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The instructions say both 2006 and 2008 which is it?
mcpg12345 (2008-03-04)
Keygen isn't error message everytime you try to run it
airhugs (2008-04-01)
My anti-virus has detected a Trojan within the keygen. Has anyone else had this notice and can I override/ignore the warnings safely? The keygen.exe was automatically quarantined. I have had several keygens in the past and never had this occur so some feedback would be appreciated.
gdwd1 (2008-04-14)
I got the TRJ. too.I isolated it into my virus chest,did a boot scan,delete all,rescanned both hard drives,found 5 more,which were deleted.I need to scan more often.
cancerous (2009-04-11)
i doubted slackore but it does appear to be trojan free. worked for me
dukeofurl (2011-11-25)
Thank you to anum_khan707, that was the answer. The way the autocad registration process works (I did it 5 minutes ago) is that during installation it asks you for a serial, and tells you that if you enter 000-0000000 it will operate temporarily. When you go to activate it with the Keygen, and it's not a Crack, it's a Keygen, don't call it what it's not, it says to enter your new S/N and then it gives you an Request code, which the included keygen app converts to an Activation Code. So for that part only, the keygen works, but you still need a valid S/N, and there is no way to get that otherwise, the keygen does not give you that. The first one worked for me, but try the second and third ones first. 653-12354321 or 666-98989898 or 666-69696969