Torrent Hash - Hash of all existing torrents
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Little Roy - Battle For Seattle (2011)




Audio Music


Little Roy - Battle For Seattle (2011)




2011-10-05 (by winto_bungle )


Little Roy - Battle For Seattle (2011) mp3 - 320kbps 1. Dive 2. Heart-shaped Box 3. Very Ape 4. Come As You Are 5. Sliver 6. Polly 7. On A Plain 9. About A Girl 10. Son Of A Gun 11. Lithium If you like it - buy it.


  1. little roy
  2. battle for seattle
  3. nirvana
  4. covers
  5. reggae
  6. roots
  7. ark recordings

Files count:



80.66 Mb




fishtrip (2011-10-12)

so obviously everyone is at 97% - is anyone plannng to seed?

 winto_bungle (2011-10-13)

@fishtrip i have been seeding this for over a week now and most of the time i am the only seed. the most ive seen is 3 seeds with over 200 peers every time. guys this is a community, please seed.

doctorrhythm1957 (2011-10-13)

ive been trying to download for a up for seeding...but unsure how to do it....i leave u torrent open all the time im on pc...please advise

 winto_bungle (2011-10-14)

@doctorrhythm1957 once your download has finished just leave it open in the completed section and it will automatically seed. everyone should aim to get at least 1:1 seeding ratio to keep it alive - this is a sharing game, dont be selfish everyone.

doctorrhythm1957 (2011-10-14)

Cheers @winto_bungle,but i seem to be stuck at 97.2% never any one seeding when i get on..will every body be stuck at this waiting for the person/persons who have the full download :)

godoverall99 (2011-10-16)

I'll seed at 5Mbp/s it i can finish

godoverall99 (2011-10-16)


 winto_bungle (2011-10-17)

thanks guys - its for everyones benefit. i have poor uploading speeds, but have reached a ratio of 40:1 - yet still only see 2 seeds with nearly 200 peers. its up to the people who get it completed to help. i can do no more.

godoverall99 (2011-10-18)

Ha 48hrs and have gone from 97.2% to 97.3%

doctorrhythm1957 (2011-10-19)

yep i got to 97.3 then hash failed and somat was banned then the seeder buggered off now back 97.2 its a fucker

godoverall99 (2011-10-19)

Mr. winto_bungle any chance of going to friends house and seeding this? Just one of us needs to finish and we'd have 100 seeds!

 winto_bungle (2011-10-20)

@godoverall99 my upload speeds are good enough to get any torrent going (just look at my back catalogue), the trouble here is no one else is seeding. you have to take it up with those people. i have provided plenty of seeds (my ratio is now 48:1) and yet i seem to be the only one seeding to over 200 peers and trying to upload to 40+ at a time. not much more i can do.

godoverall99 (2011-10-20)

1. Ya thanks winto_bungle. I think cos this cd is so good i'll actually buy it and maybe start contributing to this scene myself.
2. If I downloaded and ripped the cd and put the files into the folder for this torrent and did a force rec-hech on utorrent would it say 100% and then would I become a seeder?

 winto_bungle (2011-10-20)

@godoverall99 ya know what, i have no idea. i guess if you rip the files at the same quality and format and then matched all the info on the tracks and add them to the folder it may just work. i always encourage people to buy anything they like.

doctorrhythm1957 (2011-10-20)

winto bungle...can you help me please...when i open up u torrent to download this file... theres 1 seeder on it starts to download then i get a failed hash and a banned somat or other then the seeder goes off line i,m not understanding this any advice would be welcome

 winto_bungle (2011-10-21)

@doctorrhythm1957 im not too good with the technicalities of torrenting, this is the first file ive had real trouble with seeds. i think your problem may just be down to the poor seeind of this torrent. try the forum for more help.

thecaptainofsweden (2011-10-21)

I just uploaded a torrent for another copy of this album, because this one did not work for me since no one with the whole file was uploading ATM.
It's in 320kbit/s CBR MP3 format.

Will be seeding for a long time, but will need some help! :)
Hope you appreciate my work.

godoverall99 (2011-10-21)
Here I uploaded this as well

 winto_bungle (2011-10-21)

@thecaptainofsweden and @godoverall99 fair dos for trying to get other versions going, not sure whether splitting the seeders across 3 torrents makes it better but it might take the strain off my own seeding.