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Facebook Doorway - They Walk Through The DoorWay






Facebook Doorway - They Walk Through The DoorWay




2010-04-30 (by arnas109)


“QUICK! The rest of the world is still snoozing and has no idea what they’re missing out on. I can show you where the REAL MONEY is before anyone else starts to wake up and smell the coffee!” -New Unique Method That No One Else Can Show You! In Fact, No One Else Even Knows About This- “Because the biggest gathering of people in recorded history is happening RIGHT NOW, and I’m going to show you how to profit from it!!…” Re : It’s time to leave the old internet behind. The new internet is here, its name is “Facebook”, and it’s carrying a great big bag of cash on its shoulder! Fellow Warriors, I’m back again and this time I’m here to tell you something straight: The OLD DAYS of internet marketing are over, done, KAPUT! Now, there’s going to be some IM dinosaurs, ahem, I mean “gurus” who’ll get their panties all up in a bunch over what I’m about to tell you. But you know what? They can whine and complain as much as they want and it won’t change the fact that the methods they are preaching are antiquated, slow, and ineffective. And, it won’t change the fact that they are all overlooking the most simple and powerful way to make money online. Let me ask you a question… Say you wanted to catch 100 fish. How would you do it? Would you: A. Drive all over the countryside and find 100 rapid rivers that each had a few fish swimming down them. Take the time to set up a fishing line at each one. Then, run back and forth from river to river, checking your rods, re-baiting hooks and hoping that every line would catch one fish each. OR B. Find ONE still, calm lake with 100,000 fish crammed into it, take one great big net along and scoop up your entire 100 fish in a single swipe. If you answered with option “A”, then you are probably an old school internet marketer, slaving away over the hundreds of websites it takes to pull in a decent haul, trying to find the time to tend to all of them and catching a few sales or commissions here and there from each. If you answered with option “B”, then unlike some, you are not stuck in the past. You are ready to drop your net into the waters of real opportunity and scoop up major rewards, instead of stubbornly fishing where the good catches used to be “back in the day”. You see, most of the online money strategies the “gurus” bang on about are actually straight out of the 90’s. Now, there are better and smarter ways to make $$. Sure, maybe the same old techniques that you hear about over and over again used to be the best way to make money online, ten or fifteen years ago. But hey, saddling up and riding horseback used to be the best way to mosey into town to trade corn for chewin’ terbacky. Just because something used to work , even if it still kind of works today, doesn’t mean it is the BEST way to get the results you’re looking for now. It’s Time To Change Things Up A Bit… In the beginning, search engines were so easy to fool that you could pretty much throw up a website spammed full of keywords and expect to pull in a stack of traffic and cash. Then, Google came along and decided to throw some fancy algorithms into the mix that would make it harder for sites to get rankings. Suddenly everybody became consumed with trying to figure out the latest and greatest Google tricks and how they could be beaten. All these years later that fixation with “beating” Google hasn’t eased up one bit. Here’s the bad news for those going with the “100 lines in 100 rivers” approach to internet marketing: You can’t “beat” Google, ever. They will always be one step ahead and it’s only going to get harder. But, here’s the good news for those who are ready to get ahead of the game and start enjoying more rewards using simple, up to date strategies: You don’t need Google anymore. They used to be the King of the Internet, but now their throne is crumbling – and they know it! Have you wondered why Google’s been making such massive changes lately? We all know about the recent events with their unfurling of Buzz and their use of profiles, friends, groups and every other thing they can tack onto their service. I’ll tell you what I see when I look at all of these additions. I see a company that used to be the biggest shark in the water getting nervous, because it knows there’s a younger, stronger shark that has just outgrown it and is looming over its shoulder. NEWSFLASH As of March 13 2010, Google is no longer the most visited website in the US. There is a new King of the Internet. The number ONE online traffic destination is now... FACEBOOK There Is NO Guess Work Or B.S. Involved With This System! I just want to show you how to work smarter not harder. Like I said there are easier and better ways to get the results you want nowadays! I want to show you how to make BANK with facebook. The “Facebook Doorway” Video Course lays out a simple system to: ✓Build A Huge Targeted List ✓Tap into a virtually infinite number of niches ✓Reach Tens of Thousands of Laser Targeted Prospects ✓Light a fire under your affiliate commissions or your own product sales ✓Lock in on topics, hit them dead center and set off viral traffic explosions


  1. facebook
  2. doorway
  3. training
  4. video

Files count:



290.81 Mb




mriddler (2011-01-12)

seeding or any http links?