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Empire Total War v1 5 Update 8unrar-RazorDOX










2009-10-10 (by Tanauser )


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  1. Empire total war
  2. RazorDox

Files count:



1125.64 Mb




Ivica121 (2009-10-10)

Is this contains all previously updates from razor?

brillmann (2009-10-11)

What about - Empire Total War v1.5 iNTERNATiONAL Update Incl 7 Oct Hotfix SKIDROW ??!!

ART2008 (2009-10-11)

plz update your Tanauser_mod for 1.5

 Tanauser (2009-10-12)

MANY Thanks for the Hotfix ; ( LoL ) I don't know how... but it has unlocked the Warpath units
I will update the DLC 1.5 as soon as I can

brillmann (2009-10-12)

Thank you masterfaster !!... SKIDROW updates(hotfix) got nuked so yes we better get.rzr.proper !

brillmann (2009-10-12)

Yes that's right, i'm fine now, all clear out ,thanks.

tamabald (2009-10-12)

can I install this over ETW(razor) which has patches 5 & 6 installed already?

 Tanauser (2009-10-12)

14DLC4free Updated 1.5

isegal (2009-10-13)

This includes every previous update?

 Mincan (2009-10-15)

When is someone going to release the Warpath Campaign on torrent? Is it even possible to crack?

Ivica121 (2009-10-15)

Maybe Razor work on empire total war the warpath

 Tanauser (2009-10-16)

I will make the Warpath Units playable ....Campaign Warpath in gaming is another story

Ivica121 (2009-10-17)

I have warpath units in custom battles. I wont campaign.

 Tanauser (2009-10-17)

I need to make them , ((give me 2 weeks))

 Tanauser (2009-10-19)

..... or 3

 Tanauser (2009-10-20)

Yepeee !!!
we are on our way ...........,e0624690855980e96845706937f99aa5.jpg.html,3c8dbd29c16d065c36000e7a8e72393f.jpg.html

GiGaFlare (2009-10-21)

Thanks for the UL Tanauser :D
The A.I. on 1.5 was so Not cool...Way to Aggresive and the Price of troops was now cool with it...I mean the A.I. got 3-4 full size troops while I have only 2 >.<
But this thanks to the 1.5 Update I was able to add the DarthMod Empire 3.4.
If anyone is Interested or curious with the Mod check it out here http://www. twcenter .net/ forums/ downloads.php?do=file&id=2334 (remove spaces)
Thanks Again Tanauser

lolwut11234 (2009-10-21)

How exactly do I uninstall this so I can reinstall and run this patch? I don't see an uninstaller so do I just delete the folder?

AshSocka (2009-10-25)

I'm actually having problems installing this. It installs but when I copy the crack and run it, it loads onto the Empire Screen yet remains there until I'm forced to manually restart the PC. It does not load into the intro movie or onto the main menu. Any help?

tomKot (2009-11-17)

Good, but saves not compatible with older updates. New main screen (red)..

Protoz (2009-12-04)

After i do a clean Razor ETW install copy the original ETW.EXE and run this patch, then replace the new Cracked ETW.EXE i can't get to the intro movie, as the game just closes. Any ideas or help?

Protoz (2009-12-04)

Fixed my problem, i forgot to copy over the original razor data+config folder after clean install.

 Tanauser (2009-12-06)

Any news regarding the New DLC ?

vicke_96 (2009-12-09)

will this also make all of the previous updates or do i have to apply all of them first?

 Tanauser (2009-12-10)

just this one + the hot fix (in the first post)
This Update is already obsolete
Now they came out with patch3 and new DLC
Any news about the next razorDox update ?

Ivica121 (2009-12-11)

Why you need new texture

 Tanauser (2009-12-11)

I have the patch 1.3 so I will remake the new 14 DLC ; it will take sometime

Ivica121 (2009-12-11)

Thanks man you are best, this new units looks great.

 Tanauser (2009-12-18)

I need a month to finish them

killer163 (2009-12-19)

s it possible to make the multiplayer campaign beta work on the razor release or any other version. you can get an key from empire total wars site, but you need to activate empire total war from steam to play. do we need to wait for razor to release his update 9 or is it possible to make it work another way? Tanauser is it possible or not.

 Tanauser (2009-12-20)

I don't know ; I never play on line ; I have seen something that enables the game (Razors) in MultiPlayer
If I remember well , I think it was on Demonoid , but it was few month ago ; and more updates were added since so I don't know if tweak still works

Malarky1231 (2009-12-28)

hey tanauser i downloaded this update but my prussian campaign crashes on startup. In all my other campaigns, everytime i click on a building the game freezes. I dl the hotfix and i do have the razor 1911 version, i dnt knw what's wrong

Cheezez (2010-01-10)

rzr-etw8.exe contains a trojan according to Norman Antivirus!

bookimam (2010-01-20)

too good as always thank u

bookimam (2010-01-20)

thank u you are best of all

brengsed (2010-01-26)

okay tanauser,
where do i go after this update?
and damn good job on this man.

Chubaka1357432 (2010-02-02)

ok can someone say me if/how i can play the warpath campaign
is there an update out there wich allows me to play it?
got the 12gb razor with 2 dvd isos and this one btw thx @tanauser
but i would realy like to play nativ american and defend america from all this bastard who invade it
btw it works just fine i had no problems

Chubaka1357432 (2010-02-02)

oh and my 2 programms found nothing no trojan no virus nothing

Chubaka1357432 (2010-02-02)

oh and yes maybe a guide and links what i need to play warpath
there so many things out there
razor update 5 razor update 6
this one here 1.5 update razordox ....
something ith patch 3 in its name where a comment says you needs razor update 8 which im not albe to find on the 2 sites the search for empire total war
gave me

 Tanauser (2010-02-07)

Ok this Update of my Mod

will make the free warpath units available in the vanilla campaign
Playable and Recruitable
I have found a way to make them playable inclusive using the warpath tech. tree
((There is no Razordox9 ; this is the last known))
I guess all CA's efforts will be on their next game NTW

Toekneedeezee (2010-02-19)

lol you cant play the natives. They dont have anything past militia muskets. They would fair horribly in Europe. You can only play as major nations.

Alzitar (2010-03-06)

Dear pirates, yar!
Ive noticed some people have alot of trouble with the installation.. I myself was quite worried when I saw all the different files and comments. However I've installed the game in 1 try and no problem with anything so far (been playing for about 5 hours now). Ive actually created this little account to explain in few simple steps so everyone can enjoy!
Step 1

Step 2

Comment: Let me be clear; you absolutly dont need anything else then these 2 downloads! no hotfixes, no bugfixes no other vague rars.. nothing! These files together will give you a working version of the game ver 1.5!
Step 3
Load the iso's with Daemon tools (or any other image mounting software). Note however that the instalastion will ask you a few times to locate the mounted disk, do this every time and it will continue installing. After a while it will obviously ask for disk 2, if so mount disk 2 with deamon tools and again locate it when the installer ask for it.
Step 4
This is the one most people seem to forget.
On the first iso (empire_disc1) there is a folder named razor1911. Copy the content of this folder to your install path.
To clerify: copy not the folder razor1911 but all the folders and files inside it to the folder where you installed empire total war (example: c:\Empite Total war).
You will be prompted if you want to overwrite the files, press "yes to all".
Step 5
Now open the update folder (from the second torrent I stated here) and copy the rzr-etw8.exe file to your empire total war installation folder. Then execute it. It will now start to update your empire total war files.
Step 6
Now that you have updated, run the file install.redist.cmd this file will be in your installation folder.
Step 7
Final step! Now put the Empire.exe file from the update in the installation folder and overwrite the existing one.
(you can find this exe file in the second torrent I linked)
Step 8
Thank all the uploaders and creaters of this upload
Cheers! & Enjoy :)
Side note: I installed on a clean install of windows xp pro SP3, so if this isnt working for you and you really want to play.. get a fresh install of wxp sp3 :P

bryk (2010-03-22)

This update (along with the hotfix+crack) now allows me to play with the native American units-I'm not sure if this is Warpath content or not,but thank you anyway! Off to install update #9..

 Tanauser (2010-03-30)

Pirate mod Updated on TBP

smackdaddy_au (2010-04-01)

I just finished the download of this torrent and AVG is complaining of "Trojan Horse Generic17.AGZD" in rzr-etw8.exe.
Hmmm. This doesn't sound like a legitimate Razor release. Has it been tampered with or is it just a fake?
Nice move, whoever added that little bundle. Really appreciate that. Always a pleasure to have malicious code on my pc. Just love it. Oh yeah.

PatreezyUBZ (2010-05-05)

Thanks for seeding! Getting well over 900kb/s.

zimbo4 (2010-05-09)

I have followed this step by step but always crashes when I get to the fist startup bit, any suggestions? thanks

bobalazs (2010-05-22)

you guys no any trainers that work with patch?

Segatti (2010-06-13)

I still have a problem...steam_api.dll
How I fix it?

ghostac (2010-06-22)

does anyone know if Razor is gonna crack the 1.6 patch too?

sacrott (2010-09-05)

Seed Goddamn!

sacrott (2010-09-05)

@Alzitar Thanks dude. WORKED! I love you man!

jamesm118 (2010-11-14)

whenever i execute the rzr-etw8.exe, it says "A sharing violation occurred while accessing an unnamed file." How do I fix this?

 Mincan (2011-02-10)

"A sharing violation occurred while accessing an unnamed file."
I am getting the same error as stated above, but only this time around installing the game on a new windows install. I've had this working before, this seems new.

SergioFCPorto (2012-04-05)


accretiaV2 (2013-10-12)

there is a trojan in the file
is this really legit??


1. Empire_Total_War_v1.5_Update_8unrar-RazorDOX/Razor1911/Empire.exe 18.68 Mb
2. Empire_Total_War_v1.5_Update_8unrar-RazorDOX/rzr-etw8.exe 1106.96 Mb
3. Empire_Total_War_v1.5_Update_8unrar-RazorDOX/rzr-etw8.nfo 3.36 Kb