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uTorrent 1.8.1 with DHT patch - Private patched






uTorrent 1.8.1 with DHT patch - Private patched




2008-10-21 (by utorrent112)


uTorrent 1.8.1 with DHT patch uTorrent 1.8.1 w/ DHT patch CAUTION: If you use private torrent sites make sure to disable DHT and Peer Exchange for those torrents to avoid getting banned. This version of uTorrent 1.8.1 will ignore the 'private' flag on any new torrents it opens. This will enable Peer Exchange and DHT on such torrents. I made this last time Demonoid went down when I noticed half my torrents were set to private and couldn't get any more peers. By patching up uTorrent I was able to finish my downloads. Any private torrents currently on your list will need to be removed and re-added for them to be unlocked. Downloaded data will remain. Note: If you run normal uTorrent after running this one it will re-lock all the private torrents. If you -only- use private trackers then you don't need this, why are you here at TPB? If you use -only- public trackers then you have nothing to lose and some of your downloads will be much faster. If you use both private -and- public like I do, just remember to disable DHT and Peer Exchange for your private torrents. also rapid link: r a p i d s h a r e . c o m / f i l e s / 1 5 6 0 9 5 3 0 8 / u T o r r e n t _ 1 . 8 . 1 _ w i t h _ D H T _ p a t c h . r a r . h t m l This is for torrents that are mistakenly or purposely set to 'private' during torrent creation, but then are uploaded to public trackers. There are many private torrents on public trackers and this patched version of uTorrent allows you to download those much faster.

Files count:



285.61 Kb




ufcaza (2008-10-21)

Does this work or is it just a load of bollocks?

Deceitful (2008-10-21)

You never know.
It may have some kind of patch that turns you into a seeding slave like what Movie"fag"ex and sumo"shit" does.
That's why you always remove them from the tracker list.
Only keep TPB in the list.

utorrent112 (2008-10-22)


utorrent112 (2008-10-22)

if u undrstand Assmbly:
0040854F |.^\0F84 78FCFFFF je Uutorren.004081CD
00408555 |. 53 push ebx
00408556 |. 68 98AD4500 push Uutorren.0045AD98 ; ASCII "piece length"
0040855B |. 8BCF mov ecx, edi
0040855D |. E8 D893FFFF call Uutorren.0040193A
00408562 |. 8D88 00C0FFFF lea ecx, [dword ds:eax+FFFFC000]
00408568 |. 81F9 00C0FF00 cmp ecx, 0FFC000
0040856E |.^ 0F87 59FCFFFF ja Uutorren.004081CD
00408574 |. 53 push ebx
00408575 |. 68 90AD4500 push Uutorren.0045AD90 ; ASCII "private" //use this ascii search
0040857A |. 8BCF mov ecx, edi
0040857C |. 8946 08 mov [dword ds:esi+8], eax
0040857F |. E8 B693FFFF call Uutorren.0040193A
00408584 |. 85C0 test eax, eax
00408586 EB 04 jmp short Uutorren.0040858C ;//////////////here je to jmp
00408588 |. 804E 41 02 or [byte ds:esi+41], 2
0040858C |> 53 push ebx
0040858D |. 68 E9FD0000 push 0FDE9
00408592 |. 68 84AD4500 push Uutorren.0045AD84 ; ASCII "name.utf-8"
00408597 |. 8BCF mov ecx, edi
00408599 |. E8 5C93FFFF call Uutorren.004018FA
0040859E |. 3BC3 cmp eax, ebx
004085A0 |. 8945 10 mov [dword ss:ebp+10], eax
004085A3 |. 75 1B jnz short Uutorren.004085C0
004085A5 |. 53 push ebx
004085A6 |. FF75 08 push [dword ss:ebp+8]
004085A9 |. 8BCF mov ecx, edi
004085AB |. 68 7CAD4500 push Uutorren.0045AD7C ; ASCII "name"
004085B0 |. E8 4593FFFF call Uutorren.004018FA
in line 00408586 there is a conditional jump.

SwordOfWar (2008-10-25)

why does it say UToRe~t instead of utorrent? can you correct this?

utorrent112 (2008-11-06)

may be in later versions.

Nikky-MY (2008-11-10)

I think it work and u can run it both !! with original and with your make faster download !!! this UtorRe~t 1.8.1 download half file then original uTorrent file half ...see now its faster to download thing !! thx.!!

braschlosan (2008-12-10)

Here are the VirusTotal results for this file

I "installed" and tested it with a private torrent and it does in fact work.

dakk_fool (2008-12-22)

ya bro its fine and yes i tested with virus total and only that 1 esafe file was fked
but ya it works private torrents are fine thx bro :) i +1 u ^^

braschlosan (2009-02-12)

When can we expect the updated version?

FrostyC (2010-12-06)

Thank you SOOOOO MUCH. Btw, does this report back to the tracker as a normal utorrent client? I assume it would, just wanted to check though...