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LinuxCBT Security Edition(Reupload)






LinuxCBT Security Edition(Reupload)




2010-10-24 (by 4k5)


LinuxCBT Security Edition(Reupload) LinuxCBT Security Edition encompasses 11 pivotal security modules: 1. Security Basics (fundamentals) 2. Proxy Security feat. Squid 3. Firewall Security feat. IPTables 4. SELinux Security - MAC-based Security Controls 5. Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Security feat. Snort® NIDS 6. Packet | Capture | Analysis Security feat. Ethereal®|WireShark® 7. Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) Security 8. Open Secure Shell version 2 (OpenSSHv2) Security 9. OpenPGP with Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) Security 10. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Security 11. Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF) Security Basic Security - Module I * Boot Security o Explore Dell PowerEdge BIOS Security-related features o Discuss concepts & improve Dell PowerEdge BIOS security o Explain run-time boot loader vulnerabilities o Explore single-user mode (rootshell) and its inherent problems o Modify default GRUB startup options & examine results o Secure boot loader using MD5 hash o Identify key startup-related configuration files & define boot security measures o Identify key boot-related utilities o Confirm expected hardware configuration o Discuss INIT process, runlevel configuration & concepts o Explore & tighten the security of the INIT configuration * * Shell Security o Confirm expected applications o Discuss Teletype Terminals (TTYs) and Pseudo Terminals (PTS) o Identify common TTYs and PTSs o Track current TTYs and PTSs - character devices o Discuss concepts related to privileged and non-privileged use o Restrict privileged login o Use SSH and discuss TTYs o Discuss the importance of consistent system-wide banners & messages o Define and configure system banners for pre and post-system-access o Identify user-logon history and correlate to TTYs o Identify current user-connections - console-based and network-based o Use lsof to identify open files and sockets * * Syslog Security o Discuss Syslog concepts and applications o Explain Syslog semantics - facilities & levels - message handling & routing o Focus on security-related Syslog facilities o Examine security logs managed by Syslog o Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) on interesting hosts o Secure NTP configuration o Ensure time consistency to preserve log-integrity o Configure Syslog replication to preserve log-integrity o Identify log discrepancies between Syslog hosts * * Reconnaissance & Vulnerability Assessment Tools o Discuss Stage-1 host/network attack concepts o Upgrade NMAP reconnaissance tool to increase effectiveness o Identify NMAP files o Discuss TCP handshake procedure o Discuss half-open/SYN connections o Perform connect and SYN-based host/network reconnaissance o Identify potential vulnerabilities on interesting hosts derived from reconnaissance o Examine NMAP logging capabilities o Perform port sweeps to identify common vulnerabilities across exposed systems o Secure exposed daemons/services o Perform follow-up audit to ensure security policy compliance o Discuss vulnerability scanner capabilities and applications o Prepare system for Nessus vulnerability scanner installation - identify/install dependencies o Generate self-signed SSL/TLS certificates for secure client/server communications o Activate Nessus subscription, server and client components o Explore vulnerability scanner interface and features o Perform network-based reconnaissance attack to determine vulnerabilities o Examine results of the reconnaissance attack and archive results o Secure exposed vulnerabilities * * XINETD - TCPWrappers - Chattr - Lsattr - TCPDump - Clear Text Daemons o Install Telnet Daemon o Install Very Secure FTP Daemon (VSFTPD) o Explore XINETD configuration and explain directives o Configure XINETD to restrict communications at layer-3 and layer-4 o Restrict access to XINETD-protected daemons/services based on time range o Examine XINETD logging via Syslog o Discuss TCPWrappers security concepts & applications o Enhance Telnetd security with TCPWrappers o Confirm XINETD & TCPWrappers security o Discuss chattr applications & usage o Identify & flag key files as immutable to deter modifcation o Confirm extended attributes (XATTRs) o Discuss TCPDump applications & usage o Configure TCPDump to intercept Telnet & FTP - clear-text traffic o Use Ethereal to examine & reconstruct captured clear-text traffic * * Secure Shell (SSH) & MD5SUM Applications o Use Ethereal to examine SSH streams o Generate RSA/DSA PKI usage keys o Configure Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based authentication o Secure PKI authentication files o Use SCP to transfer files securely in non-interactive mode o Use SFTP to transfer files securely in interactive mode o Configure SSH to support a pseudo-VPN using SSH-Tunnelling o Discuss MD5SUM concepts and applications o Compare & contrast modified files using MD5SUM o Use MD5SUM to verify the integrity of downloaded files * * GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) - Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Compatible - PKI o Discuss GPG concepts & applications - symmetric/asymmetric encryption o Generate asymmetric RSA/DSA GPG/PGP usage keys - for multiple users o Create a local web of trust o Perform encrypts/decrypts and test data-exchanges o Sign encrypted content and verify signatures @ recipient o Import & export public keys for usage o Use GPG/PGP with Mutt Mail User Agent (MUA) * * AIDE File Integrity Implementation o Discuss file-integrity checker concepts & applications o Identify online repository & download AIDE o Install AIDE on interesting hosts o Configure AIDE to protect key files & directories o Alter file system objects and confirm modifications using AIDE o Audit the file system using AIDE * * Rootkits o Discuss rootkits concepts & applications o Describe privilege elevation techniques o Obtain & install T0rnkit - rootkit o Identify system changes due to the rootkit o Implement T0rnkit with AIDE to identify compromised system objects o Implement T0rnkit with chkrootkit to identify rootkits o T0rnkit - rootkit - cleanup o Implement N-DU rootkit o Evaluate system changes * * Bastille Linux - OS-Hardening o Discuss Bastille Linux system hardening capabilities o Obtain Bastille Linux & perform a system assessment o Install Bastille Linux o Evaluate hardened system components * * NPING - Flexible Packet Crafting o Discuss benefits o Download and install o Explore typical usage * * Nikto - Web Server Vulnerability Scanner o Download and install o Discuss configuration options o Scan web servers o Evaluate results * * top Proxy Security - Module II * Squid Proxy Initialization o Discuss Squid concepts & applications o Discuss DNS application o Configure DNS on primary SuSE Linux server for the Squid Proxy environment o Confirm DNS environment o Start Squid and evaluate default configuration o Install Squid Proxy server * * General Proxy Usage o Configure web browser to utilize proxy services o Grant permissions to permit local hosts to utilize proxy services o Discuss ideal file system layout - partitioning o Explore key configuration files o Use client to test the performance of proxy services o Discuss HIT/MISS logic for serving content o Configure proxy support for text-based (lftp/wget/lynx) HTTP clients * * Squid Proxy Logs o Discuss Squid Proxy logging mechanism o Identify key log files o Discuss & explore the Access log to identify HITS and/or MISSES o Discuss & explore the Store log to identify cached content o Convert Squid logs to the Common Log Format (CLF) for easy processing o Discuss key CLF fields o Configure Webalizer to process Squid-CLF logs o Revert to Squid Native logs o Discuss key Native log fields o Configure Webalizer to process Squid Native logs * * Squid Network Configuration & System Stats o Discuss cachemgr.cgi Common Gateway Interface(CGI) script o Explore the available metrics provided by cachemgr.cgi o Change default Squid Proxy port o Modify text/graphical clients and test communications o Discuss Safe Ports - usage & applications * * Squid Access Control Lists (ACLs) o Intro to Access Control Lists (ACLs) - syntax o Define & test multiple HTTP-based ACLs o Define & test ACL lists - to support multiple hosts/subnets o Define & test time-based ACLs o Nest ACLs to tighten security o Implement destination domain based ACLs o Exempt destination domains from being cached to ensure content freshness o Define & test Anded ACLs o Discuss the benefits of Regular Expressions (Regexes) o Implement Regular Expressions ACLs to match URL patterns o Exempt hosts/subnets from being cached or using the Squid cache o Force cache usage o Configure enterprise-class Cisco PIX firewall to deny outbound traffic o Configure DNS round-robin with multiple Squid Proxy caches for load-balancing o Discuss delay pool concepts & applications - bandwidth management o Configure delay pools - to support rate-limiting o Examine results of various delay pool classes o Enforce maximum connections to deter Denial of Service (DoS) attacks o Verify maximum connections comply with security policy * * Squid Proxy Hierarchies o Discuss Squid cache hierarchy concepts & applications o Ensure communications through a primary cache server - double-auditing o Discuss and configure parent-child bypass based on ACLs o Configure Intranet ACLs for peer-cache bypass o Discuss & implement Squid cache hierarchy siblings o Configure transparent proxy services * * Squid on Windows o Download & Install o Manipulate configuration o Test connectivity from multiple platforms o Evaluate results * * Reverse Proxy o Install Squid3 o Configure forward proxy access for local subnet o Test connectivity o Discuss reverse proxy features o Configure reverse proxy o Evaluate results * * top Firewall Security - Module III * Intro IPTables o Discuss key IPTables concepts o OSI Model discussion o Determine if IPTables support is available in the current kernel o Identify key IPTables modules and supporting files o Explore and examine the default tables o Learn IPTables Access Control List (ACL) syntax o Discuss ACL management o Learn to Save & Restore IPTables ACLs * * IPTables - Chain Management o Explore the various chains in the default tables o Discuss the purpose of each chain o Examine packet counts & bytes traversing the various chains o Focus on appending and inserting new ACLs into pre-defined chains o Write rules to permit common traffic flows o Delete & Replace ACLs to alter security policy o Flush ACLs - reset the security policy to defaults o Zero packet counts & bytes - bandwidth usage monitoring o Create user-defined chains to perform additional packet handling o Rename chains to suit the security policy/nomenclature o Discuss & explore chain policy * * IPTables - Packet Matching & Handling o Explain the the basics of packet matching o Identify key layer-3/4 match objects - (Source/Dest IPs, Source/Dest Ports, etc.) o Explore the multi-homed configuration o Block traffic based on untrusted (Internet-facing) interface o Perform packet matching/handling based on common TCP streams o Perform packet matching/handling based on common UDP datagrams o Perform packet matching/handling based on common ICMP traffic o Write fewer rules (ACLs) by specifying lists of interesting layer-4 ports o Discuss layer-3/4 IPTables default packet matching o Discuss default layer-2 behavior o Increase security by writing rules to match packets based on layer-2 addresses * * IPTables - State Maintenance - Stateful Firewall o Discuss the capabilities of traditional packet-filtering firewalls o Explain the advantages of stateful firewalls o Examine the supported connection states o Identify key kernel modules to support the stateful firewall o Implement stateful ACLs & examine traffic flows * * IPTables - Targets - Match Handling o Discuss the purpose of IPTables targets for packet handling o Write rules with the ACCEPT target o Write rules with the DROP target o Write rules with the REJECT target o Write rules with the REDIRECT target o Confirm expected behavior for all targets * * IPTables - Logging o Explore Syslog kernel logging configuration o Define Access Control Entry (ACEs) to perform logging o Explain the key fields captured by IPTables o Log using user-defined chain for enhanced packet handling o Log traffic based on security policy o Define a catch-all ACE o Use ACE negation to control logged packets o Label log entries for enhanced parsing * * IPTables - Packet Routing o Describe subnet layout o Enable IP routing in the kernel - committ changes to disk o Update routing tables on the other Linux Hosts on the network o Update the Cisco PIX Firewall\'s routing tables o Test routing through the Linux router, from a remote Windows 2003 Host o Focus on the forward chain o Write ACEs to permit routing o Test connectivity * * IPTables - Network Address Translation (NAT) o Discuss NAT features & concepts o Discuss & implement IP masquerading o Define Source NAT (SNAT) ACEs & test translations o Create SNAT multiples o Implement Destination NAT (DNAT) ACEs & test translations o Define DNAT multiples o Create NETMAP subnet mappings - one-to-one NATs * * IPTables - Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Configuration o Describe DMZ configuration o Write Port Address Translation (PAT) rules to permit inbound traffic o Test connectivity from connected subnets o Configure DMZ forwarding (Routing) o Implement Dual-DMZs - ideal for n-tiered web applications * * IPTables - IPv6 o Explore IPv6 configuration o Peruse IPv6 IPTables management tools o Log and Filter ICMPv6 traffic o Log and Filter TCPv6 traffic o Log and Filter UDPv6 traffic o Use \'nping\' to generate IPv6 traffic for analysis o Create IPv6 Sub-Chains to manage rules o Evaluate results * * top SELinux Security - Module IV * Access Control Models o Describe Access Control Model (ACM) theories (DAC/MAC/nDAC) o Explain features & shortcomings of Discretionary Access Control (DAC) models o Identify key DAC-based utilities o Discuss the advantages & caveats of Mandatory Access Control (MAC)models o Explore DAC-based programs * * SELinux - Basics o Discuss subjects & objects o Explain how SELinux is implemented in 2.6.x-based kernels o Confirm SELinux support in the kernel o Identify key SELinux packages o Use sestatus to obtain the current SELinux mode o Discuss subject & object labeling o Describe the 3 SELinux operating modes o Identify key utilities & files, which dictate the current SELinux operating mode o Focus on the features of SELinux permissive mode o Explore the boot process as it relates to SELinux * * SELinux - Object Labeling o Discuss subject & object labeling o Discuss the role of extended attributes (XATTRs) o Expose the labels of specific objects o Alter the lables of specific objects o Configure SELinux to automatically label objects per security policy o Reset the system and confirm labels on altered objects o Explain security tuples o Use fixfiles to restore object labels on running system per security policy * * SELinux - Type Contexts - Security Labels Applied to Objects o Intro to object security tuples - security labels o Attempt to serve HTML content using Apache in SELinux enforcing mode o Identify problematic object security labels o Serve HTML content in SELinux permissive mode o Use chcon to alter object security labels o Switch to enforcing mode & confirm the ability to serve HTML content o Use restorecon to restore object security context (labels) * * SELinux - Basic Commands - Type & Domain Exposition o ps - reveal subjects\' security context (security label) - Domains o ls - reveal objects\' security label - Types o cp - preserve/inherit security labels o mv - preserve security labels o id - expose subject security label * * SELinux - Targeted Policy - Binary o Explain the Targeted Policy\'s features o Discuss policy transitions for domains o Compare & contrast confined & unconfined states o Exempt Apache daemon from the auspicies of the targeted policy\'s confined state o Evaluate results after exemption o Explain the security contexts applied to subjects & objects o Peruse key targeted binary policy files o Identify the daemons protected by the targeted policy o Discuss the unconfined_t domain - subject label * * SELinux - Targeted Policy - Source o Install the targeted policy source files o Identify & discuss TE and FC files o Explore file_contexts - context definition for objects o Discuss the file context syntax o Explain the purpose of using run_init to initiate SELinux-protected daemons o Switch between permissive & enforcing modes and evaluate behavior o Peruse the key files in the targeted source policy * * SELinux - Miscellaneous Utilities - Logging o Use tar to archive SELinux-protected objects o Confirm security labels on tar-archived objects o Use the tar substitute \'star\' to archive extended attributes(XATTRs) o Confirm security labels on star-archived objects o Discuss the role of the AVC o Examine SELinux logs - /var/log/messages o Alter Syslog configuration to route SELinux messages to an ideal location o Use SETools, shell-based programs to output real-time statistics o Install & use SEAudit graphical SELinux log-management tool * * SELinux - RedHat® Enterprise 5.x - Exploration o Explore configuration & key utilities o Transition from \'disabled\' to \'permissive\' mode o Focus on Apache web server behavior o Enable UserDir functionality & test content access o Transition to \'enforcing\' mode o Examine Apache behvavior in restricted environment o Adjust SELinux directives o Evaluate results * * SELinux - Network Ports - Service Restrictions o Explore standard behavior o Configure new application bindings o Examine SELinux intervention o Rectify SELinux configuration for multiple services o Evaluate results * * top Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Security - Module V * Snort NIDS - Installation o Peruse the LinuxCBT Security Edition classroom network topology o Download Snort o Import G/PGP public key and verify package integrity o Identify & download key Snort dependencies o Install current libpcap - Packet Capture Library o Establish security configuration baseline * * Snort NIDS - Sniffer Mode o Discuss sniffer mode concepts & applications o Sniff IP packet headers - layer-3/4 o Sniff data-link headers - layer-2 o Sniff application payload - layer-7 o Sniff application/ip packet headers/data-link headers - all layers except physical o Examine packets & packet loss o Sniff traffic traversing interesting interfaces o Sniff clear-text traffic o Sniff encrypted streams * * Snort NIDS - Logging Mode o Discuss logging mode concepts & applications o Log traffic using default PCAP/TCPDump format o Log traffic using ASCII mode & examine output o Discuss directory structure created by ASCII logging mode o Control verbosity of ASCII logging mode & examine output o Enhance packet logging analysis by defaulting to binary logging o Discuss default nomenclature for binary/TCPDump files o Alter binary output options o Use Snort NIDS to read binary/TCPDump files * * Snort NIDS - Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs) o Explain the advantages to utilizing BPFs o Discuss BPF directional, type, and protocol qualifiers o Identify clear-text based network applications and define appropriate BPFs o Execute Snort NIDS in sniffer mode with BPFs enabled to match interesting traffic o Log to the active pseudo-terminal console and examine the packet flows o Combine BPF qualifiers to increase packet-matching capabilities o Use logical operators to define more flexible BPFs o Read binary TCPDump files using Snort & BPFs o Execute Snort NIDS in logging/daemon mode * * Snort NIDS - Cisco Switch Configuration o Examine the current network configuration o Identify Snort NIDS sensors and centralized DBMS Server o Create multiple VLANs on the Cisco Switch o Secure the Cisco Switch configuration o Isolate internal and external hosts, sensors and DBMS systems o Configure SPAN - Port Mirroring for internal and external Snort NIDS Sensors o Examine internal and external packet flows * * Snort NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Mode o Discuss NIDS concepts & applications o Prepare /etc/snort - configuration directory for NIDS operation o Explore the snort.conf NIDS configuration file o Discuss all snort.conf sections o Download & install community rules o Execute Snort in NIDS mode with TCPDump compliant output plugin o Download & install Snort Vulnerability Research Team (VRT) rules o Compare & contrast community rules to VRT rules * * Snort NIDS - Output Plugin - Barnyard Configuration o Discuss features & benefits o Configure Syslog based logging and examine results o Configure Snort to log sequentially to multiple output locations o Implement unified binary output logging to enhance performance o Discuss concepts & features associated with post-processing Snort logs o Download and install current barnyard post-processor o Use barnyard to post-process logs to multiple output destinations * * Snort NIDS - BASE - MySQL® Implementation o Discuss benefits of centralized console reporting for 1 or more Snort sensors o Re-compile Snort on both sensors to support MySQL logging o Configure MySQL on Database Management System (DBMS) Host o Implement Snort database schema on DBMS Host o Configure Snort to log output to MySQL DBMS Host o Confirm output logging to the MySQL DBMS Host o Prepare DBMS Host for BASE console installation o Install BASE and complete schema extension o Peruse BASE interface * * Snort® NIDS - Rules Configuration & Updates o Discuss the concept of rules as related to Snort NIDS o Examine Snort rule syntax o Peruse pre-defined Snort rules o Download & configure oinkmaster to automatically update Snort rules o Confirm oinkmaster operation * * top Packet Capture Analysis Security feat. Ethereal® - Module VI * Introduction - Topology - Features o Discuss course outline o Explore system configuration o Identify key network interfaces to be used for captures o Identify connected interfaces on Cisco Switch o Explore network topology - IPv4 & IPv6 o Identify Ethereal installation o Enumerate and discuss key Ethereal features * * Ethereal® Graphical User Interface (GUI) o Identify installation footprint o Differentiate between promiscuous and non-promiscuous modes o Configure to permit non-privileged user to write output to screen o Launch Ethereal GUI o Identify the primary GUI components /Packet List | Packet Details | Packet Bytes/ o Discuss defaults o Explore key menu items * * TCPDump | WinDump - Packet Capturing for /Linux|Unix|Windows/ o Discuss defaults, features and applications o Use TCPDump on Linux to capture packets o Log traffic using default PCAP/TCPDump format o Discuss Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs) o Capture and log specific packets using BPFs for analysis with Ethereal o Connect to Windows 2003 Server using Remote Desktop (RDesktop) utility o Install WinDump and WinPCAP on Windows 2003 Server o Identify available network interfaces using WinDump o Capture and log packets using WinDump o Capture and log specific packets using BPFs with WinDump for analysis with Ethereal o Upload captures to Linux system for analysis in Ethereal * * Snort® NIDS Packet Capturing & Logging o Discuss Snort NIDS\'s features o Confirm prerequisites - /PCRE|LibPCAP|GCC|Make/ o Download and Import Snort G/PGP key and MD5SUM for Snort NIDS o Download, verify, compile and install Snort NIDS o Discuss BPF directional, type, and protocol qualifiers o Identify clear-text based network applications and define appropriate BPFs o Execute Snort NIDS in sniffer mode with BPFs enabled to match interesting traffic o Log to the active pseudo-terminal console and examine the packet flows o Combine BPF qualifiers to increase packet-matching capabilities o Use logical operators to define more flexible BPFs o Create captures for further analysis with Ethereal * * Sun Snoop Packet Capturing & Logging o Connect to Solaris 10 system and prepare to use Snoop o Draw parallels to TCPDump o Enumerate key features o Sniff and log generic traffic o Sniff and log specific traffic using filters o Sniff using Snoop, HTTP and FTP traffic o Save filters for analysis by Ethereal o Snoop various Solaris interfaces for interesting traffic * * Layer-2 & Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP) Captures o Launch Ethereal o Identify sniffing interfaces o Capture Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Packets using Capture Filters o Discuss and Identify Protocol Data Units (PDUs) o Identify default Ethereal capture file o Peruse packet capture statistics o Identify Cisco VOIP router generating ARP requests o Peruse time precision features - deci - nano-seconds o Discuss time manipulations - relative to first packet - actual time o Reveal protocol information from layer-1 through 7 o Identify network broadcasts in the packet stream o Generate Layer-2 ARP traffic using PING and capture and analyze results o Sniff traffic based on MAC addresses using Ethereal and Capture FIlters * * User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Captures & Analyses o Discuss UDP Characteristics o Focus on Network Time Protocol (NTP) o Setup NTP strata for testing between multiple systems o Analyze NTP - UDP traffic using Ethereal o Focus on Domain Name Service (DNS) o Install a BIND DNS Caching-Only Server o Analyze DIG queries o Analyze \'nslookup\' queries * * Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Captures & Analyses o Discuss TCP Characteristics - Connection-Oriented Services o Explain TCP connection rules - Socket creation o Sniff TCP traffic using Capture Filters in Ethereal o Use Display Filters to parse TCP traffic o Sniff FTP traffic o Reconstruct FTP flows using TCP Stream Reassembly o Differentiate between client and server flows o Quantify client and server flows o Discuss embedded Protocol Data Units (PDUs) o Sniff Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) traffic o Peruse and discuss the IPv6:TCP:FTP traffic dump o Analyze TCP Sockets * * Ethereal Display Filters - Post Processing Filters o Identify previously captured - TCPDump - Ethereal - Snort - Snoop - Dumps o Discuss features o Explain Display Filter syntax o Post-process previously captured traffic dumps o Identify the various methods to exact display filters o Filter data using the expression builder o Filter traffic based on interesting properties o Filter traffic using logical operators * * Ethereal Statistics o Discuss features o Explore the summary (metadata) of captured packets o Peruse the protocol hierarchy - Layer\'s 1 - 7 of OSI o Examine network conversations of captured packets o Identify Destinations in packet dumps o Examine ICMP statistics * * Text-based Captures with Tethereal o Discuss features and applications o Identify \'tethereal\' and invoke o Enumerate network interfaces o Sniff generic network traffic o Suppress capture output o Apply Capture Filters o Capture UDP Traffic o Capture TCP Traffic * * Intranet-based Captures & Analysis o Discuss Intranet monitoring objectives o Analyze the network topology drawing o Discuss Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast traffic o Discuss Switch Port Mirroring - SPAN o Configure Port Mirroring - SPAN on Cisco Switch for interesting ports o Dedicate a network interface for sniffing traffic o Configure Snort NIDS to sniff traffic on dedicated network interface o Analyze Snort NIDS captures in Ethereal o Sniff traffic between various Intranet hosts * * Internet-based Captures & Analysis o Discuss Internet monitoring objectives o Identify key external interfaces to monitor o Update the Port Mirroring configuration to capture Internet traffic o Capture external traffic o Analyze using Ethereal * * Wireless-based Captures & Analysis o Discuss Wireless monitoring objectives o Connect to remote system with wireless interface o Enable wireless interface o Sniff traffic on wireless network o Analyze using Ethereal * * Windows-based Captures & Analysis on Windows o Download and Install Ethereal for Windows o Explore interface o Load previously captured data o Analyze data o Compare and contrast with Ethereal for Linux|Unix systems * * WireShark® on MacOSX® o Download and Install o Explore interface o Load previously captured data o Analyze data o Capture new data o Evaluate results * * top PAM Security - Module VII * Introduction - Topology - Features o Discuss course outline o Explore system configuration o Explore network topology o Identify primary PAM systems o Enumerate and discuss key PAM features * * PAM Rules Files & Syntax o Identify key PAM configuration files o Explain the purpose of the /etc/pam.d/other PAM rules file o Discuss PAM\'s 4 management tasks o Identify the 4 tokens supported within PAM rules files o Explain possible values for the 4 supported rules file tokens o Discuss PAM\'s stacking of rules for the 4 management tasks o Examine the /etc/pam.d/sshd PAM rules file for the SSHD service/daemon o Explore the contents of included PAM rules files * * Common PAMs - Identify & Discuss Commonly Implemented PAMs o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_echo o Test pam_echo using SSH o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_warn o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_deny o Identify instances of pam_warn and pam_deny modules o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_unix2 o Identify instances of pam_unix2 module o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_env o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_ftp o Peruse /etc/pam.d/vsftpd and discuss the implemenation of pam_ftp o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_lastlog o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_limits o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_listfile o Explain the purpose and implementation of pam_nologin * * Account Policies with PAM o Explain authentication flow when using PAM o Discuss account policies features o Identify and peruse the default account policies file: /etc/login.defs o Discus PAM\'s usage of /etc/login.defs as it pertains to system security o Discuss pam_pwcheck is maintaining system policy o Configure pam_pwcheck to support minimum password length o Correlate pam_pwcheck system policy to user accounts database o Configure pam_pwcheck to support password history o Use chage to enumerate and change user accounts\' attributes associated with system policy * * PAM Tally o Explain applications of pam_tally o Identify failed logins log file: /var/log/faillog o Identify PAM authentication messages in /var/log/messages o Compare and contrast pam_tally with faillog o Use pam_tally to display user\'s tally o Enable pam_tally system-wide with desired policy o Fail to login multiple times, exceeding the system policy and evaluate results o Reset user\'s login count using pam_tally and faillog o Redirect PAM log messages using Syslog-NG * * PAM Password Quality Check (pam_passwdqc) o Identify pam_passwdqc using RPM o Discuss features o Enumerate the supported password character classes - Complex passwords o Replace pam_pwcheck with pam_passwdqc using at least 2 character classes o Test password policy in non-enforcing mode o Evaluate the effects o Enable password policy in enforcing mode and evaluate o Alter character class and length (complexity) requirements and evaluate * * PAM Time - Time-based Access Control o Discuss features o Explain configuration file syntax o Impose restrictions on common services o Evaluate results * * PAM Nologin o Discuss features o Explain configuration file syntax o Implement nologin module via /etc/nologin o Evaluate results * * PAM Limits - System Resource Limits Controlled by PAM o Discuss features o Explain configuration file syntax o Impose restrictions on system resources o Evaluate results * * PAM Authentication with Apache o Discuss features and desired result o Install Apache and development modules providing apxs support o Download PAM Apache module o Compile and install PAM Apache module o Configure Apache web site to support PAM o Evaluate results * * PAM Make $HOME Dir o Explore features o Implement pam_mkhomedir o Create new accounts without $HOME o Evaluate module results * * PAM Execute Processes o Discuss applicability o Implement pam_exec with various types o Evaluate module results * * PAM Password History | Policy Enforcement o Discuss benefits o Implement pam_pwhistory o Tweak defaults o Evaluate module results o Implement pam_pwcheck o Contrast with pam_pwhistory o Apply policy to all users o Evaluate resuls * * PAM Wheel o Consider applications o Implement pam_wheel o Evaluate resuls * * top Open Secure Shell version 2 (OpenSSHv2) Security - Module VIII * Introduction - Topology - Features o Discuss course outline o Explore system configuration o Identify key systems to be used o Explore network topology o Enumerate and discuss key OpenSSHv2 features * * Identify Key OpenSSHv2 Components o Identify installed OpenSSHv2 related packages o Peruse related startup and run-control script files o Locate \'sshd\' on the file system o Discuss related client | server configuration files * * OpenSSHv2 Client - /ssh/ o Discuss features and benefits o Obtain shell access on a remote system o Configure /etc/hosts to provide local name resolution for OpenSSHv2 o Identify and discuss pseudo-terminals - pty o Redirect X11/ traffic to localhost via SSH o Bind \'ssh\' to specific source IP address and test connectivity o Execute commands on remote system without allocating a pseudo-terminal o Debug \'ssh\' connectivity o Explore the system-wide client configuration file o Explore user configuration file * * Secure Copy Program (SCP) - /scp/ o Discuss features and benefits o Locate \'scp\' on the file system o Discuss usage o Copy, non-interactively, previously generated data to remote systems o Test \'scp\' with global and user configuration directives o Debug \'scp\' connectivity o Limit transfer rate to conserve bandwidth * * Secure File Transfer Program (SFTP) - /sftp/ o Discuss features and benefits o Locate \'sftp\' on the file system o Discuss usage o Connect to remote system using \'sftp\' interactive shell o Issue puts and gets and evaluate results o Identify the sftp-server subsystem o Peruse process list while connected to OpenSSHv2 server o Illustrate batch file usage * * SSH Key Scan Utility - /ssh-keyscan/ o Discuss features and benefits o Locate \'ssh-keyscan\' on the file system o Discuss usage o Scan the network from STDIN for OpenSSHv2 public keys - RSA (SSHv1 & SSHv2) | DSA o Scan the network based on a file with a list of hosts for OpenSSHv2 public keys o Populate ~/.ssh/known_hosts file using \'ssh-keyscan\' with BASH for loop o Compare and contrast STDOUT with the output file * * SSH Key Generation Utility - /ssh-keygen/ o Discuss features and benefits o Locate \'ssh-keygen\' on the file system o Discuss usage o Generate RSA-2 usage keys o Identify RSA-2 public and private key pair o Generate DSA usage keys o Identify DSA public and private key pair o Expose usage keys\' fingerprint using \'ssh-keygen\' o Generate RSA-2 | DSA usage keys for all hosts * * Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - Password-less Logins o Discuss features and benefits o Identify key files for client and server implemenation of password-less (PKI-based) logins o Copy manually, RSA-2 | DSA public keys to remote system\'s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file o Test password-less logins o Use \'ssh-copy-id\' to seamlessly populate remote system with RSA-2 | DSA usage keys o Test password-less connectivity after using \'ssh-copy-id\' o Confirm password-less connectivity using SSH clients /ssh|scp|sftp/ in debug mode o Connect to privileged account from non-privileged account using PKI o Configure RSA-1 connectivity using PKI * * System-wide OpenSSHv2 Configuration Directives o Identify key directory and files associated with client | server configuration o Explore primary server configuration file o Discuss applicability of directives o Alter and test several SSHD directives o Explore OpenSSHv2 configuration on RedHat Linux o Explore OpenSSHv2 configuration on Solaris 10 * * Port Forwarding - Pseudo-VPN Support - /Local|Remote|Gateway/ o Discuss features and benefits o Implement local port forwarding using \'ssh\' o Configure remote port forwarding using \'ssh\' o Test circumvention of local firewall using remote port forwarding o Implement gateway ports to share forwarded /local|remote/ with connected users o Test connectivity * * Windows Integration - /PuTTY|WinSCP/ o Discuss features and applications o Download and install PuTTY o Explore PuTTY\'s features o Configure PKI logins o Download and install WinSCP o Explore WinSCP\'s features o Move data between Windows, Linux and Solaris * * Syslog | Syslog-NG Configuration o Discuss features and benefits o Identify default configuration o Redirect OpenSSHv2 data using Syslog and Syslog-NG o Examine results o Enable debugging * * Host-based Authentication o Discuss applicability and caveats o Identify key configuration files and directives o Implement host-based authentication o Test results * * OpenSSHv2 Source Installation o Discuss features and benefits o Download current OpenSSHv2 source code o Compile and install o Restart services|daemons o Test new version of OpenSSHv2 * * Secure OpenSSHv2 Implementation o Discuss features and benefits o Identify key configuration file o Enumerate and implement key directives o Test configuration * * Upgrade OpenSSHv2 o Identify target systems o Download latest OpenSSH source code o Compile with compatible options o Test installation * * CHROOT - SFTP Connections o Discuss features and benefits o Implement CHROOT SFTP sessions for specific users o Evaluate results * * top OpenPGP Security - Module IX * Introduction - Topology - Features o Discuss course outline o Explore system configuration o Identify key systems to be used o Explore network topology o Enumerate and discuss key OpenPGP features * * Explore GPG Configuration o Identify installed GPG packages in various Linux distros o Discuss the key contents of those packages o Explore configuration hierarchy o Discuss security as it pertains to private key management o Explain the purpose of public and private keys o Discuss symmetric and asymmetric encryption provided by OpenPGP-compliant Apps * * Generate | Import | Export OpenPGP Usage Keys o Discuss features and benefits o Obtain shell access on remote systems o Generate usage (private|public) keys o Identify the generated keys o Discuss how usage keys are used o Generate usage keys on remote systems o Export OpenPGP public key chain on various systems o Import OpenPGP public keys on various systems o Evaluate the results of exchanging public keys * * Digital Signatures o Discuss features and benefits as they pertain to data integrity o Identify default digital signatures on multiple hosts o Explain the differences between signing and encrypting correspondence o Sign and export data to remote systems - Inline o Create detached OpenPGP signatures for data o Confirm the signed data on the remote systems o Recap non-repudiation benefits provided by digitally signing correspondence * * Encryption | Decryption | Sign & Encrypt Content o Discuss features and benefits o Generate files for usage o Encrypt content using symmetric (shared-key) algorithm o Decrypt content using the shared-key, based on the symmetric algorithm o Evaluate results on multiple machines o Explain caveats associated with symmetric encryption o Encrypt content to a given recipient, using their public key - asymmetric encryption o Decrypt content on various hosts o Attempt to decrypt content without the corresponding private key o Evaluate results o Encrypt using ASCII-armoured and binary (OpenPGP-compliant) formats o Decrypt both ASCII-armoured and binary formats o Recap encryption decryption processes o Discuss the requirements of signing and encrypting content o Sign and encrypt content to various recipients o Confirm signed and encrypted content o Attempt to confirm and decrypt content as the unintended recipient o Evaluate results * * OpenPGP Key Management | Web of Trust | Internet Key Distribution o Discuss features and benefits o Explore GPG key management facility o Update properties of public/private key pairs o Add sub-keys to public/private key pairs o Sign remote users\' public keys o Evaluate results o Discuss the web of trust functionality o Create a web of trust with various hosts o Evaluate trust confirmation o Discuss the features of OpenPGP Internet key distribution servers o Generate and upload public keys to an Internet key server o Download the uploaded public keys to the public keyrings of various hosts o Evaluate results * * Perl scripting with GPG o Discuss features and benefits o Create a Perl script to backup key directories and files o Ensure that the script GPG-protects the content post-backup o Include error-handling to ensure that each step of the script is routed appropriately o Configure the script to transfer the encrypted content to a remote host ust \'scp\' o Evaluate results * * OpenPGP (GPG | PGP Desktop) on Win32 o Discuss features and benefits o Download and install GPG for Win32 o Generate usage keys o Exchange public keys with a user on a Linux system o Sign and encrypt content to and from the Win32 user o Confirm results o Download and install GPG4WIN (GUI-based GPG for Win32) o Explore features o Sign and encrypt content to and from the Win32 user o Confirm results o Integrate GPG4WIN with MS Outlook o Sign and encrypt e-mail messages o Confirm and decrypt e-mail messages o Install PGP Desktop for Win32 o Explore features and interface o Generate usage keys o Exchange public keys with Linux user o Sign and encrypt content to and from the Win32 user using PGP Desktop o Evaluate results o Draw parallels between Win32 based OpenPGP tools and GPG for Linux | Unix o Recap OpenPGP functionality included in /GPG|GPG4WIN|PGP Desktop/ * * top Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Security - Module X * Introduction - Topology - Features o Discuss course outline o Explore network topology o Identify key systems to be used o Discuss key SFTP features * * FTP Analyses - Caveats & Ramifications o Identify FTP caveats o Intercept FTP Client | Server traffic using TCPDump o Analyze traffic streams using WireShark o Install PuTTY SFTP | SSH clients on Windows o Generate SFTP traffic using PuTTY o Analyze SFTP traffic using WireShark o Compare and contrast FTP | SFTP traffic streams o Disable | Remove FTPD services * * Secure Copy Program (SCP) o Discuss features and benefits o Generate test data for transmissions via SCP o Transfer test data to various systems using SCP o Confirm applied permissions o Use \'pscp\' on Windows to transfer test data to various systems o Reverse transfers with SCP o Implement rate limiting of transfers with SCP o Examine SCP behavior with respect to existing | nonexisting data o Evaluate results * * SFTP on SUSE® Enterprise Linux o Connect to remote SUSE Enterprise system o Identify key binaries o Discuss common command-line options o Initiate SFTP sessions o Debug corrupt public key upon connection o Explore SFTP interactive mode o Examine SFTP instances in the process table o Transfer data using SFTP * * SFTP on RedHat® Enterprise Linux o Discuss features and benefits o Identify key binaries o Initiate connections o Perform puts and gets o Enable debugging on multiple levels and evaluate key output o Explore remote and local identity files for SSHv1 & SSHv2 o Evaluate results * * SFTP on Solaris® o Discuss features and benefits o Obtain pseudo-terminal on Solaris system o Identify key binaries o Compare and contrast Linux | Solaris \'sftp\' options o Transfer test data o Examine transfer status in progress o Enable debugging o Discuss the function of the \'known_hosts\' file o Explain SFTP key management o Explore identify files o Examine escape character sequences in SFTP and SSH * * SFTP on MacOSX® o Discuss features and benefits o Initiate SSH session with debugging on MacOSX o Explore debug output o Identify key binaries and associated permissions o Peruse \'sftp\' command-line options o Connect to Solaris system into non-standard location o Discuss first-time SFTP|SSH connectivity ramifications o Transfer test data and evaluate o Identify global configuration files - contrast with Linux|Solaris o Use \'sftp\' non-interactively o * * SFTP on Windows® Server o Discuss features and benefits o Initiate \'rdesktop\' session to Windows Server o Configure and use PuTTY o Explore \'psftp\' interactive commands - contrast with Linux|Solaris|MacOSX o Initiate connectivity with \'psftp\' interactively o Use \'psftp\' to transfer test data o Enable debugging * * SFTP with FileZilla o Discuss features and benefits o Download FileZilla o Configure to use SFTP o Initiate connections to remote systems o Transfer test data o Use PuTTY to examine SFTP PID on remote system for FileZilla * * Public Key Authentication with SFTP o Discuss features and benefits o Generate PKI usage keys on various platforms o Identify key files o Share usage keys with communicating partners o Initiate passwordless connections o Move test data seamlessly o Integrate FileZilla with PuTTY public key authentication o Evaluate results * * SFTP on FreeBSD o Discuss features and benefits o Identify key binaries o Initiate oubound SFTP connections from FreeBSD to various hosts o Enable debugging o Dictate identity file selection via the command-line o Use wildcards and metacharacters with \'sftp\' o Enable debugging o Enable SSH server on non-standard port o Evaluate connectivity via command-line override o Use the shell within interactive SFTP sessions * * SFTP - Batch Processing Mode o Discuss features and benefits o Define and execute a simple batch o Evaluate results o Explore error handling of the batch processor o Supply input from STDIN o Expand the batch process to include more useful steps o Create and execute a simple backup process for SFTP o Integrate SFTP batch process with Cron * * SFTP Configuration Control o Discuss features and benefits o Explore: command-line, user, and system-wide logic and options o Implement directives at each tier and evaluate * * LFTP with SFTP o Discuss features and benefits o Initiate manual connections o Define connection string for automation o Connect to remote systems via SFTP o Enable debugging o Explore how LFTP uses SSH to function similar to SFTP o Transfer test data o Configure LFTP to use public key auth o Define batch steps to move test data o Evaluate results * * Restrict SSH Sessions to SFTP Only o Discuss features and benefits o Explore key configuration files o Apply changes to various hosts o Evaluate results * * IPv6 Integration o Explore IPv6 environment o Configure name resolution for IPv6 o Test IPv6 connectivity with SFTP o Evaluate results * * top Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF) Security - Module XI * Introduction - Topology - Features o Discuss course outline o Explore network topology o Identify key systems to be used o Discuss key BPF features * * Type Qualifiers o Identify type qualifiers o Explore examples o Write filters for various scenarios o Test and debug filters * * Directional Qualifiers o Discuss features and benefits o Identify directional qualifiers o Write filters for various scenarios o Test and debug filters * * Protocol Qualifiers o Identify protocol qualifiers o Explore a number of protocols and options o Write filters for various scenarios o Test and debug filters o Combine type, directional and protocol qualifiers o Evaluate results * * Rule (Filter) Negation | Alternation | Concatenation o Discuss features and benefits o Write alternated filters for various scenarios o Write concatenated filters for various scenarios o Write negated filters for various scenarios o Test and debug filters o Evaluate results * * Rule (Filter) Segregation with Parenthetical Statements o Discuss features and benefits o Write parenthesized rules for various scenarios o Write alternative rules and contrast o Test and debug parenthesized and alternative rules o Evaluate results * * TCPDump & Windump o Discuss features and benefits o Explore useful features of both utilities o Execute with key options o Apply additional BPFs o Evaluate results * * BPFs with Snort® NIDS|NIPS o Discuss features and benefits o Install Snort® o Explore useful options o Apply predefined BPFs o Evaluate results * * BPFs with WireShark Capture | Analysis Engine o Discuss features and benefits o Explore useful options o Invoke with useful options o Apply predefined BPFs o Extend and archive BPFs o Evaluate results * * BPF Lists o Discuss features and benefits o Generate BPF lists for sample scenarios o Supply lists to utilities for processing o Archive lists for reuse o Evaluate results

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2299.46 Mb




psichoate (2011-02-05)

wow this is huge, it works fine.
annoying flash format, but whatever
i didnt scan it, or anti-virus check, but it works!

enhu (2011-04-18)

please seed

kotj101 (2011-05-26)

thank you!

kotakinabalu (2013-09-17)

A BIG Thank you from Malaysia!