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Crypto Jews and Their Bloodlines - 1&2 - Texe Marrs






Crypto Jews and Their Bloodlines - 1&2 - Texe Marrs




2008-10-02 (by CuriousGeorge)


As Jews were spreading their Talmudic hate across Europe and using the Masonic Lodges to help them, the governments and peoples of Europe were growing very uneasy and soon outlawed the Jewish Talmud and Freemasonry. The Jews were banished from many lands but that didn't stop their Illuminist plan of world dominion. To avoid the bans they practiced their oppressive and supremacist doctrines in stealth and crypto-Judaism was born. There is a reason that Secret Societies are secret. Jews were forbidden to practice their hate from the Talmud, so they went underground. You will see that the Secret Societies and Crypto-Judaism are one and the same. This is a re-upload with the two audio segments in one torrent. From the Texe Marrs Power of Prophecy program. Crypto-Jews and Their Bloody Role in Human History: Closet Jews, or Crypto-Jews, are responsible for many of history’s greatest revolutions and bloody eras. The 18th century French Revolution was fomented by Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt, a crypto-Jew. Jewish bankers funded Lenin and Trotsky (both crypto-Jews) and the bloody rule of Communism. Marxist Karl Marx was a Jew. The Spanish inquisition and torture and killing of Christians in Europe was carried out for the Pope by Torquemada, a crypto-Jew. In the U.S.A., crypto-Jews often hide their names to deceive the masses. Hillary Clinton is a Jew. Many believe George W. Bush to be from Jewish origins. But why do Jews hide in the closet? Is it because, like Lenin, they do their dirty deeds while claiming to be nationalist patriots? Will the crypto-Jews, dug deep into American society, bring us bloodshed and chaos? Crypto Jews and their bloodlines Part 2 President Hillary Rodham Clinton? Crypto-Jews and Their Bloody Role in Human History (Part 2—Will President Hillary Rodham Clinton Add to Their Bloody Conquest?): Senator Hillary Clinton is being touted as America’s next President. Opinion polls show that her popularity is surging among those identified as "Christian Evangelicals." Even Billy Graham has endorsed Hillary for President. If she takes office, will this ruthless woman use all the unconstitutional tools provided by the Bush Police State and its bogus "War on Terror" to wreak havoc on her enemies? Will patriotic and constitutional Americans be persecuted and sent to gulag concentration camps by the Iron Maiden? Throughout history, covert, hidden "Crypto-Jews" have used governmental powers to brutalize opponents and overthrow godly laws. Examples include Torquemada, Marx, Lenin, Robespierre, Weishaupt, and Nero. Hillary Clinton has now admitted that she, too, is a Jew. Her grandmother spoke Yiddish. Does her Jewish DNA and the despicable hatred of Christianity and Jesus learned by Jewish youth also stamp Hillary as yet another Stalinist and Illuminist monster-in-waiting?


  1. Judaism
  2. Crypto-Judaism
  3. Bolsheviks
  4. Talmud
  5. Kabbalah
  6. Jews
  7. Jewish
  8. Freemasonry
  9. Kahal
  10. Elders of Zion
  11. Israel
  12. Revolution
  13. Bolshevism
  14. French Revolution
  15. Stalin
  16. Lenin
  17. Marx
  18. Trotsky

Files count:



27.22 Mb




InfoWarmonger (2008-10-03)

You guys are right, but don't their true beliefs predate judaism, going all the way back to ancient Babylon?

robflam (2009-03-18)

Thsi is all true. The Catholic Church is run by Roman Crypto Jews as well as most other Christian sects. The Muslems also are controlled by Crypto Jews. It looks like the Cripto Jews have won

penguinbeef (2009-06-05)

To the "Gentlemen" above. As a UMass Alum with a Masters in Western civ, minor in cultural studies, I have to ask; what podunk redneck rock did you guys get your information from? This whole ramble is nowhere NEAR reality. Do you guys have the slightest clue about history OR politics? Any historical fact to back up this small minded prejudice? Or is this simply you all finding the need to vent your personal shortcomings on an entire creed of people? A Jewish/Masonic conspiracy? REALLY!? Give me a break. Your the type of people that read (sorry, WATCH) the Da Vinci Code and think the last Scion is still alive thanks to Jesus's blood being past to the Merovingians. I am no fan of Hillary either, but you think shes a commie?!? Do us ALL a favor, stop preaching shit you read on bathroom walls, go to a community collage (provided you guys are High School grads) take a class and learn something.

t0ast512 (2012-12-14)

wait so if im an israeli morrocan jew born in morroco..that makes me a crypto jew??? why am i not seeing any MONEY damnit!


1. Crypto Jews and Their Bloodlines - Power of Prophecy/Texe marrs 4406 - Crypto Jews and their bloodlines.mp3 13.62 Mb
2. Crypto Jews and Their Bloodlines - Power of Prophecy/Texe marrs 4906 - Crypto Jews and their bloodlines Part 2.mp3 13.60 Mb