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land of the dead files






land of the dead files




2008-10-24 (by dragon1500)


land of the dead full game with maps

Files count:



1903.59 Mb




anderlainen (2008-10-25)

hey wtf man i dont anderstand this thing i download it and trying to play it but it an error ?
im not shure if im doing it right or what ?? the LOTD file is it that im gonna pres on ? PLZ awnser me my english is BAD ya i knowe

dragon1500 (2008-10-26)

what was your error

dragon1500 (2008-10-26)

normaly you can play it without errors.
i have done that with serveral computers it should work

joonasuchiha (2008-10-29)

No label

dragon1500 (2008-10-30)

no man what jou only have to do is go to systems and click on lodt.exe and the game is starting its that easy

 FuCtUpPuNk (2008-12-27)

to fix ant error you get, including that no label error that happens as u start the game. right click on the file u use to run the game (lotd). select properties, now a window pops up, at the top select compatability mode, now check the box that u see that says "run this program in ETC" now select windows 98, if it still doesnt work, then select a different windows, 95, 2000, xp, ETC. it will work
any extrat help add me on xfire messenger cfreakdog on aim

 FuCtUpPuNk (2008-12-27)

oh and after u get this torrent, u also want all the lotd update packs, it gives u a crapload more levels...i see this torrent has a few installed, i think this used to be my torrent lolz. its cool though, if u want the rest of the update packs then add me on xfire or aim.... Cfreakdog

 FuCtUpPuNk (2008-12-27)

hey dragon1500, u should ad me, i want to help u seed the ultimate lotd torrent bro. with all 1-27 packs installed. this, if it used to be mine, only has 1-22 i think. 23-27 are huge, my install directory is over 7gigs now. the torrent can be yours but ill help u seed for awhile, ima have to seed to u anyhow, then u can upload it here, anyways get xfire and add me. we will talk about it more there if u are intrested

 FuCtUpPuNk (2009-02-15)

this is the game of land of the dead (full game)
you can play it online and it has extra maps to play online. it also has extra and modded weapons in it......ENJOY and please seed.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2009-12-25)

every lotd map ever made on filefront
all 4 parts need to be extracted together. this contains every land of the dead: road to fiddlers green map/level ever made for multiplayer mode
(PART 1)

(PART 2)

(PART 3)

(PART 4)

before downloading you must know that this is extremely compressed, when extracted it's 7.56 gigs while compressed it's 2.14 gigs. be sure to have about 12 gigs free. need both room to download the files and then more room so it can extract.
download all of the "every lotd ever map made.7z" files and extract them all together (there are 4 parts). use 7zip (if you don't have it go to it's free). highlight all the files and right click one of them, select extract. after it is fully extracted place all of the files in your land of the dead install directory "C:\Program Files\Groove Games\Land Of The Dead"
you'll notice the install directory "C:\Program Files\Groove Games\Land Of The Dead" and this update have all the same folders: animations, audio, levels, meshes, system, textures. so what you do is take the files from the folder in this update and place them in the same folder in land of the deads install directory. it's pretty easy.
NOTE: Land of the Dead has a patch V1.1, this must be installed to use any custome made content including everything in this package. the patch can be obtained at
(land of the deads master server site)
this package contains every land of the dead road to fiddlers green map ever made by any player as of december 23, 2009. all the update packs (1 - 2, the map and audio packs (1 and 2), the infection pack, and trins lms packs maps are all included in here, plus so much extra. this contains everything lotd has to offer
a total of 728 maps/levels and all the needed files to run them. all are intended for the online play of land of the dead.
the game now has new weapon types modded into certain multiplayer maps, some may just be improved versions of other weapons or the same weapon with a different affect. there's also things like rocket launchers, flame throwers, dynamite, grenades, shovels, hammers, spiked bats, snipers, glocks, uzis, ak-74s, m16s, shotguns, chainsaws, weapons with flashlights attached, mp5s, miniguns, crossbows, reapers, ninjastars, cleavers, dawn rifles, glocks, ETC (way more).
All Players vs the zombies. you run around and kill zombies. try to stay alive till the time runs out. some maps are so big it feels like you're playing in an actual city.
A team based game where you are on 1 of 2 teams, red or blue. you start in your teams base with your teams flag, you must make it to the other teams base and grab their flag then get back to yours without dying, kill anyone or zombie that gets in your way. if you die the flag is left where u died until 1 of the teams grab it. if the opposing team gets the flag it goes straight to their base but if your team gets it, they continue to your base. this game type requires both going for their flag and guarding your need both people leaving and guarding the base at all times
team based game. start off on either red or blue team, kill players from the opposing team while trying not to be killed by the other team or zombies. the first team to get to the set score wins, or the team with the higher points total when the time runs out wins
Every player for themselves. kill all the other players as many times as you can and die as few times as you can. gain the highest score and watch out for zombies during the set time. first player to reach the set score or the player with the highest score when the time runs out wins.

 FuCtUpPuNk (2009-12-31)

srry for second post but links below had broken files to all the maps. here are fixed links
(PART 1)

(PART 2)

(PART 3)

(PART 4)

SKATExMONSTER (2012-03-16)

137.5 kbs...seed