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N64 Emulator With Games






N64 Emulator With Games




2007-08-20 (by LichPixy)


Nintedo64 Emulator You need a pretty Powerful Computer allowing us to play legendary games such as Zelda, Turok & Goldeneye. A fairly modern system is needed to play emulate the machine, and a 3D accelerated graphics card is an absolute must. Some of the games following Is .Banjo-Kazooie .F-Zero X .Legend of Zelda The-Ocaraina of Time Masterquest .Mario Party 3 .Super Smash Brothers 64 .Tetris Sphere .Donkey Kong 64 .GoldenEye 007 .Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time .Paper Mario .Star_Fox_64 .The Legend of Zelda 2 - Majora's Mask .Excitebike 64 .Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards .Mario Kart 64 .Pokemon Stadium 2 .SuperMario 64 .Tom & Jerry - Fists of Furry I'm Going to seed as much as i can.

Files count:



304.94 Mb




AdminVista (2007-08-20)


gamedragon (2007-08-20)

really good in begining 1400 kbs but now its on 7kbs so seed plz i want this

LichPixy (2007-08-20)

I'm Trying To seed As much As i Can

LichPixy (2007-08-20)

And Take It easy I'm only One seeder

ekaNFL (2007-08-21)

snälla seeda,

LichPixy (2007-08-21)

Jag Håller På

Deucalion (2007-08-21)

typ på zelda är det totalt omöjligt o lägag ut saker tec deku nut elr va de nu heter i fältet med pilar så man kan användda dom:S?

LichPixy (2007-08-22)

Konstigt Jag har inga Problem med spelet

LichPixy (2007-08-23)

I hope You are satisfied With The Emulator =)

lax_noob (2007-08-25)

Håller på att ladda ner det men hur ska man göra sen när den e klar?

lax_noob (2007-08-25)

Kan någon beskriva med detaljer hur man ska få igång den här emulatorn? :)

lax_noob (2007-08-25)

Jag fick det att funka första gången, men sedan stängde jag ner det och testade att starta det igen och då står det: current GFX dll could not be used please selected another one

LichPixy (2007-08-25)

Har då inte hänt migh innan Men om du behöver en ny Emulator Gå till

LichPixy (2007-08-25)

Har då inte hänt mig innan Men om du behöver en ny Emulator Gå till

lax_noob (2007-08-25)

Jag måste gå in på Winrar och packa upp project64.ece filen varje gång jag ska spela? Kan man inte göra det på något annat lättare sätt?

LichPixy (2007-08-25)

Men Man ska inte behöva göra det

tommop (2007-09-02)

i'm new to this torrent fact i'm new to the pc.more of a ps3 man but if i can play mario,zelda and glodeneye when this download is complete it'll be a week off work for me!

LichPixy (2007-09-02)

Good For You

LichPixy (2007-09-03)

Hi Again My Friend Is Playing A game So He Gave Me A Referal Link He Wishes That you will Look In To The Game And Meybe Join Him here Is The Link

MONGA1000 (2007-09-07)

O shit Play Ryl2! FFS!

SvenSveg (2007-09-14)

Omg 5 kb/s hjälp han och seeda FFS

nitecreeper (2007-09-15)

For those who cannot get some of the roms to work (like me with Vista), just go to project 64's site and download the newest version (1.6). This torrent only come with 1.3.

ArtoxXx (2007-09-30)

What are the keys to play with?
I know tht Z = Z, X = A and C = B.
What's the keys for R and L?

wouterman (2007-10-17)

when i open the emulator i : File, Open rom, then i want to go to : save but i dont see any game to click (to load) HELP??!!! i know how but now it doesnt word can i uninstall and then install agaiN>??? answer somebody!

nicsson (2007-11-04)

please seed! :) i'd love you if you did!

jonte9090 (2007-11-24)

Vad ska jag ha för emulator?

Dados22 (2007-12-26)

Z = Z X = A C = B
A = L S = R
DELETE = < (C)
HOME = ^ (C)
END = (down arrow | nedåt pil) (C)
(C) = IN THE GAME THEY CALL THE YELLOW BUTTONS FOR C.... and so on bla bla bla haha
on some games u have to use 8(up) 4(left) 6(Right) 2(ned)
:D have fun ;P

gtrfreak123 (2007-12-26)

alla spel funkar bra utom donkey kong det blir skit segt och fps:en går ner till 3 :S
och en sak till kan man spela 2 player på mario kart?`??

robban15 (2008-01-12)

Snälla någon seeda!

robban15 (2008-01-12)

Snälla någon seeda tankar 8 kb/S

redeamon (2008-02-17)


xD_ude (2008-02-18)

undrar åxå varför donkey kong går segt å laggar med bilden å musiken. den hackar sej fram... =S varför?
thx for the control keys dados22 i apreciated that.. or how to spell it ^^

bubbles6.1 (2008-03-01)

ok, im kinda new to emulators can any one help me play games and stuff

zidane3003 (2008-03-24)

cn i play this emu with my cmptr? p4 1.7ghz 256mb of ram radeon 9250 256 mb?

TrexiZ (2008-04-18)

Tackar! bra seedad. (thank you! good seeded.)
Ska kolla om torrenten är bra, sen skriver jag tillbaka.

h3idii (2008-05-21)

how do I open it, when it have downloaded?
It dont respond when I click it.
It just have an explorer-icon on it. So, any help?

stian1989 (2008-06-15)

n64 den mest geniale spill konsollen

Theashton (2008-06-25)

why can't i play pokemon stadium 2 in this thing?
or am i the only one who can't
and what are the controls?

astudillo (2008-08-17)

seed (:

zeldafreak (2008-08-17)

lol lens of truth dosent work in zelda ocarina of time xD

DannyN (2008-08-30)

can u ask what i have to do to get this to work, are there any steps



church123 (2009-07-29)

SEEED plz!!!

church123 (2009-07-30)

Please seed!!?? Please?

HELLFIRE22 (2009-09-14)

Thanks alot for this! , i've been trying to get Pokemon stadium 2 for my cousin and im VERY thankfull
im gonna seed for around one or two weeks with over 500/kbs !

deadlyfish12 (2009-09-24)

once i downloaded the N64 emulator, wat do i do

The-La (2009-12-26)

Wait...Do we need a controller ??

The-La (2009-12-26)

Thanks for the better games