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Final Cut Pro 7 with serial number




Software Mac


Final Cut Pro 7 with serial number




2010-08-25 (by BLACKTROY )


Final Cut Pro 7â

Files count:



3561.92 Mb




acbananas (2010-08-27)

please seed, stuck at 80% for a day now

1TWISTED (2010-08-27)

thank you, "BLACKTROY" nice up load.
well done,

westcoastartist (2010-08-28)

I don't get it. It says that you need some discs and the installation failed. Does anyone know how to get around this?

quotidian (2010-08-28)

It downloaded nice and smooth but the SN no longer works. Does anyone know where to get a legit sn? When I search there are a ton of sites but they look... fake

1TWISTED (2010-08-28)

seeding fast as I can ; )
thanks again, "BLACKTROY"

1TWISTED (2010-08-28)

good and strong

znm2000 (2010-08-30)

After putting in the original registration and starting the installation, it stopped after about 1min and said couldn't complete. Said something about incomplete, reinsert disk, and problems relating to "/". Tried twice.
Any Ideas - it tool me 3 days to download??

znm2000 (2010-08-30)

I'm on an Intel OS 10.5.8

bugzim (2010-09-01)

Thanks for uploading it BLACKTROY.
My only problem is that I have an older version of FCP installed so when I'm installing it says it's an update install and I can't "tickle" off motion, color and others, does anybody know a way to install it? thanx! :)

newimachere (2010-09-02)

THanks Blacktroy i will seed....!!!! and no one pls fucking post the damn SN's....!!! come on think here shit.....

newimachere (2010-09-02)

OKay so i typed in the sn by hand only installed the final cut and am getting the install error.... does any one have any idea....?? im on an OSX 10.6.4 i7
and is there a way to re put in another serial number besides the one i just put in cause i might have other working serials some pls help me out and ill exchange working serials to help delete the cache of this fcp7....???

newimachere (2010-09-02)

okay i fixed my problem with what was wrong with the installation problem transferred the whole file to my usb deleted it from the downloaded file restarted my imac opened the DISK UTILITY and clicked only usb opened it up which should be on the bottom with the icon of the DMG and hit repair disc after i did that i installed and it worked i hope this helps anyone else good luck

edwardnese (2010-09-03)

Wow seriously need more seeders only getting k/b -.- cmon people help out the mac community

tonygogo (2010-09-05)

thank you but i can't downlond

skrulon (2010-09-05)

OK why that file is 3,48GiB and the prvious was about 50 GiB ??

skrulon (2010-09-05)

Is that 7 the lates ??

ThumperZ1 (2010-09-07)

You can only install Final Cut from this. Some of the content disks that they want you to install, are not here.
That's why other torrents have 16gb or so.

priscillaflores (2010-09-07)

well it worked but why cant we download the other things on the list??

tdub154420 (2010-09-09)

Will this install on a regular MacBook?? (Not a MacBook Pro) If so, how?

KANGOMAN (2010-09-12)

i tried to install and it told me "installer failed" can someone please help me. i been wanting to use motion 4 for like forever!!!!

KANGOMAN (2010-09-12)

never mind. ima dick! i got it now. i read the comments before. . . high 5 my dude! great program! im seeding now!!!

bt101 (2010-09-13)

It works great until you allow it to update! Oops, guess I shouldn't have done that! Now when I try to open it, I get a pop up "Licensing" window that asks for first and last name and serial number. The serial # in the file no longer works and the other serial # posted in the comments doesn't work either.

hiljai (2010-09-14)

Thanks for the download. The serial number you provided doesn't work, though.
Got another one that would?

Zidande (2010-09-17)

Hmm serial is not working…

bricx (2010-09-19)

Hi does anyone have the correct serial number for this please?

rwhash8 (2010-09-22)

Everyone with license issues...
FORGET the serial!
use this:

daswoto (2010-09-24)

does this works on a windows vista to?

mrgenius (2010-09-29)

i am selecting only Final Cut pro from the installation Options.. still it asks for a Studio DVD on 99% install... how to complete installation without DVD????

andyTPB (2010-10-01)

"does this works on a windows vista to?"
Type: Applications > Mac

guitargod546 (2010-10-01)

Im installing the motion 4 part and it says insert disc 1. WHat should I do?

mrkauffman (2010-10-03)

@bt101 same prob here. did you solve it?

walshy_t (2010-10-04)

BLACKTROY - Thank you! Perfect download - original S/N you posted worked without any issues. Now have FCP 7 running flawlessly.

pinksson (2010-10-05)

It doesn't work for me, I have a macbook pro snow leopard.. why why why?

pinksson (2010-10-05)

it says that the installation failed..

dschapin1 (2010-10-07)

anyone have a working serial after the 2010-02 update ,, thank you so much if yu do (the sept pro ap update)

xNeooo (2010-10-10)

serial please ????

cora23 (2010-10-15)

serial number:

Fnnylgrnd (2010-10-19)

cora23 saved me, his serial is good after the update.

Updated knowing i probably would but hoping I wouldn't get blocked out, it was buggy, dudes, I needed those updates.

PacmanNo1 (2010-10-31)

It say's that needs 52 GB free space to instal the program? How to get ower it, this file is only 3.48GB , please help?

mctoom (2010-11-01)

After Update:
Thanks @cora23

imaghost (2010-11-01)

i am getting
any help would be appreciated.

halobob (2010-11-02)

Try installing each application separately.

imaghost (2010-11-03)

thanks halobob.
and thank you to BLACKTROY.
and cora23.
up and running.

guitarmasterlala (2010-11-06)

i used the serial cora provided to install, then i installed individually but motion doesnt install. anyone can help? i cant change the serial anymore i believe, guess i should have installed using the original serial provided

jackclap (2010-11-11)

So the serial from before doesn't work how do i input a new one cuz now the program just crashes when i open it?

frenosfraia (2010-11-18)

I´ve red all the comments after having problems with the intalation. Some of the problems were fixed after installing the applications one by one but the application Soundtrack Pro has no way to be installed. Before the installation it says that 6 disks will be asked and im installing directly from the Hard Disk. I dont have this disks. A couple minutes after the start an error appear... Would you please help me, here?

skrulon (2010-11-20)

what about motion ?? Always ask for working serial but i have 3 one working with FC7 but no one working with motion 1 any help ??

NLmovie (2010-11-24)

Works great, first is says Motion does'n to work, but when you stop installing after you Mac says something like 'put the follwing CD to install montion' it is already installed and you just can stop the installation. Motion and the other apps are in the folder 'Programs'. Works great! Thanks!

sedned (2010-11-25)

I read all your comments and can't find a solution to my problem. I mounted the .DMG and installed it (and also entered the cd key given (while also giving a fake name)). It crashes the instant I try to run FCP under Applications. I get the option to relaunch, report (fuck that) and ignore. What do i do?

sedned (2010-11-26)


Girate (2010-11-30)

This torrent works perfectly. Disconnect internet. Mount the file using toast. Put in existing perfectly..hit install...done ! Then block final cut and all associated apps from connecting to the internet through your firewall

kurd2006 (2010-12-05)

Can I install on iAtkos S3 ?
say: instalation faield

rededits (2010-12-10)

I used Coda's SN and it gave me an error message at 4 min remaining of installation. When I tried again I could no longer enter a serial number. Any idea if there is a better SN and also, how to start over and enter a new SN?

watchthiscityfall (2010-12-10)

Thanks man! Works great, mucho appreciated!

FPREcordz (2010-12-14)

IM having trouble .. i tried downloading at 4 minutes it fails ... i also cant put a new serial number number if i wanted too ..can some one help ...

ArmyHawker (2010-12-23)

Help, would someone, anyone, who has Livetype Expansion, please seed. I promise not to hit & run. thx

xxxxxfff (2010-12-31)

i am having the same problem as FPREcordz
i dont know how to put in a new serial code either and its failing.... the only thing i might have done wrong was copy and paste the serial.... please help asap
thank you

MelissaJones (2011-01-02)

Please help me!!! I've installed the applications One by One. The only one application that I cant install was SoundTrack Pro 3. Besides, my real problem is that Motion 4 works after the install but just a part of it. In the install prompt, I mark only the Motion to install. Before that, a window appear with the info that I'll need the following disks "Motion Content 1" and "Motion Content 2" but as you are saying I'm installing without that disks. In the end, the installation reports an error. Ok, Motion works but I can't find the Motion directory that should be at Macintosh
So when I use it some items cant be found such as Particle Emitters, Replicators, Shapes, Gradients, Live Fonts and Text Styles... Anyone can really help me, please??? How can I create the disks needed to get a proper installation??? Sorry about the long text but I'm very sad about it.

xxxxxfff (2011-01-02)

can anyone help me?

arsalanva (2011-01-03)

Seeeeeed `Please........

shitballz (2011-01-03)

Thanks, works perfectly on my Macbook

shakes3939 (2011-01-04)

im so lost

TruPinoyFNG (2011-01-04)

hey Im downloading it right now and planning on seeding for some time. But I need someone who has RECENTLY successfully installed the whole software bundle to give detailed and proper installation instruction so that you can help others and I to install this without issues. Thanks from the Philippines

ivanov1919 (2011-01-09)

I have the same problem that "rededit" has stated, I repeat rededit's question:
"I used Coda's SN and it gave me an error message at 4 min remaining of installation. When I tried again I could no longer enter a serial number. Any idea if there is a better SN and also, how to start over and enter a new SN?" Please help, this is my third download... Thanks!

xxxxxfff (2011-01-10)

I am having the same problem as ivanov1919 and rededit. can someone please help us :-)

ciptawan (2011-01-12)

Very disappointed....
Installer corrupt and get error while installation :(

Moretti856 (2011-01-16)

if the original SN posted didn't work then use
SN :

worked for me

Yocto (2011-01-17)

1- Disconnect from internet
2- Install Final Cut Pro
3- Start final cut, register later
4- Quit Final Cut Pro and connect to internet and bingo, it should work

Gottanked (2011-01-21)

It doesn't work on a regular MacBook (2009 model). It says that the installation as failed due to an error. I disconnected the internet and also tried restarting the computer to try it again. I know I have the proper system requirements. I don't think this program is up to date with the new OS or version 10.6.6.

shakes3939 (2011-01-23)


shakes3939 (2011-01-23)


bobbobby718 (2011-01-24)

Guys I figured the as to why most of us are getting the error message. First of all is not our computers it just the way we install it when u run the installer it then will show you all the different programs that are going to be installed in you your computer such as Final Cut, motion, etc.. when it shows you this you will be see all the programs checked uncheck all of them and start installing Final Cut (check final cut only) )only and then after it install's do the others individually and you should not have a problem. I hope this helps as I got it installed after doing it this way also make sure you have a valid serial.

maddy99u (2011-01-28)


hey guys try this after all the hassle this serial worked for me...and for the error message,do installation 1 by 1 by clicking each check box at a time...
god bless u and start your creativity and help others...

RowinCZ (2011-01-30)

Hi, choose FINAL CUT PRO and COLOR applications ONLY else it will as you for additional APPLICATIONS INSTALL DISKS!!!!!!

Capt_Minus (2011-02-05)

@maddy99u thx worked for me too...the 3 supplied serial arent working...

Capt_Minus (2011-02-05)

@maddy99u thx that serial worked for me too,,,,the 3 supplied with the pack arent working...

TerenceTrentDarby (2011-02-05)

Managed to install this but have had problems. After a while it starts asking for serials and none work..however I have found that deleting the program and reinstalling gets it working again and it doesn't ask for the serial again which i found strange. I'm being offered an update now (pro applications update 2010-2) and don't know whether to accept it or not. Any advice?

nickimouse (2011-02-07)

@Fnnylgrnd thx for confirming SN.
suga @blacktroy fcp is fanstastic.
have we come to a consensus that installation disks are necessary to use ~all~ capabilities for additional applications: motion, soundtrack, color, and dvd studio??

nath23 (2011-02-09)

HOW COME I can;t download anything from the pirate bay?? i was trying to download final cut 7 from all the links in this site but i always get 0 seed??? why is that? does anyone know?I dont have any security in my computer preventing downlads. at least not that i know. PLEASE HELP i need this software for college. thx

patddfan (2011-02-11)

Maybe, but some torrents are just dead

regalturd (2011-02-15)

Nice quick torrent thanks to some one. Don't know who, but when they're on it's so much faster.
No thanks to all those people who've capped their upload limit for no reason. It's selfish.

itsBACON (2011-02-17)

install went fine only installed FCP 7 and now wenever i open it it quits no messages just closes help pls??

itsBACON (2011-02-17)

seeding for help

retrojunkie (2011-02-23)

i need help. my installer doesnt respond, i write everything and doesnt seem to do anything

plrbr (2011-03-06)

i know i have to only choose final cut to get it to install, but it won't let me deselect anything besides final cut and dvd studio pro...
also it says fcp and color are updates?
seems like no one else is having my problem...but does anyone know why it's doing this? i've never had fcp on this computer, but i did on my last computer and installed with no problems..
help anyone??????????

beelav (2011-03-11)

how do i individually install motion and color and all of the other extras, it keeps asking for disks????

saltbeefbagel (2011-03-20)

I get "The installer encountered an error that cause the installation to fail". Am selecting only FCP to install. Am running Macbook Pro 10.6.6
any ideas guys?

minychit (2011-03-20)

I'm getting the same problem as saltbeefbagel
Im just installing fcp
im not using the serial in the torrent but another one posted here.
it still asks for like 3 audio files at the beginning..
So what is the problem?
*thanks for the torrent blacktroy

jwizzy (2011-03-31)

How can i get master templates...i think its missing

minychit (2011-04-01)

ok solved my problem!
u need to download this removal software
called FCS-remover.

i tried and it worked perfectly:)

maxdie (2011-04-14)

not too bad but could be better

defishin (2011-05-09)

Installation works perfect...BUT after using it for a while it always crashes with error message "Xvid codec issue". I have gone to the xvid open source site and installed the xvid component to my library folder but still crashes...any help appreciated:)

Aprentice44 (2011-05-11)


That is the working Serial everyone. Thanks for the upload! And no the serial is not in the Instruction Manual!!! ;-)

mr.grover (2011-08-11)

I Love You

catacombkid (2011-08-12)

what if i don't have the pro discs? :( i've tried so many dvd converters for mac and none of them are doing the job.

square_82 (2011-10-05)

Damn. Worked great for a couple days. Now everytime I open it a "Licensing" window comes up asking for serial number that doesn't accept the original one. Anyone know what's happened?

square_82 (2011-10-05)

nm - cora's serial works. :)

willEPZ (2011-10-14)

where is or what is serial number?

Laraldo17 (2011-11-24)

Will this work for a windows pc, or just a mac??

movideo (2012-01-04)

How do I find the serial number for this?

movideo (2012-01-05)

Installation goes great until the end when it says that an error has occurred. What can I do about this?

CoBu1 (2012-03-15)

Got it to work on Lion. First I had to toss out the audio plugins that were giving it trouble starting up. Then the "Choose Setup" menu was greyed out and unclickable. That can be solved by going to Disk Utility and Repairing Disk Permissions. Works like a charm!

DR.Zodiac (2012-03-25)

Cobu1 Could you give a little more detail on how you made your adjustments?

andrejw (2012-04-11)

Can you or somebody,please, upload program type2phone or iKeyboard? Thanks

guipipia (2012-07-17)

I love you too!
I had the same problem as someone else, couldn't unchoose applications to install and kept getting the same error everybody else got. Then I saw some of the options (I think Motion and a couple others) had drop downs, and some could be unchecked. I uncheked everything I could and did the disk repair from Disk Utilities just to be safe. It installed quickly and I opened it and started working on an old project without problems so far.
I'm, seeding this for as long as I can.
Awesome! :)

tiggerpaws (2012-09-18)

@ixlguy18 just gimme a free one cuz i dont wanna pay.

guipipia (2012-10-06)

I've been using thhis FCP for months now, and had no problem at all. Today, suddenly, it asked me for the serial number again, and the one with this torrent didn't work. Any idea why it happened and how I can fix it? :(

guipipia (2012-10-06)

Found another serial that worked, in case anybody had the same problem:

guipipia (2012-10-06)

Found another serial that worked, in case anybody else had the same problem:

eromes (2012-12-07)

the final cut pro box is greyed out and it say skip. how can i get it so I can check it. I am on lion.

drumkid97 (2013-03-09)

Lauraldo, FCP is made exclusively for mac. Adobe is another great option, and personally its what I use (In my opinion its better)

bmx_213 (2013-04-12)

I've tried downloading FCP7 twice and whenever I get to the final screen I uncheck everything and I do as the other comments say & go to Disk Utility and click Repairing Disk Permissions but it still won't let me click on Final Cut Pro. Can anyone please help me & tell me Exactly what I need to do? Thanks.


1. FCP7/Final Cut Studio Install.toast 3561.47 Mb
2. FCP7/Final-Cut-Studio-3.png 462.79 Kb
3. FCP7/info.rtf 762 bytes