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US Income Tax Law - files






US Income Tax Law - files




2008-11-24 (by demuffinman)


Download files taken from Including cryer_MEMORANDUM.pdf, a 100pg+ well-written case against the income tax by a lawyer who was ruled not guilty of tax evasion. see: There is NO LAW -- US Lawyer Not Guilty of Tax Evasion (youtube video) Make fliers. Share this website. ===== You have a RIGHT to know the TRUTH! You have a NEED to know the TRUTH! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS�KNOW YOUR DUTIES as they REALLY are, or you, your children and your grandchildren will continue to be victims of the largest scam in the history of mankind�the misrepresented and misapplied Federal Income Tax. IF YOU CAN COUNT TO THREE, YOU CAN AGAIN BE FREE! ONE: THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO LAW making the typical American working man or woman liable for the Federal Income Tax. More TWO: Your personal earnings (wages, salaries, fees, commissions and bonuses) ARE NOT 100% PROFIT, received in exchange for nothing, so ARE NOT 100% �INCOME��THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO LAW that permits the IRS to classify your personal earnings as income, much less as being 100% income, profit�for nothing in return. More THREE: Just as you have a God-given FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to free speech and to worship as you choose, the Supreme Court has held that you also have a GOD-GIVEN FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO EARN A LIVING FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY THROUGH ANY LAWFUL OCCUPATION (Did you know about that right? Most people don�t. Why?), and the Supreme Court has held that YOUR CONSTITUTION FORBIDS TAXATION OF YOUR EXERCISING YOUR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, and those include your freedom of speech, your freedom of religion AND YOUR RIGHT TO EARN A LIVING. More


  1. income tax
  2. constitution
  3. irs
  4. federal
  5. patriot movement
  6. education
  7. america

Files count:



57.18 Mb




-drift- (2008-11-24)

PhXAnarchy: The United States government has no Constitutional authority to steal any amount of income from the average American citizen. That's fact. And income taxes do not help the poor. I suggest you watch Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism, it might enlighten you to the nature of illegal theft disguised as neccessities to society.
And please, learn to use proper grammar. Nobody will take you seriously otherwise. You seem to be a well-intentioned person, and at least moderately informed. The average person doesn't know about American concentration camps. Put that knowledge to good use, and not by putting down those who are trying to unshackle the bonds of tyranny from you and your fellow man.

-drift- (2008-11-24)

demuffinman, thank you VERY much for this torrent. I greatly appreciate it.

demuffinman (2008-11-24)

lol@pnxanarchy! this guy is always appearing randomly calling people nazi spammers when he is the one doing the same. don't take him seriously people...
"100% of what is collected is absorbed
solely by interest on the Federal Debt ...
all individual income tax revenues are gone
before one nickel is spent on the services
taxpayers expect from government." -report submitted to President Ronald Reagan on January 15, 1984

demuffinman (2008-11-24)

thanks drift! no problem. I saw this truthattack site after seeing the lawyer's video on youtube. It's a little testimony on the law and his case. Not all lawyers are liars ;).. title was:
"There is NO LAW -- US Lawyer Not Guilty of Tax Evasion"
see youtube video v=SDKcwytKkrY