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Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Cracked [portable] [Updatable] [Online]






Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Cracked [portable] [Updatable] [Online]




2011-08-13 (by TeamExtreme)


Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 1. Copy the folder to the director specified in the ReadmeFIRST.txt 2. launch MincraftSP.exe 3. Play Mincraft online. 4. How hard was that? My Minecraft Server: when Joining my server you will be unable to move untill you type /register (password here) then next time you join just type /login (password here) e.g /regiester bunnies and /login bunnies simple and easy Also i have added 5 texture packs under the mod menu Screen Shots If you are having any problem running this game, please install the latest java


  1. Minecraft
  2. 1.7.3
  3. Beta
  4. alpha
  5. portable
  6. cracked
  7. free
  8. smp
  9. updatable
  10. 1.7

Files count:



59.91 Mb




ursak (2011-08-13)

I downloaded v1.3 when that was the newest version. Doesn't need any .minecraft-folder/filers. Just "force update" at the first start downloads all the files to the correct place and always the newest.
A file thats 150kb and just running it once gives you the newest version of Minecraft.
Why I write this is because I just wonder why noone just seed the small exe-file instead of everything. 150kb is a quick download and easy to seed...

 Agricola (2011-08-13)

so ursak are you using his server ?

 TeamExtreme (2011-08-13)

Its because i have skins and the server directory pre installed making easy to play online :)

emcee214 (2011-08-13)

i dont mean to offend you or anything...but i agree with ursak...its easy just to download the minecraft.exe and force update it...and that goes for the non-premium accounts too...a certain torrent here that even has version 1.4 can be updated to recent one(1.7.3?)...and for skins, that one is really not required...and not all people will like your skins...and for the server you are talking about?what the heck is that about...its just typing the IP adress in the multiplayer button...and of course people who downloaded this is clearly doesnt have a premium account(including me, but ive given up minecraft...i just comment on this because its size is damn too high)..and this people will just use hamachi to join server....and u didnt even have hamachi...people cant join on official server unless that server has change their online mode to false

 TeamExtreme (2011-08-14)

I'm Sorry to say this but you're an IDIOT mate. My server is a non-premium server which means anyone can connect to it. You would think when after reading the part in my description about having to make a password that it was a dead giveaway that it’s non-premium.
As for the skins they improve the lock of Minecraft and can be turn on and off from the menu. There are 5 of them so there are lots to choose from.
Now if you read bothered to read and download the torrent you would have now all this… “Idiot”

Kylexrex (2011-08-22)

=] Hey its my Kylexrex!
I am in the faction pie =]
nice crack it works fine

Am_Demon (2011-08-22)

I was able to join the server and play for a while but then I tried to join a couple of hours later and i get this error: internal i heard its a server error so if you could fix it, it would be awesome. Name: AMDemon Faction: weed

Kylexrex (2011-08-22)

Am_Demon yea... I tryed to login also and i got the same error I was to tell it also

 TeamExtreme (2011-08-23)

The server was overloaded, it just needed a restart.
Please use my forums for trouble shooting as the announcements say.

ayxsdcvf (2011-08-25)

@neofusion i have a problem launching the game can you plss help me.? when i enter my username i press ENTER GAME this appears.
Bad video card drivers!
Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode.
This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 --------
Generated 2011.08.25 17:56
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
OS: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1
Java: 1.6.0_27, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated








at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 9883d8b9 ----------
PLEASE help me i so wanna play this game....

ayxsdcvf (2011-08-25)

can you plesae help me @neofusion this appears when I enter the game.
Bad video card drivers!
Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode.
This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 --------
Generated 2011.08.25 17:56
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
OS: Windows XP (x86) version 5.1
Java: 1.6.0_27, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated








at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 9883d8b9 ----------

 TeamExtreme (2011-08-25)

You need to update you video card driver. Just google how to update my video card driver.

Kylexrex (2011-08-27)

Why can't I connect to the server anymore for 8 hours?

segin (2011-08-27)

I don't want a magical .exe solution. I am a Linux user, and I've tried that in Wine. Java runs for about 5 minutes and shits out. Plays perfectly for those five minutes, aside from being unable to fullscreen, but after five minute, the JVM crashes. Your game goes *poof*. It feels like a time-limited demo.
I rather get a .minecraft folder, I can then use it in the native Oracle Java VM for Linux. It's also quite easy to update LWJGL (a third-party DLL/jar combo used by Minecraft) this way. And I can play in fullscreen. And longer than 5 minutes.
And no, I will not switch to Windows just so that you can finally get rid of torrents shipping a .minecraft folder. How about you switch to Linux instead? :P

 TeamExtreme (2011-08-28)

Yeah i don't know anything about Linux so your on your own there.

YOR_FACE (2011-08-28)

hey i have the same problem as AM_DEMON and Kylexrex what is the link to your trouble shooting forum

YOR_FACE (2011-08-30)

neofusion the server is broken plz check in

_UndeadlyVamp (2011-08-31)

Thanks alot this works online. I'm also playing on his server. Great upload!

_UndeadlyVamp (2011-08-31)

:bump: seeding ;)

frostyzam (2011-09-03)

Hey can some of you guys please help, i did every thing on the instructions but just couldn't play online, the only thing i could do is just play the single player.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-04)

Are your Firewalls blocking it connecting?

Wratther (2011-09-04)

Gives me an Error "Your name contains one or more illegal characters"

Raehar (2011-09-04)

Hey dude...the game works but i went on multiplayer nad it work only for your server???
I know a few ppl that host servers and they gave me the ip and all but it seems that only your server works??
So could you give me an advice

Googlplex (2011-09-05)


Googlplex (2011-09-05)


Googlplex (2011-09-05)


Googlplex (2011-09-05)


Googlplex (2011-09-05)


Malaclemy (2011-09-06)

I would advise not to download this torrent.
For starters, the server it is linked to is incredibly buggy. I ended up losing my faction twice (which means I've lost my stuff too), and also got my inventory reset a couple of times.
I assume the admins are just unable to run the server. They also seem to be kids and as we know, these don't make good moderators.
I also got a bit frustrated, as to build freely I had to walk a bajillion miles in one direction, because every block of land was owned by a "faction", which is mostly people who have played once, built a large wooden dick and auto-owned 10 square miles of wilderness...
The even downer side is that I can't seem to connect to any other server except this one. Every other server says "Connection refused - Bad login".

Kylexrex (2011-09-06)

Gives me an Error "Your name contains one or more illegal characters"
Wratther u are a idiot seriously -.-
I have people in my faction *in teamextreme minecraft server ;D* that are damm stupid but you... OMG
Try not to use - , . / \ ] [ - = _ + ? > < * & ^% $ # @ ! `~ | Because that are ''Illegal Characters''

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-06)

"The server it’s inked to is incredibly buggy"
Well I’m sorry if you don't like the new PvP Arena plugin, the Mob Arena plugin, and the Spleef Arena plugin.
Setting up these kinds of plugins takes time it’s not just place the file and go...
"I also got a bit frustrated, as to build freely I had to walk a bajillion miles"
Do you know how many people are resisted to play on this map? Over 1500... Last time I checked Minecraft “online” is all about teamwork, so gee hmm I dono join a team… and its more like just walking in a line for 2min… or 30sec flying.
There are add-ons to help provide mobility e.g.
Download zombie fly mod "like the other 50% of the server" Than once you found some land
Just use /f sethome then you can just type /spawn and /f home. Now what is hard about that... and every inactive player’s faction gets deleted auto.
"The even downer side is that I can't seem to connect to any other server except this one. Every other server says "Connection refused - Bad login""
That's because you’re a retard and you’re trying to connect to "premium" server, maybe you should use your friend “Google” before you go crying off because you’re too stupid to figure out why…?
"I assume the admins are just unable to run the server."
Last time i check the server it was running fine. This server has gotten so popular so fast that i have to upgrade the hardware on it "again"

So look I'm sorry you didn't like the server and have no clue how much work and time it takes to run a server of this size, maybe next time before you comment on something like this you will know the facts first before posting…

Malaclemy (2011-09-06)

I'm sorry, you pretentious prick, but I have my fair share of knowledge running game servers (including Minecraft) and I did it a lot better than you. It isn't THAT hard, so stop whining.
The bad login thing isn't what you make it out to be, since I couldn't even play on my server (Yes, I did set online mode to false).
The error got fixed, when I stopped being a stupid retard and just downloaded a different fucking client.
If 50% of your community uses fly-mod, then why didn't you include it in the client? I really don't like that stuff, since I feel it a bit like cheating.
Nevertheless, I did walk the never ending miles of owned wilderness (Even if inactive factions get deleted - There still is the "this guy has owned build-able land and only put a giant lava-spewing penis on it" factor for about 30 square miles from the starting spawn) and set up my faction, my faction home, my community and everything I could and then SHAZAM! - lost.
For the second time. At least the first time I didn't build or gather enough to go into a nerd-rage.
I played for a few hours a day and there were always a couple of server restarts, half of them included resetting my inventory and/or building progress a few hours back.
For me - that is poor server managing.
If it is too hard on your machine/connection - It's not my fault that your player cap is so high, and it's not the computer's fault you couldn't calculate your server machine's power.
About the joining a team thing... What do you think my faction was? A single-player strip club?
Hint: It was a team.
I didn't try the new arena plugins, but I also didn't say anything about them. Setting them up takes place the file, go, build and configure, which could only take an hour of time (or less) from three moderators, which I believe is what you have.
Also, just as a tip, you should stick a multichannel plugin in that server, because it's annoying how I can't see my faction-only chat messages thanks to a bunch of Alchemst/King/Whatever members, who like to spam on the general chat with their mates. It's kind of like a bunch of low-lifes standing on a street corner and yelling about how boring their day has been and what colour shoes should they get.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-06)

"The server its inked to is incredibly buggy"
Well Im sorry if you don't like the new PvP Arena plugin, the Mob Arena plugin, and the Spleef Arena plugin.
Setting up these kinds of plugins takes time its not just place the file and go...
"I also got a bit frustrated, as to build freely I had to walk a bajillion miles"
Do you know how many people are registed to play on this server? Over 1500... Last time I checked Minecraft online is all about teamwork, so gee hmm I dono join a team and its more like walking in a line for 2min or 30sec flying.
There are add-ons to help provide mobility e.g. Download zombie fly mod "like the other 50% of the server" Than once you found some land Just use /f sethome then you can just type /spawn and /f home. Now what is hard about that... and every inactive players faction gets deleted every 30 days.
"The even downer side is that I can't seem to connect to any other server except this one. Every other server says "Connection refused - Bad login""
That's because youre a retard and youre trying to connect to "premium" server. Maybe you should use your friend Google before you go crying off because youre too stupid to figure out why?
"I assume the admins are just unable to run the server."
Last time i check the server it was running fine. This server has gotten so popular so fast that i have to upgrade the spawn and hardware on the server "again".
As for being unable to run the server:
Mob Arena
Spleef Arena
So look I'm sorry you didn't like the server and have no clue how much work and time it takes to run a server of this size, maybe next time before you comment on something like this you will know the facts before posting.

Malaclemy (2011-09-06)

Umm... You just posted the same comment.
I'd like to add that most of the things you build are ugly and easy to build using WorldEdit.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-06)

"I did it a lot better than you. It isn't THAT hard, so stop whining"
Yeah not hard aye? Home server 5 players 2 plugins? Go tell that comment to anyone who runs a huge server with lots of plugins. Note not trying to be mean just angry with your comment at this point
"I played for a few hours a day and there were always a couple of server restarts, half of them included resetting my inventory and/or building progress a few hours back.
For me - that is poor server managing."
Poor server managing? Mate i know your server was smaller than mine just from that comment, anyone who has installed allot of plugins to keep it fun would know this. Still angry
The mob arena plugin on its own was a nightmare! Clashing with a plugin that is not yet installed. It was crashing every time some items were rewarded, now try and find out which ones... Mob Arena has no detailed error reports and no reload functions so it takes a restart every time, now add in the PvP Arena, Spleef Arena, Dyn Maps, Factions, World Edit, World Guard, Noon, Automes, Plaspawn and a few more. Getting all the plugins working without clashing, getting errors or just crashing the server is a tough job...
Setting the arena plugin to run "perfect" like mine is a tough job if you want the arena to look great and run smooth. Setting up the plugin was like this, build arena, place files, configure, configure, error, error, configure, change arena, configure, update plugin, error, clash, configure update the arena, DONE! Now do that with 2 admins and only 1 to configure different arena plugins and you can see why there were allot of resets setting up all 3 arena one after another...
There were also allot of restarts due to the fact the server is new and getting ALOTE bigger once it reaches a new stage in size it needs new plugins, you were at that stage when you joined the server.
"Also, just as a tip, you should stick a multichannel plugin in that server"
Thank you for the suggestion i have indeed been looking for a chat plugin, but i have been struggling to find one that looks nice.
Yes and i understand the spamming chat issue and the restarts but you must also look at it from another point of view, if there were no restarts this server would be offline from errors every 5 min. There should be a backup every 5 hours to prevent griefers big shout out to team AVO :) and to prevent the server being overload there is a restart every 5 hour till I do another server up grade.
I don't like picking fight especially when there over typing due to the fact my grammar and spelling is horrible.
"wall of text hits you for 10k damage"
PS thank you for insulting my pvp arena it took well over 7 hours a building/ tweaking...

Malaclemy (2011-09-06)

I still insist your troubles are your fault. I've configured a server with a 100 players. Not that much, yes, but enough. At one point I had lots more plugins, until I figured it got so much that it looked ridiculous. There are plugins that check for conflicts between other plugins. There is also the simpl thought process of what item is involved with that plugin and what item with the other, so you could rule out most of the rewards and there you have it.
My server also had a backup and warning system around 2 minutes before a restart so players would not, say, mine 5-6 diamonds and then lose them.
I've also ran a bunch of servers for other games, some of them with over 250 people constantly online (Including Lineage, Mu-Online, WoW, CS and some others), so I know poor server management when I see it.
I could also go on comparing your server to others - that would still prove my point.
For the chat - I like the look of HeroChat and the fact that it's really tweeked.
For the arena - I'm just being honest.
If you took a few days finger-painting with shit on a wall - that won't make it good just because of the effort.

linksony (2011-09-07)

For some reason i cant open my chat log.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-07)

"I still insist your troubles are your fault. I've configured a server with a 100 players. Not that much, yes, but enough."
You wont be able to really understand the troubles of a MC server of my size till you get allot of players. I have 1500 people finding ever bloody bug there is, take the mob arena for example 95% of the time its running nonstop with plays in it so if there is an error it will popup... if you only had a 100 players that would be around 5 online which would make the arena like 2% active so you would not find the errors.
simpl thought process of what item is involved with that plugin and what item with the other, so you could rule out most of the rewards and there you have it.
You would generally thing that but allot of the time it does not work like that e.g. Here are some items that error in some arenas, wool, string, pistons, sticky pistons, slime balls, snowballs, diamond chest plate and jack lanterns.
My server also had a backup and warning system around 2 minutes before a restart so players would not, say, mine 5-6 diamonds and then lose them.
My server saves ever 5-10min and saves on a shutdown, its only the forced shut downs like when mob arena errors and then prevents the server from stopping.
server to others - that would still prove my point.
To other new servers sure. This server is only 3 weeks old and has a MASSIVE dedicated player base with the map being over 700mb If people didn't like this server they would just quit so I must be doing something right
For the arena - I'm just being honest.
You are the first person ever to dislike the design of it, I even hosted a poll if they liked the desine with a rating out of 10, it scored a 7 and 10 for for the mechanics and bugs.
For the chat - I like the look of HeroChat and the fact that it's really tweeked.
I will look into it after I set up the iconimy plugin, as Im getting spammed with requests for it. Like I said once the server gets to a certain size you need new plugins to manage it, which will bring errors that need fixing which your server wont have.
Once I have all the plugins to manage and run a server I have no doubt at all that is will grow even more massive.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-07)

"For some reason i cant open my chat log."
Odd, did you hit the "t" key?

Malaclemy (2011-09-07)

I had a 100 players cap on my server, that would be constantly filled through the day is what I meant. Not a 100 dedicated players for an hour a day.
If it only crashes on errors and otherwise does a world save, then why am I warned before a server restart and then I log in with all my stuff gone?
"To other new servers sure. This server is only 3 weeks old and has a MASSIVE dedicated player base with the map being over 700mb If people didn't like this server they would just quit so I must be doing something right"
From what I know - successful servers rely on luck and advertising.
And I still hold the grounds about the thought process (whatever the items - it is still a conflict and a conflict is properly settled by listening to both sides of it) and the aesthetics of the arena.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-07)

"If it only crashes on errors and otherwise does a world save, then why am I warned before a server restart and then I log in with all my stuff gone?"
You started playing right in the middle of installing stalling 3 arena plugins, put 1 and 1 together and you have your answer.
"From what I know - successful servers rely on luck and advertising."
If they can't get players they cant find errors and with less players there is a much less chance of them re-occurring as often.
Btw what is your server IP, I would much like to come on and look at it?

Malaclemy (2011-09-07)

As I said a couple of times - I HAD a server *past simple*. As in had one a few months back.
Also - installing plugins is no excuse for destroying random user's progress.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-07)

"Also - installing plugins is no excuse for destroying random user's progress. "
Because you know every single error and can fix it b4 it happens...? servers don't work like this as you know, so there is no point in saying "well i know and research the plugins for errors b4 i implement" there will always be unexpected turns in life.
"predicts you will say"
"why not set the plugin on a home server first...?"
Allot of the time i do this but I don't have hundreds of people on a home server to trigger all the bugs. Errors don't always show up just like that "they hide and wait"

Malaclemy (2011-09-08)

Actually, I never thought of the home server. Good job!
I was thinking something more like a FUCKING BACKUP.
I lost a couple of days progress, which may not be that much, but how much more could have been lost?
What? Was the closest backup point to your crash like five days ago? Actually - more, since I was mercilessly thrown into my old faction (Alchemist), which I quit around a week and a half ago.
I mean, really? What's the excuse for that? Not enough drive space to save more than once a month?

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-08)

"Was the closest backup point to your crash like five days ago?"
The server gets a backed up every 5 hours, I'm not going to restore it for a 1-3 people who got an error i.e. you.
As for the faction i believe one of your factions members was walking around the map with auto claim on... so the faction had to be deleted to unclaim the land. There are now limits on claims to prevent this from happening again and as for making your faction a 2nd time, which was due to Ma Arena clashing with Factions plugin and had to be restored to the previous day.
"I mean, really? What's the excuse for that? Not enough drive space to save more than once a month?"
Now your just sound like you has downs and have forgotten all the previews comments. Please, if you are going to respond to this comment do one of the following things:
A. Respond with proper questions / query's that you don't know the answer to.
B. Get your mum "or mom if you live in the USA" to write you comment for you.
C. All of the above.
No but seriously its like you have a gold fish's memory, yes I know its been proven that gold fish have more than a 2sec memory but the stereotype fits you just fine. Before you post something again read the comments and you will answer your own questions, although all you'll probably read is your ignorance spamming bad server But give it ago you never know.

Malaclemy (2011-09-08)

Actually, NOW you pointed out what's REALLY wrong and I admit, it must have been our fault here.
Yes, I understand you backup every five hours, but that didn't explain to me why I got set back more than a week - TWICE.
I thought it must have been a common error, since I'm really not the unluckiest bastard on earth.
BUT, as you said - Me and a friend of mine really did walk around with autoclaim on, since we didn't know much about the factions plugin and how claiming worked. We thought it owned 8X8X8 chunks of land and now it seems it owns everything height-wise, so I'm sorry about that.
Yet, you could have said that in your first comment.
My "lacking memory" is due to you not answering the question of why I was returned that far back, even though there's backups. It didn't make sense. It does now.
And my mother? Really? That's what you've got to say?
Little bit of advice - stick with people you know on that insult.
Still, I'm kind of sorry to have ranted so much, but I wanted to spare other people some trouble, if I could.

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-08)

"BUT, as you said - Me and a friend of mine really did walk around with autoclaim on, since we didn't know much about the factions plugin and how claiming worked. We thought it owned 8X8X8 chunks of land and now it seems it owns everything height-wise, so I'm sorry about that.
Sorry i do apologies, i thought you knew about the auto claiming as it in the library rules.
The auto claiming is very difficult to disable and i have been working on it for some time now, a simple solution would be in install a plugin to disable /f autoclaim, but that would take allot of configuring and clashing to get it set up for a single command. About the claiming to the sky, that will not be changed in the plugin till they release the factions v2.
Would you like me to remove all our comments, as we have wrote allot of useless comments?
Here is a link to factions v2 and my comment:

My comment will not be visible yet as its not been approved yet, so it just blow here:
I have been using this plugin on my server for wile and i would like to post my ideas of what i would like to see in v2:
1. Be able to use cube voids and /f claim.
2. /f claim now claims x16x16x16 not to the sky and ground because when everyone claims there mine it claims all the land above and ruins the map.
3. Shat support with Hero Chat.
4. Support for Dynmaps.
5. Be able to change everyones individual settings e.g. making PVP on /off, allow building and change if people can you use items in the zone.
6. Be able to turn PVP off all apart from one zone.
7. Allow admins create a neutral zone witch cant be built, edited or claimed. This would mostly be used to allow other plugins to work with the area much more easily, such as Mob arena and Wars.
8. Allow a client sides faction border outline .e.g. You see a line of glass along the ground marking out the end of a territory, as you walk up to the glass it disappears maybe this could replace /f map or /f show.
9. Allow admins to create zones that let certain types of animals and mobs spawn in it, kind of like an animal farm that could be set with cube voids. This will allow mobs and animals to spawn in the zones with animals and mobs turned off in the server settings, kind of like how mob arena is able to spawn them.
I know you have already posted some of these ideas but this is just my own opinion of what I would like from factions v2.

Malaclemy (2011-09-08)

I like those ideas.
Doesn't factions support HeroChat when you have permissions?
I thought it did.
The farm animals thing will be very useful.

IlluminedHawk (2011-09-09)

Very Good, But how can I create i home?

 TeamExtreme (2011-09-09)

"Doesn't factions support HeroChat when you have permissions?"
I don't beleave its fully supported :(
"Very Good, But how can I create i home?"
Make a faction with /f create NameHere then claim some land with /f claim and then /f sethome.

frostyzam (2011-09-29)

Neofusion, are you the admin of this server?

 TeamExtreme (2011-10-03)


frostyzam (2011-10-06)

Can you promote me please.

ljubisav (2012-04-05)


entheos1917 (2012-11-13)

there is only the readme file in the folder...

rexninja42 (2013-08-23)

PLEASE HELP!!!!! when i click minecraft IT WON'T OPEN!!!!!

AnonyPlus (2014-01-28)

I own the game, but I'm getting this client so hopefully I can mod it. With the newest minecraft launcher it's nearly impossible to mod beta versions of the game.

AnonyPlus (2014-01-28)

I get this error why I try modifying the jar file.
! Cannot rename


AnonyPlus (2014-01-28)

The file attributes were set to read-only, problem solved.

AnonyPlus (2014-01-28)

Successfully modded. :D


1. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/jinput-dx8.dll 60.50 Kb
2. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/jinput-dx8_64.dll 63.50 Kb
3. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/jinput-raw.dll 58.00 Kb
4. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/jinput-raw_64.dll 61.00 Kb
5. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/lwjgl.dll 188.50 Kb
6. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/lwjgl64.dll 267.50 Kb
7. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/OpenAL32.dll 105.50 Kb
8. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/natives/OpenAL64.dll 190.50 Kb
9. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/jinput.jar 222.49 Kb
10. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/lwjgl.jar 721.04 Kb
11. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/lwjgl_util.jar 135.08 Kb
12. minecraft/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar 1.40 Mb
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