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Conspiracy Of Silence [MPEG - Government + Prostitution Rings]
Conspiracy Of Silence [MPEG - Government + Prostitution Rings]
2008-01-21 (by lkobescak )
Conspiracy Of Silence
The Nebraska State investigation starting in 1988 into the failure of the Franklin Bank & Trust soon turned up something much uglier: Franklin's general manager Larry King --then the rising Black star of the Republican Party, singing the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican Conventions, later in prison for embezzling $40 million-- was also luring children from nearby Boy's Town and the streets of Omaha into forced prostitution. The clients were prominent politicians, media and industrial magnates around the country -including King, the Omaha Chief of Police, the owner of Nebraska's largest newspaper, the Omaha Herald, and, according to several children, then-Vice-President George Bush the Father. Videos of the "parties" were used for blackmail, which may corrupt our government to this day. Kids were tortured, threatened, and in at least once case, murdered, to keep them in line.
"Conspiracy of Silence" by Britain's Yorkshire TV -scheduled for the Discover Channel on May 3, 1994 but cancelled and never publicly aired until now on the web, includes much of the Franklin Committee's video interviews with the child victims.
The Omaha Herald led the media vilification of the kids. The FBI threatened the kids with perjury prosecution if they told their story, and after 2 recanted, they did put the one remaining who stuck to her story in prison. After the State's lead investigator Gary Caradori and his young son were killed in the unexplained breakup of his plane in midair the investigation died as other victims refused to talk or recanted their video testimony in court. This documentary picks up the pieces.
What happened to this video that the American people were supposed to see in 1994? We are told the final version was destroyed after payment (and threats?) by government agency prevented it being shown. This is a copy of the salvaged "work print" and is about 97% complete.
Then-Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp, who continues to be the kids' lawyer, pro bono, wrote the best-selling The Franklin Coverup, now out in an updated edition. Read the whole book courtesy of Tara Carreon's American Buddha Online Library! We believe this is more evidence that absolute power corrupts absolutely and that We the People must break the monopoly of power by an increasingly arrogant and dangerous government.
In the spirit of peoples around the world who resist the New World Order announced in 1992 by George Bush the father
God save the children of the world from tyrants who use them for sex, power, and cannon-fodder.
Please forgive the poor video quality, the original works were all destroyed as directed by the government.
Additional information on September 11th, NWO, the Illuminati and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or
Files count:
1101.44 Mb
lkobescak (2008-01-21)
Feel free to browse and download all the Sept 11th/Alex Jones/NWO/Federal Reserve Fraud/US Government drug running and Illuminati torrents I have posted from the link below:
moreinfo (2008-01-22)
Thats funny?? Where are all the info busters on this issue?? Dont you want to stick up for this scum bag like you do all the other scum bags , youre falling down on the job. Does your treason have its limits? Maybe you just missed this one. I dont think treason has a limit, so get back to work and defend this pedo cause he is one of your own.lkobescak (2009-12-15)
Inquiry draws no firm conclusion on abuse ring claimsKirk Makin - Globe and Mail
Published on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009 11:50AM EST
After five years of intensive and controversial probing, an inquiry into rampant sexual abuse in Cornwall, Ont. has not reached a firm conclusion about whether or not a pedophile ring was at work in the eastern Ontario city.
Commissioner Normand Glaude's 1600-page report made numerous intricate observations about the credibility of alleged pedophiles and their victims, but declined to answer the central question that led to it being set up by the Ontario government in 2005.
?Throughout this inquiry I have heard evidence that suggested that there were cases of joint abuse, passing of alleged victims, and possibly passive knowledge of abuse,? he wrote.
?I want to be very clear that I am not going to make a pronouncement on whether a ring existed or not.?
However, Commissioner Glaude did fault a slew of government and police officials for not taking complaints of sexual abuse seriously, bunging investigations and allowing pedophiles to either escape detection or simply continue abusing youths.
He also criticized a lack of research and organization that went into the launch of Project Truth ? a major Ontario Provincial Police investigation into allegations that a ?clan? of pedophiles were operating in Cornwall.
These investigative shortcomings were exacerbated by the actions of a rogue Cornwall Police Officer ? Constable Perry Dunlop ? whose distrust of the police hierarchy was so extreme that he mounted a one-man crusade to expose sexual abuse in the community, Commissioner Glaude concluded.
He also found that Cornwall Police provided misinformation to the community about sexual abuse investigations, helping fuel an atmosphere of suspicion, rumour and fear.
In one instance, for example, he found that police failed to instigate a proper investigation into pornographic photographs found during a raid of a Cornwall man.
In another incident, staff at the Cornwall Probation Office failed to draw attention to two colleagues who had apparently been abusing youths under their supervision. Commissioner Glaude said that their silence was rooted in feelings of intimidation, office politicking, and an overriding concern that the two men would create administrative trouble by filing labour grievances.
Rivalries and mistrust within the provincial probation office in Cornwall led to information about sexual assaults not being freely exchanged, he said.
?This was a significant problem,? Commissioner Glaude said. ?It is my recommendation that training on sexual abuse, particularly male victimization, should be mandatory for all probation officers in the province,? Commissioner Glaude concluded.
In a series of devastating conclusions about the Cornwall Community Police Service, Commissioner Glaude said that officers failed to adequately investigate sex abuse claims that had began to pile up in the 1980s.
He said that they were also insensitive to complainants, criticizing the force for not keeping victims apprised of the progress of investigations and criminal charges brought against their assailants; for not providing counselling to victims; and for not using all the evidence at their disposal against those who were charged.
He recommended that, in future, the force require officers to properly record their notes during investigations and that they report abuse allegations to child welfare authorities to prevent the victimization of other children and youths.
Judge Glaude said that investigation into the growing number of sex abuse allegations was hampered by a host of problems, including the fact that many officials harboured doubts about sexual assault complainants in past decades; institutional structures were not in place to encourage victims to come forward; documents and records disappeared; many complainants had a difficult history of substance abuse; and the nature of memory often militated against the credibility of complainants.
?Many people ? in
lkobescak (2009-12-15)
PART 2 - Inquiry draws no firm conclusion on abuse ring claimsCommissioner Glaude noted yesterday that the complainant clearly exaggerated and even falsified many of the events he described ? that that he recanted a number of them in testimony before the inquiry.
Within the community, reaction to Judge Glaude's recommendations and findings are expected to polarized and intense.
?This inquiry had a particularly tortuous journey and the commissioner could have received much better guidance from his legal staff,? said University of Ottawa professor Ed Ratushny, author of a recently published book, The Conduct Of Public Inquiries. ?But a lot of that will be overlooked if the report rings true, is fair and brings closure to the entire matter.?