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Psychiatry.Industry.of.Death viD (










2008-02-17 (by Neglacio )


Psychiatry: Industry of Death (Scientology propaganda) Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and experts on the mental health industry and its abuses, this riveting documentary blazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudoscience and the multi-billion dollar fraud that is psychiatry. Discuss the sense and nonsense of this movie. Brought to you by Anonymous.


  1. Scientology
  2. psychiatry
  3. cult

Files count:



701.01 Mb




Bosch1 (2008-02-18)

$cientology bullshit. Grow up.

tekproxy (2008-03-07)

Scientology bullshit propaganda. Download if you're retarded.

garfield1974 (2008-03-09)

Thing is, that even mildly intelligent people should see right through this kind of material. Having acctually seen the movie might prepare you for some of the anti-psychiatry arguments that scientology uses, so you can counter them.
As the uploader says: "Discuss the sense and nonsense about this movie." Taking facts and twisting them is the crux of every alternative, loon movement. So knowing which facts they twist is a good way to be prepared for a discussion or indeed a counter-attack!

JOONA5 (2008-04-05)

Please upload the full DVD if you can. Thanks!

Papanoel (2008-04-07)

Why some parts weren't subtitles or the subtitles were blacked out?

dspencer3491 (2008-11-29)

This is such bullshit. I can tell you from experience. I've been in-patient, and outpatient to see a psychiatrist and psychologist. They treat me very well and the medications work. It is true back years ago some bad and inhumane things happened, but psychiatry was a new field back then.

seeder77 (2008-11-30)

We also had Sigmund Fraud back then, who thought all psychological problems stemmed from wanting to have sex with your mommy, lol!
MY problem is sex with other peoples mommies.
Maybe Siggy had a MILF complex. :)

TomasSax (2009-01-03)

I don't care about scientology.
But the scientologists didn't even need to distort the facts or manipulate them in any way to prove their point: Psychiatry is in fact a pseudo-science.
I mean I wouldn't even bother if all they could do was talk their bullshit and get paid a fortune. But they're pushing street drugs (meth) on babys and pregnant mothers, and that I can't accept. I just can't. For whoever says that SSRIs or whatever have helped them, I have some Carbon Monoxide to sell you. Believe in me, it's good for you; it'll really calm you down (your cells are suffocating anyway).

pilzgift (2009-02-15)

oh the doctors speaking. who needs such stupid education anyway right? ;)

loard (2009-02-15)

Leave S. Freud out of this! Despite the fact that he was WRONG about many things and that the most American intelectualist were VERY WRONG about almost all of those he got right, he was ultimatelly on of the greatest intellectuals of the last century on the par with Darwin in the 19th.
Nevertheless I seem to have seen this "documentary" and although it might serve as a compact visual history of human folly, it is almost all the time ridiculously biassed.
WARNING: it might be advertised as a "psychiatric exhibition" in your town, but it would be in fact scientologic propaganda.

robin123654 (2009-02-15)


metaliica (2009-02-15)

fucking retard ducklings!!

Sefus (2009-02-16)

Scientology is a CULT.
Learn about the insanity.

AnyMan101 (2009-02-16)

Anyone else picking out the scientologist plugs posting on this site? Its like there not even trying to blend it!

kingVader (2009-02-16)

@Anyman101: I agree, that comment above ours is really obvious. Not only is it childish, but it comes off sounding ignorant as well. I think psychology can at least defend itself and listen to criticism. Scientology can't.

lmmune (2009-02-16)

To TomasSax: Listen man, some people have real problems that can't be solved by bullshit like Scientology. My sister has severe schizophrenia which caused her to attempt to commit suicide multiple times. I pulled her up from a window myself once when she was hanging on for dear life. Medication saved my sister's life and many others too I'm sure. Keep that in mind before you post your ignorant self righteous crap.

Tuxoty (2009-02-16)

TomasSax: STFU you fcking moron! You don't know shit! Anyone believeing this scientology crap is just as dump and prejudiced as you are. I've seen many people with sever psychiatric disorders, and thank God that there are medications like anti-psychotics (risperidon, abilify etc.) else people who need them would still be locked away for life. Thanks to medication however these people can lead a fairly normal life. A dissease like schizophrenia CAN NOT be cured AT ALL, but the symptoms can be reduced / suppressed by medication so a normal life is possible. Anyone telling it can be cured with vitamins is suffering from severe dillusions.

darrellpotts (2009-02-17)

Psychiatry is an industry of death. Don't get me wrong, I don't support / approve of the Co$ in anyway but the information about psychiatry being a pseudoscience is TRUE... It's a shame that many people who hate Co$ are too blinded by their hate to acknowledge the facts about this industry of death. Scientology aside, CCHR has exposed greater injustices than Anonymous"

lmmune (2009-02-17)

Apparently TomasSax and darrellpotts are either scientologists or are completely clueless to the problems that people face in the real world. Many people have REAL mental problems like schizophrenia that can lead to self inflicted harm and in most cases death if not treated. So stop spewing your self-rigteous shit and get a clue. Scientology is the biggest scam in the history of this planet. And cannot help anyone with real problems. It offers false hope and promises to steal gullible people's money. They have no right to say such things about psychiatry. Anyone that agrees with Xenu worshipers is as dumb as they are.

Sachaztan (2009-03-27)

@ TomasSax and darrellpotts
Geez, how fucking retarded can you be? You even know what science is? FUCKING DO YOU? No you fucking don't, you have no freakin' idea about what you are talking about, you're just like those ID freaks.
Science can be wrong and incorrect, in fact, it doesn't even matter because a scientific fact can never be "the truth" (this goes against the very concept of science!). But you still have NO FUCKING IDEA what you are

here, go educate yourself a little (which I doubt retards like you will)
@ zicoda
You are even worse than the people mentioned before! These retards are at least honest, you on the other hand is a lying son of a bitch. UNLESS what you meant with "working in the field of psychiatry" is "I have been a janitor at a psychiatry ward" then you are a devious, lying bastard.
I don't know if you're a Scientologist sprouting lies or not I don't know, but I know for a fact that you are LYING. Not a single soul in the entire universe that has worked as a psychiatrist or a nurse with a psychiatric specialisation would even in their wildest dreams NOT consider psychiatry a science.
Iv'e stated it before, science isn't necessary correct but science IS SCIENCE, and psychiatry is sure as fucking hell a science. You might as well call chemistry or physics for a pseudo science, it would be just as stupid.
Fuck off and die

Sachaztan (2009-03-27)

I'm sorry about my rant people (I'm not sorry for the idiots tho), but these people are one of the things that get me the most upset. Hell, I'd get along better with a serial killer or a sociapath!

CerealK1LLeR (2009-04-04)

Hey why do people bash scientology so much? I never hear of them saying hey christianity is stupid or jewism. They are simply normal(or abnormal considering their unusual self-help methods)people trying to help others. They are just the people who composed the video and did a damn good job at its history. Yall need to just take in the information given and decide for yourself... remember money makes the psychiactric industry move and if its source of income is selling more drugs then thats what they are going to do. The truth is psychiatrists are not people who help the patient they are just the source of the drugs. I've been to many psychiatrists and tell them my problem and not once have they ever let me go without prescribing some medication. Not once did they help me truly with my problems. Just because it's in a textbook somewhere doesn't make it true... shit i could embellish up anything I wanted and put it in a book for $20 million. Don't forget drug industry worldwide is the BIGGEST money industry next to military arms at some xxx trillions of dollars. To psychiatry everybody is sick in some way. Ask yourself is everyone really sick? Hell no we aren't. Shit im only 21 and I can see through all this bullshit It's time for you fools to realize that money corrupted the world we all live in so stop defending your stupid psychiatry ward with 0 cures for a lifetime. I'm not saying do scientology but they are the ones who opened some eyes to what is really going on. Be Healthy!!! peace

CerealK1LLeR (2009-04-04)

If yall got any comments for me feel free to email me at please no bullshit

hellmelon666 (2009-12-01)

why does no-body get the irony in the distribution, if you tell people not to download you only encourage ignorance,
it is best for them to see scientology for what it is rather than have somone tell you what it is. after all isn't that what they do.

NickN (2010-07-04)

I'm not a CO$ member and from direct experience can make a strong argument against their ideology. But I'm astonished at the lack of critical thinking in most of the comments here.
Dr. Szaz isn't a Scientologist. The basic argument in this film comes from his work.
Some of you are behaving like Party members in Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Just the mention of Scientology sends you into a furious rampage like the "five minute hate" against Goldstein.
Scientology is far less dangerous than Islamic, Mormon, Catholic, Satanic, cults.
From another perspective, Psychiatry is indistinguishable from Scientology. Both seek to control the individual. Strange that some of you never mention this fact.
The best advice I've ever heard came from Tim Leary: THINK FOR YOURSELF. QUESTION AUTHORITY.

401k (2010-10-03)

as someone who has been on psychotropic medications for nearly 4 years, been diagnosed with 4 different mental disorders, and someone who struggles on a daily basis with depression, anxiety, and mania, it is my opinion that this Scientology-backed video does not offer enough alternatives to psychiatry. Finding the cause of psychiatric symptoms is the most important thing and this video does a good job of demonizing psychiatrists and big Pharma but it doesn't give people hope that continue to struggle with depression,anxiety,mania. They need to give people hope. And unless the Scientologist church has an army of nutritionists, alternative physicians, etc they really do not give me any interest. The basic points that this video gives are these: Psychotropic medications can cause violence and suicide and worsen the patient the majority of the time, but not all the time. The Pharmaceutical industry is corrupt (duh). People must find alternatives.

chrizx888 (2011-01-21)

Might be from the scientologychurch but its the truth. thxs 4 up

davidsolomon83 (2011-02-15)

its really sad how a field of medicine like psychiatry is targeted by the new age cult!!!
this is like burning books 21st century style !!

heisenberg737 (2011-03-08)

why exactly did you black out the (dutch) subtitles?
you know there are some people in the world who'd understand something written in dutch far better than something spoken in russian

boomerl4d (2012-04-19)

Before starting hating on Church of Scientology remember that they are the only ones trying to expose Psychiatry's crimes.

zephyr490 (2013-04-30)

OK. So I'm not on board with Scientology. Yet, everything in this film rings true. Having myself been exposed to psychiatry for 16 years, I've can verify that the things described in this film do happen or have happened. I've been inside state psychiatric hospitals. I've experienced iatrogenic (treatment-induced) illness in which the brain is rewired into an abnormal state by psychiatric drugs, and without the drugs applied you experience iatrogenic psychosis. That's right, the cure is the disease. Of course, there are people out there that will claim the film is bunk, but then those same people are the ones that pull the wool over their own eyes and buy into psychiatry's big lie. All I have to say to them is: get yourself committed and check it out, and if you don't have the balls to do it, then fuck off.

Danyel81 (2015-02-07)

PLEASE SEED!!! Can't seem to get this to download from anywhere, no one is seeding it! Can anyone please help seed this please?!?