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Bc-Girl's Mac OS X Install DVD






Bc-Girl's Mac OS X Install DVD




2007-11-24 (by bcgirl)


This is a DL release and will ONLY work with Intel C2D or Core1 cpu's. It is the install that I run personally and works with my P35 chipset and nVidia card. There is NO AMD SUPPORT and NO NFORCE SUPPORT. This release is intended for use on real macs or on machines that are very close to a real mac. It uses pc_efi to start the process so there is no need for patching and post-patching. If you have a machine with NFORCE or ATI chips, then this download is not for you. I encourage y'all to go with nVidia and Intel... There is a reason that Apple did.

Files count:



6380.50 Mb




Doom0r (2007-11-25)

why no nforce support if you encourage everyone to go with nvidia? ;x

biline (2007-11-25)

hopefully this one will be around long enough to get downloaded by a few of us!

northernpal (2007-11-26)

Is this for a fresh install or upgrade of Tiger or either?

Derty1 (2007-11-27)

what method used for open to pc....
leo patch is not stable for me.
aus hd deluxe c2d nvidia 7600.

darkman68 (2007-11-27)

How to birn this image ? dmg 6gb, but if i use disk utility or toast image expand to 37gb (((

Derty1 (2007-11-28)

hehehe is a shit, we noobs.....
oh maybe bcgirl error pack????

Wintel1 (2007-11-28)

Thanx for NOTHING BC_GIRL!!!
You are the CUNT of 2007!

tazmania3 (2007-11-29)

i think it is the the full iso from leo(include some pro. that remove from other torrent like tuh)
hope this one works great cos it is full
btw i got intel badx2 and 6600quad 7600gt
can it work?

tazmania3 (2007-11-29)

btw u should burn it on double layer dvd 8.5gb
like leopard dvd

TeamOfHackintosh (2007-11-29)

sweet.. a dvd that works at last!
good job Bc-Girl!

Wintel1 (2007-11-29)

Works? What the hell works?
It´s a bullshit file!
You mount it and it´s some 37GB harddrive clone or whatever the fuck it is.
You just go ahead and try to burn this 6.23GB file to a DL DVD, sparkplug!
As there is no info or any response to as what this really is, it should be removed before more people waste their time.
To bad this great site is getting more and more polluted by fuckin wankers.

axept (2007-11-30)

i think someone is trying to give badreputation to some girl.
i never saw this nick before and i could remenber a least 2 post of osx for pc of some Tube Girl !Besides there s 2 bc girl post not just one of same crap !

Rock-it Man (2007-12-01)

bc-girl you're just a ripoff. making threats against netkas because you think you're special is unacceptable. May you be banned from every osx86 forum out there.

catalin1082 (2007-12-03)

Bc-Girl's Shit Install DVD

bcgirl (2007-12-05)

You know I have seen a lot of bitching from people here who obviously have their lips locked around netkas' cock. Where is your work at? Where is the proof of many, long hours making something that nobody else has figured out how to yet?
Sure there are some issues with this release but if you restore the DMG to an external drive and boot off that, you will have a working installer.
I am working on releasing a patch to fix this release: fix the reported size, use DFE's latest EFI and remove credit from someone who steals other peoples work.
My next release will have support for more chipsets now that I have figured out how the new packaging system works. Since I have only an Intel machine to test on, I cannot say for sure that it will actually work. I will need kexts and mods from working installs if anyone wants support for something specific.
Thanks to y'all who have posted nice things. To those of you who posted negative things, I hope you enjoy swallowing netkas' load.

Wintel1 (2007-12-07)

I have to apologise to you, bcgirl
I read things on different Mac OS X x86 sites about you and netkas, and info elsewhere also mentioning you both also added to that. I was wrong and harsh towards you because i based it on incorrect information, and i also had weird computer problems at the time driving me nuts.
I hope you accept my apology!

Wintel1 (2007-12-09)

I still wonder why you, as you say, refuse to help or answer any more indepth questions people have on this release.
A little bit more technical information on this release would not hurt at all. What is your system specs?
Still not ONE single person have said if it actually works and showed how it looks, and NO pics or any other information ANYWHERE about this release on any OS X x86 site.
I also doubt that you are a girl, but i won´t go into why here.People don´t like to be tricked or fooled, and to avoid that, i think that you really need to give alot more information then you have so far.

Wintel1 (2007-12-13)

This is a DL release and will ONLY work with Intel C2D or Core1 cpu's.
It is the install that I run personally and works with my P35 chipset and nVidia card.
Motherboard name?
Graphicscard name?
Is it to much to ask for more info?
My system is pretty much a Mac Pro.
P35 chipset (DP35DP)
Motherboard supports EFI.
I have tried your "image" several times, and it does not work. Restoring this to a harddrive and trying to boot from that harddrive fails. It does not work no matter what settings i try, and i am no noob. Restoring it to a external USB drive, and trying to boot from that does not work either. So, i call this a total bullshit and fake shit, until i see a video of someone setting up a magic BIOS setup, and show a install guide series on youtube.
For now.. remove this shit!!!
Apple probably paid you off, beootch!

bcgirl (2007-12-14)

First off. There is no reason other than pure jealousy to call me anything but a female. I am working on version 2 of my installer, with a new version of dsmos.kext and I will provide a video of the installation process as soon as I get my camera charged. I am SICK as HELL of all the attacks against me. I have not been paid off by Apple. I am working with DFE's EFI because it is the base that netkas started his efi from and thus credits will go to DFE on the installer. This is my last comment on this torrent and I am going to delete it as soon as I finish v2. V2 will support Nforce as well.

Core2All (2007-12-14)

I hate to say it, but what did you expect when you really upload a nonworking image, file, that also fails to be burned on a DL dvd, and wastes peoples dvd´s thinking they did something wrong or had faulty discs?
Not to mention it takes ages for people with slow net to get the file..
Then the file itself does not work for people... It fails to boot, from external drive or internal...
All the time wasted with BIOS settings, reinstalls and money wasted on screwed dvd´s too.People would give you a hard time no matter what your sex is. That is the fact!
Nobody is jeaulos of you.. Why? You don´t have a working file..
Nobody really cares if you are a woman or a man. If you waste peoples time and money, you will get shit no matter what your sex is. Period.
If you are working on making something better, then work on it until it´s done, THEN upload. Things also needs to be tested before release or people will yet again get pissed. If what you work on is really something good and special, you will get the praise and credit you deserve. It´s no point to upload something that is not finished, and it will just hit back on you even if you got the skills.
Also make sure you really give lots of info when it´s done. Make sure it shows that you actually care about what you have created. I hope what you are working on is something much better then the annoyingly delayed Uphuck-iATKOS release, wich seems to be lost on a fucking camelback in the gazastrip, or whatever the fuck it is.. Never EVER set a date for software! Work on it till it´s done, then test it, then release it! Some developers and companies get this, and they are the ones getting respected.
I´m really surpriced that there aren´t any more Leopard releases with EFi out yet.
Keep on working on what you are working on, and i will be happy to test it later.
I´m out!

m0dzyz (2008-03-20)

You need to leave her alone.
If you don't like the way that she built the image.
then you guys need to build one your self.
BC girl knows what she is doing.
Do you all know as much as she does?
If so you could have built a version of this your self and not need her to build one.