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aga - song 6 - one among the deepest and highest songs that huma






Raga - song 6 - one among the deepest and highest songs that hum




2010-01-22 (by emile_ajar)


wow. i upload and shall share it, (be)cause it is so (too) good ... and i (just need) want to share it.. yeah, there is a lot of great music in the world... for everyone... but not too much of this kind of spiritual songs, that can WAKE US UP.. that could speak right and direct to my heart............... to be SURPRISED .. to to be AWAKEN up to "that", to this "unspeakable world" ... to what "we" really are ..... to feel "it" .. to "understand" ... to "be"... who "we" really are... (if to speak as i have learned from the genius of the Alan Watts) this, here shared, is just one of this type of songs, for me at least with duration of 31 minutes and 33 seconds but do not be mis-leaded by numbers ... for, as can speak from experiences, this song has "lasted" for hours and days and years.... so, that while listening, the TIME GOES AWAY..... so, (that is the reason) i have titled this torrent as "Raga - song 6 - one among the deepest and highest songs that human beings have created - what i have heard at least" "raga" indicates, that it is chanting ... and it is .. it is not describable (with words)... it is .. it is.. just magic... absolutely magical... one just have to listen it... i do not know (more)... i suggest to listen, if what i wrote, has made some impression to you.. or if you want, you to know more about "raga", then i found that wikipedia has a great article about it: as i got it as gift from friend, then i do not know the author, nor the name.. but i know, that it is something of a magic.... (for me, at least) with love (where ever you are) -- "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. " - Buddha


  1. raga
  2. religious music
  3. india
  4. budhhism
  5. buddha
  6. alan watts
  7. and one among the deepest and

Files count:



29.08 Mb

