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Logic Studio 8 Full Pack






Logic Studio 8 Full Pack




2008-05-03 (by black.copy.carbon)


Applications : Macintosh : English Logic Studio 8 Full Pack + serial Files described inside the torrent: Audio Content 1.toast......................................7.92 GB Audio Content 2.toast......................................7.04 GB Audio Content 3.toast......................................7.11 GB Jam Pack Content 1.toast...................................4.77 GB Jam Pack Content 2.toast...................................5.83 GB Jam Pack Content 3.toast...................................3.66 GB Logic Studio Demo Content.toast............................7.95 GB Logic Studio.toast.........................................7.22 GB serial.rtf..................................................405 bytes Torrent downloaded frombytes If you want to download and use only Logic Studio 8, please find another torrents. It size over 51 GB! Think about it before you'll start downloading. Please check up serial after downloading for work. After downloading you will need to some update. Check up Software Update at your Mac.

Files count:



52741.63 Mb




darrenangel (2008-05-02)

where?please seeds!

Megatherion01 (2008-05-03)

"If you want to download and use only Logic Studio 8, please find another torrents."
LOL... how about seeding it first. Idiot.

WOLFTTBB (2008-05-03)

thanks for this upload !!!

tazmania4 (2008-05-03)

why another torrent? there is one for full pack and u should down it from there for more seeders in future its huge down

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-03)

i'm in super seed mode for the first upload, so i guess the fastest peer will be select,, the other got to wait to the end of the first up, then they would be able to acces this torrent,

sabee77 (2008-05-05)

Thanks for the upload.
Could you give just the serial please?

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-05)

all serial yu need are there :

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-05)


black.copy.carbon (2008-05-05)


caine3320 (2008-05-06)

thx for the effort, i will seed as long as i can above 1.0 share ratio
i'm getting messages about the tracker being down; just wondering if and when this will be resolved

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-06)

Naxoo is working on the cable in the street, they say it can disturb the connexion during the day, soory for the bad coincidence ,,, i will try to supervise the best as i can,,

Beink (2008-05-07)

come on people, please seed.. im the only one seeding at the moment it seems, and i dont even have the full package downloaded..

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-07)

Beink, the first download has not been completed now,, it will be very long before we got more seeder,,

Lisa Hotleg (2008-05-08)

Thank you a million for this one. FYI As of today I've at 11.8 GB and I've started the torrent a few hours after it went up. Thanks again for this black.copy.carbon

djzobde (2008-05-08)

Thanks a lot black.copy.carbon !!!
but with seed there is a problem...
I download the torrent on azureus but nobody have all the file...
there is a solution ?
thanks again

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-08)

do not worry djzobde,, I got all the file, but it has not been uploded more than 24% yet,, so when it will be 100% (i think in 20 days or something) there will be more seed, and it will be faster, the best is that people with a fast connexion make the effort to keep connect and to wait,,

djzobde (2008-05-08)

okay it's ready for one month to wait :) i do the effort lol ^^

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-09)

reeeeeeead please ........!!

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-10)

Okayy, I switch from super seed to normal mode,, it looks much more faster,,

eyeamfake (2008-05-10)

Trying to make disc images of the discs myself, first one worked fine, but 2nd had an error and said disc may be protected, any help?

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-11)

you ' d better to wait to complete the entire torrent, i think your disc 2 is not ready for now,, just be patient !

WOLFTTBB (2008-05-11)

thanks again for this all..... !!

nanobug (2008-05-15)

PLEASE SEED!!!! This is a huge download and we need all the help we can get.
When I complete I will seed this for at least 2 weeks!

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-16)

Hey Nanobug, What the fuck do you think i'm still doing since 14 days now ?!?!!!

Lisa Hotleg (2008-05-16)

Hehe this is a fun one... Happy friday guys and this beer is for you black.copy.carbon

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-17)

ok,, cheers everyone,, just a question,
it seems that i have uploaded 36 gig for now,, but the better leech download is up to 50%, that is not working, it's means the better leech just get 50% of 51 gig = 25 gig !
do you think i would better go back in super seed mode ?

Lisa Hotleg (2008-05-17)

I really don't know how that works black.copy.carbon sorry! it's your call. try and see what happens.

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-18)

does the second seeder could tell me about what is doing and how ?

watuse (2008-05-20)

Well i have been uploding but since I have only 6 gigs left to finish my download how would I be able to get the rest when I haven´t finish, I am seeding also but I am 6 gigs under so how can I cooperate.

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-20)

Watuse, I'm not sure to understand what you're trying to explain, sorry !

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-20)

thanks a lot benny, i had noticed it was worst in super-seed, but was not sure, i came back in normal mode anyway,, thanks,
and i will try to open more ports,

elliotminorfan (2008-05-21)

It's going to Take about 20 days to download, but its worth the wait, i have been waiting for this for a long time now, black.copy.carbon is there anyway you can increase your upload speed.

rocco.satriani (2008-05-22)

Hey guys, set your upload limit on "unlimited"! It's the only way to get the software in a few days...

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-22)

Ok, Benny ,, i've kept only the 10 most advanced peer in the download,,
anyhow, i think all the torrent is now dispatch in many peers, it may be as so virtually completed. I mean,, i can say that from the fact i've upload 51.95 gig, and the torrent is 51.50 gig. I guess each part of it has now been upload but is dispatch in all peers, so no peers has completed for now, but it may be soon !
Any way , i will still seeding til there will be many many completed torrent ,
Have a nice trip everybody,

watuse (2008-05-22)

yeah guys please seed guys so we could all share this fabulous software man get the entire shit also 52 gigs because its worth getting it and plus burn copies of it on DVD DL its worth every day to upload also and plus seed forever on this torrents its the most legit torrent ever

watuse (2008-05-23)

how can this download be a bit faster anyone give advice man I am just one gig off from becoming a seed forever person

watuse (2008-05-23)

word of advice to all you guys that have a girlfriend that doesn´t use a computer, Don´t marry that fucking hoe because she will fucking nagged the fuck out of you to turn off the computer when you are downloading a freaking fantastic software like this one. I rather get divorce and marry my IMac bitch instead of having this fucking hoe bitch asssing me about to turn off the computer when I am not home

watuse (2008-05-23)

500 megs left to start seeding for life guys and word of advice don´t get marry to your girlfriend if she never has used a computer, because she will nagged the shit out of you for leaving the computer on, because your downloading a spectacular software like this one

watuse (2008-05-23)


imacpro1011 (2008-05-24)

i've been downloading for 3 week now and still only 82%. Please seed im only download an average of 20-40 KB/s

watuse (2008-05-24)

I am over the download information and its not finish yet I have only several files checked as to they are full I need to download just a few more bytes and I will be seeding this app for life I won´t delete it.

watuse (2008-05-24)

This should of been broken down into serveral downloads, like for instance people who have logic studio 8 just the program, could download just the audio content, people who have the audio content could download the logic studio program, because the jam packs are just audio loops the audio contents have several other information for logic to work properly as a full studio component. If I get this entire file I will post it in to several other post for all of us to join in plus there is no one seeding this

watuse (2008-05-24)

When I search for our torrent that we are downloading there is no one seeding this plus we have no points meaning in Xtorrent we are the last of the pack people are not downloading this because we are not seeding only Black.copy.carbon is we need to seed at the same time download hello people its not going to hurt anyone if we don´t so lets start seeding here

watuse (2008-05-24)

anyone here using xtorrent for mac because dude I want to start seeding but all I see is that I am uploading and no downloading why is that come one people if I am not downloading that means no one is seeding.

watuse (2008-05-24)

this is the most annoying download ever no one seeding but you are uploading but no one is sharing, its pretty fucked up, come one people the more we seed the faster the download and the more people would have access to this fantastic software that Black.copy.carbon has posted if not its going to died in the pack of good software pack

watuse (2008-05-24)

this has to be my most longest download, let me tell you I have download 60 gigs before and it only took me a week this is past a week and most of the time i am checking this computer which is been on since thursday I have seen that it has been downloading at a rate of 0.8kbps and 1.6kbps. That is ridiculously slow, all because no one is seeding.

elliotminorfan (2008-05-24)

Wow My download speed hits 500kbs

watuse (2008-05-25)

your one lucky señorito then because i am still hitting the freaking 1.6 kbps

watuse (2008-05-25)

I have no idea why there is 40 people uploading and none downloading seeding its getting annoying.

elliotminorfan (2008-05-25)

content 1 finished

elliotminorfan (2008-05-25)

I have downloaded the fist of the audio content from you and it took 3 days, but i decided to wright in logic again and it came up with all 7 content discs, i am downloading the 2nd audio content disc from piratearrr and its going to take 10 hours

watuse (2008-05-25)

I have content 1 and 3 I need two to finish uploading then I want to download the rest of the files to continue seeding for ever I am putting this on my backup drive so I could seed it forever man

pirateahhr (2008-05-26)

~~~~Hey everyone,
Are you tired of these slow download speeds of this torrent? You can download the Logic studio content from my torrents I've uploaded to piratebay,
Much faster downloads and most of the dvd's have at least 20 seeders if not more. I have dvd's 1-5 fully uploaded and dvd 6 is at 50% uploaded and in a couple days dvd 7 will be up and that is all the dvd's there are to download.
So if you want these faster than this one then head on over to

My name is Pirateahhr,
you can click here
to see all the files I've uploaded.
the only thing I didn't upload is the program logic studio, but you can download that off the piratebay.
Enjoy guys!

imacpro1011 (2008-05-26)

FUCKING SEED! i have 1.5 GB left to D/L and then I can seed also. sitting at 1.5GB left and all i need is the rest of jam pack 3 and the demo content. i'm about to turn my uploading off until i can become a seeder, too many leechers out there with nothing to offer. I have been downloading this since may 9th, if I don't get any help you can count me out of the mix

watuse (2008-05-26)

I was downloading the demo content and hit the 7 gig mark that it has to supposedly end and guess what it was going down in super dooper fast speed and all of sudden it went from 400 kbps to 10 kbps whats up with this torrent

imacpro1011 (2008-05-27)

stuck on 99.9% i need 50mb left please seed!

Cuprinol (2008-05-27)

Thanks black.copy.carbon..... Everybody that is complaining about poor speed should realy look in too there client settings, it took me 3 days too download wich I think is ok for 50Gig.

WOLFTTBB (2008-05-27)

hi cuprinol . can u please leave a comment about which torrent client u r downloading with and some advise for the settings to make d faster ?? thanks...

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-27)

Now the upload is finish,, so the torrent will get much more faster,
sorry for the very slow upload, ( it think there was too much leechers, but there was nothing better to do as to wait )
there is for now around 100 seeders, so people who stat the torrent now will get it in couple of days....

black.copy.carbon (2008-05-27)

Now the upload is finish,, so the torrent will get much more faster,
sorry for the very slow upload, ( it think there was too much leechers, but there was nothing better to do as to wait )
there is for now around 100 seeders, so people who start the torrent now will get it in couple of days....

watuse (2008-05-27)

how can I back this up on DVD I have tried to back up audio content 1 and it gives me an error when it verifys the content I am using toast 9

watuse (2008-05-27)

and I am going to try every method converting it DMG etc etc to see if it works

WOLFTTBB (2008-05-28)

after update it to 8.0.2 , it asks for new serial n .
and this no longer valid
. anyone got any idea ??

aboycalledsue (2008-05-31)

So is this the same release you can get a the apple store? What I mean is are all the jam packs in this release?

guitarfreak305 (2008-06-01)

Is there any way to change settings to get a higher download speed? How can someone be getting 500kbs and others like me get 1kbs!?

aboycalledsue (2008-06-01)

Theres a couple of things that could cause that. Your ISP could be throttling your torrents. Do you have issues with other torrent speed? Another thing if your running on a PC is to open up more ports.
My speed ranges from 5KB to 150KB but its averaging now at 30 KB which is a shame. 7.4 GB download and on going.

guitarfreak305 (2008-06-01)

I'm on an imac, leopard and with all the torrents i've downloaded my speed has never passed 50kbs. Now it jumps between 5 and 10 kps, sometimes it even goes bellow that. Any advice would be much appreciated.

aboycalledsue (2008-06-01)

It sounds like your ISP then. There a list on the azerus wiki that tell you what ISP throttle their users on torrents. Can't remember the exact link but if you google it you should come up with something like it.
Hope that helps

guitarfreak305 (2008-06-01)

Thanks a lot! Will check it out

gruffaloratchet (2008-06-02)

I have downloaded this, and have been seeding for the last day or so, thanks black.carbon.copy you're a legend. For those who are having problems with this torrent I believe that it this is down to either your client settings or your ISP - the swarm speed is pretty good - I was getting 30-70kb/s during the day and often over 100kb/s during the middle of the night and my connection is a piece of crap. I'm happy to keep on seeding this indefinitely, and I'm sure others are too. For those of you getting frustrated - life is just like that sometimes - don't let it get to you too much.

TheRooster86 (2008-06-04)

So... I really want this program. But it's 51.51 GB... Which means it's around 52,736 MBs of information. And I'm only able to download between 2-10 KB/s. I've done all my math... It's going to take around 3 months till my download is complete... Why are people not seeding more?

Magic_shrOOm (2008-06-05)

Oh holy crap! 51.51 GiB! =D ... too bad that i run Windows :(
Download this ppl! this is great stuff!

geitaostur (2008-06-07)

Does this work ?

pirateahhr (2008-06-10)

Hey Everyone I've uploaded the content disc's too on different torrents. If this one seems a little slow, try downloading the ones I've uploaded Here is a link to all disc's

guitarfreak305 (2008-06-15)

the serial given won't work with compressor. Does anyone have to correct serial?

guitarfreak305 (2008-06-15)

I updated and the serial won't work, any ideas?

guitarfreak305 (2008-06-15)

I updated and the serial won't work, any ideas?

Lelik1 (2008-06-15)

Thanks a lot!

aboycalledsue (2008-06-16)

Why dont you use iserial?

hg2008 (2008-06-20)

I dont mind waiting something like 20 days for this but im not waiting 2 years. Someone sort it out please!!!
Its not my connection a torrent i downloaded about two days ago was about an average of 500kB/s. Also ive noticed none of the seeds are giving anything only a few peers at low rates.

aboycalledsue (2008-06-21)

It is a shame I'm currently on 99.65 % and its stalled. Pretty naff. I'll seed as much as I can after I get this

David_823 (2008-06-25)

does this only work for mac

dartb (2008-06-27)

Yeah, Logic is a Mac only application. It has been from around Logic 5 (iirc). It was shortly after L5 that Apple bought out eMagic and Logic was doomed to be Mac's forever.
Unless you've got a Hackintosh, in which case go for it.

gruffaloratchet (2008-07-03)

I don't understand how there can be so many problems with this torrent for people, I have been seeding for ages, I'm afraid my connection is not very fast but I have been uploading at at least 16kb/s for the last few weeks - up to nearly 72GB now. All I can say is that I will just leave this seeding until it is impractical for me to do so as I'm sure others are doing...

GhostFaceZero (2008-07-11)

Sweet share, thanks!

Swains.echo (2008-07-11)

help help help! :(
I install the software with no problems at all but, every time want to install "audio content 2" I got "Installation Failed" .. does anyone know what is the problem? is there different way to install the content.
I've been downloading this for 2weeks please help :'(

moleskine (2008-07-17)

Please seed
i've got 2,5MB/s upload (and DL) speed and can seed for a long time after i'm finished downloading

moleskine (2008-07-18)

come on, my upload speed is 500-600kB/s at the moment but download speed only about 70-90kB/s.. can't you see i'm in pain here? :) my share ratio will be more than 5.0 on this 50GiB+ file even before i'm finished downloading it!!

cdjdunny (2008-07-18)

does anyone here know how to install from a .toast file?
it can't mount that file, and when i open it with toast titanium, and it says"
toast could not detect the format o "logic studio.toast" click on continue if you are certain it is a valid disc image.
so i click on continue, and after that i have no clue whats going on. can someone be so kind as to explain?

cdjdunny (2008-07-18)

well this is strange.....
i downloaded the pack in XP.... the file logic studio.toast shows up as 7.22 gb....
but when i burn it onto a dvd, it shows up on the dvd as 3.2GB both on XP and my mac.
then i tried transferring the file through AIM from my pc to my mac.
on the PC side it says transferring 7.22gb. on the mac, it says its receiving 3.22 gb.
what in the heck is going on? are these files good?
would REALLy appreciate any thoughts

moleskine (2008-07-19)

If you want to mount a toast image with toast, first open toast, then click on Utilities, then Mount disk image. Then you just choose a file and open it and that's it. As for your other problem, i have no idea..

moleskine (2008-07-23)

well, i was wrong - i just finished downloading and my share ratio isn't 5.0, but 2.5. But I'll keep seeding for a while so there'll be no whining :P

KevCo88 (2008-07-24)

great torrent!

mac2 (2008-07-28)

I have share ratio 3.7 and will be seeding until 5.0
3.7 is like 164 gig upload.

jchpdv9210 (2008-07-31)

Just got this one started on my server, will keep it running as long as I can. Thanks black.copy.carbon and everyone that's seeding.

fkina (2008-07-31)

hi please inform me as to how i seed? im happy to do it but i dont know how. im using vize on intel mac... bad boy!

xtraa (2008-08-06)

@fkina: Simply keep the file running in Vuze for a while and watch the upload for some days =)

fabila (2008-08-29)

Do I relly need to donwload the logic demo content? I don´t need it. Is that going to be a problem when installing or for update to version 8.02?

Tucson_Luni520 (2008-09-10)

is this torrent better than the Logic_Sudio_MAC_OSX__KEY_[APP][English] torrent? or is it the same thing without having to come back nd download the 7 dynamic discs?
please help thanks...

gring0 (2008-09-13)

can anyone hook me up wit a serial for this? i would appreciate it, peaz

jizzpod (2008-09-26)

Has anyone actually got this running and working? I'm having difficulties with the installation. Just wondering if anyone has got it up and running. Cheers :)

pyth0nc0der0 (2008-10-10)

SOMEONE SEED im stuck at 50%

bobby brown (2008-10-10)

Jesus!!! why wont you guys seed??? 29 seeders and i only download from 2-3??? COMEON!!!!

J3pe (2008-10-10)

Does this need the usb crack thing? This is also universal right?

worldfighter (2008-10-11)

is anyone else having problems with the LOGIC STUDIO file? the INSTALLER seems corrupted.
this means that I cant get the jam packs installed.

J3pe (2008-10-15)

Does this need the xskey?

woodbass (2008-11-05)

SEED! Hello all wonderful people! please SEED! Really nice Obama won, but I also need this logic studio full pack to be happy!

sh0rty_00 (2008-11-09)

Hey people!! If you need a SERIAL NUMBER!!
Go to: type in logic pro and youll find it
Yeah a lot of porn but hey! ull have the sSERIAL NUMBER!\
Your welcome:)

freekyyoung1 (2008-11-10)

please fuckin seed. jeez. been on this shit for like 1-2weeks now.

-fidel- (2008-11-13)


MaratGangster (2008-11-15)

Man, I have the speed of downloading 30 kb / sec. How do I get downloaded faster?

Nibbling Death Goat (2008-11-16)

Some of you leechers need to open your ports up and share more. Not even halfway through and my ratio is like 7 on this... Not playing fair people.

MaratGangster (2008-11-16)

The port is open. I have a dispensation is at 100-300 kb/s. A download now at 10 kb/s.
PS: Sorry, I know little English.

hearyoucalling (2008-11-18)

I have a server with 100Mbps. I start downloading 10 hours ago and the download is on 23% lol!
I will seed the flie for 2 months...
Thanks black.copy!

legit_productions (2008-12-07)

Mine is also going at 10 KB/s.
If anyone has any ideas of how to speed it up please let me know.
Client: Transmission
port is open
Connected to
Downloading from 20 of 48 peers
Share Ratio: 0.16 (would like it to be higher)
Network Speed Tests:
download speed: 6940 KBPS
upload speed: 169 KBPS
And I have both my upload speed and download speed set to unlimited.
Once this download finishes I'll seed it for a few months (to support upcoming musicians who can't afford Logic)

lappdogg (2008-12-09)

HELP. I downloaded the file and unziped. Then mounted the disk image with toast. I cant get past the insert disk one. any help? Thanks

ebin5446 (2008-12-09)

this does include Logic Pro 8, MainStage, Soundtrack Pro 2, Studio Instruments, Studio Effects, and Studio Sound Library right?

croni (2008-12-09)

My ETA show: 3 yr 43w :D

la_rina (2008-12-14)

I'm really need it...
thank u

CultureofGreed (2008-12-29)

Worthless torrent because of 450 seeders with a 2kbs download speed.

QMDMQ (2009-01-08)

For those of you whom accidentally upgraded to Logic 8.0.2, here is a a serial that will let you use Logic again.

I had to dig this up for a friend who made the same mistake, to prevent future screw-ups, disable automatic checking of Software Update in Mac OS X.

QMDMQ (2009-01-08)

Oops, scratch that last post, it is incorrect, the proper serial for 8.0.2 is:

Sorry about the confusion, I had copied the wrong one from a large list of serials.

krp2nte (2009-01-10)

Please people--
I have uploaded three times what I have downloaded--quit choking your upload---and where are you seeders who claim you would seed for months after you have completed--I seem to be only getting seeds from leechers!
Please and Thank You

skltr21 (2009-01-13)

people need to effing SEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!! im seeding for everyone else at like 300k! im only downloading at like 15k! seed assholes!!!!!! dont limit it! freaking jerks man!

macfinder (2009-01-18)

i have a quick question.. for these BIG torrents do you leave the torrent downloading until its done, or do you pause it for sometime??

skltr21 (2009-01-20)

yeah this is ridiculous people! ive been seeding at like 200-300k for people and im still only getting like 15 max! stop limiting your speed!

driver76 (2009-01-21)

for sure there are greedy bastards only leeching...wankers. Thats wanabee musicians for you though, just cant wait to download all the free shit whilst uploading bugger all and then shut down their sharing software when they get their little bag of goodies for free. If i had my way I would make these sharing software apps force people in to uploading a minimum of 30kbs. come on you snivelling greedy little wankers, play the fucking game.

joannaleasa (2009-01-22)

should i stop all my other seeds to make this faster? i am seeding 12 other things including what is downloaded of this.. this is uploading but not downloading how can i make it faster??????

Trulsdd (2009-01-22)

I'm running a MacBook, so there is not enough room for this one, but I will download it on my Windows PC only for the purpose of seeding it 24/7! I hope you guys who have downloaded it don't just think "I leeched while I downloaded, so fuck this", PLEASE SEED AFTER DL! :)

joannaleasa (2009-01-22)

can someone please halp me by answering my question.. if i stop all my other seeds except for this will it make this faster.. ??

Trulsdd (2009-01-25)

Yes! Look at your internett as a pipe, the more trying to get through at the same time, the less speed on all of it. ;)

eugenemontross (2009-01-27)

plz seed! i might as well sell blood for the next "96 days" and buy logic...
so please seed,
my body thanks you.

imperiona (2009-01-30)

God damnit! Be thankful for what you did get from other seeders and seed yourself!

cfhuk (2009-01-31)

If this fully works I worship you oh god of mine! Cheers!

cfhuk (2009-01-31)

And yes i'll seed 'til i get the internet cut off if it does.

eloquent (2009-01-31)

Downloading at 20kbps, seeding at 600. Don't be assholes.

Ctizzle6713 (2009-02-06)

whats the probobility of getting cought for torrents

jellybean454 (2009-02-09)

Guys, hate to say this, but i've been downloading this torrent for months, yes months, and am still only 30% of the way...

joannaleasa (2009-02-18)

i have uploaded 20 gig and downloaded 8 gig.. i am one very upset chick.. its very unfair are we sharing or what??? if you take and dont give then what good are you.

joannaleasa (2009-02-18)

oh jellybean this is very sad news for us all.. im very unhappy with this situation from all those naughties who refuse to seed. you would expect only serious shareres to download something of this size.. hence the word SHARE

joannaleasa (2009-02-18)


joannaleasa (2009-02-23)

41 seeders 488 LEECHERS i have uploaded more than double what ive downloaded.. you are a bunch of wankers you who refuse to seed

Vinc13 (2009-02-28)

does is also content the apps : soudtrack pro, mainstage, studio instruments, studio effects, Studio Sound Library ?????

l4mbtr0n (2009-03-19)

Hey folks,
I've been trying to download this software for the past two weeks and have finally finished. However, when I attempt to install the audio content (I've already installed the software), I get an error stating that "The source media you are installing from is damaged."
Some more background about my setup:
I'm running uTorrent on a Windows XP Pro SP3 workstation. PeerGuardian2 was running throughout the download process. After downloading the toast image files, I transfer them to my Hackintosh via Filezilla FTP. I then use Toast Titanium v10 to mount the image files. The installation starts normally, but fails with the above error message.
Am I doing something wrong here? Would it make a difference if I burned the images to DVD, or would I have the same problem (don't want to waste DL DVDs if I don't have to)? Has anyone else encountered this problem or is it only me? I'm thinking the next step is to transfer the data drive-to-drive instead of over the network... Help!

stonehilla (2009-03-30)

this is a bigg torrent, so please seed, or this will take a few years

posl (2009-04-19)

I just down loaded after a week, will seed for many, works great thanks

cnotes1 (2009-04-24)

Can someone please, please seed?

MS2000 (2009-04-27)

Hello All, I just finished downloading this after just under a week, and I will be seeding it for some time to help others out. I was wondering if anyone knows in which order to install the discs? Is it the Logic Studio Disc 1st followed by the content discs? Any Help Would Be Great
and a HUGE thanks to black.copy.carbon

musicguy4 (2009-04-28)

currently seeding at 30K
will be doing so for weeks to come
thanks black.copy.carbon

musicguy4 (2009-05-01)

51 seeders for 458 leechers
dont be selfish it will go faster if you seed

GothicOnTheLoose (2009-05-01)

Dudes! Wtf... I've been downing for a week now and I'm ALMOST halfway... Need more seeders!!

amort01 (2009-05-07)

What a mac community! Many thanks to the uploader and those few seeders!

MS2000 (2009-05-08)

OK, to those who want some USEFUL information about this download and not just people screaming MORE SEEDERS! here goes
1) This torrent is 100% WORKING, it contains every part of Logic Studio all UNLOCKED FULLY WITH ONE SERIAL
2) To those wondering how to install, MACS DISK UTILITY WILL AUTOMATICALLY MOUNT THE FILES TO DESKTOP from there its just a case of opening the logic studio install file, and the setup will then tell you in what order to open the other images. (roxio toast is not needed even though its a .toast file)
3) This torrent took me just under a week to download, with for such a HUGE file is not bad, and for this amazing software is nothing, people moan about download times because they are so used to getting what they want instantly, this is world class software worth £500, if you have to wait a while for it, live with it.
hope this answered some questions

jerlung (2009-05-20)

Stop leeching, start seeding!

xsuite (2009-05-23)

Hey guys! Please seed! Im desperate. If you seed, Ill seed at 200kps for as long as possible. This is an important torrent to me. Please seed!

ineedcrysis (2009-05-29)

even with 1mb/s it will take me weeks....

seeder.1 (2009-06-01)

Works really well so seed people for less downloading time.

ShadowmanXi (2009-06-01)


ShadowmanXi (2009-06-01)


koomac (2009-06-02)

black.copy.carbon: If you could please help me out, Which of your files has the ULTRABEAT Drum machine and all included Drum Kits? These are the last things I need for my Logic Pro to be complete, but do not want to download all 52GB, just the file with the Ultrabeat/Drum Kits.
PLEASE& Thanks.

davemul (2009-06-02)

PHEW! over a month to get this bad boy.
Installed via disk utility.. currently taking 2 hours to install on a 3.06 4GB iMac!!? is that right?
cheers! am seeding fully for a while now I have it

djout001 (2009-06-10)


drake643 (2009-06-12)

seeeeed please!!!

yoyod (2009-06-13)

You all need to seed and stop leeching, it would go so much faster. Leechers ip should be blocked and reported.

MonK_1 (2009-06-19)

Please help, I've been searching online for some hours now, and this is my challenge.
Have Toast.
Tryed to use toast but will not mount.
I get, quote:
Disk Insertion
the disk you inserted was not readable by this computer
(My Options)
Initialize Ignore Eject
Tryed Disk Utility and I get, guote:
The following disk images failed to mount "no mountable file systems".
This happens on all disks but the file Audio Content 1
Hope I'm just overlooking something here.

MonK_1 (2009-06-19)

Verify and Repair volume ?disk4s3?
Checking Non-journaled HFS Plus volume.
Invalid B-tree node size
Volume check failed.
Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed.

vassup (2009-06-21)

Come on guys, we all download faster, if we all seed. Nothing is lost by seeding, everything is gained.

iMac_magic (2009-06-25)

Hay People I am trying to download this torrent file for 3 days now. If anyone can help me out by seeding a little more to make it faster i would really Thank you so much. Please !!!!!
Thanks alot also please contact me at
[email protected] if you can help me out.

alexps95 (2009-07-08)

I've been downloading this torrent for the past MONTH. no joke, 32 DAYS.
I've also been seeding this whole time @ 350kb/s
51.5GB Downloaded / 218.6GB Uploaded.
I will continue to seed for the next 32 days in honor of all my mac brothers and sisters

fowlermac (2009-07-09)

black.copy.carbon i have to say a huge thankyou for uploading this. you have saved my life and my business. (starting a home studio). I have been uploading at 50 kb/s which is my max because i have slow connection and have been for 3 days now. but only downloading at 40 kb/s so if people could seed i would really apriciate it. I will deffinatly seed for 2 months after at my maximum speed just to keep the spirit up of the mac community
Go mac

giuseppe123 (2009-07-10)

Ciao black.copy.carbon , io ho un grandissimo problema , ho scaricato questa pacchetto , quando provo ad installare parte e va tutto bene , solo che invece di installare compare direttamente , " installazione non riuscita " , come posso risolvere , io ho aperto il file da macintosh . grazie .

giuseppe123 (2009-07-10)

Black.copy.carbon Hello, I have a huge problem, I downloaded this package, when I try to install the part and all is well, except that instead of installing directly compare, "Installation failed", how can I fix, I opened the file to macintosh. thanks.

fowlermac (2009-07-10)

do i need to install the logic demo content disk. what is actually on it? will seed for probably a year after.
it causes no harm to seed

Fkm7b5c (2009-07-13)

Please configure your torrent clients properly. Too much connections for your ISP, Router, PC, Mac or whichever will cause chocking. This means, too much uploads, too much downloads, or worse, damaged networking hardware. Not all hardware can handle more than a hundred simultaneous connections.
Proper settings can be found here:

noobchris (2009-07-20)

2012, we all going to die!!! ? ??

likebutta (2009-07-25)

this thing is NOT movin! 0 kb/s seeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

umudo_1 (2009-07-28)

So, when is LS9 is gonna be here?

fowlermac (2009-07-29)

Yay after 2weeks and 1 day it has finally downloaded. am now seeding at 30 kb/s. installing at the moment and is all ruynnign smooth. plan to install on about 14 macs. soem bastards only share at 1 kb/s so i blocked them. have fun

gologango (2009-07-31)

anyone who is dumb like me and updated the logic and thought that all is lost :
the proper serial for 8.0.2 is:

Sorry about the confusion, I had copied the wrong one from a large list of serials.
Thank you,
you saved me weeks of downloading and reinstalling again

PIRATEDTOP (2009-08-01)

guys one question this logic pro is it just for mac ??

fisk1 (2009-08-23)

I've tried to uninstall all content but only managed to clear 10 gig discspace. Anyone know what to remove? I've googled for ages.

Sunni7 (2009-10-31)

please seed, stuck at 84% will be seeding for awhile if it ever finishes :)

roskas (2009-11-22)

how to install jam packs? its not working for me. could somone tell me how to do it please?

bogleman (2010-03-05)

I had to register an account to say this, but this seeding is a damn joke. You guys have to ruin every Gentleman's Agreement out there. You leech, but don't seed. You Leech more and don't seed. You keep leeching and leeching. It's just wrong.
Fake, selfish cyber turds!

dixelpixel (2010-03-14)

Got the entire package. When I attempt to install it installs all the peripheral stuff, jam pack etc, but I cannot install Logic Studio Pro? It's set on "skip" as the default option.
What gives?

hterag (2010-03-27)

Will download and seed this for as long as possible. I'm guessing Mac-Sparrow never got around to uploading the full LS9 package?

chaostastic (2010-04-12)

I'm seeding and have 15 connected, yet it's 0kb/s to all since months. Anyone else that am seeding and have the same experience?
I have a ratio of 4.5 so I have managed to upload quite a bit earlier.

adel09 (2010-06-19)

THx Black.copy.carbon I will seed!!!for the other MAC people!

eelnitsud (2010-09-02)

Hey people out there. Ive uploaded about 5x as much of this torrent as i have downloaded. Dont restrict upload limits, people have to share for this to work.

Klaproosje (2010-10-31)

Seeds pleace!!!

Klaproosje (2010-11-05)

PLZ ppl.. Its gonna take an other 3 weeks at this speed :-S

dkmusic (2010-12-19)

Ребята пожалуйста станьте на раздачу!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

putnothoughtintothis (2011-06-26)

Which jam packs are those?

IXLSoft08 (2011-08-11)

I have Logic Studio 8 All 8 DVDs ready to ship.
I have tested and verified each disc (All 8) to make sure they are working 100%.
My copies are the exact copy of the retail Apple store version. This works for PowerPC Macs.
Don't want to spend hours, days, weeks, months, or maybe YEARS downloading this.
Contact Me!
I ship within 24hrs with tracking # and insurance. I accept PayPal.
I also provide photographic proof when I ship.
email me ONLY at [email protected] or msg me on yahoo messenger and I can provide detailed information
serious buyers only... I have other MAC software to sell also. Ableton 8.1, Adobe CS5 Master Collection (Updates Work), Aperture 3 (Updates Work), DJay 3 (Updates Work), Final Cut Studio 3 & Final Cut Pro X (Updates Work), Logic Studio 9 (Updates Work), Office 2011 (Updates Work), iWork 09, Mac OSX 10.6 Snow & Leopard & Lion (Updates Work), Native Instruments Komplete 6 & 7, iLife 2011, Pro Tools HD 9, & Rosetta Stone (All Languages).
Multiple software orders are given a discount.
This is for people who have bandwidth caps and other situations where downloading it is not a option.

servail (2011-12-21)

I'm new to this torrent thing... If I just shout "seed plz" repeatedly this will download in a jiffy... right?!

snoamer (2012-03-05)

So. when im about to unmount the .toast file my mac doesnt recognize the file? i cant open it. not with disk utility, not with toast. Changing the name doesnt work.
Are they broken or what??? why cant i open them?
(should mention i installed the logic studio 9 first and then to install these audio contens and jam packs. but shouldnt make a difference should it? i couldnt install the logic studio 8, since i have lion.)

190919 (2012-05-30)


SantaG33kX (2012-12-03)

I have Logic Studio 8 All 8 DVDs ready to ship.
(As Of December 2012)
I have tested and verified each disc (All 8) to make sure they are working 100%.
My copies are the exact copy of the retail Apple store version. This works for PowerPC Macs.
Don't want to spend hours, days, weeks, months, or maybe YEARS downloading this.
Contact Me!
email me ONLY at [email protected]
I have other MAC stuff also. Final Cut Studio 3, Logic Studio 9, etc...
This is great for people who do not want to spend forever getting it