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Secret Covenant of Your Owners






Secret Covenant of Your Owners




2008-04-16 (by ForceMultiplication)


The Secret Covenant has never been openly confirmed as the covenant by which the Owners of this world operate. However, in this episode a mountain of supporting evidence is presented that the covenant is in fact a reality. The host explores who is behind the gun control lobbies, anti-male man-hating feminism that destabilizes the family unit, racism, water fluoridation, vaccines and autism, cellphone radiation, chemtrails, poisonous cookware, indoctrination through television, media control, communism, and the collapse and ultimate intended destruction of America with the torching of the Constitution. Who is behind encouraging one race to rise against another? Who encourages human beings to participate in things which kill them and their children? These questions and many others are answered patiently and lucidly. A wealth of supporting evidence is given in the form of showing that very knowledgeable and powerful men saw the same picture that is painted, to include Jesus Christ (Note: This is NOT a fundamentalist movie, nor is it intended to insight violence.). In the end, the author presents that the only answer is to prepare to survive, and that the citizen militia is a necessary component for the survival of the Republic. May we find peace and sustain our Liberty. God Bless the Republic! Stay Strong!

Files count:



401.47 Mb




worthajob (2008-04-16)

by nutters for nutters

PeakOil (2008-04-16)

And yet...
Look up the history of introduction on fluoride. It is a toxic anti-depressant. MANY doctors were strongly agaisnt introducing it into drinking water.
Autism is strongly on the increase.
Rockefellers supported the womens lib (not becasue they believe in equality but because they are part owners of the Federal Reserve and wanted the gov to increase tax income so they could pay interest on significantly larger loans from the federal reserve. Guess why US economy is in a mess today...)
Gun control is increasingly important if you expect unrest. Also increase in number of potential detention centres (look up how many FEMA has built that are currently being dormant but ready for use.)
Also look up chemtrails. More and more evidence emerges all the time. Most recent was admittance that there were tests to combat global warming....
Media ....the quote (not word by word) David Rockefeller....we thank the main media for their discression, without which the implementation of the plans which we are now putting to fruition would have been impossible (OK, I didn't get the wording right but do some search and you did it.) Mainstream media is controlled by 6(!) families. Most smaller media simply rehash what these write.
Do a bit of research and you might not be so quick to poop some of these ideas.

Psi ink (2008-04-17)


flamesong (2008-04-19)

Great way to get the word out...
Leave everybody hanging on 91.4% for five days...

pornstar618 (2008-04-21)

one way to keep it secret stop seeding, ty forcemultiplication

Schwarzenbart (2009-07-18)

I second that ekbworldwide.

sparks1000 (2010-03-15)

Note: comment by "worthajob". Yes maybe for once in your life you are right ! This is nuts, how much people crap people put up with from the NWO. And then Cowards like you, saw to your fellow prisoners, "keep your head down" or the screws will put you in solitary. Your only comfort is to wrongly believe everybody is a coward like you. Well let me tell you, sad boy, you are wrong, and the truth will not be contained by you or the fear and ignorance you spread.
Unlike most disinfo people, you probably don't even have the wit to get paid to parrot, plant, misdirect, and blacken !
I have already researched to source, the info here more than ten years ago, and it is spot on !!
Expect millions more of us against you, you little piece of shit !!