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Video/TV shows


2009-02-06 (by FTVDT )


FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTT FFF TTT VVVVV DDDDDDDDDD TTT Finnish TV Document Team PRESENT E-mail: [email protected] /* */ Homepage: RELEASE INFO TITLE.......: 4D Kuukaudessa Kokoon XXS Osa 2/2 LENGTH......: 45 min FORMAT......: AVI AIRDATE.....: 13/01/2009 CHANNEL.....: NELONEN AUDIO.......: MP3, avg. 106 Kbps VIDEO.......: XviD, 982 Kbps, 640*352 (16/9) PLOT (Fin): 2. osa. Louisen ja Katen laihdutuskokeilu jatkuu, mutta jatkuvassa nälässä eläminen alkaa olla raskasta. Millaiset tulokset kokeilusta saadaan? FTVDT INFO (Fin): FTVDTn uplinkki kaista on rajallinen ja useinmiten nykyään ylikuormittunut, joten jos jollain olisi tarjota halpaa ja mieluiten hyvää SEEDBOXia FTVDTn käyttöön, niin ehdotuksia otetaan vastaan mailitse. FTVDT kaipaa myös uusia jäseniä tiimiinsä, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita TV rippauksesta ja dokumenttien jakelusta faneilleen. Yhteydenotot mailitse myöskin. PLOT (Eng): Document name: Superskinny Me: The Race to Size Double Zero (Episode 1/2) What is it that feeds the female obsession regarding body image, weight and dieting? Superskinny Me: The Race to Size Double Zero follows two journalists – Kate Spicer and Louise Burke – as they go on a no-holds-barred journey into the world of extreme dieting, exposing the dangers to both mind and body. The film looks beyond the glossy magazines and Hollywood's 'lolly-pop' starlets to issue a life-size health warning about the latest fads and crash diets and expose their physical and emotional fall-outs. Supervised by a specialist medical team, Kate and Louise embark on this gruelling weight-loss experiment that stretches them to their physical and emotional limits and helps them understand why modern women obsess about being thin, their weight and food. However, the film has unexpected results as it is not the physical side effects that come under the most scrutiny. Relationships reach breaking point, functioning in their normal daily lives becomes almost impossible and emotions run away. Ultimately, it becomes a test for the mind as one of the journalists is forced to quit. Are we obsessed by being slim? Do superskinny models give the wrong image? FTVDT INFO (Eng): FTVDT's uplink bandwidth is limited and often overloaded, if someone could often cheap and of course good a SEEDBOX in FTVDT's use, you could suggest and contact by e-mail. FTVDT searching new members to this team, if you are interested in TV ripping and seeding documents to FTVDT fans. Contact by e-mail too.


  1. JIM
  2. Document
  3. FTVDT

Files count:



354.06 Mb

