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Bus Simulator 2008 PCCD - MULTI 7 com






Bus Simulator 2008 [PCCD - MULTI 7]




2008-05-11 (by TMasGames )


Bus Simulator 2008 [PCCD - MULTI 7]

Files count:



719.41 Mb




DJHigher (2008-05-12)

thanks man good upload works & fast download

Akumos (2008-05-14)

Installs fine, it' an image file, either burn it to a CD or mount it using Demon etc.
Even when running as admin in Vista, still crashes every 5 minutes or so. I'd avoid and try a different torrent!

Akumos (2008-05-14)

Oh, did download in like 10 minutes though, so thanks!

Murphy575 (2008-05-17)

Just to let everyone know this is the ENGLISH version of the game (finally)
Thanks TMas!

TruckerPaul (2008-05-18)

any of you guys explain how i speed up my download speed,in real easy terms i mean ?

777-200LR (2008-05-18)

Save your bandwidth... this game sucks really bad. After 20 minutes of "driving" I deleted the game...

Murphy575 (2008-05-19)

Ok, so I tried to get used to it, but I just coudln't
A review from Amazon said this:
This is one of the worst game ever made with 3dgamestudio.
In germany it was a hyper flop and the english version will not be better. Developed by some hobby freaks with a very bad feeling for game play, animation, sound and coding. Compare it with the reviews on
Believe me. FIRST play the demo and then buy some other stuff.
I was actually considering BUYING this game at one point, when I could not find an English version... thank fuck I didn't!
the graphics are rubbish, the controls of the buses are even worse, nothing in between full turn and no turn, the game is atrocious and it should be made against the law to sell this crap

Sirreal420 (2008-05-19)

honestly tho, how bored do you have to be to play this?

mr_beef_flaps (2008-05-21)

Bus simulator? Whatever next?

raggar86 (2008-05-21)

Dont Download it!!!
I sucks ASS!!!!!!

BitGod (2008-05-22)

Bus simulator...shit.... I thought it was a Bust simulator!

yingjai (2008-05-22)

it sucks. after first mission, it's pretty much repetition. graphics suck. performance also sucks for such poor graphics.

asdasd123123 (2008-05-23)

Wow this is one useless game..
Doesn't run on Vista, 1fps on an 8800GTS..
You're actually supposed to drive the bus yourself.. I thought it was a bus sim where you order other to do so.. -_-

 Vilaemail (2008-05-24)

OK... WHAT A F*CK AM I DLing?!!?!?? Pls mate put some description, so i don't haft to run around net searching home site... Shame!

zomgkittylazerz (2008-05-24)

Bus Simulator? Sounds kinky.

Rafna (2008-05-25)

next comes the senior citizen simulation where one of the big challenges is getting from your bed to the bathroom in less than an hour...

Baly_kungen (2008-05-26)

bus simulator, for you ppl who thought ship simulator was to intence!

Dirty_Pretty_Thing (2008-05-27)

i cracked up at some of the comments :D
seriously thou, uv got to have ALOT of time on ur hands to d/l and play this game....bus simulator??
what next.....bath simulator??
'warning, using conditioner before shampoo with fuck up your hair'
Need-a-piss-ometer: 49%
jesus, i must be bored for typing this!

Edfaminc (2008-05-28)

i don't get how this has so many seeders...a bus sim?!? you gotta be kidding me

NeverWest (2008-05-29)

This is on the "top downloads" list
I dont get it, BUS SIMULATOR?
Is it cos its an easy download? Lol
In a magazine they rated "Cyclist Manager" -1 lol

roveroog (2008-06-04)

what the hell are you supposed to do?

Anton00b (2008-06-08)

This game is so bad that it hurts!
For youre own safety, do not play this!
You have been warned!

robin123654 (2008-06-12)

WOAH this game is awesome.. not

XsXeXScooby (2008-06-15)

I can't help but want to try this for some odd reason. Kind of like being drunk and having sex with a fat chick, I know it's going to suck, but I'll still do it...

legendarysim (2008-06-16)


bobbokrull2006 (2008-06-17)

Thanks för the upload! A great game!

marco_cheguevara (2008-06-17)

i really considered downloading this game...
but i'd better not, since i read what you guys wrote here =/

PikKirby (2008-06-21)

god, now they have a simulator for everything.. need its shopping simulator. oh wait. the sims series has gotten that down.

Ypszilon (2008-07-24)

Is this game with an English or German language?

cheesynoob (2008-07-27)

well i am a bus driver and i love this game lol

daz87uk (2008-08-16)

Game Review
curiosity most definetly killed the cat!!
OK i start with the shocking graphics erm the bad driving realisim ( this is not a simulator) its online game. oo and the fact that it has no structure or any AI inteligence what so ever.
if you like driving from one stop to another with crap graphics poor realism scratch that.. no realism at all. you need shooting. im all for driving simulators but this is not!! its about as much fun as a online game with no game structure. i dont care what u say to defend this game its crap....
the only way this would be fun is if it had GTA style with police and get points which effect your licence etc HD graphics like grid and mabe somesort of world country maps or something some sort of goal or something.
overall rating 1% you will find it ok you will drive down the road going ok this is something i will have fun with for 5 mins like an online game then relise all your doing is driving to bus stops then you will commit suicide. anything is better than this plz if you want a 5 seciond boredom time wasting game go play an online game it would be more fun and have a structure!!!!!!

ziulmotadownloader (2008-08-18)

appears a error called not enough memory (50MB required) anyone can help?

thebigRcompany (2008-08-20)

WOW most insane drivergame ever made.... NOT!!!

BlackMoth (2008-09-04)

Bus Simulator....2008
Thats all i can say

bisterdk (2008-09-10)

how can I burn this (719mb) to a cd? -

humy420 (2008-09-18)

There are CD-R of the capacity of 800 MB, use them.

caav (2008-09-30)

rofl ..

oogirlslikemeoo (2008-10-21)

dont think im dling this anytime soon!!! you guys are funny

NinjaDonkey (2009-01-06)

this suites me fine, i'm stoned ass hell!!!

rp-16 (2009-01-07)

Does'nt work, by starting a mission the game will exit

marcole (2009-02-02)

it works fine.. this is art

dead man racing (2009-02-12)

Guys, this game is total crap, as said before about graphics and realism. If you really want to drive a bus, "Bus Driver" is a much, much better game. ^^

Lazovicpsv (2009-05-19)

Bad game..... Bad Graphics...Bad gameplay.....

KnertenMoffe (2009-07-11)

Why does all dicks even bothering go in here and dl this torrent when they only write "BUS SIMULATOR HAHAHA" like..

DollarShhort (2009-07-12)

I once had sex on a bus...or was I just simulating...either way, I had fun.

 lan3y (2009-08-08)

its one of those games you just gotta try, you laugh at it in the shop then you secretly come here and get it.

 Harrharrr (2010-01-21)

Its amazing, iw seen better graphics on games from the early 2000's....on top of that it actualy lags more than todays high end fps games. This game could be great whit a higher budget and more effort...really to bad