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Geometry Books--3of3






Geometry Books--3of3




2008-05-16 (by zogzog)


All Books With Keyword Geometry From Internet Archive. The PDF files and the Text files. =============================== A többméretu tér forgásainak és véges forgáscsoportjainak anal... 5159 KB Beiträge zur Geometrie der Lage (1856-1860).rar 70523 KB Curiosités géométriques ([1910]).rar 49450 KB Die Elemente der analytischen Geometrie.rar 18106 KB Die Geometrie der Lage (Volume 2) (1877-80).rar 49374 KB Ebene geometrie der lage (1900).rar 34774 KB Elemente der analytischen Geometrie der Ebene (1871).rar 35438 KB Éléments de géométrie projective (1875).rar 33855 KB Essai sur les fondements de la géométrie (1901).rar 29939 KB Euclidis Elementorum libri priores sex, item undecimus et duode... 35009 KB Géométrie descriptive (1922).rar 33666 KB Girolamo Saccheri's Euclides vindicatus (1920).rar 29190 KB Grundlagen der geometrie (1903).rar 23047 KB Kalkül der abzählenden Geometrie (1879).rar 55882 KB Leçons sur la théorie générale des surfaces et les applications... 47218 KB Leçons sur la théorie générale des surfaces et les applications... 47773 KB Leçons sur la théorie générale des surfaces et les applications... 50068 KB Leçons sur la théorie générale des surfaces et les applications... 51697 KB Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie (Volume 1) (1901).rar 47559 KB Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie (Volume 2) (1901).rar 59745 KB Les oeuvres d'Euclide (Volume 1) (1814-18).rar 57771 KB Les oeuvres d'Euclide (Volume 2) (1814-18).rar 48001 KB Les oeuvres d'Euclide (Volume 3) (1814-18).rar 50572 KB Lezioni de geometria algebrica geometria sopra una curva, super... 76120 KB Lezioni di geometria analitica e proiettiva (1904-05).rar 45645 KB Lezioni di geometria proiettiva (1898).rar 49465 KB Lezioni sulla teoria geometrica delle equazioni e delle funzion... 73248 KB Lezioni sulla teoria geometrica delle equazioni e delle funzion... 134864 KB Liniengeometrie mit Anwendungen (Volume 1) (1902-).rar 39085 KB Liniengeometrie mit Anwendungen (Volume 2) (1902-).rar 27019 KB Misc.rar 19404 KB Neue Geometrie des Raumes gegründet auf die Betrachtung der ger... 54335 KB Projektive Geometrie in synthetischer Behandlung (1912).rar 21102 KB Rider papers on Euclid (Books I and II); graduated and arranged... 8480 KB riot and Bouquet's elements of analytical geometry of two dimen... 33125 KB Robbin's new Plane geometry ([c1915]).rar 33261 KB Robbins's new Solid geometry ([c1916]).rar 28097 KB Short and comprehensive course of geometry and trigonometry ; d... 22286 KB Solid Analytic Geometry First Edition ( 00, 1949).rar 6685 KB Solid Analytic Geometry First Edition ( 00, 1949)2.rar 4946 KB Solid Analytical Geometry And Determinants (1930).rar 14516 KB Solid geometry ([1918]).rar 23679 KB Solid geometry ([c1904]).rar 25513 KB Solid geometry ([c1922]).rar 26056 KB Solid geometry ([c1922])2.rar 24821 KB Solid geometry (1911).rar 11107 KB Solid geometry (1913).rar 18349 KB Solid geometry (1922).rar 19820 KB Solid geometry (c1912).rar 24189 KB Solid geometry (c1913).rar 22085 KB Solid geometry and conic sections with appendices on transversa... 13534 KB Solid geometry developed by the syllabus method (c1913).rar 25918 KB Solid geometry, with problems and applications ([1919]).rar 26194 KB Solid geometry, with problems and applications (1911).rar 24533 KB Space and geometry in the light of physiological, psychological... 7867 KB Space and geometry in the light of physiological, psychological... 11107 KB Space and geometry in the light of physiological, psychological... 12817 KB Stereometrie (1920).rar 17017 KB Syllabus of plane geometry (corresponding to Euclid, Book I-VI)... 11131 KB Synthetic projective geometry (1906) 2.rar 8590 KB Synthetic projective geometry (1906).rar 7658 KB T. Sundara Row's Geometric exercises in paper folding (1917).rar 10652 KB T. Sundara Row's geometric exercises in paper folding. Edited a... 8463 KB T. Sundara Row's Geometric exercises in paper folding; (1901).rar 16667 KB Text-book of elementary plane geometry .. (1880).rar 10547 KB The adjustment of observations by the method of least squares w... 22065 KB The adjustment of observations by the method of least squares w... 27345 KB The axioms of descriptive geometry (1907).rar 4766 KB The axioms of projective geometry (1906).rar 6170 KB The Boston colloquium lectures on mathematics delivered from Se... 12656 KB The Boston colloquium. Lectures on mathematics delivered from S... 17133 KB The contents of the fifth and sixth books of Euclid (with a not... 16399 KB The elementary differential geometry of plane curves (1920) 2.rar 14125 KB The elementary differential geometry of plane curves (1920).rar 15963 KB The elements of analytic geometry ([c1904]).rar 49309 KB The elements of analytic geometry (1900).rar 40409 KB The elements of analytic geometry (c1904).rar 52465 KB The elements of analytical geometry ; Elements of the different... 29672 KB The elements of coördinate geometry (1895).rar 38147 KB The elements of descriptive geometry, shadows and perspective. ... 42270 KB The elements of descriptive geometry, shadows and perspective. ... 44126 KB The elements of Euclid books I to VI... (1887).rar 26893 KB The elements of Euclid viz, the first six books, together with... 56627 KB The elements of Euclid, books ' to 3, with deductions, appendic... 16451 KB The elements of Euclid, viz. the first six books, together with... 68096 KB The elements of Euclid... (1869).rar 38294 KB The elements of geometry ([c1909]).rar 34921 KB The elements of geometry (1885).rar 34521 KB The elements of geometry (1889).rar 19883 KB The elements of geometry (c1894).rar 40579 KB The elements of geometry, in general terms, with notes.rar 23772 KB The Elements Of Non Euclidean Geometry (1909).rar 15990 KB The elements of non-Euclidean geometry (1909).rar 41839 KB The elements of non-Euclidean geometry (1919).rar 24936 KB The elements of non-Euclidean plane geometry and trigonometry (... 14459 KB The elements of plane analytic geometry. A text-book including ... 14193 KB The elements of plane and solid analytic geometry (1904).rar 15685 KB The elements of plane and solid analytic geometry (1904)2.rar 31325 KB The elements of plane and solid geometry ... (1890).rar 48918 KB The essentials of descriptive geometry (1915).rar 23531 KB The essentials of descriptive geometry (1917).rar 17653 KB The essentials of descriptive geometry (1920).rar 13738 KB The essentials of geometry (1899).rar 40810 KB The foundations of geometry (1891).rar 13183 KB The foundations of geometry (1891)2.rar 18061 KB The foundations of mathematics a contribution to the philosoph... 5875 KB The foundations of mathematics; a contribution to the philosoph... 12554 KB The foundations of mathematics; a contribution to the philosoph... 12858 KB The foundations of the Euclidian geometry as viewed from the st... 17380 KB The geometrical lectures of Isaac Barrow (1916).rar 18805 KB The geometrical lectures of Isaac Barrow, translated, with note... 16804 KB The Ontario high school geometry theoretical (1910).rar 19585 KB The Ontario high school geometry; theoretical ([1914, c1910]).rar 28237 KB The Progressive Euclid Books I and II; with notes, exercises, a... 12193 KB The science absolute of space [microform] independent of the tr... 10952 KB The science absolute of space independent of the truth or falsi... 8494 KB The science absolute of space, independent of the truth or fals... 12022 KB The seven follies of science, to which is added a small budget ... 14777 KB The seven follies of science; a popular account of the most fam... 13813 KB The seven follies of science; to which is added a small budget ... 22378 KB The Theory Of Plane Curves Volume II (1926).rar 13394 KB The theory of proportion (1914).rar 17020 KB The theory of proportion (1914)2.rar 19851 KB The Theory Of The Imaginary In Geometry ( 00, 1920).rar 9295 KB The young ladies and gentlemen's auxiliary in taking heights an... 11824 KB Theoretical and practical graphics; an educational course on th... 44460 KB Theories of parallelism; an historical critique (1910).rar 8060 KB Traité de géométrie élémentaire (1873-[74).rar 115310 KB Treatise on plane co-ordinate geometry as applied to the straig... 38348 KB Vorlesungen über algebraische geometrie geometrie auf einer kur... 69629 KB Vorlesungen über analytische Geometrie des Raumes insbesondere... 72924 KB Vorlesungen über differentialgeometrie (1899).rar 79531 KB Vorlesungen über geometrie (1876-91).rar 136264 KB Wentworth & Hill's exercise manuals.( Geometry (1886).rar 26086 KB Wentworth's solid geometry (c1911).rar 22302 KB

Files count:



4006.14 Mb




sephi09 (2011-01-20)

All this stuff is good but it is kind of hard to take it and replace it with an actual college class. I am planning on creating a torrent with all of the classes required for a math major at MIT. If anyone wants to help me out that would be great. I am trying to figure out an effective way to copy books with a camera and an OCR program that anyone can do.