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FSX - Level-D 767 .key and .cpn file
FSX - Level-D 767 .key and .cpn file
2007-10-01 (by madasahatter)
This is the .key file and .cpn file . I`ve tried with old wrappers but it does nothing...Hopefully it might be useful to someone to crack{ If ya dont need a new wrapper that is }
Files count:
63.65 Kb
madasahatter (2007-10-01)
Really sorry if this is a waste of time.....madasahatter (2007-10-02)
FUCKIN WANKERmadasahatter (2007-10-02)
oh i forgot...SWALLOW MY FUCKIN DICK SNOT , SHIT HEADmadasahatter (2007-10-02)
Who said anything about him swallowing my DICK> i said DICK SNOT !!!!DICKHEADflannk (2007-10-02)
Did you notice that he (madasahatter) actually needs a whole minute to come up with the bad insults?Thnx uploader for trying to help out.
Guba (2007-10-03)
wtf is wrong with u people!!! can't any one post something these days with out getting insulted. it's absolutly fuckin ridiculous. it's like a bloody kids playground on here!! why can't some one just be glad that some one is making an effort to help get something cracked whether it is useless or not at least someone is trying to do something. no need to insult any one who shares things on here. anyway i'm not lowering myself to the same level as most of you by arguing so this is my last post on the subject. i'm just really sick of seeing nothing but arguements and insults when there is no need. you all need to grow up.SturmCSS (2007-12-02)
Huh? When I try to extract the files it says 'Unknown Method'shoke (2007-12-14)
what the last 4 numbers? or other key?CenCal (2008-01-28)
Ok thnkzbut where tha HELL is the FULL PLANE download for FSX?!?!
radwan52 (2008-02-29)
licenes genarater is not workingjuanbetan (2008-05-21)
And where place the Coupon file???painful_rectal_itch (2008-08-02)
you fucking douchebag with a shit-smelling dickturdhr (2008-12-15)
madasahatter, post the last 4 digits of the credit card number you used to purchase this level d 767.Everyone, this is how you use it.
1.go to level d website and say purchase 767-??? and with sp?
2. once you get to purchase page click reinstall on the bottom right the .key file
(or use the coupon file)
4. it will ask you for the last four digits of the credit card # used for the purchase of the level d 767 in order to validate the .key file.
(ask madasahatter for it)
5. if it says unable to validate then try it again, it will work
6. good luck and thank madasahatter
kyoungil (2008-12-25)
hey madshatter can i have the last digits of you card thank youDKBlood (2009-01-17)
Can I please have the last 4 digits? Thanksduyurimember (2009-01-21)
Hi, the four digit pass please!!vipereius (2009-01-31)
hi if u could tell us ur last 4 digits of the card u could email me a if u wantvipereius (2009-01-31)
all u ppl u should thank madashatter for this good crack even if he doesnt want to give u his last 4 numbers u really should thank himpimping4343 (2009-02-07)
4 Digits please!!!VailisCool (2009-03-13)
hey can i get the last 4 numbers of your credit card, thanksVailisCool (2009-03-13)
hey can i get the last 2 numbers of your credit card, thanksVailisCool (2009-03-13)
srry meant 4nimitz924 (2009-03-15)
REQUEST: FSX Level-d 767 working, including the last four digits of the credit card!nimitz924 (2009-04-01)
El agua es sumamente importante para el organismo, es un elemento esencial para la subsistencia de los seres vivos. Pero no siempre el agua tiene las condiciones ideales para ser consumida. El agua potable debe tener las siguientes características: carecer de sustancias orgánicas en suspensión, ser clara, incolora, inodora e insípida y debe tener un residuo salino inferior al 5%.Aún así el agua puede contener microorganismos que producen enfermedades y que no se detectan a simple vista o por el olor o sabor. El agua, en este aspecto, se contamina fácilmente y por tanto es importantísimo tomar medidas de saneamiento, higiene y adecuada disposición de las excretas. El agua contaminada o que se presume contaminada, es sometida a una serie de análisis de control de calidad. En estos análisis se buscan aquellos microorganismos que se encuentran en las heces de los seres humanos o de los animales. La presencia de estos microorganismos indica la contaminación de esa agua. Por ello se les denomina microorganismos indicadores de contaminación fecal. Estos microorganismos pertenecen a un grupo denominado coliformes y se caracterizan por que tienen forma de bastoncillo.
El cólera, el tifus y la hepatitis infecciosa son algunas de las principales enfermedades transmitidas por bacterias que viven en el agua. Otras enfermedades son transmitidas por otros organismos que se reproducen en el agua (por lo general aguas sin movimiento, como las de los pipotes o las aguas estancadas) y que transportan estas bacterias. Algunos ejemplos de estas enfermedades son el paludismo o malaria, la enfermedad del sueño y la fiebre amarilla.
Principales síntomas de estas enfermedades.
Todas las enfermedades mencionadas en los apartados anteriores se caracterizan por una serie de síntomas que son: diarreas, deshidratación, vómitos, dolor de estómago, fiebre, dolor de cabeza, entre otros. A continuación vamos a hablar de la diarrea y la deshidratación como dos de los más importantes y peligrosos si no se tratan adecuadamente.
La diarrea
La diarrea es el síntoma principal de gran parte de las enfermedades transmitidas por agua y alimentos contaminados. Se manifiesta con deposiciones sueltas y/o acuosas. Si una persona va más de tres veces al baño en el día tiene diarrea. La diarrea en los niños puede ser peligrosa por que el niño pierde mucha agua (se deshidrata y también mucho alimento. Se debe seguir alimentando al niño aunque tenga diarrea, para evitar la desnutrición. El tipo de comidas que se recomiendan son papillas o atoles, sopas, agua de arroz, jugos, etc...
Cuando empieza la diarrea hay que dar al niño más líquidos de lo habitual, para evitar así la deshidratación.
nimitz924 (2009-04-01)
HI, one question:THe instalation works fine, and the product is installed succesfully, vbut when i get to the AIRCRAFT menu in FSX and when i choose the 767, a sign pops up saying:PANEL INITIALIZATION FAILURE, PLEASE REINSTALL THE LEVEL_D 767..
and i've done so but nothing different happens...
what can i do, this is annoying!!
the others level-d 767's from this page have the same problem!
nimitz924 (2009-04-05)
hi, i am getting a bad licence error and by this, fsx quits or crashes!higgi91 (2009-04-05)
hey madasahatter thx for this, can you PM me the last 4 digits please, thanksWootman34 (2009-04-12)
Madasahatter could you please PM the last 4? thanks!Houie (2009-04-19)
madasahatter can you pm me the 4 digits of your credit card for the file? thanks!!GStarRaw94 (2009-06-01)
madasahatter could u plz pm me the last 4 digits of ure credit card ill be grate full thanksdeadshott (2009-06-11)
Madasahatter can i get the 4 digit please?sohc97 (2009-07-07)
hey man, can i get the digits please? :), thanks in advancendawg (2009-07-07)
If you could send the last 4 numbers for the credit card that would be great! Thanks!!
u2rulz1 (2009-07-26)
yo can you email me last 4
pigkiller_7 (2009-08-23)
can you e-mail me the last 4 digits?kieron212 (2009-11-05)
try this
just about to test it with fs2crew now
zikun198 (2009-11-08)
can you mail me your last 4 digits? zikunzhou@hotmail.commoatazlashine (2009-11-25)
PLZZz, we need working torrent. all of them is crap.chuckmamuck (2010-01-18)
can i have ya full credit card number and ya full name thats on the card please?also the type of card would help. cheers.
yiso (2010-02-03)
Could you please send the last four digits on TFV2074@gmail.commoatazlashine (2010-02-07)
could u plz give send me ur card last 4 digits on moatazlashine@gmail.comTheSlamer (2011-02-28)
Hi, can you email me the 4 digits of the creditcard in order for me to procced with the installation, and thanks for your upload! Bosnian_Soldier95@hotmail.comYou're doing the community a big favour!
DVA8452 (2011-03-03)
4 Digits please! I will seed for the next month or two if I get them! EMAIL them to me at DVA8452@gmail.comfsxlukas (2011-06-06)
Please give me the numbers! Thanks. This plane looks awesome.jeedoubleya (2011-10-25)
hey, can you please PM me the last 4 digits of the credit card? like everyone else :P thanks!!MaTeUsZ3991 (2012-07-13)
Can you email me this 4 digits, please ?