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2010-10-19 (by Mbb15)


This is crackonly! kiss Ü Ü ß þ Ü ß ßÜ ÜþßßßþÜ Û ÜþßßßþÜ ° ÛÜ ²Ü ° ÜÛÝ ß ²Ü ßßÛÛÛÜÜ ° ÜÛÜ ²ÛÜ ßÛÛÛÜ ²ÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜß ° ²ÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ° ÜÛÛßÛÛÜ ° ²ÛÛ² ° Ü ÜÛÛÛÛßßßßßß ²ÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛÛßÛ²²²Û ÜÜÜÜÜܲÛÛ² ²ÛÛ² ²ÛÛ²ß ÜÛÛ² ²ÛÛÜ ²ÛÛ² °°° ÜÛ² ßßßßßß²²²²Üß²²²ßß²²²Ü ßßß Û²²²ß ²²²² ²²²²ßß²²²ÜÜ ²²²² ° ²²²² ²²²² °°° ²²²² ±±±±± Þ±±±±ÛÞ±± Þ±±±± ²²²²²Þ±±±± ° ±±±± ±±±± Þ±±±±Ûܱ±± ° ±±±± ±±±± °°° ±±±± °°°°° ° °°°°°Ý°° ° °°°°°°°°°°Þ°°°° ° °°°° °°°° ° °°°°°°°°° ° °°°° °°°° Ü °°°° ±±±±± ° ±±±±±Ý±± ° ±±±±±Ü±±±±±±±±± ° ±±±± ±±±± ° ±±±±±Ý±±± ° ±±±± ±±²ßÜÛÛÛÜß²±± Þ²²²² °Þ²²²²²²²² °Þ²²²²²Ý²²²²Þ²²²²Ý ²²²² ²²²² °Þ²²²²²²²²² ° ²²²² ²²²²²ß ß²²²²² ßÛÛ² ÜÛ²ÛÛßÜÛÛß ²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛß ²ÛÛÛ²ÜܲÛ۲ܲÛß ²ÛÛÛ² ßÛÛ² ²ÛÛß ²ÛÛß ° ° ßÛÛ² ° ßÜÛÛßß Ûß ÜÛ²ÛÛß Ûß ° ÛÛÛÛÛßßß ß ° ÞÛÛ²ÛÝ ° ßÛÛÜÛÛß ° ²ß ° ßÛ Üßß ° ÜÛÛÛßß ° ßþÜÜþß ßßÛÛÛÛÜÜÜþß ° ßßÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÛß Eboy ßÜÜþß þßß ßßßßßß S K i D R O W Üß -> T H E L E A D i N G F O R C E <- ßÜ ßÜ Üß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßß ß proudly presents ß ßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ° ÛÛÛ²²²²±±±°° Fallout: New Vegas / Bethesda Softworks °°±±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛ ° ±ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜܱ ² ² ² RELEASE DATE : 19-10-2010 PROTECTION : Steam ² ² GAME TYPE : Action RPG DISKS : 1 DVD ² ° ° ßÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßß ß ßÛÝ Release Notes: ßÛÜ ° Û Üþ Þ² ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÜ ± Û Û ÜÛß Û ² Û ßßß ° Û The Skid Rowdies are looking new blood to fill up the ranks. Û Û ± Û We're a professional team of dedicated sceners with big mark Û Û Û Û under sceners. We believe on the ground idealism of the root Û Û Û Û of the real old school scene. We do all this for fun and Û Û Û Û nothing else. We don't earn anything on our hobby, as we do Û Û Û Û this for the competition and the heart of what got the scene Û Û Û Û started in the mid eighties. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û If you think you got something to offer, then don't hold back Û Û Û Û on contacting us as soon as possible. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û _______ __ ___ _____ /__ Û Û Û Û / |/ /_/_| _ / /_ / / Û Û Û Û / /| / / //| | //_// / / / / / / Û Û Û Û / | / | |_ / / / /_/ / /// / Û Û Û Û ____/|_|_\__/|___/ / /_/_/__/_/____/ Û Û Û Û twice the fun / double the trouble Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û On with the game release information: Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Welcome to Vegas. New Vegas. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û It's the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to Û Û Û Û being shot in the head and left for dead…and that's before Û Û Û Û things really get ugly. It's a town of dreamers and desperados Û Û Û Û being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete Û Û Û Û control of this desert oasis. It's a place where the right Û Û Û Û kind of person with the right kind of weaponry can really make Û Û Û Û a name for themselves, and make more than an enemy or two Û Û Û Û along the way. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û As you battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Û Û Û Û Wasteland, the colossal Hoover Dam, and the neon drenched Û Û Û Û Vegas Strip, you'll be introduced to a colorful cast of Û Û Û Û characters, power-hungry factions, special weapons, mutated Û Û Û Û creatures and much more. Choose sides in the upcoming war or Û Û Û Û declare "winner takes all" and crown yourself the King of New Û Û Û Û Vegas in this follow-up to the 2008 videogame of the year, Û Û Û Û Fallout 3. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Enjoy your stay. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Feel the Heat in New Vegas! Not even nuclear fallout could Û Û Û Û slow the hustle of Sin City. Explore the vast expanses of the Û Û Û Û desert wastelands - from the small towns dotting the Mojave Û Û Û Û Wasteland to the bright lights of the New Vegas strip. See Û Û Û Û the Great Southwest as could only be imagined in Fallout. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Feuding Factions, Colorful Characters and a Host of Hostiles! Û Û Û Û A war is brewing between rival factions with consequences Û Û Û Û that will change the lives of all the inhabitants of New Û Û Û Û Vegas. The choices you make will bring you into contact with Û Û Û Û countless characters, creatures, allies, and foes, and Û Û Û Û determine the final explosive outcome of this epic power Û Û Û Û struggle. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û New Systems! Enjoy new additions to Fallout: New Vegas such as Û Û Û Û a Companion Wheel that streamlines directing your companions, Û Û Û Û a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of your Û Û Û Û actions, and the aptly titled Hardcore Mode to separate the Û Û Û Û meek from the mighty. Special melee combat moves have been Û Û Û Û added to bring new meaning to the phrase "up close and Û Û Û Û personal". Use V.A.T.S. to pause time in combat, target Û Û Û Û specific enemy body parts and queue up attacks, or get right Û Û Û Û to the action using the finely-tuned real-time combat Û Û Û Û mechanics. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û An Arsenal of Shiny New Guns! With double the amount of Û Û Û Û weapons found in Fallout 3, you'll have more than enough new Û Û Û Û and exciting ways to deal with the threats of the wasteland Û Û Û Û and the locals. In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have devised Û Û Û Û a new weapons configuration system that lets you tinker with Û Û Û Û your toys and see the modifications you make in real time. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Let it Ride! In a huge, open world with unlimited options you Û Û Û Û can see the sights, choose sides, or go it alone. Peacemaker Û Û Û Û or Hard Case, House Rules, or the Wild Card - it's all in how Û Û Û Û you play the game. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ° Û ° ßÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßÛß ß ßÛÝ Install Notes: ßÛÜ ° Û Üþ Þ² ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÜ ± Û Û ÜÛß Û ² Û ßßß ° Û 1. Unpack release Û Û ± Û 2. Mount image or burn it Û Û Û Û 3. Install Û Û Û Û 4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder on the DVD Û Û Û Û to the main installation folder and overwrite Û Û Û Û 5. Play the game Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Additional Notes: Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Be sure to use the DirectX version included with the release, Û Û Û Û as it's needed to run this game. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ° Û ° ßÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßß ß ßÛÝ Greetings: ßÛÜ ° Û Üþ Þ² ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÜ ± Û Û ÜÛß Û ² Û ßßß ° Û Salutes to our old Amiga friends from: Û Û ± Û Û Û Û Û FAIRLIGHT - RAZOR 1911 - VISION FACTORY - PARADOX - QUARTEX Û Û Û Û DCS - CRYSTAL - ZENITH - ACCESSION - ALPHA FLIGHT - PRODIGY Û Û Û Û THE COMPANY - LEGEND - TRSI - ORACLE - ANTHROX - CLASSIC Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Salutes to our new friends in: Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û UNLEASHED - TiNYiSO - BReWErS - RADIKAL - POSTMORTEM - SHOCK Û Û Û Û FAIRLIGHT - CRUDE - VACE - ReUnion - OUTLAWS - GENESIS Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÜ°ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÜ° ßßÛ²Ü Logo and layout by: Eboy/SAE ܲÛßß ÜßßßþÜ Þ²²Ý Last updated 21/07/2007 by [XXX] Þ²²Ý ÜþßßÜ ßÜ ßßßßß ß ßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßß ß ßßßßß Üß ß ß


  1. mbb
  2. mbb15
  3. Fallout New Vegas
  4. skidrow
  5. crackonly
  6. crack
  7. crack only
  8. Fallout New Vegas crack
  9. Fallout.New.Vegas-SKIDROW

Files count:



5.90 Mb




MorphzreaZ (2010-10-19)

Thx Mbb.
Hope this works

 Mbb15 (2010-10-19)

full game:[].iso

Dark_Hero (2010-10-20)

Atm I have the european pre-order version preloaded but I need the steam_api.dll file aswell, to hopefully get this crack working.
Is it possible for someone to upload this file (only a few kB big)
Tnx ;)

opivylint (2010-10-20)

if i user afriends disc can i use this tom play it without having to dl the whole game ?

jibadeaux (2010-10-20)

Seeds havent finished or what? Mine haven't started. Finish seeding don't just start. Ahh damn. Let's go.

Augustsun817 (2010-10-20)

For some reason, it keeps telling me that steam_api.dll isn't there whenever I try to run the crack. What do I do?

soldier101000 (2010-10-20)

every time i git this message steam remote storage could not be found for seam_api.dll

tlalk18 (2010-10-20)

Thanks for all the seeds, gaiz :D I'm stealing so much bandwidth from the rest of my house seeding both of these, my Dad's Gf can't even get any phone signal XD (We use a device that creates phone signal inside the house via internet connection.)

thrasher3 (2010-10-21)

Augustsun817 i had the same problem haha i guess you just have to make sure you take the stuff out of the folder and overwrite the original stuff...idk if that makes any sense? haha just trying to help :D

joa111 (2010-10-21)

seed please

comet.vermont (2010-10-22)

You know what, I TRULY appreciate the efforts of the SKIDROW team...
...I (like many others) was so anxious to play New Vegas that I bought the game expecting a "Games for Windows LIVE" game, not a "Games for Windows Logo to Trick You Into Buying a Games That You Have to Have an Active Internet Connection & STEAM to Play"...
...This really pissed me off...
I BOUGHT this game...$50.00...
...THANK YOU SKIDROW team! The crack works perfectly! Using your crack it bypasses all Steam bu**sh*t & goes directly to the game I installed on my FU**ING computer as an application icon should.
...Again, thank you.

gunweapon (2010-10-23)

error report with " appcompat.txt "
every fallout skidrow rip and hotfix, etc update, crack does not work !! fake !

johnlvdo (2010-10-27)

I bought the game but can't install it because I don't have internet at home. Will this work to bypass the Steam activation?

teddy45 (2010-11-01)

can anyone say if this will work .high seeding but no comments.cmon guys plz comment

a_fellow_pirate (2011-05-10)

Ok so i did all of the steps... i am opening Fallout, it shows the first second of opening... Fallout New Vegas has stopped working um... can someone give me more...detailed steps?

SillyRabbitTrixAreForKids (2011-09-05)

Fallout 3 PS3 English

zombiekiIIer (2011-10-10)

works great xDDD

mattewcreller (2012-07-17)

Hey guys I need help I downloaded not this torrent but another one and well I got it setup all fine but when I got to the main title screen it shows the fallout guy but my options wont show up and it just stays like that help me plz


1. sr-fnv-mbb.rar 5.90 Mb