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Documentary - Nato bombing of Serbia






Documentary - Nato bombing of Serbia




2009-01-30 (by Vlajko62)


March 24, 2009 will be exactly 10 years since NATO launched it's air strikes on Serbia. Most of you had only watched the CNN, ABC, BBC and other media so you have no idea what it was all about and how it really looked like on the ground. Therefore I assembled couple divx videos but be warned - this is NOT something you can watch on Sunday afternoon with your kids. The crimes that were performed by Albanians and NATO on Serbian civilians were brutal and so are the evidence you are about to see. Sorry about average quality, it was all originally recorded on VHS. These are all raw videos with original sound coded with divx4, 512x384 pixels. Here's a bit about the files included in this torrent: Strike 0 - In first half of this movie, you can see what it was like on Serbia-Albania border where Serbian police was capturing Albanians smuggling guns and ammunition across the border. The second part covers press conference held on several locations on Kosovo where mass graves of Serbian civilians killed by Albanians were found. This includes crematorium in Klechka where Albanian terrorists (UCK) burned dozens of bodies of Serbian men, women and children. This was recorded just before the NATO attacked Serbia. Strike 1, 2 & 3 show the effects of NATO bombing. It is NOT like what you saw on TV. In reality it does NOT look like a video game. This was filmed right on the spot, sometimes just seconds after the bomb blasts. See for yourself. And seed, seed, seed ... EDIT: There are couple irritating comments down below so let me make it clear: - These are RAW VIDEOS, there are no comments and it is not a propaganda. - It has nothing to do with Bosnia and Croatia, it is about NATO bombing of Serbia. I have expected such comments and they are no surprise to me. But for those of you who are not familiar with this war, just a few simple facts which can be easily verified if do some digging on google: - Croatian war-minister of police recently testified on court and admitted that it was Croatia who attacked Serbs and Yugoslav Army. Sometime in 90's, over 250.000 Serbs were expelled from Croatia in the largest ethnic cleansing after World War II. Less then 5% of them returned after the war and yet, nobody knows about it. - The total number of bodies recovered in Srebrenica was less then 3.000 and not 8.000 as many people think. There were more civilian victims in Serbian city of Bratunac then in Srebrenica and yet, nobody knows about it. This is not a conspiracy theory but simple facts covered up by Croatian and Bosnian propaganda.


  1. nato
  2. terrorist
  3. serbia
  4. srbija

Files count:



2235.03 Mb




teoniko (2009-01-31)

fuck you serbian bastards. you aren't human, you are animals. you are just killers. you kill sllovens, kroats, muslims and albanians. the history is not like you want to be but like you made it.

Vlajko62 (2009-01-31)

Comments like the one above are EXACTLY why I assembled these videos and I knew it will drive some people pretty mad. It simply does not fit into "official" history because "official" history does not even mention these murders performed by Albanians, supported by NATO and kept hidden by western media.
oh yeah ... i almost forgot ... fuck you too teoniko.

osiris7 (2009-02-06)

Was war visited upon the Serbs? Of course it was, but the poster's comments remind me of a German standing around in 1844 wondering, "why are they bombing us?" The greater fault lies with the Serbian leaders, and if the Serbs hadn't supported them, war would not have been visited upon them. Serbian war crimes, especially upon Kosovo, have been well documented. Just do a YouTube search for "Servian atrocities" and you will see what I mean. Two wrongs don't make a right, but the Serbs have a lot to answer for.

osiris7 (2009-02-06)

er...make that 1944.

Vlajko62 (2009-02-08)

Youtube has nothing to do with facts. As for "Serbian war crimes, especially upon Kosovo" facts are that total number of casualties on Kosovo before the bombing was around 1.800 and that includes ALL victims, both Serbs and Albanians. Let me remind you that more people were killed AFTER the NATO occupied Kosovo then before the bombing.
Osiris7, you can't learn history from youtube ... man ...

Joalb (2009-02-13)

This is booring propaganda from Serbia.

lemson (2009-02-13)

hey vlajko
can you tell us the number of casualties in croatia and bosnia that you super serbian heroes did during 1991-1995
and please can you put some pictures of dubrovnik,vukovar,sarajevo,srebrenica and lots of other croatian and bosnian cities that you bombed every fuckin day

Vlajko62 (2009-02-15)

Joalb, two things ... first, it's spelled "boring", not "booring" as you did and second, you didn't even download the torrent.
lemson, there are no "croatian and bosnian cities that we bombed every fuckin day". Serbs did NOT attack anyone especially not Croatia, as you claim here. Even the Croatia?s war-time minister of police said it was the Serbs who were being attacked in 1991, and NOT Croatia.
See or
or any of other 25.000 pages where you can find this interview:
?Tudjman wanted the war at any cost, following the concept according to which Serbs must disappear from Croatia,? Boljkovac said. Croat media censored reports from Boljkovac?s testimony at the trial against former Osijek mayor Branimir Glava?, war criminal responsible for horrific crimes against the local Serbs, concealing parts of his testimony which charge Croatia with instigating the war. In a sensational interview published on February 12 and carried by the several media outlets in Serbia, Croatia?s war-time minister of police said it was the Serbs and Yugoslavia who were being attacked in 1991, and not Croatia.

lemson (2009-02-18)

Vlajko,I don't want to argue with you any more cos' you are probably too young to remember what really happened or you are just an ignorant.
and lots of other cities are in Serbia,than you really were attacked.
But unfortunally for you,this cities are in Croatia and Bosnia.
For further information go to Wikipedia and type something like Srebrenica massacre,Vukovar massacre or lots of other serbian massacres and enjoy in your heroic deeds.

ejputz (2009-02-19)

Ayup! Looks like the war is still going strong!

toonyb (2009-02-24)

you are talking shit Vlajko62 , serbs are the criminals , they`ve shown that in all yugosllavia , by killing albanian , croats , and bosnians , they couldn`t do anything to KLA so it was easy to kill women and children , you should be a shame that you are a serbian , jebem ti mamu da ti jebem !!!

Vlajko62 (2009-02-24)

toonyb, it may be that I am talking shit but you ain't talking facts. Back in 1990's, KLA was only good at drug smuggling, kidnapping and setting bombs. It was listed by the FBI as a terrorist organization until NATO started preparation for the bombing and then over night KLA became NATO's best friend. And a business partner.

toonyb (2009-02-27)

vlajko62 , you`ve been watching a lot of propaganda from you TV, KLA were an army , and they didn`t do kidnapping and drugs etc. serb police have done killing of inocent women and children , so how come KLA turns all the countrys of NATO agains Sebia ??

Vlajko62 (2009-02-27)

toonyb, you came here to discuss politics and not to discuss torrent. you haven't even seen the documentaries. otherwise you would not talk like that.
you could at least read what it says in torrent description:
Strike 0 - ... where Serbian police was capturing Albanians smuggling guns and ammunition across the border ... several locations on Kosovo where mass graves of Serbian civilians killed by Albanians were found ... crematorium in Klechka where Albanian terrorists (UCK) burned dozens of bodies of Serbian men, women and children.
Even Karla del Ponte, former war crimes prosecutor admits that KLA (UCK) transported hundreds of Serbian prisoners into northern Albania where they were killed, and their organs "harvested" and trafficked out of Tirana airport. (see
for example)
So don't give me that crap about KLA (UCK) being an army ... it was a terrorist organization, using weapons of terror against civilian population.

toonyb (2009-02-28)

I dont need to watch the documentary ,because its serb propaganda like all the serb TV , i lived in Kosova for 21 years till serb police made me leave my own house only because i was albanian , and I saw police kill my friend for no reason at all !! have you got a torrent about the last crime serb police did in Racak ?????
On 17.3.1999 the Finnish pathologist Helena Ranta presented her final report on the events in the Kosovo Albanian village of Racak on 15.1.1999. It is now clear that the 45 people murdered by Serbian Special Police Forces with the support of the Yugoslav Army were unarmed civilians. The theory circulated by Serbian propaganda that the dead were Albanian "terrorists" who had been killed in armed combat can therefore be considered to have been disproved .
On 16.1.1999 the OSCE found more than 40 corpses with horrendous injuries in Racak, a village in the south-east of Kosovo, the remains of a massacre. Visibly shaken by the grim scene William Walker, the American head of the OSCE's Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), held the Serbian police publicly responsible for the killings. The Serbian Government declared him an undesirable person and called for his departure from the country !!!
at least you can do is say how sorry you are for the crime that your police have done in Kosovo ???

Hogar313 (2009-02-28)

Brate, sta se palis na ove degenerike kad i ja i ti i cela Srbija znamo da SERU. Ajde pozz, uskoro cu da skinem ovaj dokumentarac. Hvala na uploadu. "fuck you serbian bastards. you aren't human, you are animals. you are just killers. you kill sllovens, kroats, muslims and albanians. the history is not like you want to be but like you made it"
First of all, I am a Magyar. I know very well what happened here, certainly much more than you who didn't even live here. That's what I hae the most in you idiots. You talk like you've been here. You protect Albania only because of your countries' propaganda. If America said: Albanians should be ashamed, they're responsible for the war, you'd be on our side. Heh, I am not protecting anyone who has done war crimes, be it Serbian or Hungarian, but, hey... Do you have the right to speak? America, who has EXTERMINATED an entire race of people, is unpunished, but we are some kind of devils. Western Europe is the place where the most idiotic peoples are. French and English the most. But I won't insult anyone because of their nationality, I'm not that kind of a fool. Pozdrav, nemoj da mislis da sam iz Madjarske, samo sam Madjar. Ovde sam jako dugo, skoro ceo zivot.

Hogar313 (2009-02-28)


blade_st (2009-03-01)

serbs have not attacked croatia? who did? aliens?
wanted to download this untill i´ve seen your stupid comment.
to make it clear. i did not agree with the bombing of serbia, it was a crime. how could south slavic croats favor muslim albanians taking over kosovo from fellow slavic serbs? you must be more stupid then this comment of yours to think that.

Vlajko62 (2009-03-02)

blade, it is good that you don't want to download the documentaries. these are made for intelligent people to see with their own eyes and draw their own conclusions - idiots like you would probably just waste time.

blade_st (2009-03-13)

well, chief judge of everyone´s intelligence, you propably ment your eyes and your conclusions,
but whatever, i hope you will enjoy your great wisdom for a really long time...

kila_krastevac (2009-03-24)

Vlajko! Don't stress and don't waste your time with the contempt the responses deserve... I was in Serbia, Croatia and Bosna from '92-'93 where I proudly supported and protected our people and to hell with the rest... Unfortunately for us, we did a lot to ourselves in terms of our stuborness as well as America's need to show to the greater Muslim population that they aren't the infidels that they are... Just to show their respect for the mighty US of A, 1 Albanian showed his true colours by stealing George W's watch for their gratitude, which was a clear sign to the world that they played the propoganda game and played it well, as well as the US...
If only Draza was here... Sloboda ili Smrt i Zivela Srbija!

Hogar313 (2009-04-01)

Bade, ffs stfu.

Vlajko62 (2009-06-18)

Nr. 1, the first documentary shows one of the Albanians confessing murder of dozens of people who were killed ONLY because they were Serbs. It was recorded right on the place where they burned the bodies. It was recorded by almost all news agencies who had their reporters in Serbia but none of them ever broadcast this footage. Why ? Because it doesn't fit into the description of Serbs as it was served to mindless idiots who still write crap about "justified war".

Dusko_SSSS (2009-11-16)


trippujem (2010-01-05)

Kako ste samo vi idioti.. Da li je iko od vas bio za to da se ubiju cele porodice i da se razruse gradovi, bili to srbi, bosnjaci ili hrvati? Da li iko od vas vidi sta oni zele i sta su uradili od Srbije? Ceo svet joj se smeje. Da li ste ikad videli posledice svih tih ratova, ubijanja, klanja? Jeste li bili u Vinkovcima, koji je razrusen skoro do temelja? Jeste li bili tamo gde neduzni ginu od mina? Jeste li doziveli da vam porodice budu preklane i oterane iz svoje sopstvene kuce? Nije li mozda plan da se Srbija rascepka jer na njoj ima toliko toga o cem svi mogu da sanjaju? Ko je naoruzao Albaniju? Ko je preoteo Kosovo? Ko je Bombardovao Srbiju? Ko je srusio onaj most u Novom Sadu etc. da ne nabrajam sve? Jesu li to bili pojedinci ili je ceo narod lupao o lonce i mahao motikama da se Srbija razapne na krst?
Sram da vas bude.. budale nesposobne. Human who hate humans is not human, is that true teoniko, osiris7, Joalb, lemson, toonyb, blade_st?

Levcanin (2010-06-22)

trippujem - dzaba pises brate, srpski odavno vise niko na ovom svetu ne razume :(

blaeks (2011-07-22)

as I can see, TV machinery did the brainwash damn good this time. at least consider this shit.

papajapa (2012-01-27)

serbians are monster

NikolaTesla1 (2013-01-31)

Teniko your mother is whore and you must live whit it!


1. StrikeOnYU/strike0.avi 615.00 Mb
2. StrikeOnYU/strike1.avi 591.28 Mb
3. StrikeOnYU/strike2.avi 515.72 Mb
4. StrikeOnYU/strike3.avi 513.03 Mb