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Killing Floor 2.0 [Unreal Tournament 2004 Total Conversion Mod]






Killing Floor 2.0 [Unreal Tournament 2004 Total Conversion Mod]




2007-04-29 (by Here7ik)


,,.. ;;;;..;; tt.. ;; ...... ii;; tt ;;jj....;; iiii.. tt;; jjii ;; ;;tt.. ..GG ..;;;;ii;;iiii;;;; tttt;; tt tt;;.. ::;; ;;.. ..;; ttii ....;;ff LLLLff;; iittii .. ..ttGGii .. iiii ;;;;ttLLii.. iiff .. ;;EE ::tt;;;;ff ;;GGGGffLL .. ttffiittjjjjffff;; ffDD............;;tttt,,.... ::;;LLWWtt ..ff;; ii .... ;;jjii ff;;..;;GGff.. ..ff##DD;;iijj iiGGffKKWWWWGG .. iiWWWWWWGGLLii LLLL##WWWW##tt..;;DDWWWW##WWLLii ..GGiiKKWW####GG;;;;DDWWWWKKLLffLL iitt..;;ffEEGG,,KKjjiiLLii....iijj GGii;;iiiiiiffWWWW,,ii;;;;iiLLii iiWWKKGGff;;::ffffLL....ttGGKK##ff.. iijjKK##WWtt,,iiiittttttii;;DD##GG::,,.. tt;;..LLWW##GGffttLLttttffLLLLKKKKii.. ,,.. ii.. ttDDKKEEffttttttiijjjjLLGGjjjj;; ::.. ;;ii;; ffGG;;GGttiiii;;;;iittjjtt..ffii.. ;;.. ;;ii.. ;;.. ;;LL..;;LLii,,iijjffiiiitttt ..ffii ::ii;;;;ii jj jjii tttt...... ;;GG.. iitt.. ;; ff LLii ;;LL LL;; ;;;;..iiii tt;; .... ff ::GGLL.. ..GGjjKKDDjjtt ,,ii;;ffLL ttGG:: ff ;;ttiiiiii.. ff.. ttGGLL;; ..DDttLLff ff.. ::ff;; iiGGii LL;;iiffLL ;;jjtt:: Here7ik Killing Floor is a Total Conversion of the Unreal Tournament 2004 game. Playing as a squad of marines, you must use firepower and teamwork to drive back massive hordes of bloodthirsty zombies. Killing Floor features some of the most detailed and atmospheric environments you will see in a horror themed mod, and the objective is to make something that is not only visually pleasing, but also rewarding and fun from a gameplay standpoint Gameplay: Ammo conservation is important in Killing Floor. Do not waste bullets on slow moving enemies you can simply circumvent. Your movement speed is relative to your current health. The more damage you sustain, the slower you will move. Knowing how to use your MedSatchel is important as it keeps your speed up when you need to flee. The objective in multi-player is to survive as long as possible against continual "waves" of undead enemies. The number of enemies in a given wave is random, and the number you must defeat before the round ends will be displayed in the UPPER RIGHT corner of your HUD. Upon defeating the required number of foes, the wave will end, and shortly thereafter the next will begin, bringing more difficult foes. In order to fight off these increasingly challenging enemies, you and your fire-team must accrue "points" by killing zombies. The number of points you gain per kill depends on the difficulty of the enemy. Points accrued by players can be spent at the Merchant's. There is at least one in each Survival map. A player may spend their money/points by pressing the USE key (default ?E?) in front of her

Files count:



330.16 Mb




bosis678 (2007-05-30)


xdeadzx (2008-03-27)

kinda pointless when you don't seed your own torrents...

delvoneu (2009-05-14)

Can anyone seed?