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JIM D Historia Tiibettilainen Kuolleiden Kirja FiNSUB PDTV XviD








Video/TV shows


2009-02-04 (by FTVDT )


FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTT FFF TTT VVVVV DDDDDDDDDD TTT Finnish TV Document Team PRESENT E-mail: [email protected] /* */ Homepage: RELEASE INFO TITLE.......: JIMD Historia Tiibettiläinen Kuolleiden Kirja LENGTH......: 45 min FORMAT......: AVI AIRDATE.....: 01/01/2008 CHANNEL.....: JIM AUDIO.......: MP3, avg. 94 Kbps VIDEO.......: XviD, 999 Kbps, 640*352 (16/9) PLOT (Fin): Tiibetiläinen kuolleiden kirja on pyhä kirjoitus, jonka opastuksella vainajan sielun uskotaan selviävän tuonpuoleisen koettelemuksista. Länsimaissa 700-luvulta peräisin oleva teksti on toiminut myös huumeidenkäyttäjien ohjenuorana. FTVDT INFO (Fin): FTVDTn uplinkki kaista on rajallinen ja useinmiten nykyään ylikuormittunut, joten jos jollain olisi tarjota halpaa ja mieluiten hyvää SEEDBOXia FTVDTn käyttöön, niin ehdotuksia otetaan vastaan mailitse. FTVDT kaipaa myös uusia jäseniä tiimiinsä, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita TV rippauksesta ja dokumenttien jakelusta faneilleen. Yhteydenotot mailitse myöskin. PLOT (Eng): Document name: DECODING THE PAST: Tibetan Book Of The Dead In this scintillating episode of Decoding the Past, we explore one of the key scriptures of world religion, the Tibetan Book of the Dead. This twelve hundred year old document was kept secret in one of the world’s most remote regions for many years. Many religious leaders and historians claim that the mysterious text holds the key to life after death. Based on the Buddhist belief in reincarnation, the Book of the Dead is a guidebook for the dead: a map of the afterlife that includes encounters with gods, demons and one's own future parents at the moment of conception. Written in the eighth century, its description of the Tibetan afterlife bears an uncanny similarity to modern stories of the near-death experience. Written by a mysterious Indian sage, the text was lost for centuries and kept hidden in the remote peaks of the Himalayas. Indeed, the book was not even translated into English until the twentieth century when it was proclaimed the ideal guide to the spiritual life by everyone from Carl Jung to Timothy Leary. Interviews with Tibetan Lamas, American scholars, and practicing Buddhists bring this powerful and mysterious text to life. The programme culminates in a computer graphic recreation of the journey of the soul from death, through the terrors and trials of the afterlife, to rebirth into a new life. FTVDT INFO (Eng): FTVDT's uplink bandwidth is limited and often overloaded, if someone could often cheap and of course good a SEEDBOX in FTVDT's use, you could suggest and contact by e-mail. FTVDT searching new members to this team, if you are interested in TV ripping and seeding documents to FTVDT fans. Contact by e-mail too.


  1. JIM
  2. Document
  3. FTVDT

Files count:



354.17 Mb

