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Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin Again Edition [DVD version]
Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin Again Edition [DVD version]
Video/Movies DVDR
2007-01-20 (by SLOB1)
This is the DVD version of Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin Again Edition. Just burn the ISO to a DVD.
This is a counter-video of the famous "Loose Change 2nd Edition". Using their own video and words, "Screw Loose Change" debunks the theories and statements made in Loose Change 2nd Edition. This new edition features urls to sources, less bitching, and longer rebuttals. NOTE: I apologize for some areas of the film having poor grammar and spelling. I did not proof read this as I wanted this displayed before 9/11/06. You can read a written document of mine, "Frequetly Stupid Theories", that cites the same sources and goes into a greater description of the claims made in Loose Change and other 9/11 theories. You can visit the website at
Files count:
3628.16 Mb
TexasFoooobar (2007-01-22)
Well said Speedy, well said.naturespocket (2007-01-23)
NTSC or PAL?SLOB1 (2007-01-23)
NTSCMrJapan (2007-01-23)
terrorist sympathizer socialist idiots...Loose Change is 1 of the top 10 MOCUmentories ...
whitedingo (2007-01-23)
Conspiracy theories are a known form of Fascist, even Stalinist propaganda. The KGB admitted to using and spreading various AIDS conspiracy theories as has the CIA about UFO conspiracies, in its propaganda war against the Soviets.
Hitler and the Nazi's employed conspiracy theories to blame Jews, Communists, Masons and so forth for the very activities the Nazi's themselves were engaged in.
The dictator Stalin did likewise.
Note the irrational and fanatic zeal displayed of conspiracy theorists here. It is indicative of their neo-fascist ideology and irrational psychological profile.
Go to any Far Right, neo-Nazi, White/Islamist Supremacist, Islamo-fascist website and conspiracies form a core diet and staple for their hate propaganda.
Thanks to the uploader for forwarding a calm, cool and rational response to the barking mad ravings and complete lies of conspiracy fanatics.
The reason these fearful, paranoid, ignorant conspiracy freaks are in a frenzy and frenetically shouting down this information, is because it exposes their lies and disinformation tactics.
They don?t want you see it. They are afraid of being exposed.
Get this release, watch it and see how conspiracy charlatans, like religious tricksters, lie, promote hoaxes, fabricate and distort facts and evidence with their smoke and mirrors deceptions.
You will quickly realise these virulent fanatics are the very things they viciously accuse the U.S. and its American citizens of.
Take a peek and see what conspiracy zealots are trying to cover-up and keep you from finding out folks!
PsiTroN (2007-01-23)
to whitedingo: go fuck yourself!!! the guys who did the doc loose change are not fascist, in fact its the opposit, its bush and the us gov that are the fascist, that are trying to dictate how you should think and speak! If your not with us you are against us! sound familiar? what kind of childish argument is that, the very idea with freedom is that you have the right to think and speak your mind! And why the fuck do you compare the guys that did loose change with Hitler and the nazi? they are not trying to control people and take over the world! only to ask questions that never got answered in the first place! the conspiracy here is that 15 arab hijacked 4 jumbo jets with boxcutters!! and flew them in to the twin towers, like its that fuckin easy!!! please study some physics before you sphew you shit all over the place!!!whitedingo (2007-01-24)
I think the rational folks here will appreciate my finer points even more so after reading the absolutely ignorant and rabid drool of "PsiTroN" above.These fascists don?t want any other view heard other than their own bleating and concocted, fairytale conspiracy lunacies.
Note the vicious tone of these fascist thugs; they rely on the language of intimidation and fear ? what are they trying so hard and so desperately to hide, that they do not want you to see in this video!?
This "PsiTroN" loon is completely off his nut, frothing at the mouth like a wild baboon, enraged that any of you might be independent enough a thinker to download a skeptical inquiry that examines the wild-eyed claims these fascists disseminate, by employing the same style of conspiracy propaganda as used by all Fascists, Nazis and Stalinists, to brainwash the populace into servile, uncritical sheople.
You can see how these conspiracy cultists become completely unhinged and abusive if you simply disagree with their fascist methods and stark raving mad fantasies.
It's like the attitude of the Inquisition, or Stalinists and Nazis. They try and force you to believe in their puritanical "truth" or ideology, and you are not permitted to question their cultish conspiracy dogma ?just obey whatever the guru or Orwellian leader commands.
Otherwise, as you can see from the unhinged, infantile coprolalia, that is, an uncontrollable use of obscene language - often a sign of a mental disorder - you will be stigmatised as a heretic and ostracised by these frothy and frenetic poodles.
But for those of us who are true skeptics of these pseudo-skeptics, our lives are not run by their dictates, nor by do we surrender to their fear, ignorance, lies and vapid intimidations.
We assert our human, and for those so inclined ?god-given rights,? and one of these rights is our inalienable right to question everything, including these crackpot, self-appointed 9/11 gatekeepers, and their fascist disinfo and mummeries.
We will not be intimidated nor should you, from downloading this amazingly enlightening and shocking expose!
PsiTroN (2007-01-24)
whitedingo... go fuck yourself...whitedingo (2007-01-24)
You can see how hollow and desperate these snotty fascist poodles are when all they have to offer is personal abuse. And very lame at that.Almost as as lame as their slapstick Mother Goose level, silly fascist "conspiracy theories."
These brain deficient loons have the intelligence of a sheep.
Which is all that is required to become an asinine, assimilated conspiracy Borg-drone.
So if you are pride yourself in being an individual, a freethinker and not a dumb, ignorant, fearful sheep; check out this and associated titles debunking paranoid, chicken shit 9/11 Deniers.
Rational, intelligent, independent, freethinkers may also like to check out this very informative new release:
PsiTroN (2007-01-25)
whitedingo... go... fuck... yourself...whitedingo (2007-01-25)
You can see how hollow and desperate these snotty fascist poodles are when all they have to offer is personal abuse. And very lame at that.Almost as as lame as their slapstick Mother Goose level, silly fascist "conspiracy theories."
These brain deficient loons have the intelligence of a sheep.
Which is all that is required to become an asinine, assimilated conspiracy Borg-drone.
So if you are pride yourself in being an individual, a freethinker and not a dumb, ignorant, fearful sheep; check out this and associated titles debunking paranoid, chicken shit 9/11 Deniers.
Rational, intelligent, independent, freethinkers may also like to check out this very informative new release:
Captain Rackham Cutthroat (2007-04-10)
whitedingo is a n00b.....CaptJesusHood (2007-12-05)
Could someone seed this please. Thank you.CaptJesusHood (2007-12-07)
It's trickling in at 1Kb/s, but it's coming. Thanks to whoever is seeding. Can't wait to see this in the estimated 34+ days.thelittleguy (2008-02-05)
whitedingo....i agree with the truly are a fool...not much more to say other than get your facts straight before you trash other ppl's work.......and learn some science skills because there is no way that the airplanes burned down those buildings, or that an airplane with a wingspan of over 120 ft. vaporized into the pentagon, and only caused a whole of 16 and a half feet into the building. ...get real!!!emw80 (2009-01-30)
Check out abovetopsecret.comyou dont have to register but when you see the site and all the topics and veiws you will most likely want to.
heres a fact to think about,,, the U.S had planned to use an "unmanned" drone aircraft to start a confict with cuba,
another fact,,, the roman catholic church is the greatest threat to the american constitution and to the freedom of its peoples, yet george bush had invited loads of catholic bishops to the whitehouse,
and another fact,,, the bush family is associated with the saudi bin laden group and the saudis have and estimated investment of more than 1 trillion in american blue chip companies this is obviously petro chem dollars (pcd) but money none the less,
Another fact,,, bush and kerry are members of a secret society called the 322 (skull and crossbones) which is directly connected to the bilderbergs rothschildsetc etc and the pope roman catholic church, infact the vast majoraty of previous presidents and presidential candidates were also, so no matter who got elcted it was always gonna be "one of the boys".
so lets see how many heretics, protestants, christians, jews, muslims and free willed citezens there are in the states in the decades to come! that is ofcourse if the people dont do anything about this "illuminati".