righteous claims to life.

TheCrema (2010-03-25)

You see, this ACTA thingy seems to go against a "few" Constitutional Rights here in the USA and I'm pretty sure that in many other countries too. Last time I heard there is a LOT of Civil Rights Groups and Attorneys (like myself), and even the Supreme Court, that are not very found of people messing with basic Constitutional Rights, especially over monetary reasons. I have a felling that the chances of this ludicrous Act being enforced are slim to none. I wouldn't be too worry about it, because last time i checked no International Trade Agreement trumps your countries' Constitution.

bseos (2010-03-25)

There really is no point in implementing any anti-piracy measures in games, a serial is all they really need. Copy protection will always be cracked so all they are doing is inconveniencing their customers.
In newer games like starcraft 2 and BadCompany 2, they have completely dropped LAN and BOT support, so that you must play online, this is complete shit!! to all game players, hard core or not. But again, this is where the so called "hackers" come in, mods will be made which will support LAN n BOT, and you know why? Because there is a HIGH DEMAND for it.
Therefore you probably better of getting a "pirated" copy of the game, and this is why their buisness model fails. If it?s easier for people to use a "pirated" copy, then why the hell would you buy the original which forces you to go thru all that copy protection crap even though you own a legit CD?!
NO-CD/OFFLINE Play patches/LAN-BOT Mods/stripping game code of auto-authentication checks = WIN!
Look mate, according to their dinosaur copy right law, we are breaking the law. But who makes these laws? Who tells you what is illegal or not? The corporate fat cats who's soul interest is to protect their own, not the artists rights!
Don?t you see, the LAW is what ever they want it to be, and then you as the law abiding citizen must accept it and abide by it or be out casted as a criminal. Sure you may "appeal" for it to be changed, but you try going against a multi-billion dollar business who have virtually unlimited resources and who no doubt play a big role in government and politics by backing and funding politicians, running new bills through them to become law..
Oil companies are still running down their oil, do you have any idea how much plans they have bought out of promising cars that run on alternative fuel? Heard of Vacuum energy?
But meh, no one cares.. Or better put, not enough people care.. Seems ignorance is bliss, and if they want to keep living in their own little worlds where they work all day, take kids to school, sleep.. Rinse & Repeat for their rest of their lives, then so be it.
This may seem like it has nothing to do with copyright laws, but trust me it most certainly does. There is a war on for our freedoms, and it is being silently fought on different fronts, the internet is one of the Major ones, the only one that lets people voice their mind and ideologies without any censorship, a source of free flowing information accessible to anyone regardless if they are rich or poor, back or white, a place where everyone can voice their concern on any matter they wish.. This is only made possible because no one person controls it.
Now add, new improved copyright laws which favor the fat cats, Filtering/censored down to the ISP level, centralized internet, and you got shit. Game over, sheep lose. Wolf wins.

DarkLaunch357 (2010-03-25)

@wholemeal you are the troll i talk about. If u h8 pirated stuff so much, why you bother coming into their den. Wonder how much u trolls get paid seriously. You're just asking for it, either you're a 40 year old n00b that buys Norton Internet Security and get blown with its massive CPU usage and fake meter and the TON of false alarms (while not getting any of the real viruses), got soome kind of worm/trojan and got srsly pissed or you get paid for this. I'm 16, and don't go to school, love computers and I srsly could make $ out of trolling all day, ROFL.
Long Live The Pirate Bay.
*kthxbai logoff n c u guys n gurls on teh pc gaems section sumtiems*

CutThruMe (2010-03-25)

Just shut the fuck up and let people do what they do, you cant do shit about it anyways. Leave it to somebody else, aiight?
''I dont give a fuck, i'm snoop doggy dogg.'' :P

TheCrema (2010-03-25)

Ohhh and lets not forget that the initial and real intentions of ACTA is to crack down the manufacturing and sale of counterfeit goods, that are in their majority carried out by Criminal Organization, mostly in Asia and South America, the same guys that are into drug trafficking, slave trade, prostitution and so on. I'm all for taking them down. The Entertainment Industry is just try to push their agenda and get a free ride, can't blame them for that, but I'm afraid that is not ACTA main goal, so will most likely not gonna happen.

geezahh (2010-03-25)

@ Wholemeal....
Critical thinking Hmmm, so lets us look at the word critical shall we....
Critcal means, to determine whether there is adequate justification to accept the conclusion as being a true fact...
Personally i think that you have had your thought process some what distorted by the lie that has been forcefully imposed into your consciousness....
Wake up brother before you slip away!!

geezahh (2010-03-25)

@ jOK3r_sa
Great point and well said, I'm in full agreement with ya bruv!!
Unlike Wholemeal
(Wholemeal is good for making you regular)
He is full of cynicism which is not a nice personal quality.

Knight6 (2010-03-25)

Well, fuck these motherfuckers. i refuse to
pay for shit i know i can get for free if i just
bothered to look hard enough. im glad these
fools lose money. everytime i upload
something im glad they lose money.

sarcastos (2010-03-25)

Glad i live in Canada, where the Supreme Court ruled file sharing legal.
HAHA, sucks to live down south.

Makeswell (2010-03-25)

after being diagnosed with schizophrenia and having to stay at home for the past three years, torrents have really, really helped me in many, many ways to live a happy and Active lifestyle.

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

dude... i am talking enough sense ... its just all going above your head. and i will blame it to your education :)
let me take a different approach and give you a different example, that why this world needs piracy.
1 laptop lets say which costs 1000$ in us /europe
and here average salary lets say 3000$ a month. now hypothetically lets say u dont need anything else and u can buy 3 laptops in a month. now come to a 3rd world country like india. in india the cost will be 50,000Rs direct conversion of 1k$ + transport cost. now in india average salary is lets say 20,000Rs (that is also if you are lucky enuf) and here a guy has to wait 2.5 months to get 1 laptop, to get 3 he has to wait 7.5 months so 1 months in us/europe = 7.5 months. now top of this if you want to sell your software to these people, what do you think they gonna tell you? think about that.
now may be you will tell... let them die man.. who cares as long as our business getting enuf money from this people. or may be you will say... then why they are buying computers. they dont need it for living. and they will say to you and your friends fuck you and fuck off.
we brought piracy and you have to accept it with other good things. there is a cause behind piracy, think about that first. then talk your shits.
You and your friends wants to do business and make money. thats the end goal. if you say business is dropping i dont buy that. if you look at the numbers its increasing every year. yeah you can say you and your friends could have made more money than that. then yea i agree :)
"No-one can claim IP on the fucking wheel though. MY GOD CAN'T YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE?" you proved me you dont have a brain. dont you think i know that no one cant claim IP and shit. IP is made by the same people who trying to stop piracy.
think about those days... when one culture used to learn from another. if you read history in school.
i will tell you again try to see it from a neutral point of view. and stop shitting around.

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

@wholemeal... you have not seen the world yet... you cant think... you are not educated yet. just go back to your school

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

tell me @wholemeal
do you eat chicken? i am sure you dont take chciken's life probably, but some one does that for you and you are buying from them. so dont you think that also makes you a killer or life stealer?
think about that wholemeal... if you have a brain

geezahh (2010-03-25)

Jeez, your a chip off the old block!!
I agree with every thing you said. Your right ignorance is bliss for some but not for the ones who's eyes are open.
The tide is turning bruv, people like us will soon to be the majority. People all over the world are waking up, we are starting to question and stand up to the authority that is being forcefully imposed on our free will.
The powers that be know this and thats why they are one by one taking away our rights to be free human beings...
All they want is to devour the planet and our minds to make us thier slaves...
They will not have me, I will always buck thier flow when ever possible...

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

and here most of the people are not doing any business with pirated content. we just want to see some movies and forget that ... and no .. i am not gonna pay them any money for that.
i am paying them when i go to a theater. isnt it?
do you think if they are loosing business they gonna start another movie? they are earning more than you think.

404Slayer (2010-03-25)

2572 seeders....
16 pages of intelligent discussion on an important issue
this is beautiful.....
"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life fo me....."

jasonf9ace (2010-03-25)

I can only laugh at this document you think by stopping us downloading your products were all gonna run to the stores to buy your rip off products at rip off prices?ya right.. and even if this comes into affect its only going to stop us pirates for so long.It will only be a matter of time before we find other means of downloading what we want.If its made by a human another human will find a way around it.So pirates get ready for war cos this is where we take a stand from these motherfuckers.We will find new ways to carry on what we do regardless of any document.So ACTA Welcome to the Arms Race.

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

stupidity and intelligence ... these all are relative... if you think mr x is very smart than you. i can think at the same time this mr. x is stupid guy....
right now we all are thinking here you are the stupid guy around :)

CutThruMe (2010-03-25)

I've agreed with most of what you said, but all that stuff you say about steal some movies, pay for another thing later thats just plain bullshit, sorry man but it is. If everybody had the same ideas and shit as you, we would live in a fucking shitty world, nothing would be done no food would be produced, we'd all get smashed right back to the stoneage all of a sudden, all of your talk only leads to a shitty world.
''i am paying them when i go to a theater. isnt it?'' lol at this.

CutThruMe (2010-03-25)


sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

1st problem is losing privacy, but there is another problem! what about people who can't buy? what about us? it's not money problem! i may have the money to buy whole company! but they don't sell products in our countries! it's most asian peoples problem! and if they do what you say... !
so we are always here! and we will help.

_nvr (2010-03-25)

This is great news. Let them waste even more time, resources and money. The fucking failures are salting their own wounds.

sahand-iran (2010-03-25)

yep! don't miss this point that it is not possible to check everyone! no government can do this... that will be a time wasting! even they may say that we put mr X in jail! but that's just for frightening... just to make people afraid of downloading torrent files an so on! here in my country they do the same thing all the time for years! as i said before here we break in to filters and we change ip so we can go to news websites and do what government has banned!

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

dude .... u did not get what i was trying to say :) but its also good u agreed with my some points :)
so its ok if u think i talked shit a bit... i dont mind
but keep this in mind, a guy dont talk good and shits at the same time... probably u didnot get some of the points or may be the message was not clear enough :)

bits_007 (2010-03-25)

bye bye for now... enough of this talks....

LingvoX3 (2010-03-25)

Another epic fail for MAFIAA in 3... 2...

fleah8r (2010-03-25)

your a dick
now that thats outta they way fuck acta
ill never give the media fags any money ever!
i have personally not gone to see a movie since i was a kid and Jurassic park came out let alone bought any music like its worth it
like im going to paying for Brittney or metallicas new jet plane they can get fuct ill just simply live without if it ever came to it which it wont.
its not stealing if theres nothing actually physically taken thats my view period
i mean wtf ip is probly one of the stupidest things invented since when does a pharmaceutical have the rights to me genetic code (oo we found it first so u cant ever use without giving us money even if it kills you we dont give a fuck just look at all the third world contraries which could produce there own medicines but arnt allowed to so millions die) all for what a buck ip is wrong or look at it this way i have to go to work everyday to get paid with ip once ive made something and hey i may not be the first but as long as i get it copyrighted first i can sit back and never have to go to work again and guess what that copyright will go on forever these days my great grand children wont have to work either if i made somthing totaly awsome like so many dead artists whose music is still sold readily copyright was supposed to only last for like 20 years not forever but that changed i mean look at the music industry have u ever seen a more spoiled lot the pure decadence is shocking or movies for example with actors commanding they get millions for what working for lets say a few months fuck off i say get real ask for reasonable amounts of money instead of trying to swindle and fuck us with government sized dildos

kublakan (2010-03-25)

So.. Once they do us all for copyright theft and turn off or restrict our broadband, are they then going to shut down ebay for allowing the sale of counterfeit goods, or people who take the money and don't sell you anything. Are they going to prosecute BT for stating you have unlimited download and then shut you down at busy times. Well they can't put us all in jail, and perhaps the big businesses will realise that if they made their products cheaper we could afford them. Or perhaps they will prosecute the MP's for expense fiddles and taking money and holidays of the big boys. Bollocks to 'em all I say. Over here the prsions are like fucking hotels and you get to go shopping on your own if you are good boy. Although I won't be buying anything!!

Cgoff87 (2010-03-25)

Theres kids with no food & Families with no homes. Theres terrorist bombers, Raping, Child Pornography, Kidnapping, Murder, Drugs like crack or heroine, AIDS/HIV, other STDS & Famine, Wars, Hydrogen Bombs, & Politics But the most of their concerns is to arrest people who share?
As long as we have people in Wall Street that trick middle and low class people into buying stocks that they know will do bad, just to keep their petty little thieving loan service going, then turn around and tell these people that they will get rich, and then take all their money. Im not paying a cent.
-Ill swear to that in court before I swear anything.
So for the record:
Lock me up and throw away the key,
Because my life might be short, but Ive paid my toll of buying copyrighted bullshit, and been fucked by my fair share of corporations. So in response to the ACTA, "Ill donate everything I own before I give you, your government, or anyone else who tries to force me to buy something I got free, a fucking penny."
-And I Forever Will Swear By It
If something is really worth it, then people will buy it. Dont take it out on someone because you didnt get their money. Because I've never robbed know one for something they deserved.

RomanDust (2010-03-25)

I have learned how to make explosives recently, and have thrown over 2 dozen molotov cocktails in preparation for upheaval in America. I am bidding my death on glory.

sharky8186 (2010-03-25)

@Cgoff87 well said.

111bob111 (2010-03-25)

It's the greedy bastards, some of them Jews too

Cgoff87 (2010-03-25)

One thing everyone needs to realize though is that at some points we do have to buy stuff. How do you think it gets on here? So as long as people buy things and share were all good. We just cant be listening to those fucks. If they block my IP then Ill just unblock the filter. You cant stop the internet!!!

Dan2802 (2010-03-25)

To all these people referencing piracy in Third world countries, how many of you have been to Africa? Asia? or South America? And how many people there have internet access? Or even a computer for that matter? Do you people ever thinK?

faceyourfear (2010-03-25)

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the torrents high.
Heave ho,
seeds and leechers,
never shall we die.
Come and get me, government. I will throw copied cd's at you!

devildog93 (2010-03-25)

Just like 9/11, this is another way for the government to have a "legal"...hmmm.....hmmm
way of gaining access to our homes and private lives.
The real axis of evil is not Iran, North Korea and whoever suits their's "the War on Drugs",
"the war on terror" and the newest villain, "the war on piracy"
Fuck these motherfuckers.
I hope someone comes up with a new transfer protocol and/or a new community based on trusted sources, something.

111bob111 (2010-03-25)

@ devildog93
For your fed-up ass maybe it's the "was on terror" is the true evil, but for me it's still the the islam.
Had you seen more about the true face of islam, you wouldn't talk so sure about islam not being a threat.

Pt74 (2010-03-25)


metalhead140 (2010-03-25)

I live in Canada, file sharing is fully legal, so no worries about me. :P

technosailor (2010-03-25)

Yeah, what Cgoff87 wrote. I they bend the laws to get piracy I'll consider them outlaws, so there is not law to follow anymore but my own, so fuck you MAFIAA, I'll pirate and use even more pirate software (I try to use freeware mostly).

4go10swrd (2010-03-25)

Yes, we are wrong to steal (art is meant to be shared anyway :p), but the law they are trying to push is wrong also. It won't work period, ISP companies know this they take away our file sharing freedom they take away a cruical role on how the internet works, it falls they fall.

Quote from wiki -
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has published "Speak out against ACTA", stating that the ACTA threatens free software by creating a culture "in which the freedom that is required to produce free software is seen as dangerous and threatening rather than creative, innovative, and exciting."[49] Specifically the FSF argues that ACTA will make it more difficult and expensive to distribute free software via file sharing and P2P technologies like BitTorrent, which are currently used to distribute large amounts of free software. The FSF also argues that ACTA will make it harder for users of free operating systems to play non-free media because DRM protected media would not be legally playable with free software.
I will play my downloaded mp3 loud and proud like a thug :p

DJCoppy (2010-03-25)

Luckily we are 4 years after Sweden with the developement of internet here in Finland though scandinavia has got the best internet providers in the world.
I'm not waiting to see any police on the door for atleast 4yrs :P
naah.. I'm not scared

aepirate (2010-03-25)

so how do we fight this?

DJCoppy (2010-03-25)


javafire (2010-03-25) im starting an anti acta rally if anyone wants to join the petition, it's opening soon. read and tell me what you think :P

javafire (2010-03-25)

oops wrong link you gotta add .html at the end :P

customchris (2010-03-25)

IPod and other mp3 player com. will lose millions

PATH0G3N (2010-03-25)

Hi there.
For all of you living in the EU, and I presume this goes for us over in the UK also (but dont hold me against it) there is no need to worry:

Read that articale and it becomes clear, here is an extract from it;
""The EU Commission maintains that any criminal action should be for infringements on a large, commercial scale only," Clancy said on Thursday.
"[Acta] has never been about pursuing infringements by an individual who has a couple of pirated songs on their music player. For several years, the debate has been about what is 'commercial scale'. EU legislation has left it to each country to define what a commercial scale is and this flexibility should be kept in Acta."
So if you ask me it sounds like we are safe :)
But if i am misunderstanding please do correct me :)

Cgoff87 (2010-03-25)

@Dan2802 As I can see you lack the common sense needed to comprehend the relation that I made between poverty and piracy. To better help you understand the relation
heres the facts:
Poverty is a disease that is growing quickly as more and more corporations are swindling money out of society and distributing it amongst themselves and select charities that do whatever they want with the money.
In Africa,
Every day, almost 16000 children die from hunger-related causes.
Since the epidemic began, 25 million people have died from AIDS.
Wars have destroyed the region, and corrupt systems of politics have not made it better...
On the other hand,
Millions of dollars every year are wasted in this process of conviction that only happens to a select group of people. Out of these few people, they are charged fines that can exceed $100,000 Dollars, yet these companies spend more and more money trying to make an point effortless point just to try to scare people into staying off these sites.
-Point Blank
I dont care what anyone says, because personally, I care about bigger issues, and Piracy just isnt one of them. Because as long as we have Mike over there sleeping under the Highway 90 bridge or my friend Ralph who currently resides at the SAM Shelter, or even the kid who cant pay for his Mavis Beacon 20 typing lesson to have at home because his dad just got fired from the Toyota plant, I will gladly help these people at my cost, rather than support convicting and charging these families for basically Typing and Clicking.
My point is that money could be used for better things, and I dont see these software developers and corporations doing anything but layoffs and get rich.
Now who doesn't believe this Money could be used for greater efforts??

Is Piracy really The Biggest problem in the world right now?
Because if you think so, there is no doubt your world is different than mine...

thedjey (2010-03-26)

Cgoff87 Thumbs up..

Lobotomite (2010-03-26)


srmatanza (2010-03-26)

Here in Mexico we are making a lot of web/activism-propaganda against the ACTA, as you should know the last round of negotiations was here in Guadalajara.
¡Saludos to all the Pirates of the world!

sahand-iran (2010-03-26)

and please do not forget that we are not doing wrong things! we dont steal anything! we just share... for example i buy a dvd, then i rip it and share it with my friends! nothing wrong about! :D
and please take easy! there is nothing to do with digital world! governments may be powerful at politics and wars! but they can't do anything against people! never forget the people power... (specially in your country that people have freedom of speech!)

sahand-iran (2010-03-26)

plz.. people in canada and other safe countries... you might be safe, but we all must do something for people in us and other countries that are in trouble right now!

Cgoff87 (2010-03-26)

You speak the one international language:
-The Truth

sahand-iran (2010-03-26)

anyway we must solve the problem.. wont be so difficult... cause we all want the same thing and there are millions of people like us out there!

foodlegs (2010-03-26)

absolutely fucking down with this tpb till i die etc

Cgoff87 (2010-03-26)

Although there might not be much we can do to stop the ACTA from going through with this, leaving this marks that I will never let my freedom be taken from me at any cost me.
They might be able to stop the big Pirate companies from selling their bootleg copyrighted games and software, that probably had viruses to begin with, but theyll never stop anyone I know from burning Dvds, Man its too much people. Then what happens if they try to charge someone who doesnt have money? They just gonna lock em up or what?
Just watch where you go online, because any site could log your IP info and you could be tracked so try to use a Proxy that is Reputable for privacy.
TPB has always been a strong supporter of Freedom. So we do indeed thank you for sharing this with info with us.

devildog93 (2010-03-26)

I think almost everyone on here can say they are "fed up". We are all losing our privacy here.
Each new "villain" they come up with, ends up with another chunk of our freedom being chipped away.
If this one goes thru, EVERYONE is at risk.
I live in Canada and I am still worried about this document.
I think some other Canucks on here that say they don't have to worry, should.
We may have the one of the strictest privacy laws on the plantet, but things change, and we did have reps there.

Cgoff87 (2010-03-26)

Mayne this is fucked up.. The war on drugs is a waste, and this will be too.

ANGELO131 (2010-03-26)

fuck this shit. im gonna pirate my shit for ever. even if im a fucking billionaire. i will still pirate because its fucking fun

PlantaBR (2010-03-26)

I don't know how the things are on europe, but I'm hoping for the best for the euro-pirates. All is about money.
Page 21:
"Further to Article 2.14.1, each Party shall privide penalties that include sentences of impisonment as well as monetary fines sufficientle high to provide a deterent to future acts of infrigement."
I fixed it:
"Each party shall shut up and go back to reality. Start to believe: P2P and file sharing will never stop because people can create new techniques everyday. People uses wifi and crack WEP and WPA keys today is easy, and if someone do a "wardrive" and use the internet of a Old man to pirate furry porn, the old man will go to jail without do anything, and will pay a fine because Pig noses aren't energy plugs. We are not on soviet era. We are not on China. Put fire in this agreement and wakeup for reality"

Takme (2010-03-26)

Innocent till proven guilty this is unconstituional.

sahand-iran (2010-03-26)

lets do our best! lets fight WISELY and CLEVER against them! and share our new ways to hide and do the best piracy and find alternate ways of file sharing and p2p and so on...

Rokkross (2010-03-26)

Oh my fucking god. I can't wait to read the legal page in a few days. This will be a fucking war.

Rokkross (2010-03-26)

Also, this is total bullshit. If they pass this, it will compromise what everyone stands for. We are the majority. We should say what's right. We are united, and we won't stand for it.

Dramat (2010-03-26)

We should preparing ourselfs for the worst. I am sorry to bring this up, but while Hitler was getting his power and starts to make a threats almost no one belies that he will attack other countries (not to mention SECOND WORLD WAR (!)
By "preparation" I ment for example making a back up of all TPB torents index. Once in the past I've found on Mininova (an OLD Mininova - not todays laughable caricature of the site it once was) torrent which was called "TPB Index" - it was a collection of thousands torrents and the idea was that all p2p uses should keep up seeding their torrents and people whom got this TPB Index could just pick the torrents they wish to download. It was made when there were rummors that TPB will be shut down.The file was approx. 21 GB but there also was included an instructions how to make a temporal backup of TPB site and make it run + proper software (!) That was something. Unfortunately my hard drive collapsed couple moths ago and I lost it :( And I can't find it anywhere - there's no such torrent on TPB and Mininova now is a.......................... (you really dont wanna know what I am thinking about it.........).
Any other ideas?

pizzahut123 (2010-03-26)


ironlung187 (2010-03-26)

am sorry but ironlung 187 will not bow down to any new piracy law. As long as p2p exists I will continue to leech and seed. I made a vow to steal as much copyrighted stuff as possible. Why not it is free. So brothers and sisters of the pirate bay! hear me do not stop seeding. And to the leechers that dont seed . Remove yourself off p2p. because you make me sick!!!! muwahhahahah

pizzahut123 (2010-03-26)


jimitridos (2010-03-26)

It's time to show them who we really ARE ! ! !
They WILL regret for messing with US ! !

.Shole (2010-03-26)


therealguy419 (2010-03-26)

im sorry but this is bullshit. uncle sam steals money from us and they tell us what we can and cant do. if im correct didnt are mom and dads tell us sharing is caring??? i dont see no harm in it its not like where raping or murdering people. its illegal for use to share a move or game digitally but its not illegal for use to let are friends borrow a ligament copy of a movie or game even tho the company is still loosing money because the friend i let borrow the movie dosnt have to pay to watch the movie. so someone tell me if that makes and fucking sense ? America is fucked up in the head dont police have anything better to do than bust people who are just trying to be nice and share what they have???

-Dedrik- (2010-03-26)

Lol when this shit hits the fan and it probably will, there will probably be massed rioting and the such. Obama is just a corrupt puppet,he can't help it if his pockets are being filled, it's human nature to be greedy, but to this level, naw it's in-human.
Can't wait for the chaos to start, once this thing goes in to affect you know at some point people will have enough of the government and revolt.
I mean its just another way for the government to get money from us.

xSable (2010-03-26)

Wow... Can't wait to see how the pirates from Anon react to this one.

lord_dark_helmet131 (2010-03-26)

To anybody who thinks they should be paid for writing every single program they ever created think about this.
I have been writing hacks, patches, and mods for games and software for close to 5 years now. I do it because it is fun. I do it because people appreciate what I have made. I have been offered money for some of my hacks and I declined. I don't care about monetary gain, I only care about helping the people who can't afford the software or want to change aspects of their favorite games.
If people really want a piece of software, let them have it. Whether or not they paid for it or not should never matter.
I pirate regularly, and if I can't find a song on a torrent site or a P2P network, I buy it and share it because there will always be someone else who want's that song.
Piracy will never be stopped as long as the good people at TPB are till breathing seeding. We are many, we are strong. Nothing will prevent us from getting around any law that says we can't share! SHARING IS CARING!
And my friends, despite breaking rules 1 & 2 of the internet, I must tell you that my /b/rothers support our fight and will be doing a bunch of world wide Anonymous protests at major capitals who are supporting this agreement!

TrilGates (2010-03-26)

Don't forget, everyone though filesharing was over when napster went down too. It seems those dedicated enough are always a few steps ahead of law enforcement.
As for this "fight back" rally call some of you are pleading for? Forget it. There's nothing you can do, and don't count on many diehard pirates fighting for "the cause" as soon as the first wave of "cease and desists" go out...

Kona_ (2010-03-26)


Alphadestrious (2010-03-26)


TheRuthlessOne (2010-03-26)

@ Canadians saying that it's legal here, please explain, I'm not very educated on this.

straughn21 (2010-03-26)

If this were an earlier time, I would have suggested making it a member's only site. Where you can only send invites to people every so often. Just like what Demonoid currently does. But it's a bit late for that. We must pull together and defend our rights. Every person counts in this Pirating war! go team >:D

Rade66 (2010-03-26)

Some version of an ACTA is, to a minor extent, necessary i think, but this draft is pure bullshit. It just takes the laws already in place to extremes.
Furthermore, it seems very concerned with the digital world and anti-piracy despite its "broad scope" and it should be going in the other direction.
This is really just a huge mistake if it gets passed. Politicians today are all either remarkably out of touch or in the pockets of private investors it seems and either way "the people" that many constitutions and governments stand for are basicly ignored.

CheesusTehLord (2010-03-26)

As a great wise man once told me,

Nickmaka (2010-03-26)

well i have 2 things to say:
1- 4.337.627 registered users.
24.940.088 peers
good luck building prisons xD
2- why dont the program writers surrender to piracy and make freeware and free games i am sure that they will find cleaver ideas to earn money that way too avoiding lots of problems
wo never made a download throw the first stone

Shameso (2010-03-26)

First of all id like to say fuck that.
If we arent already helping those money hungry bastards enough they have to step up now without us knowing when and looking through our crap. Wouldn't doubt it that they are already cracking down. Holding out to shoot us all down. It wont stand. Why try to take control of eveything. AND THEY DO IT FOR THEIR OWN GREED! it's not right. We dont search through their computers information we don't know about and criminalize them do we? DO WE? maybe we should now. Pass the right for human privacy pass the act for let citizens who built this country know the real secrets. Freedom of information act states they should not hold out on us. We fight their wars, we pay their taxes we buy their things, their products. they cant fool us that they are not behind Corp. and the CEO's dont run the country! Well to fight back id say stop buying their shit all together see where they get then? GET RID OF THE DOLLAR! you dont need it. When you have the money. you dont want the money you want the product. Am i right? Lets take what is ours LETS TAKE AMERICA! Lets take what is ours already and show them!...... by deleting information...
deleting to places unknown...

Shameso (2010-03-26)

First of all id like to say fuck that.
If we arent already helping those money hungry bastards enough they have to step up now without us knowing when and looking through our crap. Wouldn't doubt it that they are already cracking down. Holding out to shoot us all down. It wont stand. Why try to take control of eveything. AND THEY DO IT FOR THEIR OWN GREED! it's not right. We dont search through their computers information we don't know about and criminalize them do we? DO WE? maybe we should now. Pass the right for human privacy pass the act for let citizens who built this country know the real secrets. Freedom of information act states they should not hold out on us. We fight their wars, we pay their taxes we buy their things, their products. they cant fool us that they are not behind Corp. and the CEO's dont run the country! Well to fight back id say stop buying their shit all together see where they get then? GET RID OF THE DOLLAR! you dont need it. When you have the money. you dont want the money you want the product. Am i right? Lets take what is ours LETS TAKE AMERICA! Lets take what is ours already and show them!...... by deleting information...
deleting to places unknown...

Shameso (2010-03-26)

Why waste their time and money of our country on useless things like this? people on do this because they r sick of not having what they want in the first place. BECAUSE they take too much from us. TAKE not ask. Hey can we search this? they should spend their money more wisely. Like helping people in need. not bother people such as pirates and so on.

faux33 (2010-03-26)

So. Can anyone tell me if this affects Canada?

Shameso (2010-03-26)

Im pretty sure it affects most people anywhere. The point is to join the cause and start something. Start a group and im willing to start one and a meeting place.

Shameso (2010-03-26)

all who need a faster way of chatting about this go to

and register and talk in chat box.

stygzy (2010-03-26)

I'm here to help if i can. This is an outrage. remember to rape when you pillage!

Shameso (2010-03-26)

all the more help the better. All hackers and pirates unite to help. As much as you can. shut them down. Of course they could be hoping for an outrage to weed out the people.

ironlung187 (2010-03-26)

arrrhhh this reminds me of the time when me and captain jack sparrow used to go out and pirate merchant vessels. ohhhh day were the days!! when ever we would strike it rich we would share it among the crew. back then it wasn't peer 2 peer. It was pirate to pirate arrrrrgh. Then came the east indian trading company and fucked it up for us hard working deck hands arrrrrgh. And now this is happening. THE FUCKING NEW EAST INDIAN TRADING COMPANY ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. WHERES ME RUM

Matakor (2010-03-26)

What was the internet originally created for? File Sharing.
What are we doing? FILE SHARING.
So much for the internet. Might as well shut it down, eh?

dark87 (2010-03-26)

All hackers and pirates unite to help stop this capitalism fascism trying to control are lives?
the seed haves been planted and now it up to us to make sure it does not grow anymore stronger,we must do something now or else we be in a post world where any government,can tell us what to do with are lives do you all really what that i think not?

vaggeta10 (2010-03-26)

This is the beginning of the war.
I knew that this would happen one day.
Corporations and governments made first move.
I'm not trying to scare brothers and sisters, but it is the beginning of the war for freedom and the very essence of our existence as a society, as a nation! as individuals and not a herd!.
Corporations... they pray on slaves.. yes slaves. every one who forced to buy software, games, music (not books!!!) are SLAVES to them. But we are free! We are free, healthy people, for many of us there are no limits on the Internet borders [~gentle smile~], there are no closed doors no restrictions, we are free like the wild wind on flat plain! "For us, there are no walls on the Internet through which we can not pass! We do what others can't and we are proud of it! They fear and hate us for it! . They fear us because we can, because we are many and we have power! I am standing .. lifting up a fist to the sky and scream until the pain in my throat: I'm FREE! I am PROUD! I am STRONG!
We ... pirates and hackers alike are a threat to them! And they are trying to destroy what they fear. Now they have taken the first step towards war .. Fear is their weapon, their first move. In the future, may appear similar organization like Interpol. But they will hunt us instead. Like dogs, like abominations! like criminals, like last free people on Earth!.
Jesus said: when they hit on the right cheek, turn around , at the same time throwing forward your tightly clenched fist and beat, beat, beat the enemy! Until he does not back down and not run away and do not dare to raise his dirty hand against you!
since 2007, I voluntarily gave up my freedom. Because I made a promise to close person.
But from today, I freeing myself from my vow, and I will fight to the last KB. I will fight with all means necessary!
I love pirates! love what you are doing. you stand under the first blow. The enemy is patient, they will be as a piranha as a pack of jackals bite off a piece and wait, taking away our freedom and power bite by bite. Slowly but surely they'll eat us if we let them, if we sit and wait, sit and talk like:::: we are strong! We are LEGION we are many, nothing can happen to us!. but nothing is done, a pack of dogs with ease can eat a Mammoth. If Mammoth is to lazy to protect himself.
I said all
Sp out.
p.s. I wear my t-shirt with pride :P

Rakill (2010-03-26)

Hey, just for all you people saying 'glad it's not my country.' If it's not your country now, IT SOON WILL BE!
You think they're going to stop suddenly? NO.
These fat fucking politicians make their laws and no one questions shit! And once a law comes into being it's NEVER revoked unless it's outdated..
Like how nunchuks and ninja stars are illegal here in Canada because some high blood-pressured fuck saw a bruce lee movie. But you can go to a sporting store, buy a crossbow, a 12 inch hunting knife and some circular saw blades to chuck around, no questions asked. This is starting to seem pretty fucking hurtin to me that we let these assholes tell us how to run our lives with their retarted reasoning. I've had enough of this hurtin shit, time to fight the power.
If this shit passes I'm gonna burn something down.

Shameso (2010-03-26)

Well said Vagetta
pirates were shut down because they stood for freedom and what they saw as free. Free from everything corp.
anyone who has balls to stand up. We best get to work.

YurkaMaku (2010-03-26)

Im with Shameso on this, but only because i like the idea of the fightclub eventually turning into Project Mayhem over time. Regardless on to the subject. This law will probably be about as hard to maintain as the MP3 Illegality laws are, people will always find ways to continue the spirit of Piracy for the rest of time, its human nature to find ways to take what you want without actually paying for it. Its been done for years and has never been stopped, even if the world declines into oppression and Famine, Piracy is the Core of society, and the fact the law states can arrest on possibility, corruption will come into play almost instantly, and people would be arrested for no reason, without even being guilty, and setup for the whole thing while it happens. And i doubt the law will actually make it far anyways, considering my favorite "The Grand Line" (TPB) of the web, has a following big enough to even stop something like this from happening. All it takes is one placement on one location, i.e. 4chan, to cause a massive international movement that could shake the fabric of society in its own matrix of structure. Just remember everyone, they can try, but the spirit of piracy will always live on in us all, no matter who it is. Everyone pirates, even if they don't know it.

dark87 (2010-03-26)

well said my friend t just the beginning of a war to come we will not be slaves to anyone,we flight till the very end

Vasto_Lorde (2010-03-26)

so i want to use a VPN whats the best one out there i have done a LITTLE research and i mean little so far the best looking one is ULTRA VPN https://www.ultravpn[dot]fr/ its free limits yer KBps to 500k and no dl limits

ibstars (2010-03-26)

Unite for our freedom.
All hackers and pirates.
Internet should be free anyway.

Vasto_Lorde (2010-03-26)

nm that it wont work for 64 bit users like myself so if anyone has any suggestions pleaselet me know one that will work with 64 bit and is free

Rade66 (2010-03-26)

This ACTA will face opposition not only from hackers and pirates, but even from musicians, developers, authors, and all the other people whose work this bill effects.
Many have stated they are pro-piracy and think there are problems in their respective industries, and once this gets passed, many others will too.

regalrecaller (2010-03-26)

@ metalcore
that's what you get for using some version of windows. linux doesn't have that particular "virus" problem.
for newbies, ubuntu is a pretty safe build that's easy to learn.

Shameso (2010-03-26)

all well said statments on this fact. One of the first people to comment in this section mentioned talk of what we should do to prepare.... I could say.. lets do nothing. but would that be a false statement to say?
After all what would we do?
would the days of vietnam war protests rise again in a new age?
the age of technology!
Technology pirates...
stealing anything is a bad thing.
you must agree with that. But government forcing itself upon us like a false religion is wrong!
this pirate curse: the curse of the lame government has gone on for a long time. Its not about free games media and so on. Its about many other things.

ColdFission (2010-03-26)

Peanutt010 (2010-03-26)

ATM we have set up a religion church that believes that all data was ment to be shared.
Therefore we should recieve the right to excersize our religion.
Join us @

Amrodyrius (2010-03-26)

It's a shame many of you think Freedom of speech has something to do with copyrights...
Let's take an daily example: When I go to the video store, ask the man behind the counter whether I can get a free film and get an "no" as an answer; I am then allowed to call him a jerk. (This is Freedom of Speech, for the ones who don't knew it.)
If I would go to the same store the next day, and again ask for a free film, with an "no" as an answer. I will cut his security systems, and rob the place, only because I 'know' that Freedom of Speech gives me the right to rob the poor video store keeper.
Freedom of Speech; as the name suggests, is SPEECH, when I speak to someone, I give my SPEECH away. It will come out of my mouth, the words I say are being transmitted through sound waves to the receiver; in this case a person I talk to. This is Freedom of Speech.
Copyright infringement/piracy; has nothing to do with being allowed to say something. You are allowed to say that you do not agree with Copyrights, but you are not allowed to cross the border between saying you are supposed to be allowed and just taking it.
Because of you idiots, who cannot see the difference between Freedom of Speech and Copyrights Laws, I have I fair chance to be caught because of some mp3's...
Another difference is: Freedom of Speech is a human right. Copyrights Laws are laws we actually need to abide. (Though I do not do this always... xD)
Though it might be able, that in the future when nobody is allowed to download copyrighted works and will be caught immediately... There will be a possibility, that in that future there will no such thing as Freedom of Speech...
You guys download a lot, I would encourage you to buy the movie : Equilibrium. Though I don't mind you downloading it, either.
In that movie one man pressed a law against emotions. Yes, for a good reason, as human emotions are mostly the cause for bad things like wars. But it does suppresses the people, they aren't even allowed to laugh, or even have a painting in the living room.
I do not encourage such an society, therefore who do need to be careful with what kind of laws are getting passed.
This probably is the main reason why so many people are confusing Freedom of Speech with Copyrights together.
If someone doesn't agree with me fine, but I would like to hear your point of view. I will probably not read these comments anymore as there are over 497 comments, and probably still counting.

Amrodyrius (2010-03-26)

One other question: What should you want when you release an album, book, movie, tv show, or something else?
Be honest; wouldn't you want to get more income? What if your book has been bought 2 times (40 euros total) while they spread the book over the internet, to hundreds of people.
Would you like that?
Also take a look here: --> It's the internet archive, where there are many sorts of things to find. Audiobooks, music, radio broadcasts. All or without any sort of Copyright or in the Public Domain. And there still is quite interesting stuff on there. Like the whole radioplay broadcast on Halloween 1938 or something, of the book War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells. The legendary broadcast few people still know. Most of the people are probably after their 30's, I'm still 19... :D It's an honour to be one of the few who actually know the broadcast.
Copyrighted stuff isn't the only stuff on Earth. There are a lot of non-copyrighted stuff out there, which might be of interest to someone.
Also, please send me an pm on Suprbay if you do not agree with me. Please explain why you do not agree with me.
Some of you look at the effect, you hate the effect (our rights being shortened, anti-piracy) but what is in fact the source of the effect?
Are we greedy? Or are we suddenly openminded when it comes to getting something for free? When you write a book, pay 10.000s of Euros to print them, would you give them away for free at the railway station?

Offsday (2010-03-26)

Well I just reggistered on the pirate bay to say fuck em laws, internter is the only space we have to be (almost) free you can do (almost) whatever you want, and now they wanna take that fuck em.
i know nothings gonna change internet piracy, yesterday was the same shit with NAPSTER today is this ACTA shit well let the future decide whos gonna keep on the freedom and whos gonna suck their own dicks with the ACTa in their ass

YouDidWut (2010-03-26)

So this is another one of those acts that refers to a numerous amount of subsections in each line...
Well...Looks like I suddenly forgot how to use a computer.
In the United States the "Patriot Act" Looks pretty similar and does the same thing as this one.

Rhizic (2010-03-26)

I just thought I'd let you know that facebook is censoring this torrent... not pirate bay, just the url to this torrent.. if you try to link it is says,you have been reported for abuse by some facebook users..... so yeah, maybe someone wants to do something about that.^_^

Spind (2010-03-26)

''Shall not affect the possibility for a judicial or administrative authority, in accordance with the Parties legal system, requiring the service provider to terminate or prevent an infringement, nor does it affect the possibility of the parties establishing procedures governing the removal or disabling of access to information''
Heck... this goes beyond torrent. that paragraph that i quoted says it loud and clear.
With this wikipedia, wikileaks, heck even google knols will be at stake.
This ''agreement'' is abuse indeed...
Not to mention that those BS, will abuse of it even more:
Lets say you got something against the goverment and you are just reminding on what the heck happened to those promises that particular politician made...
Obviously ya create a website in order to say what you believe, now w/ this quote in particular is just the perfect ''excuse'' for them to shot you down, just because they feel to do so.
Not to mention disabling access to sources of information (imagine a censored google >.>)
This agreement, takes every drop of freedom that everyone haves...

_Ncrypt_ (2010-03-26)

Reading this pisses me off and makes me scared.
I have over 1 terabyte of movies on my desktop harddrive. dose this mean they can come to my house and take it. should i be scared. US citizen.

foxkune (2010-03-26)

fuck them if there is no evidence they cant do shit
(starts building elecrtomagnet harddrive wiper trap)
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA tuch mah computer the wrong way and zapp it becomes a paper wait lol eat shit and die ACTA wankers

Fuck-The-Acta-Treaty (2010-03-26)

Dem Fucks Are Gonna Have To Get Past The Guns First... Wont Go Down With Out A Fight!!!!!!

habydlg (2010-03-26)

The fight has started... join me in facebook... UNITE against ACTA Agreement by joining the UNITED AGAINST ACTA group...
We Will Make A Change...

AwesomeNinja (2010-03-26)

Wow, it's extremely difficult to take anything you say seriously when you can't even fucking spell or use proper grammar.
Yes, some of the people on here suffer from the same complex, but at least they don't pretend to be all fucking high and mighty.
Obviously you have not read this document, and thought about it logically, because unless you are a multimillionaire, this affects you boy-oh.
Are you going to tell me that you don't own an iPod, or any form of portable music player? You don't own a cell phone capable of storing music? You purchase an additional copy of everything for each specific use? I don't fucking think so.
This act addresses the fact that even if you own the CD in the first place, and you rip a copy to your music player, you have there-in broken the law. You should have to purchase the CD for your CD player, and purchased another copy to use on your MP3 player.
If you've ever lent a CD, or DVD, or movie to a friend to watch, you've broken the law.
If you are that blind, that you can't realize that this act is just a way to make the rich; richer, then you should just go ahead and lobotomize yourself.
Digital media is the only thing in the world that once you purchase it, you are limited to what you can do with it, and there is no form of quality control to the end-user. You buy a car, you decide to sell it, you do it. You buy a house, you decide to sell it, you do it. You buy a TV, and you decide to sell it, well guess what, you can fucking do that too. In these peoples terms, once you buy a CD, that shit had better stay on lockdown. What other fucking industry in the world litigates that once you purchase the product, if you don't like it, go fuck yourself. That's right, NONE. You buy a movie, it sucks, well too bad, there is no refund, there is no exchange, NOTHING.
If you took a good look at my DVD/CD collection, you would see hundreds, and I mean HUNDREDS. Why? because I watched them first, if I liked them, I BOUGHT THEM. Deserved revenue, what a fucking concept?!?!? There is no other industry in the fucking world that has this kind of policy.
Prove me wrong.... I dare you.

mattwjones (2010-03-26)

If only all of my downloads went this fast....

chriff216 (2010-03-26)

I love you, ^_^ Haha, "If you are that blind,...then you should just go ahead and lobotomize yourself." Ahaha, I hope someone attempts to prove you wrong.

KingKongFetus (2010-03-26)

Find the assholes behind this, grab all of the personal info we can on them and lets make us some new torrents:)
Seriously though. We all knew this was coming. It has nothing to do with illegal downloading either. Our government is trying to control EVERYTHING free right now. Healthcare, internet, even food supplements... check this out...

it's both parties too. No blaming democrats or republicans alone here. The government in its entirety is being over run by socialism. I don't think we will make it til 2012 for another election either. Everything is already in motion.

euphorial (2010-03-26)

Welcome to the New World Order.

UltraTwitch (2010-03-26)

well what about podcasts and other free media we get information from? You know what i think we're dealing with here.. Prohibition, it will only last so long. History repeats itself...

ROOFIEMTL (2010-03-26)

Quote:The government in its entirety is being over run by socialism.
Really?..... WOW. I guess I graduated from a different school of American History and Social studies. I suggest you look up terminologies.
People of the WORLD have been fighting CORPORATE FACISM for as long as Corporations have been able to be chartered. In the U.S. you are seeing people being fed all this crap about socialism. WAKE UP AND SEE THE FACT THAT ALL TV AND RADIO IS OWNED BY CORPORATIONS. They want you to vote against your best interest. In the end they have to satisfy one thing, stock-holders. They give a shit about anything else. They do not care about your social issues. Or your Country. And judging by your statement KONG. I see they have you doing all there dirty work. HOOK, ROD AND SINKER.

UndeadxNurse (2010-03-26)

Suddenly, I've become bored with this and now I've lost interest in rebelling.
Either I've lost interest, or I've just gotten lazy. Hmm..
ACTA (among other big-corporations) are much like children, if you will. The more attention you give the child, the more the child will pursue you for more attention, but if you ignore the child, the child will throw a temper-tantrum and eventually shut up over time.
I say ignore it and see what happens, there's more pirates in the U.S. alone than I even care to shake a stick at, but I can also guarantee what the ACTA is most likely reading these posts.
Oh well, let's just wait and see what happens, shall we?

FeatherTalon (2010-03-26)

Do we have any word on some sort of 'stealth' torrent client? PeerBlock is good, but it's not 100% effective.
I myself have started up a petition against this thing in my Country of Australia, but am not currently having much luck with it.
If there isn't one, then some of our best and brightest pirates might have to whip one up. We are strong in numbers and numbers are certainly something we have. The corps may think they will win, but we have people everywhere.
~FeatherTalon in the Skies

UndeadxNurse (2010-03-26)

[edit] Secrecy of negotiations
The Electronic Frontier Foundation opposes ACTA, calling for more public spotlight on the proposed treaty.[45] Since May 2008 discussion papers and other documents relating to the negotiation of ACTA have been uploaded to Wikileaks,[13] and newspaper reports about the secret negotiations swiftly followed.[8][20][46]
In June 2008 Canadian academic Michael Geist writing for Copyright News argued that "Government Should Lift Veil on ACTA Secrecy" noting before documents leaked on the internet ACTA was shrouded in secrecy. Coverage of the documents by the Toronto Star "sparked widespread opposition as Canadians worry about the prospect of a trade deal that could lead to invasive searches of personal computers and increased surveillance of online activities." Geist argues that public disclosure of the draft ACTA treaty "might put an end to fears about iPod searching border guards" and that it "could focus attention on other key concerns including greater Internet service provider filtering of content, heightened liability for websites that link to allegedly infringing content, and diminished privacy for Internet users." Geist also argues that greater transparency would lead to a more inclusive process, highlighting that the ACTA negotiations have excluded both civil society groups as well as developing countries. Geist reports that "reports suggest that trade negotiators have been required to sign non-disclosure agreements for fear of word of the treaty's provisions leaking to the public." He argues that there is a need for "cooperation from all stakeholders to battle counterfeiting concerns" and that "an effective strategy requires broader participation and regular mechanisms for feedback".[47]
In November 2008 the European Commission responded to these allegations as follows:
"It is alleged that the negotiations are undertaken under a veil of secrecy. This is not correct. For reasons of efficiency, it is only natural that intergovernmental negotiations dealing with issues that have an economic impact, do not take place in public and that negotiators are bound by a certain level of discretion. However, there has never been any intention to hide the fact that negotiations took place, or to conceal the ultimate objectives of the negotiations, the positions taken in European Commission Trade 5/6 the negotiations or even details on when and where these negotiations are taking place. The EU and other partners (US, Japan, Canada, etc.) announced their intention to start negotiations of ACTA on 23 October 2007, in well publicised press releases. Since then we have talked about ACTA on dozens of occasions, including at the European Parliament (INTA committee meetings), and in numerous well attended seminars. Commission organised a stakeholders' consultation meeting on 23 June in Brussels, open to all ? industry and citizens and attended by more than 100 participants. US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and other ACTA partners did the same."[1][citation needed]
In New Zealand InternetNZ is responding to the lack of transparency in negotiations by holding an open public event to critique the known and likely content of ACTA proposals, enable people to connect and discuss the issues, and to develop an agreed statement to deliver to New Zealand Government negotiators and politicians. PublicACTA

will be held on Saturday, 10 April 2010, two days ahead of Round 8 of the ACTA negotiations on 12-16 April in Wellington. Michael Geist will be keynote speaker at the event.
[edit] Legal scope
It has been argued that the main thrust of ACTA is to provide safe harbor for service providers so that they may not hesitate to provide information about infringers; this may be used, for instance, to quickly identify and stop infringers once their identities are confirmed by their providers. Similarly, it provides for criminalization of copyright infringement, granting law enforcement the powers to perform criminal investigation, arrests and pursue criminal citations or prosecution of s

die_alien_die (2010-03-26)

this is all about tacking away your freedom. they can arrest you and search your home and take any thing. this is a abuse of human rights. they can search and arrest you because they think your jeans are fake! you are slaves. get on your knees and keep quiet and work hard, they need the money!!!

die_alien_die (2010-03-26)

Why am I the only one Up loading this? Cowerds!!

vaggeta10 (2010-03-26)

Maybe I am a bit of an alarmist, but could you tel me what would happen if ISP`s will be allowed to monitor and track us?
Regular users cant defend against this kind of abuse... so I'm pretty sure that if ACTA passes, within 2-5 years we could expect police knocking on our door. I do not agree that ACTA like a child and if we live it alone it would just shut up and die of hunger, every corporation support it its easier to pay for ACTA , WORKING ACTA, than suffer losses from piracy and H attacks. They will feed that child and give him undivided attention...
?.. this child will grow, and grow and one day, it will turn into a giant ??. Do you remember how many people protested against civil cameras on streets ? Now you can find camera in every Fucking bathroom including your own .. so don't say that ISP will protect regular users, hackers will survive but you ? Imagine you siting on your couch watching, playing new game. Knock! knock! .. WTF ?
Everyone think that you'll be safe, that if they gona arrest someone they do it some where far away and its gona be someone else.. well that ???someone else??? could be YOU. And at some point it will be you.
Sp out

capitalist_haze (2010-03-26)

vaggeta10 (2010-03-26)

Maybe I am a bit of an alarmist, but could you tel me what would happen if ISP`s will be allowed to monitor and track us?
Regular users cant defend against this kind of abuse... so I'm pretty sure that if ACTA passes, within 2-5 years we could expect police knocking on our door. I do not agree that ACTA like a child and if we live it alone it would just shut up and die of hunger, every corporation support it its easier to pay for ACTA , WORKING ACTA, than suffer losses from piracy and H attacks. They will feed that child and give him undivided attention...
?.. this child will grow, and grow and one day, it will turn into a giant !!. Do you remember how many people protested against civil cameras on streets ? Now you can find camera in every Fucking bathroom including your own .. so don't say that ISP will protect regular users, hackers will survive but you ? Imagine you siting on your couch watching, playing new games. Knock! knock! .. WTF ?
Everyone think that you'll be safe, that if they gona arrest someone they do it some where far away and its gona be someone else.. well that |||someone else||| could be YOU. And at some point it will be you.
Sp out

kxt2009 (2010-03-26)

Autorities Goverment of SUA AND UE..... must read Uniunea Europeana (ro) or European Union must kiss my ass. This laws are only for stopping evolution of mankind. The goverments are the only which cause evolution of mankind to go slowww. Stupid people.. We will always be united by truth by freedom while THEY always will be united by interests of groups , organisations...

niggawtf (2010-03-26)

good luck arresting half of the fucking world

niggawtf (2010-03-26)

and i might add,
let's worry about copyright infringement instead of all the other things that are going on in this world; (just a few) war, famine, disease.
those 3... they'll work themselves out i guess. piracy is a much, much bigger issue.

thamask21 (2010-03-26)

We already know what their plan is...arrest half of the world or kill us they are lunatics and scary enough they are lunatics who are so rich they piss more money so that means more people who have nothing listen to them and do whatever they say...

ravern (2010-03-26)

We have always had prostitutes ,can they be stopped no.
We have always had drugs can it be stopped no.
we have always had piracy in some form, can it be stopped we shall see..

iverieli (2010-03-26)

This is disgusting bullshit.
We all know big business and corporations have many governments by the balls - but this is plain disgusting communism.

Don_Loco (2010-03-26)

@ iverieli : its not communism, its kapitalism, well sucks anyways.
i sense 1984 getting real, hope that island can keep its freedom.

athmy (2010-03-26)

'Extremely Brilliant' move !!!!
Its like trying to burn down an entire building to kill a single mouse in it !!!!
'Piracy' is with men since he was born. We learn how to speak, write, eat (and even Shit) by copying others. So it will be with us for the years to come.
When these guys gonna grow up ?????.....

calvorin (2010-03-26)

@iverieli and Don_Loco
This is neither communism or capitalism, actually. This is not about the corporations or the movie/music industries. Those people are being used for the overall objective, which is to consolidate greater power for government. They do this by finding issues, like piracy, that they can exploit to pass laws that take away people's freedoms. This is progressivism.

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

I don't understand how you can all justify what you are saying is right. Piracy is no less than stealing. There's no way around it. I steal, i know i steal. I feel bad for it, but it's so damned easy. DO NOT get into the mentality that you deserve this, that it is your right that you can be entertained for no cost. That you will get everything for free. This document is the wrong way to go about it. It's the dishonorable way to go about it, no doubt about that. But you need to all think critically about what other claim and discover the truth yourself.

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

"Its like trying to burn down an entire building to kill a single mouse in it !!!!"
No, it's not, its not like that at all.

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

Where does it end? If you think piracy is right, than you think stealing is right. Where does it end? Will you go to stores and steal stuff because 'it's way to expensive'? You are so outraged about it's price that you will steal it to prove a point? The manufactures can sell their product at whatever the fucking price they want, if it's not an essential need. But no, instead, you'll steal it, and use it and be entertained by it for free. It's never your right to have it. It doesn't fucking matter if the new game of ME3 is going to be a million dollars a copy. It GIVE YOU THE RIGHT AND YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to consume it. Because you did not pay for it. Can't you all fucking see how this is wrong. I just want to tell you that this is wrong. You can do it, when you know it is wrong. Because when you know it is wrong, the world doesn't go into shit and everyone just fucking steals from everyone else.

calvorin (2010-03-26)

I completely disagree. Internet piracy is not stealing, because nothing is lost by the other party. They claim that they lose sales. I don't believe that at all. There isn't one movie that I have downloaded that I would have bought had it not been available. There are several that I decided to buy because I downloaded them first and found they were worth owning. Thus, in my example and I think that of many others, piracy boosts sales. The movie industry is simply using it as a scapegoat. The real reason their tickets sales are down is, simply, they aren't making many good movies. Most of them are a waste of time and money.

jamiedude100 (2010-03-26)

Ever seen 1984?????????

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

I'm not saying the document is right, i'm saying your mentality is wrong. You think it's right? It's not fucking right.
Yes i've READ 1984, because it's a book and the book conveys it's ideas in magnitudes of millions than the movie.

calvorin (2010-03-26)

Did you buy 1984, or borrow it from the library? If you borrowed it from the library, then how is that in any way different than internet piracy?

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

"I completely disagree. Internet piracy is not stealing, because nothing is lost by the other party."
Your sale.
"They claim that they lose sales."
They do because who would pay for a movie when you can download it in 30 minutes.
"There isn't one movie that I have downloaded that I would have bought had it not been available."
Doesn't matter, you still watch it, you still consumed it. Doesn't matter if you were GOING to go and see it and that you were going to pay the money. You still consumed it.
"There are several that I decided to buy because I downloaded them first and found they were worth owning."
You still consumed IP of the ones you did not consume.
"Thus, in my example and I think that of many others, piracy boosts sales. The movie industry is simply using it as a scapegoat."
Don't think piracy is affecting sales? What world do you live in?

calvorin (2010-03-26)

Actually, I said that it does affect sales. I think it boosts them, as it allows people to weed through the massive piles of worthless films to find the few worth purchasing.

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

"Did you buy 1984, or borrow it from the library? If you borrowed it from the library, then how is that in any way different than internet piracy?"
I bought it for study.
An interesting question. How about you go to the library rather than download it? It seems to make sense. I'm not sure how a library works, whether or not they pay more money to make it publicly available and whether or not he producers get any of that at all. I'm not informed and i have no counter.

calvorin (2010-03-26)

My basic point is that there is no difference between internet piracy and borrowing a book or movie, be that from a library or from a friend. Do you feel bad if you pick up and read a newspaper that someone left in a coffee shop? It's the same thing.

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

"Actually, I said that it does affect sales. I think it boosts them, as it allows people to weed through the massive piles of worthless films to find the few worth purchasing."
So people who downloaded a copy of a movie and enjoyed that, went to the cinema and paid money to watch it again. How about you just read reviews? It still doesn't omit the fact that you consumed the product, that you are now knowledgeable about it.

calvorin (2010-03-26)

I was more referring to DVD sales

Wholemeal (2010-03-26)

"My basic point is that there is no difference between internet piracy and borrowing a book or movie, be that from a library or from a friend. Do you feel bad if you pick up and read a newspaper that someone left in a coffee shop? It's the same thing."
A bad example, newspapers get most of their money from the advertisements. So in affect i would be viewing them.
The difference? The difference is in the first few moments of release. Library's don't host new releases. Neither do video stores. Cinemas produce the newest of the movies.

calvorin (2010-03-26)

You can't possibly compare watching a downloaded copy with going out to a theater. That's not even in the same ballpark. No one is going to not go out to a movie because they see a copy of it on their little computer screen at home. That's just silly. The comparison must be about DVD sales.

djnet08 (2010-03-26)

better start truecrypting your files

Seetherfanv1 (2010-03-26)

I think im ok, its legal to download music in Canada, and i really doubt there going to waste time to get every single person in jail here.
worse comes to worse, more torrent sites move their servers up here.

BudiniZe (2010-03-26)

the pirate bay is unstable someway or how thew pirate bay will live LONG LIVE THE PIRATE BAY

bliss86 (2010-03-26)

umm,i am a lawyer.from what i read,this act really really give big bro a huge advantage in combating piracy.few probs tho
1)enforcing this piece of legislation breachs human rights in the uk and the eu.
2)enforcemnt may fall thru the cracks,cuz you are going to need alot of parties(cops,prosecuters etc )to get involve when they got better things to do.(like actually solve murders and rape)
3)huge chance of abuse of power.

shata (2010-03-26)

Wel idk bout you guys but im in process of religiously using peer guardian now and putting my downloads into 256bit AES encryption with 60 character password and Not using public IP's for Vuze anymore and also only accepting Encrypt connections.

tookind79 (2010-03-26)

here in the good Ol' US of A funny isn't it, criminal's get in the IRS however it's illegal to download music, porn and movies. Sigh guess it might be time to move to Canada. They'll be handing out fines to even police officers, hell i've known quite a few police officers who download muzik. Isn't it kind of funny how when Obama became president that they made a big deal about his I-pod? Wonder where he gets his downloads from as well? Will they be going after the president as well?? probably not, just some person who doesn't have any money s(since they tax the hell out of us as it is) just to give the gov't more money......go figure

Cgoff87 (2010-03-27)

Mayne Im Living My Life Nd Ill Be Damned If I Let Anyone Mess It Up.
Mayn On The Real,

Cgoff87 (2010-03-27)

They'll never stop TPB, its legal to transfer files, afterall thats why the internet was made but..
The users at risk are the ones that upload and download copyrighted shit. To be honest we've always been at risk though. But now its just that we got big Anti Piracy Revolts like that ACTA bullshit.
What to do:
Be a mutha fucking Pirate at this shit, Straight uP!!!
We All Alone Run This Online Free Blackmarket.
So Fuck them fools, Get A good sense of mind about this and do like we do.
They're trying to shut the Big Pirate companies down, but they can't stop every individual, Were just too massive...
Just Chill!!... And Say Fuck Them Mutha Fuckers Up Their Fuckin Asses!!!
I Wont Ever Pay Shit! Bitch!... Maybe A Donation but thats it..

ezeuba1 (2010-03-27)

peerguardian has evolved into peerblock, for those whose OS didnt run peerguardian version 2 well. try it, it runs well on my win7 and i'm safe from the prying eyes of these hoods in suits.

eiafoti (2010-03-27) places of pirates, what can u say?!
Please stop them lads!

tlj297 (2010-03-27)

["I completely disagree. Internet piracy is not stealing, because nothing is lost by the other party."
Your sale. ]
Wrong. He said so himself that he would not have purchased those movies/music/whatever even if they had not been made available for download. You're presuming to know his actions better than he.
["There isn't one movie that I have downloaded that I would have bought had it not been available."
Doesn't matter, you still watch it, you still consumed it. Doesn't matter if you were GOING to go and see it and that you were going to pay the money. You still consumed it.]
Wrong. It DOES matter. If he wasn't going to buy it regardless of his ability to download it, then the copyright owners have lost nothing. One could argue it's still a "crime" but it's a victimless crime at that point.
["My basic point is that there is no difference between internet piracy and borrowing a book or movie, be that from a library or from a friend. Do you feel bad if you pick up and read a newspaper that someone left in a coffee shop? It's the same thing."
A bad example, newspapers get most of their money from the advertisements. So in affect i would be viewing them.]
Wrong. It's an excellent example. If nobody's buying the newspaper, advertisers will be willing to pay less money for ad space because the newspaper will appear to not be read by many.

tlj297 (2010-03-27)

Also, I'd like to say this ACTA agreement is potentially a really big deal. Internet piracy has survived thus far largely due to conflicting international laws and legal protection from unwarranted searches and what not.
While they "can't catch us all" as they say, this agreement allows them to better attack hubs like thepiratebay and also put enough fear into many pirates to halt their activities. This is a bad thing. Our strength lies in numbers.
Something needs to be done about this before it's out there. Protest, people, protest!

Slav13 (2010-03-27)

I'm religious. I could agree that piracy is wrong, both morally and legally IF there were any original works. But since ALL movies, games, software and music is made out of previous works of other people who lived before (ancestors), paying rights to some few chosen people is ridiculous. IF musician is playing a guitar, WHY THE HECK SHOULD I PAY HIM FOR OWNERSHIP of HIS PLAY INSTEAD OF PAYING A MAN WHO MADE HIS GUITAR. Everybody has a right to ask money as compensation for his hard work. But NOBODY HAS A RIGHT TO OWN SOMETHING HE DOESN'T OWN, and ask money for it, based simply on his ownership. Who owns music ?

drumbrent (2010-03-27)

Does this affect everybody who has downloaded in the past or can only the people who download in the future to get in trouble?

sahand-iran (2010-03-27)

i cant get what the problem is with torrents! they shouldn't stop torrents! cause all kind of files are being transfered and they are not all illegal! and even if are illegal, what the problem is? it is not harmful! torrents are to share files! as i said before, i may buy something and share with my friends! nothing more!
and if they stop it (NEVER!) we will make another way to share them! many servers will do this in other countries and this time nothing will stop them! maybe people built websites like facebook to share massive files!!!

sahand-iran (2010-03-27)

i cant get what the problem is with torrents! they shouldn't stop torrents! cause all kind of files are being transfered and they are not all illegal! and even if are illegal, what the problem is? it is not harmful! torrents are to share files! as i said before, i may buy something and share with my friends! nothing more!
and if they stop it (NEVER!) we will make another way to share them! many servers will do this in other countries and this time nothing will stop them! maybe people build websites like facebook to share massive files!!!

BaerXIII (2010-03-27)

I disagree with your remark about ticket sales being down because of shit movies. I have two examples off the top of my head *Transformers and Twilight series'* that make hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars and being plagues on film. I think it's more or less a way for the governments to appease perhaps the corporations or some form of lobbyists. Or maybe just a bullshit way to loosely threaten us keyboard warriors. Or even just to distract the general public that we are terrible people and to thinly vale more important issues. Fucking government everything has to be for the people instead of individual rights. FUCK!

oipunk99 (2010-03-27)

I wont buy the CD's, but ill shuck out the 50$ to go see them live, and ill buy their T-shirts, and LP's for collective purposes.

USMember (2010-03-27)

I hardly believe this will take affect in Canada.
Its area 51 that needs to be watched more thorally.

camadot (2010-03-27)

In the US people get in trouble for having a plant and carrying it over imaginary lines. I m sure they will get pissed about us taking something that they got for nothing. How is it still retaining its value if you take it and double it (copy) without any effort? "you wouldn't steal a car" Well you cant fucking copy and paste a car, now can you? You cant get something for nothing... and here is what they are trying to do... To get something for nothing.

retsil67934 (2010-03-27)

After a lot of reflection this will not affect my usage, Im sorry i cant feel sorry for film company's that pay actors enough money so 1 film sets them up for life then whines like a stuck pig about a few (and yes it is a few) downloaders sharing files. As for the music industry i feel the same i dont see metallica starving for lack of food, i think its time those fat bloated hogs at the top got the shaft like every consumer down here counting our pennies and listing to music that we can all hear on our radio's.
Both these industry's have conned us into thinking were the problem we so are not the issue, if file sharing comes to a halt tomorrow we will all probably go out and spend a few $ on crappy cam movies made by pll we dont know or care to that could be supporting terrorism ect we just dont know.
In short anyone with any kind of brain can see this for what it is a corporate deal with the crooks in power to set a president for the whole 'prove your innocent' thing as it will help them later on.
i have lost all respect and faith in my own government as here in the UK all our ministers were caught with there hands in the till, and before i aggravate anyone if they wasn't taking they wasn't talking either which makes them complicit and just as guilty.
Good luck my fellow privateers we face an uncertain sea but i for one have no problems in sticking my finger up at thief's and calling shannnagiens.

kiddbishop22 (2010-03-27)

Where's our freedom? First they want to watch us walk. Then they put cameras at intersections so they can watch us drive. Now they want to watch us use our computers. What's next??? A camera in our bathrooms so they can watch us take a SH*T! TOTAL INVASION OF PRIVACY!!! How about implant a GPS chip in my body so you can follow me 24-7. Unbelievable!!! I'm an AMERICAN.... WTF IS MY FREEDOM??? If they want to catch thieves fine, but don't peer into my computer just because you can and ACTA says so. Personal info is kept on my computer why should it be compromised so the GOV'T can have more control and these backing companies can line their pockets with cash!!! Utterly ridiculous. How do I vote against it? They are trying to censor radio's freedom of free speech? THIS IS NOT SOUNDING VERY AMERICAN!!! More like UN-AMERICAN!!!

Pirate_Aiden (2010-03-27)

I can see this becoming a concern for jobs. Primarily in media design.
Most graphic artists, designers and programmers like myself spark these interests when they're young. However, most 12-18 year olds don't have 4 grand to throw at companies like Adobe to obtain these programs. Sure you could download trials again and again but the task eventually becomes tedious and loses the person's interest.
Personally, if I haven't had access to these programs I wouldn't have any interest in digital design/programming at all, and I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one.
My point is, aside from taking away our privacy and internet freedom, it also takes away our future. This lack of interest for the young population could eventually bring a lack people specialized in websites, film and advertising. This would cause companies' profit to plummet. Lack of programmers to make better software, and lack of graphic designers to advertise.
And as far as pirating goes, it can't be called "stealing". If I'm downloading a program that's worth 4 grand and they say they're losing money from it, they're not, cause if I didn't have free access to they're programs I wouldn't pay them to get it anyway. they aren't losing money, but they aren't gaining money. Kind of a paradox really. O.o

Pirate_Aiden (2010-03-27)

My apologies for the misspells, I have had a bit to drink.

DaGleese (2010-03-27)

"Furthermore the following countries have joined the negotiations: Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Canada...." :-D
hehe looks like alot of us are off scott free! :-D
"...and the European Union."

AwesomeNinja (2010-03-27)

I understand that you're trying to take the morale and ethical side, but surely you can't believe that this is the solution.
IP as a concept itself is extremely loosely defined, and constantly changing in it's definition. Look at the incredible things pirating itself has led to, the innovations and changes that I GUARANTEE would never have come about. The portable mass-storage music player surely would have never been invented, why is there such a demand for iPod's and iPod-integrated technologies? Because the market is there, why is the market there? Pirating.
You're right, stealing is stealing, but to classify pirating into a black or white category is just naive and foolish. If you walk into a store, and steal a television, you are costing that store the amount they paid for that television. If you download an MP3, it's not the same circumstance in any way shape or form.
I believe that artists deserve to be paid and compensated for their work, but it comes down to how much they are actually receiving for their own property and quality.
Like I stated before, you can't walk into a store, buy a CD, decide that it's utter trash, and walk back in and return it. You can't walk into a movie theater, watch a movie, and if the thing was a pile of shit, get your money back. This is the point I'm mainly arguing. In every other industry, once you purchase something, it's yours, you've exchanged your own income for a product, therefore the product is now yours. Not true with digital media, and the money hungry media industries see this as money they deserve.
Like I've said, if I downloaded a song, or a movie, and decided it was good, I purchased it. I have a few DVD's that aren't even opened, simply because I thought the end product was worth my hard-earned money.
I'm sorry, but I will never agree with your arguments, simply because you are arguing the point of the producer, and not the consumer. In the end, a product is a product, if it's good, you pay for it, if it's not, you don't buy it. Simple as that.

skwisgarr (2010-03-27)

I absolutely agree I too will buy an album or DVD if I actually like it in fact I probably buy more albums due to pirating because it gives me a chance to sample and listen to an album then know I want to buy it rather than an alternative where I would have to take it on faith that I'll like it

pcgarbage (2010-03-27)


CapitalistDog (2010-03-27)

This is terrible. We finally have a method of destruction, against the Hollywood Elites, and the Global Elites attempt to thwart it! I will never stop being a pirate. Fuck the gestapo, and fuck the "Artists"!
Since when does a career liar deserve to make more money than a doctor, soldier, or scientist!?! They contribute nothing of value, and should, there for, receive nothing of value!
Fuck Interscope, Universal Studios, James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Madonna, 50 Cent, Brad Pitt, the Dixie Chicks, and every other semi-retarded, money grubbing actor, musician, director, photographer, and model.
I will NEVER pay for media, that funds these fucking douche bags, and I will never apologize for being a fucking PIRATE!

pilferlooter (2010-03-27)

No one ever bothers to comment on anything. Except when this happens. Oh my god, we've stolen a lot of artists out of the business but THEY are wrong. Hey, I'm not holier than thou, I've participated. But there are other ways to fuck the industry. Buy with artists directly, for one. Don't buy iTunes, buy at concerts, at comic-con's,
So in the end, what has been said from the start is true. If you steal long enough, in time you think you have the right to do it. Talking about religious fanatics. You can throw in every argument, but it comes down to one thing. You take a peace of art (or crap for that matter) from an artist who worked for it and you do not pay for it.
I did it too. I will be doing it too. But it will be a good ride untill it lasts, and then it is back to 'not buying' and 'not caring' for 99% of the products that are out there.

BlackCat944T (2010-03-27)

I agree with IceColdNorth.......
Lets take Nero Burning Rom for example, it was on sale a for $39 Canadian. I decided to pick up my own boxed copy, its made me lots of DVDs, CDs, mp3s.... It was worth the $39 :)
And in regards to this ACTA Crap !
I would not worry so much as it is an International Treaty.
Before they can do something like this, your own local laws would have to be re-written.....

s0meguy (2010-03-27)

the "negotiations" are a farce. our governments are our enemies.

s0meguy (2010-03-27)

hopefully this will create a big movement to encrypt filesharing and create free software

aux87 (2010-03-27)

great... pass the bill and the world will be filled with mindless husk an imprisoned ppl. way to go big boy...

mtvnot (2010-03-27)

I GOT THIS TO SAY TO'M,(by the way im writing in font 102),I got this to say to'm,YOU GUYS SUCK,youre nothing but a bunch of counch potatoes that got nutin better than watching tv and delivering farts and thinking about laws!
MultiMedie is getting fucked up anyways,games now suck even more,a say what the heck,let them have theyr new laws or whateva,i barely hang on to mario evolution of my 5000$ pc anyways,so they can suck my dicky(i got a smaller one dudes hope i dont dissapoint but its still about 15-20 cm)!

loop44 (2010-03-27)

uhm... yeah... this is not gonna work in romania. piracy is king here.

perryl (2010-03-27)

lots of funny comments.
dont get your panties in a bunch, usa cant stop terrorism, how they gonna stop pirating?
theres many laws out there that are not enforced. people speak of getting letters from their isp's. i never got one, im in canada, i have 100's of gigs of movies and music, mostly pirated.
i quit buying music and movies because i can get it for free. if i really really wanted to buy movies i could get em for 5 bucks or less per movie from a pawn shop.
im betting they get no kickback from pawnshops.
but really, my point is, dont let this scare you, thats all the acta wants. just keep downloading, and keep enjoying.
wasnt tpb supposed to be shut down back in august?
and was it?
some of you should remember napster. they shut that down admittedly, but then what happened?
most of the musicians and 'artists' are cool with having their music online.
people like soulja boy wouldnt exist if it wasnt for people downloading his music online.
Days after announcing the album's completion, Radiohead released In Rainbows as a digital download that customers could order for whatever price they saw fit. Upon its retail release, In Rainbows entered the UK Album Chart and the U.S. Billboard 200 at number one; by October 2008, it had sold more than three million copies worldwide in both digital and physical formats. The album earned widespread critical acclaim, and was ranked as one of the best albums of 2007 by several publications. In 2009, the record won two Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Music Album and Best Special Limited Edition Package.
seems to me radiohead was onto something.
and the government thinks their gonna stop pirating?
im not even downloading this torrent, i dont need to read it. nothing will happen, nothing ever does.

Kapcha (2010-03-27)

good work guys! Censorship will not pass!

perryl (2010-03-27)

"I am not gonna feel bad, because i am not doing anything wrong. you just have to see things differently."
'You are getting something for free, that you are not meant to. If you disregard that, you disregard all laws. Therefore, why don't you kill someone?'
your both confused, these movies broadcast for free all the time, its called television. and i can record that. try and stop me.
"Dude they are doing this to protect their interest and to get more richer. as simple as that."
'And what are you doing? Getting shit for free. If they weren't there, you wouldn't get anything. You know that. That's pure logic.'
if they werent there someone else would be there in their place.
"dude, if you can make a car like porche you wont be here talking shit. i say do what u can. not dream what you cant. if you wanna copy a porche design do it and ride it in ur village. porche wont be bothered. trust me on that"
'HAHAHA you don't fucking get an analogy. I said it in relation to your previous point. If i can make porches? I'd sell them. What would you do? You'd steal them. I put all this effort in and you'd steal them.'
if you copied a porshe design you would get sued, the analogy is foolish.
"Dont you think we are copying a wheel desing for free?"
'No-one can claim IP on the fucking wheel though. MY GOD CAN'T YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE?'
thats because the wheel existed before this bureaucracy. be sure if the wheel was invented now their would be a copyright on it.
"so why not copy some digital content."
'Because it's IP.'
who cares about ip?
"no body tells me what right i dont have."
'YES THEY FUCKING DO. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL SOMEONE. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PHYSICALLY ABUSE PEOPLE. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO STEAL SHIT FROM PEOPLE. You're so fucking caught up in your naive little world. "Ooo al this is for me, mine mine mine" greedly little fuck.'
we may not have the right to kill someone, but we still do. we may not have the right to abuse people, but we still do, and we may not have the right to steal from people. but guess what? WE STILL DO.
"who is he to decide? its my planet too :)"
'Hey dude, i want all your stuff, you house your comp all of it. and oyu ask "WHy it's mine" and i say it's my planet too.'
yes because we can compare digital media to physical objects.
"r u telling me u dont never copied in ur exam...."
'YES. WTF you cheat as well? HOLY SHIT you are a blight to this world. People work hard ot achieve marks, the system to to distinguish the smart ina feild to the fucking dumbshits in the field. So that they can suceed int he world. FUCKING HELL! I can't belive you people share the same mentality with this kid.'
ok, this one is ok.
}the guy who studied gets to pass.. and you gets to pass too. and you are smart enuf who didnot workd hard before exam and still passed."
'Wow, only a stupid person can says that. SOme realllllly fucking dumb shit. In my state, it's competitive, It's ranked. MEANING, if you copied me, you ruined some guys life. FAIR? FUck you man.'
obviously the person your responding to is partially retarded. noone can possibly carry on about cheating on an exam, make that many mistakes on spelling and grammer. and yet still think it was smart.
" n harm done to him isnt it?"
'Except that you will get into a College and a course that you DID NOT DESERVE to get into. YOu will be a dumb shit and fail that fucking course.
i fail to see how that harms anyone but the idiot cheating?
lets keep the comments related to pirating, and stop trying to use analogies until you go and look up what the word means.

PhoenixLord (2010-03-27)

Remember when artists were all about art and not about mass production of cheap entertainment for idiots?

mantasLT (2010-03-27)

so, what is this?

Jack_Sin (2010-03-27)

This is some hot topic...
Piracy is not a crime, stealing a policeman's hat is a crime!

aftac (2010-03-27)

Now that the U.S. has a pay czar, it should be his/her responsibility to determine when the music/video/movie/software/etc. creators have profited adequately and at that point place their creations in the public domain.

VampJoseph (2010-03-27)

When this is ratified, I'll basically have to format my harddrive and never use technology again. This "act" will destroy consumer electronics and software because no one will want to buy anything lest it be though of as illegal by some bored idiot in a uniform and taken away. The more I read the more this screams Invasion of Privacy and will effectively turn every country into a police state where no one is allowed to use any form of technology or consume any kind of content unless it's government approved regardless of whether there's an oversight commitee or not. It will also shut down the internet for anything other than businesses and governments. And every advisory group involved will be falling over each other to gladhand and pat themselves on the back.

Dredyoual (2010-03-27)

I'm not going to attempt to justify stealing, but personally, as much as I resent the clampdown on personal freedoms, this may be the kick in the ass the file sharing community needs.
Increased vigilance and new more subversive technology will always outdo the authorities, but for too long we've been doing whatever we want with relatively little security and nothing but the minor annoyance of ISP throttling. Maybe the increased risk will convince people to buy software and movies they think are worthy of their wallet, and stop the audacity of the community on the whole and their perception of invincibility.

ibstars (2010-03-27)

The Hacker Manifesto
This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch,
the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already
existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't
run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We
explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge...
and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without
nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals.
You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and
lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet
we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they
look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that
you will never forgive me for.
I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this
individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.

xXBrother_DoggieXx (2010-03-27)

Ok, who here agrees that if this passes, we kill everyone in sight and pillage their villages.
but no seriously ?LETS START A RIOT, START A RIOT?

jsoechumbo (2010-03-27)

Fuck big brother, they have nothing on us. They cant catch us all

sahand-iran (2010-03-28)

there is nothing to worry about! (they can't put everyone in jail! i've seen many of these thing in my country and i bet nothing will happen! maybe they only make u afraid of downloading and seeding by telling fake news about people who had downloaded illegal content and is in jail now!)
but the hubs and servers are not safe. and we should help to backup servers and make secondary servers in other countries. if we collect some money, we can build a secondary and backup server for tpb and then there will be nothing to worry about.

wargodx7 (2010-03-28)

I hope they have fun trying to catch us all

srmatanza (2010-03-28)

parates of the world unite!!
the time for fight is naow!!

EmmVeePee (2010-03-28)

Members of USTR: Abbott Laboratories, Association of American Publishers, CropLife America, DuPont, eBay, Entertainment Software Association, FMC Corporation, General Motors Corporation, Generic Pharmaceutical Association, IBM Corporation, Independent Film & Television Alliance, Intel Corporation, Intellectual Property Owners Association, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co, Monsanto Company, Motion Picture Association of America, Oracle Corporation, Pfizer, Recording Industry Association of America, Sun Microsystems, The Dow Chemical Company, The Gorlin Group, The Procter & Gamble Company, Time Warner, and Verizon Communications.
So corporations get to write laws now.
This reminds me of high school history class. The clergy used to run things (the government), until the merchants realized they had all of the money, and therefor all of the power. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Elestia (2010-03-28)

Personally, im not going to worry. Infact... im glad.
going from past experiences and with examples throughout history, people
always find new and inventive ways to beat the system once idiotic laws have been
passed and i doubt this will be any different.
As they 'evolve', so do we and there are more dedicated people out their
(In My Opinion) that work towards making software/movies/music/ect free
for everyone, through !SHARING!.
What i do want to say though, to the people shouting "RIOT" and talking about
how ACTA is somekind of... anti-chirst (for lack of a better term) - you
need to read their entire proposal.
Their proposals for Counterfeit Goods (Phsyical items) being sold will actually
boost the economy for most countries... The US Economy alone, and im talking
workforce here (us regular working folk), not the big corporations or government
are loosing 10's even 100's of potential Billions of dollars becuase of it.
add to that the counterfeiting of documents which as well as costing us more
money is also opening the door to terrorists...
Their big downfall... is the handling of the Digital Intellectual-Property-rights
- but again, if you read the links provided and search the internet their solutions
are being scoffed at by most countries who will more than likely be subsitituting
their own rules for Digital IPR anyways (UK seems pretty chilled about it ^^).
TBH i believe America's probably going to come down hardest on us, mainly due to
pressure - being pretty much the 'hub' of all this and becuase we are one of the
most effected countries, finacially.
Finally, going back to what i said origianlly. Whatever happens, if people want to share
Digital Media accross the interent... people will, whether its still being done
as it is now or with some new program or technology and id suspect that whatever the
We'll still have TBP ;).

EmmVeePee (2010-03-28)

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

CamstaEatsHamsta (2010-03-28)

I think that personally there is a 1 in 1,000,089 chance in you getting caught! (in the uk anyway) and that is quite good odds! and the people who get caught are stupid anyway! just dont show anyone! so what people need to do about this is download and share with the world! post it on blogs and shit so pirates can unite and shit on the government of there country! TPB till i die! and if needs be i will get arrested to keep TPB going and to keep torrents alive!

L192 (2010-03-28)

PIRATE BAY FOR EVER .....................//????????

gilect (2010-03-28)


L192 (2010-03-28)

the pirate bay for ever.............................

ssmith1200 (2010-03-28)

The ACTA agreement which was bank rolled by the movie and recording industries, will not stand up in any court of law, with its guilty until proven innocent garbage.
This phony war on so called internet piracy is ridiculous with millions of people downloading music, movies, photos every day from various bit torrent sites, what are they going to arrest us all.
My next movie download from the pirate bay will be in honor of those idiots who came up with this agreement.
Happy downloading everybody.

moezpoez (2010-03-28)

Your old pal moez here passing on a message from our dear friend aXXo:
No matter what they say about finacial problems they have it is all bull shit and thats all comes down to one simple fact
for every person in the world there is a complete opposite twin/clone
so in other words for every person in the world who downloads for free there is the same amount of people actually paying for the high priced things so if you think about it they are not losing anything from us sharing.
P.S i would like to say thank you to circleness for keeping my torrents active
so thats aXXo's view:D
my veiw is fuck the goverment TPB Forever!

Superpirate420 (2010-03-28)


Aqquariius (2010-03-28)

Would you like my address? And the name of my mother as well?

sharkstun97 (2010-03-28)

dem nuh gun catch us

Ganjoneous (2010-03-28)

Pirates and hackers are always going to be a step ahead, sometimes 5 steps ahead, there is no way they can catch us all, nor do i think they will even try. Its just a fear tactic, a big fat load of BS.

e4t_a_r00t (2010-03-28)

holy shit.. some enterprising young pirate
make a file of all the comments.. would
make a good share in itselfs
in b4 do it yerself, im too lazy.. :(

Rektalstab (2010-03-28)

Try as they might! They will never take us alive!
Fuck em!

CapnHook (2010-03-28)

"some enterprising young pirate
make a file of all the comments.. would
make a good share in itselfs"
I think so too, so here it is. Long live piracy.

revenant_wings22 (2010-03-28)

How likely is it that such a sensitive document was leaked?
seems rather convenient.
Call me whatever you like, but perhaps this is all part of their plan: Scare most of them off Downloading with crazy schemes and round up the rest.

co0lflame (2010-03-28)

open a paypal for donations towards backup servers

UndeadxNurse (2010-03-28)

Whatever happens, I still have this in mind;
I've spent a lot of my money on albums and movies that turned out to be absolutely terrible, I've spent $19.99 USD on a fucking CD just to listen to three songs because they were the only good songs from the album.
Now, granted, if I hear something for free that I enjoy and I like the entire album or CD, I buy it so I know for a fact that they aren't losing a dime when it comes to me.
Need I remind everyone of the health care plan? They're expecting 90Billion dollars in 10 years, some of the citizens currently can barely afford to put food on their table, let alone waste money on a movie or album that turns out to be a piece of shit like most of the mainstream music has been as of late.
Perhaps instead of buying fancy vehicles and 900 dollar thongs, they should save their money so that they wouldn't be bitching about having 150 thousand in their wallet instead of 650 thousand.
Seven deadly sins, remember those. You don't have to be religious to believe that those sins are harmful to people individually and as a nation, the two most deadly sins are Greed and Envy.
Greed seems to be the proper sin for this case.

tureke (2010-03-28)

undeadnurse, totally agreed!

calvorin (2010-03-28)

I think you're confused. Conservativism is a belief hallmarked by small, limited government and a strong root in traditional moralities and principles. Conservatives, by the very definition in the word, avoid radical changes, which ACTA presents. A truly conservative government would never support a treaty like this. This is unabashedly big government liberalism.

violenttorrent (2010-03-28)

Corrupt mafias have a hard time enforcing illegitimate measures.

bhylls (2010-03-28)

The uk government tried to introduce something like this when VHS vidios first appeared however in those days we had a parliament with integrity and someone pointed out that the bill would criminalise whole housholds for merely taping tv programmes
Under the present load of crooks and freeloaders anything is possible just one thought has anyone tried BTGuard and is it worth $7 per month?

dark87 (2010-03-28)

Dems and Rep's don't care about the average American worker,all they is for is
money and not helping the voters who put them in,
you people in both parties are a bunch of zombies wake the fuck up,your corporation masters are slavering you without you even knowing it?

fuwad84 (2010-03-28)


xOGxSiCaRiuSx74x (2010-03-28)

Calvorin you gotta be one of those blind ass republicans that just believes anything a rep. official says. "morals and Principal" thats funny everytime we get a republican in office were poor, (if you liberal haters remember this recession started with the bush administration) we are going to war with somebody and when they fuck everything up we elect a democrat to clean house and take the heat for the backwoods redneck republican. I wish everyone would open their fucking eyes to reality. All government officials are full of shit there is no such thing as morals and principals in politics only dollars and cents. and for you comment it must be liberals because republicans wouldn't do this IT WAS REPUBLICANS THAT WENT AFTER NAPSTER.

jowjowjow (2010-03-28)

We gonna prevail, as always. Maybe a senator must fall but we will prevail.

Bamboo25 (2010-03-29)


stevecam (2010-03-29)

Go0BeR (2010-03-29)

I wonder how much piracy has profited companies that produce blank discs, such as Vertabim, memorex, fujifilm,etc. or even burning programs such as NERO...since the piracy revolution, how has their sales been affected? and if anything comes from ACTA how will their sales decline?.....I always felt that if any criminal charges were laid, in the grand scheme of things; it would be from those profiting from piracy, and not those who use this technology for leisurely purposes. that being said, should memorex and nero be charged or investigated? I don't think it would be too far fetched to assume that they have made several million dollars due entirely to piracy, more than I can say for myself and the vast majority of TPB users.

SLVBros (2010-03-29)

This seems akin to tearing a man's tongue from his mouth, cutting the ears from his head, and gouging the eyes from his face as punishment for reading a book to strangers

UndeadxNurse (2010-03-30)

@ lukefas
Lol. Wtf? I just got this mental picture of an entire city of nerds grabbing their computers and darting down the street with the police following them.
Sadly enough, in my mental picture, the fat ones were caught before they could get out of the front door, but that's to be expected. ;)

SystemFolder (2010-03-30)

This is stupid. What will happen if this gets passed and if it's enforced is that we pirates will go to prison and then we will have to commit more brutal crimes to survive in prison. Someone needs to make our government watch "Midnight Express" before this gets out of hand.

UndeadxNurse (2010-03-30)

@ SystemFolder
Remember; Piracy is a much bigger issue than rape, murder, pedophilia, torture and hostage situations, it's also a much bigger issue than war, famine, disease, those who suffer because they can't afford medical cards and things of the sort.
It's also much bigger than the cartels who are smuggling drugs into the country, slavery (which is still occurring), prostitution, kidnapping and illegal immigrants.
Basically, nothing else matters. So yes.

TOSUP (2010-05-24)

We have begun to teach people the path to being FREE absolutely sovereign. You a sovereign can not TRESPAS against a Sovereign. When you file you declarations correctly. You basically regain the freedoms and power you were born with. Your born as a Share holder in your state and 18 your suppose to get a cut. How many know this. How many more of your are ready to be free. Blessings.

SMRDcompany (2010-07-12)

As far as I understand, they are trying to stop piracy by spying on us, following us, monitoring us.nnSURE.nnIf that\'s the system they use to capture humans when they steal/deal drugs/kill people, WHY are there still so many people that do that, infact the number is growing every minute!nnThis will solve nothing. People work like this - you are allowed somewhere. You check it out. It\'s cool, but you like some other places better. But when someone isn\'t allowing you to get in again, you feel the urge to bypass the security and get in, because it\'s much better when it\'s unavailable isn\'t it?nnFor example, Call of Duty 6..everyone said it\'s gonna be great, and people were like yeah we\'ll play some multiplayer as well, not a big deal. But when they cut-out dedicated servers, everyone was OMG I WAS GOING TO BUY THE GAME JUST SO I CAN HOST. Bullshit. They only wanted it because they couldn\'t have it.nnThat\'s the way I see it. This will only attract more attention and cause more piracy. :)

spyro_kw (2010-09-18)

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi
this will go nowhere, you cant stop people from sharinng, the next thing ill know is that ill get sued for sharing my food with my wife! this is crap .. the producers claim that they produce this "movie\music" to satisfy people but all they do is try to get rich for nothing , how many times have you been to a movie and you thought it wasn't worth paying for the ticket ? did they give you your money back ? how many times have you purchased a music track and then realized that its not worth listening to ? still you dont get back your money... last year i bought "The Godfather trilogy" pack, although its on tv for free and i have downloaded the three movies years ago BUT I bought it because i felt that the movie deserves to get supported although it was made over 30 years ago but I believe that this movie deserves the money, if the people start to realize that your shit is worth paying then they'll pay for it even after 30 years but if it's not worth a dime then thank god people are sharing it for free since it costs disk space and bandwith !! IDIOTS

 DeGun (2010-11-09)

LOL 627 comments nice to see people concerned about their own ass security and future rights ...
628 now .

 DeGun (2010-11-09)

BTW bis : @ WoAnerges: hey dude what take you so high ? tell us what kind of carpet you smoked mate wanna give some to my fucking cat for pissing and shittin on it
hey 629 now woooooooooooooooooow

GeekAtWork (2011-10-29)

I'm 12, I'm a Pirate. Notice something unusual?

2mUCHiNFO (2012-02-27)

goodbye btjunkie org
:( Don't R.I.P. !
ACTA basters don't want information to be free or cheap!

Deathspanka (2012-07-09)

Thanks :)