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The Sims 2 Nightlife (Multilanguage) + Cd-key




Games PC


The Sims 2 Nightlife (Multilanguage) + Cd-key




2005-10-04 (by TR!GG3R)


The Sims 2 Nightlife: Just mount the images in Daemon or Burn it with Nero. I did´nt need a crack to this game so probably you don´t have to either. Have fun :) ------------------------------------------ The Sims 2 Nattliv: Bara mounta imagen i Daemon eller bränn ut det med Nero. Jag behövde ingen crack till detta spelet så förmodligen behöver inte ni de heller. Ha så Kul :)

Files count:



1276.86 Mb




Master Snitch (2006-01-04)

including dutch language ??
i don't know if my dutch version of the sims 2 is compitable with this expansion pack

Bi$on (2006-01-06)

Burnt with alcohol and installed. Dies when i get to sims2 nightlife startup screen, keeps asking for disc 1 and then restart application. PLEASE HELP!

Antex_N (2006-01-07)

Seed Plz

cool-_-er (2006-01-07)

man behöver visst crack det fungerar inte för mig i alla fall. förklara varför!!!

Norgeee (2006-01-08)

Hvorfor står det " sett in livets skole cd " når jeg vil spille?

Laur1991 (2006-01-11)

Yeah, dutch version included (I needed the dutch version too ;-))

madness93 (2006-01-11)

dettta spel suger hårt
vad jag vet kan ja äta o skita själv men gå i skolan å skaffa tjej på datorn

catdc33 (2006-01-12)

why cant i upload this

Xen1 (2006-01-15)

Jag fattar inte. Jag instalerar spelet mountar in i daemon tools och när jag startar spelet så blire programmet har utfört en förbjuen åtgärd. vad fan är felet? :S

creamen88 (2006-01-21)

de funkar att installera för mig, men den funkar det ej o starta. de står sätt i rätt skiva. och ja har testat med alla filer som var med o mounta i deamon tools... vad är felet??? (ja har orginal sims 2)

Ebeeto (2006-01-22)

Sluta grina över hur kass spelet är... Tro det eller ej; nej, du kan inte få någon brud överhuvudtaget... Bittra människa...

drusss (2006-01-22)

I reinstalled the nightlife and i can't play with it, something wrong about sim2ep2.exe
can anybody help me?

YaYa_ (2006-01-23)

Hur aktiverar man safedisk i alcohol 120%? för att få det att fungera?? How do you Activate safedisc in Alcohol 120%??

III_CETNIK_III (2006-01-25)

okej ja har sims 2 och sims 2 student liv ;D ja har instalerat nightlife så den funkar inte vad fan e problemet???

III_CETNIK_III (2006-01-25)

keep on seeding come on

perssonm3m (2006-01-28)

vad är mounta i deamon eller bränn ut i nero? Hur får ja mounta i deamon.. Snabt svar tack.. Confused:S

kwazt (2006-02-03)

När jag försöker installera spelet så skriver jag in cd-keyn o den funkar bra, men sen så fastnar installationen på 57%. någon som vet vad som kan vara felet? o vad man kan göra åt det??

Steven_ca (2006-02-08)

Jag kan inte installera spelet :S
den stannar på 57% för mig med. har testat att byta till cd2, hjälper inte.
Någon som kan hjälpa mig?

PeKa6 (2006-02-11)

Try mounting CD1 with DAEMON Tools WITHOUT any CD-Protection. Worked for me :P

Drunken Fella (2006-02-13)

I have a cracked version of Sims 2 installed. Did anybody experience any problems after installing this, such as this one overwriting the Sims 2 EXE and thereby causing it not to work?

lemse1 (2006-02-15)

i install... and copy the crack over to the specific folder, after that i push play.. vupti the game whas no longer on my disk, so i have to start over! this is strange :-(

Herdian (2006-02-18)

Seed please..

dna_virus (2006-02-20)


PowerPipe (2006-02-23)

I think i know the solution to when the game won't start, and asks for cd 1, try to install the expantion packs in another directory. It worked for university, i'll see when i finish downloading this.

Cool Dude (2006-02-27)

I double click on the sims 2 nightlife symbol it come up with the logo and then it starts the disk but never gets past that stage and gives up i tried mounting the image with d-tools alcohol 120 and others but when i click on the nightlife shortcut it gets past the logo fast and then the pc restarts just crashes any help would be much appreciated it seems a shame to just uninstall it due to a small error hellllllllpppppppp

lolloman (2006-03-05)

Do anyone have a keygen to Nightlife or a new serialnumber? mine has expired and I don't want to download the game all over again. Give it to med plz.

metal_simon (2006-03-19)

they say that i´m gonna put in cd 4 !?

UrD (2006-03-23)

Multilanguage?... Det innebär att Svenska är med va?

shycrym (2006-04-03)

With crack the building -mode doesn't work, right?

JanZ (2006-04-04)

Wtf is going on? It shows logo and then crashes... says it has encountered a problem... How to fix? anyone...

JanZ (2006-04-04)

Well I haven't seen a crack for this...

JanZ (2006-04-04)

Hey, does this require University expandion toplay?

kp3 (2006-04-11)

No it doesn't

HINKEBO (2006-05-03)

Vadå Unrar? Jag kan inte öppna MDF med Winrar!?

ToXiC_Boden (2006-05-20)

asså jag har Adsl 8000 och det står att de går (total 418kb/s) och sen kollar man på Download rate och där ståre 0 kb/s :S snälla hjälp mej!

DirtyCrew (2006-07-19)

Daemon Tools är bra att ha, så varför vill dom inte ha det installerat?

_realmadrid (2006-07-20)

Asså vad e crack???

little_erik (2006-08-17)

Det laddar inte ner, seeda please någon
It doesn't download, please someone, seed!

carbe (2006-08-17)

Hur gör man då? När jag gör det i Daemon så måste jag ha två skivor. Jag börjar installera men sedan står det sätt in skiva 2. Jag har ju ingen annan skiva att sätta in...

skatefarfar (2006-09-14)

HAHAHAHAH lol Ludders på din engelska! :P

skatefarfar (2006-09-14)

Men lägg av nu carbe, du laddade hem 2 SKIVOR. det är bara att byta. om du inte ser den andra skivan när du ska byta så ta typ "show all formats" eller nåt så visar den alla filer i katalogen så klickar du på cd 2 bara.. easymode

LarryX (2006-09-26)

Om det inte funkar å starta, utan man behöver crack så kan ni gå in på länken nedan.. Den har hjälpt mig mycket =)

If u can´t start it, or you want a crack, enter the following link.. This site rocks

Det finns massor med crack här....
It´s lots of crack here...

lappeninho (2006-10-02)

I'm a real noob here.. but does it mean to mount it deamon tools ? I download deamon tools and then what ?

lappeninho (2006-10-02)

sorry for my bad spelling and writing in my comment.. what i mean is.. What does it means to mount it in deamon tools ? I'll be pleased if someone help me

lappeninho (2006-10-03)

Cd 4 ??? there´s no cd 4

lappeninho (2006-10-13)

forget everything i wrote.. i get it now..

abx1992 (2006-10-19)

Plz give me CD key

bisan (2006-11-26)

vad menar du med Bara mounta imagen i Daemon?

everload (2006-12-03)

han menar att man kan använde ett program som "lurar" datorn att det är en cd i......

LexSLR (2007-01-03)

Is there Brazilian Portuguese in this expansion?

ollekol (2007-01-07)

this seems 2 work!!!!!

Merc89 (2007-01-13)

For any one asking for a CD key, your lazy. Go to Google and just search it and find a site that looks legit and just pick up a CD Key. If they want you to d/l something for the cd key on another site, DON'T!
Also, thanks for the game :) I'm thinking of buying this expansion, but I'd hate for my money to go to waste

kaninen__92 (2007-02-03)

seeda pleas seeda snälla

dzemo80 (2007-02-07)

man måste ha the sims 2 föra att kunna installera detta spel!!

Finggo (2007-02-27)

Okej kan någon förklara hur man gör??

123macke123 (2007-03-30)


kejLa (2007-04-02)

Unable to mount image. File not accessable o.o

ampfier (2007-04-13)

Hmm.. Everything works fine till "insert cd/dvd 4". I mounted the cd 4 for update, and when it updates it a bit, the program says : "Error in update" or something. (then it uninstall the whole Nightlife away...)
Can I have some help with this? :o

Eric_SipKnoT (2007-04-25)

Bara så ni vet, när det står att man ska sätta in cd 4 så menar den att det finns 4 skivor till The sims 2 (Det helt vanliga) Ni måste ladda ner det vanliga The sims 2 innan ni laddar ner ngt annat Sims spel. Det ska finnas 4 skivor som man bränner.

Magic_shrOOm (2007-05-25)

Fungerar inte att spela, står att man ska sätta i CD-skivan när man ska starta spelet! hittade inget crack till det heller! :'(

Saftmeister (2007-06-20)

Vad menar du med Bränn ut det med Nero ?:)
jag trodde att d bara va o mounta och instalera skiten ...

Naack (2007-07-08)

How do I do this with Daemon?

Xenif (2007-07-25)

Alright, those of you asking about CD 4: That's the sims 2 updater, you need to mount the sims 2 CD 4 image, or your DVD. Those of you who don't know how to use Daemon tools, you have a very healthy dose of stupid. Seriously, It's not hard. At all. Right click on the icon, go to virtual CD/DVD rom, then at the left there should appear a window, with G: nothing mounted or something similar. Click that, find the iso/cue/mdf you just downloaded, click it. It should say please wait... and a bit later the autorun should pop up.
For those asking about CD keys, you people are REALLY lazy. Search on google, OR, LOOK IN THE DAMN TORRENT!
It's not hard, people. Takes about 2 minutes of trial and error to do it. Instead of asking here, you could google for tutorials or CD keys. Figure things out for yourself for once.

Xenif (2007-07-25)

Forgot to add, for some reason the updater in torrents doesn't work. Download the one from the Sims 2 website, and update from that.

Rammus_ (2007-08-12)

Jag har brent det i nero. men när jag seter i cd-skivan så funkar det inte. Hur ska Jag göra??

DrummerBoy1 (2007-09-02)

kom ijeen sedda da !!! så man kan bli klar idag :D/
Come on seedd plzz!! =)
PS. bra torrent detta (Y) =)/good torrent (Y) =)

Gardlis (2007-09-07)

PLZ seed!

Finggo (2007-11-19)

men okej är det bra sedding i det här

crippa94 (2007-12-06)

funkar den här torrenten

Engis8 (2007-12-16)

kom igen och seeda lite! :D

lilone56 (2008-02-04)

seed please!!

rip-curl (2008-02-17)

seeed please my sister wanna have this game

nextstarhd (2008-02-26)

C'mon people. SEED please ^_^

nextstarhd (2008-02-26)

Oh yes, its loading faster. More seeders please!! WHOO! =D

nextstarhd (2008-02-27)

hey, there was a lot of seeders yesterday/last night. now there is only 2 =(. please seed. thankyou!

nextstarhd (2008-02-27)

ahh =(. no more seeders?! where did you guys go? =(

nextstarhd (2008-02-27)

if you guys are also installing the EXP games one by one, i will update and tell you guys if this game works perfectly just like how i did with university. i am playing it as we speak and also seeding it. once nightlife is complete and i know it completely works, i shall also seed it too. I AM NOT GREEDY =D. let me remind you guys that torrent is built on SEEDERS as far as speed goes. you are already getting this torrent for free so for all you people that do not seed back, stop complaining about seeding when you do not do the same!!! so in the end...........SEED people! it makes torrent such a happier place. haha ;-]

nextstarhd (2008-02-27)

please seed! are u guys hiding? lol

nextstarhd (2008-02-27)

I am happy to say that this torrent worked fine. It asked about enabling custom content or disabling it because some of the objects I have downloaded may effect the game. Other than that, its pretty much good to go. I will now play it to see if it is complete. =D

lilone56 (2008-03-11)

can some1 help me step by step to install this one..plzzzz

hosmy (2008-03-19)

RS mirror:

1Hampus1 (2008-03-20)

seeda da har fastnat på 0.8 vart tar alla vägen jag blir galen

Adderian (2008-03-22)

Snälla seeeda..... Tack

Adderian (2008-03-22)

Börjar bli trött på alla som låter bli o seeda....tack till er som gör det.....glad påsk

InsaneGirl (2008-03-24)

I tried to get this ALL night - but it seems to be some kind of shit! - This torrent stands still in the Limewire! :/ DL speed 0,0 k/bs :(

rip-curl (2008-03-26)

seeed plzzzz

Saadi (2008-05-06)

After Installing correctly just download and install any Expansion pack Having crack with it.
LIke Bon Voyage Or Seasons
You will find it ;)

franzrebs3 (2008-05-07)

So i can't burn this into a CD-R? Sadly I don't have a DVD writer.

NekronMorgoth (2008-05-09)

I have the exact same problem, ramses_iii

rydberg001 (2008-05-24)

woet.. there are 50 seeders and im still DLing in 500b/s ??

maliin-n (2008-05-26)

Har läst flera som har samma problem. När man ska stoppa in cd2 i deamon så hänger sig datorn på 57%! Allt krachar typ. varför blir det så?
Jag har ju gjort allt rätt. jag har det vanliga the sims 2 på skiva.

maliin-n (2008-05-26)

Nu fungerar det som det ska. Installerade om och väntade ett tag innan jag stoppade i cd 2 och tryckte okej. Så alla som undrar, det här fungerar perfekt, på svenska.

Sirreal420 (2008-05-27)

Heres some advice, instead of dragging and dropping cracks, copy and paste them (seemed to work for me). also if you get freezeing when trying to start your game, go to my documents-->ea games-->the sims 2 and move that folder to the desktop then start the game again, it will recreate the folder, and you will have to do all your custom content over again. (but you were smart and put the content folder on your desktop.) and lastly never pay for sims content, use this website -->

dodnaab (2008-06-03)

Hallå de funkar inte,,ja klickar på ikonen sen kommer det inte fram nåt? "/

Maxy_Dawg (2008-06-10)

For all of you complaining about the CD Key....
It's in the torrent, in the file 'cd-key.txt'
Pay attention, people!

theory71 (2008-06-14)


SlimT (2008-06-15)

i feeel such a noob, but, where is the cd-key.txt

rottenpumpkin (2008-06-21)

you don't need a crack? are u sure?
i hope so... because is very dangerous download cracks in internet pages...

Carpen_2005 (2008-07-11)

Tack så mycket (det var den här vi saknade...)

T_coy519 (2008-07-13)

hey you guys i need help. when i dled the university i had no problem mounting and installing it. but for this one when i mount the first one the installing kept stopping at 57%. its stays like that for up to an hour. so i was thinking maybe i need to mount the second image even if it didnt ask for it. so i mounted the second one and still nothing. it keep staying at 57% which is TSData\Control\control1.dat anyone know whats the problem?

Carpen_2005 (2008-07-14)

Tackade lite för tidigt. Funkar inte om jaj bara vill lägga in Nightlife. Alla andra exp har jag ju. Måste man mmounta CD1?

IsAnybodyListening (2008-08-30)

How do you mount it to get the game running?

harvested_youth (2008-09-17)

if i download this do i still need deluxe? cause ive tried to download a deluxe and it didnt work i had problem after problem i actually have the deluxe cd it just wont install after 50%

djaquiambao (2008-10-28)

Is there a missing file in Disc 2? It says "A problem occured when trying to transfer the file 'TSData/Res/Objects/objects.package' from the media.
Do you want to retry to copy the file, or cancel the installation?" That's what it says.. Is there an error uploading here?
I think there's a missing file overhere..... pls. send back... or e-mail me at [email protected] or chat me with my e-mail...Thanks hope to hear from you all soon...(But please try to reply as quickly as you can)

pac3r. (2008-11-23)

what i gonna mount for file ??
please answer. .

pac3r. (2008-11-23)

i have a problem now , i gonna mount CD 1 what i gonna do later? download they other folder? I dont understand please help. Now you gonna say lool :p
( sorry my english is so bad )

majca (2008-12-06)

Worked fine for me. If it gives you a 'wrong disc inserted' error, and you've mounted one of the disc 1 images, try mounting the other one. It's what I had to do.

russ727 (2008-12-09)

Do you need The Sims 2 University to play this game?????
I just loaded it and it says to put the "The Sims 2 University Disc in the drive," . I do not have the The Sims 2 University how do i play the game with out it?

Danijo (2008-12-10)

Must I install The Sims 2 orginal or what? Because when I'm going to start the intallation, I choose language, then it says that I need to have The Sims 2 installed. Do someone have an answer to me? =)

russ727 (2008-12-10)

Yes you need the Sims 2. Nightlife is just a Expansion pack

MrsJasperCullen (2008-12-21)

can you download it again with a crack? it keeps telling me to insert the disk for night life, i clearly dont have that. please and thank you.

linearstroke (2009-01-22)

It says 'Insert Nightlife CD'
How do I get around this?

Black_Tiger_SWE (2009-01-28)

This is game?
Är det spel ?

auch (2009-02-03)

@ MrsJasperCullen
of course you have to have sims 2 installed,this is just an expansion.
my question:
After installing,it just keeps asking for the sims university expansion pack.why?can i terminate that?

godisnapp (2009-02-19)

vad ska jag gör anär den säger att uppdateringen inte avslutades på rätt sätt?

rolin94 (2009-03-15)

this download did use much time! i've waiting in like 20 min. and it just 0.9 % :S

rgfthe (2009-03-23)

7hr and mine's only at 12.2%

arbiyotch (2009-03-24)

Didn't have problems downloading this. Took me 6 hours, on Vuze. But I have a little problem. I mounted CD1 and the installation started, after awhile, it asked me for CD2. What am I suppose to mount for CD2?

rgfthe (2009-03-24)

can someone list down the files that need to be mount? there should be two right?

Project_Spam (2009-03-26)

@ rgfthe (can someone list down the files that need to be mount? there should be two right? )
CD1.mdf & CD2.bin
1. Daemon Tools
2.CD1.mdf & CD2.bin
3. mount CD1
4.when prompt to insert CD2 mount CD2
5.Wait untill it has installed and play........
Thanks to TR!GG3R and all the Seeders who made this possiable, No thanks to EA whos Crapy covers have ruined so many of my original games

Lindaap (2009-03-31)

Installed but doesn't work. ASS.

PirateYourGames (2009-05-31)

Works great. Nice seeding downloaded at 450kb/s which is great for me.

bncy (2009-06-08)

it's been like 3-4 mins and it's 1.4%
nice download speed

bncy (2009-06-09)

4 hours later: 81.9%

Princhy (2009-06-19)

Nice download speed. Thank you!

pohnahd (2009-06-24)


Irejs (2009-07-23)

very nice downloading speed
i might be stupid but i dont know what to do next, what do u mean by mount?
coul someone write it step by step? :)

Irejs (2009-07-23)

ok, i got it, im not that stupid after all :)
but i still have problem with CD 4 - where do i download the sims 2 updater or whatever it is? i tried to find it but i cant..

Gunofdarknes (2009-08-24)

not so good speed but its fuking free what else can i ask lol....and works fine;if i click the nightlife shortcut ask me for a CD or crack but i click the pets icon (its cracked) and works perfect lol thnx TR!GG3R and all the seeders.

djcataract (2009-08-29)

Pohnad, Limewire Sucks. When it comes to music, you lose a ton of quality, and with stuff like this you have no view of feedback to tell you if there's been any virus issues, the uploader is trusted, etc.

djcataract (2009-08-29)

plus no, you can't get Limewire PRO for free unless you do exactly what you're saying not to do (torrent it) Exactly how much do you know about file sharing?

aleOn08 (2009-11-16)

heyy. help! i already downloaded this torrent, mounted and extracted files but it doesn't include the installation wizard something. HOW COULD I INSTALL THIS ONE W/O IT? or tell me asap wuts the prob?
--> im not one of those lazy ones! i figured out all of the complex things installing this sims2 by myself but this time HELP ME ! . :( i really LOVE this one....
u could tell me ur answers personally .. here's my YM pretty_08_10_14. please response ASAP! thank u so MUCHIEEE !

harper9393 (2009-11-29)


OriginalCindy (2009-12-12)

is this even worth downloading? i see alot of comments with failed attempts at getting this game to work properly.
plus do you need university for it to work?

OriginalCindy (2009-12-12)

Hey thanks this worked really great. great download speed and everything dont know why so many people are having problems

koolmansean (2010-01-05)

It says it has crashed and it will terminate after I install it all and click to play it.

LirosNoir (2010-01-08)

Do I need Daemon, or will it work with Alcohol 52%?

qtloop (2010-01-15)

okay , ive succesfully downloaded it . but everytime i try to open it , it says to insert the bloody nightlife disk , when ive already mounted it on my alcohol 120% . n ive tried all those mini images but none of them works . confused as hell . can anybody help ?

manbeer (2010-01-24)

everytime i tryed to install nightlife afte ri had university on my comp as well with nightlife when it comes to the update thing it says tht sims2 already update then after that says it terminates and starts unistalling by it self and it did tht when i unistalled university and put nightlife in b4 university and it did the same thing and i wanna know y and i downloaded differnt types of nightlife aswell but it comes as the same message its pissing me off i want a working sims 2 game tht has all expansions otherwise i know how to dl and install to

2sweet4ya (2010-01-31)

please seed :)

Saulll (2010-02-05)

Worked Great!

butt4brains (2010-02-21)

hi sorry to be a pain but can some1 plz help i've done everything but for some reason when ever i try to install it it just says it doesn't reconize the NFO file what do i need to do?

butt4brains (2010-02-22)

never mind i googled it and found a way to open the NFO files :)

butt4brains (2010-02-22)

me again sorry but when ever i install the game it comes up with this about 55% percent through -
a problem occurred when trying to transfer the file
from the media.
and when ever i click retry the message just keeps coming back

AnnaNeedsHelp (2010-03-05)

Please Seed guys!!!! I always seed. :)

btre50 (2010-03-18)

good job it work well download was fast to

Lewlew1912 (2010-04-25)

It keeps coming up with an error -
Cannot transfer the media ***.. different things like voice.package and stuff.. help?

Kiizu (2010-05-07)

Thanks for all the seeders!! I've downloaded only for 19 min and already 33% done ^^

livlena (2010-05-27)

Hey guys,
Can someone please write the install steps for me and probably others? =)
Thank you so much!
Lots of luv - Lena;*
My mail if you can send me the steps: [email protected]

livlena (2010-05-27)

Hey guys,
Can someone please write the install steps for me and probably others? =)
Thank you so much!
Lots of luv - Lena;*
My mail if you can send me the steps: [email protected]

livlena (2010-05-27)

Ops, came twice...hehe :P

livlena (2010-05-29)

Can someone plzzz tell us the install steps! I'v had this game for more than a week and still can't install it!

kungaff (2010-06-16)

Can someone please tell me the install steps.
My e-mail adress is: [email protected]
If u know the install steps so please tell me.

livlena (2010-06-23)

Hey people,
No one sent me the install steps..sadly, but I figured it out all by my self! Haha, I'm really proud. ANyway...I don't quite remember what I did but follow these steps.
You have to have: Deamon tools installed. When or if you have downloaded it follow this;
Right click on the icon(deamon tools, in the corner) and go to virtual devises CD/DVD room, then at the left there should appear a window, with F: nothing mounted or something similar. Click that and go to Nightlife folder that you just downloaded and click: folder 1. (You should probably select show all files) Find the file that is iso/cue/mdf that you just downloaded. It should say please wait... and a bit later the autorun should pop up. Run the autorun and then write in the password. The password should be in one of the file you downloaded, if you can't find it, google it. Then wait till the download starts. After a bit it will stop and say you need disk 2 or something.
Go right away again go to virtual devises CD/DVD room, then at the left there should appear a window, with F: something mounted. Click that and go to nightlife folder 2 and mount iso/cue/mdf.
If the download starts again, it worked and you mounted the right file. If it doesn't, then try mounting the other file that is iso/cue/mdf.
After the download has finished, click on some other game but not the Nightlife icon. You should be able to play it!
Remember to right click on some other sims game you have and right click; run with administrador. I don't know why your suppose to do it but just do it. Hehe.
I really hope that I helped but I tryied like billion times to do this. Good luck.

trisvos (2010-06-27)

thank you very much!

Arty94 (2010-07-16)

Nce great.rnI\'ll seed as long as I can.

dragonair737 (2010-07-18)

Well I wouldnt let me write down all the steps so post your email and I will send you EVERYTHING you need to know, also I will try to answer All of your questions and problems you may have.

krymzon01 (2010-08-16)

works fine but one problem, where can i find a car?

Norbert_JAM (2010-08-24)

heres my problem, i run sims 2 nightlife and it says: application has crashed, terminating game.
then it exits, any ideas? i have the super nude patch installed...could that be a problem? my email is [email protected] (its my msn too) if you have any idea whats wrong please add me or email me and help please :) i tried what livlena did and it said please insert disc...the disc was inserted (well mounted) thank you for your time.

livlena (2010-08-30)

Hey Norbert_JAM,
Hmmm... It happened to me too. If it says it has crashed, you should check if you have enough space on your computer. If you do or don't: You can try to delete some useless programs and stuff that you have in your computer and you don't need. Can be old computer games that you don't play anymore and you uninstall them or whatever! Restart your computer and then try to play the game. Don't have any programs open when you are going to play the game, because it takes space when you're playing the game and slows it down which may cause the game to crash.
I read your comment and you said;"i tried what livlena did and it said please insert disc...the disc was inserted (well mounted)".

twistedTSD (2010-09-21)

I have a problem!!! If I install TS2 nightlife, it says something about upgrade (I think...)- I click "OK", then it says ,,upgrade was succesful" - I click "OK". But than it uninstalls Nightlife!!!!...What´s the problem?......sorry for my english :-)

TH3-H00K (2010-10-15)

I anyone having difficulty playing multiple EPs edit the registry for EPs like this
Find this
Paths/(Sims2.exe) or (Sims2EP1) or (SimsEP2)
(Default) (Excutable path) Drive:\***\TSBin\SimsEP1.exe or SimsEP2.exe
Game Registry SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 University
Istalled double click enter 1
Path e.g. drive:\***\University
Restart double click enter 0

CRO(toni)ATIA (2010-11-24)

Cool it works thank you now I have all expansions with hack i download this in 9-10 minutes. THX seeders

veroncute (2010-12-14)

I just want to ask if this is only nightlife?? or does it have a the the sims 2 game itself

juanja300 (2011-01-09)

please seed, i´m new and i need this expansion

juanja300 (2011-01-09)

please seed, i´m new and i need this expansion.

juanja300 (2011-01-09)

please seed me this!!!! plzzzz! I will thank you so much.

PwnArtist (2011-01-15)

Fast download but refuses to install after 57% file control1.dat

TiffanyNany (2011-01-16)

It happens T_coy519..Just try from another torrent...

Yepi69-Portugal (2011-02-10)

thats right folks keep seeding!

turduken (2011-02-17)

Thanks, gonna seed =D

zellturtl (2011-03-06)

help! i downloaded the torrent quickly, the installation starts after i mount CD1 using daemon tools, but after I select my language it gives me this message:
This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 2. Please install The Sims 2 before installing this product.
I have sims 2, which I also downloaded using a torrent, and it works fine. What can I do??
oh and if you can post your answer here i would really appreciate it, as I prefer not to put my email address

zellturtl (2011-03-06)

Could this be a problem? My file is not called CD1.mdf, it is called MIR-SIMS2NL. Is it the same? I found it in the CD1 folder

Sinister. (2011-03-16)

First of all, I'd like to thank TR!GG3R for the torrent.
It worked like a charm. TYVM.
TPB would not let me post the whole thing.
View it here:

clajudd (2011-03-31)

Please help me, i had the core game without expansions and it worked super fine and no problems but when i installed university and use the .exe for university it says make sure that the university disk is in the cd rom something like that and then when i used the core game .exe it works but when i the video at the start plays and then click my mouse it crashes then if i dont click my mouse then after the video it crashes. when i installed nightlife the same thing happened. help me please!

PrinceOfNerdz (2011-04-11)

omfg thank you Sinister for the installation guide! Saved me a massive head ache

cherrybaby (2011-05-31)

This is AWESOME!! I have to say THANK YOU, lots and lots!!

aperson101 (2011-06-14)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I bought the game a long time ago, but I lost the CD (still have the booklet)! Thanks a ton. Was tired of only playing the base game/missed this!

Finished911 (2011-07-05)

Sorry Nooobish question. but I really need it answered. Do you need the Sims 2 to download this expansion? or can you just download this game and have it run without the Sims 2?

pandoraxxx (2011-07-12)

Firstly, props to sinister for giving instructions. Was killer.
Now my only problem is that when i go into the game and go to create a sim i can't, it doesn't show the "turn on/turn offs" section so i can't finish creating a sim.. any ideas on how to fix it?

pandoraxxx (2011-07-12)

Firstly, props to sinister for giving instructions. Was killer.
Now my only problem is that when i go into the game and go to create a sim i can't, it doesn't show the "turn on/turn offs" section so i can't finish creating a sim.. any ideas on how to fix it?

Zurodine (2011-08-24)

Nice installation guide Sinister. Only problem I had with it was that when you are given the prompt to "Insert Disc 4" for the update it is referring to Disc 4 of the original Sims 2 game.

Quick92RS (2011-09-02)

Has anyone else had this issue? I opened DT and tried to mount the image but it doesn't give me the option. I decided to try and burn it to a cd but it's 765mb file and my disks are only 702mb. Any ideas?

Triasadi (2011-09-03)

Works 100%

adamnlm (2011-10-18)

Please can anyone help me? I did this.
1. CD1 mount
2. Click on
and than it's says Please insert disk 1

adamnlm (2011-10-18)

Please can anyone help me? I did this.
1. CD1 mount
2. Click on
and than it's says Please insert disk 1

maheshwoody (2011-11-03)

@zellturtl and @TR!GG3R
I have the same problem here... It says the product requires installed copy of Sims 2.... do I need the sims 2 torrent to install this expansion pack... I though this is enough for all as it includes sims 2 with expansion pack..... please advice

Wolfop9 (2011-11-04)

i do everything right but then when i click ok for CD 2 it doesnt finish installing

Sofia.C (2011-11-06)

I have a question: How do we get the serial number to download Daemon? Thanks!

Ceciliyah (2011-12-22)

I haven't had any problems with any torrents thus far. I use Daemon Tools Lite to mount the disk images, and I have had no problems. ThanksTr!gg3r :D

Ceciliyah (2011-12-22)

Also here are some codes for those that can't find it...
The Sims 2
The sims 2 Bon Voyage
The sims 2 celibration stuff
The Sims 3 Deluxe
The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff
The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff
The Sims 2 H&M Fashion Stuff
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The Sims 2 Open For Business
The Sims 2 Pets
The Sims 2 Seasons
The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff
The Sims 2 University
The Sims 2 Apartment Life
The Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff
The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff

xlx1234dn (2011-12-30)

this works great!!!! i had no problems at all just follow the instalation guide of sinister!!

EhHehHeh (2012-01-02)

hey, where do I download the files from the torrent?? to Program Files/(x86)?? i tried, but then in the first percent of the download it gave me an error: access denied :( ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED!!!

EhHehHeh (2012-01-02)

or do i download it elsewhere... right now i chose data disc as the direction, i hope it works (sorry if i sound like a noob)

EhHehHeh (2012-01-03)

yaay it works fine :) at times makes strange noises but still amazing ;) THANKS BRO!

maakusensei (2012-01-10)

works for me also. thanks!

elitewolf (2012-01-16)

seed guys, i stuck at 0.00%

xKriiss.- (2012-02-09)

Finally! One that works.
Thank you, sweetheart.
(I'll seed, sweeties.)

mrof (2012-03-16)

please i have a problem!
i mount the CD1/CD2, after this i install the CD1 and its stop at 57% and ask me to insert CD2, so i try to open the AutoRun link in CD2, but it won't open!!
what can i do???

st0rm420 (2012-03-21)

Umm @ Mrof after mounting CD 2 just click okay on the installation process. And as far as everyone else yelling how there is no CD4 when it asks to update at the end of the installation what their asking for isn't CD4 for Nightlife (which don't exist) their asking for the 4th CD of the core game (The Sims 2). The original game had 4CD's. And you don't have to worry about updating it won't mess with your crack or anything. I updated mine when I installed University and now every other expansion I install it just says game is already up to date and finishes installation. No need to restart computer like in Sinisters install guide. but otherwise follow his guide exactly and you will be just fine.

st0rm420 (2012-03-21)

Oh @ Mrof just saw you said you mounted both CD's to begin with. Then hit okay as soon as it asks for the 2nd CD. If it is saying you don't have it in try remounting it. If that fails you may need to re-download this torrent as something might have messed up when downloading and there is an error in your 2nd CD.

Fact1ons (2012-06-09)

Do i need to install the orig. Sims 2 for this torrent?

Flower52 (2012-10-06)

seed please

asakalayat (2013-01-14)

i successfully downloaded it and was installing almost same problem as everyone else the "insert sims 2 dvd to continue" but i dont have the dvd so i downloaded the 4th cd.iso of the original sims 2 and mounted it but it won't recognize it and still ask for dvd how do i fix this?

MaskBear (2013-01-18)

It keeps telling me to insert the first disc of Nightlife, but I already have it mounted. What do I do?

chitoryu12 (2013-02-24)

If it tells you to insert a CD, look online (or sometimes in the files you torrented) for a crack. A crack is basically a version of the executable that doesn't require a CD.

jhennice18 (2013-07-11)

hmm im looking forward to this download. since it has an amazing 150+ seeders.. oh well

foxyy2 (2013-07-31)

works great. thanks :)

Sunblindspirit (2014-04-14)

I had no problem mounting and installing however, when I go to run the game it asks for me to put the disc in. How do I fix this?

Sunblindspirit (2014-04-14)

Oh nvm I figured it out, thanks chitoryu12, I missed your comment

NonPirate (2014-09-30)

I got the error:
Please insert disk number 1


1. The.Sims.2.Nightlife.CloneCD-MiRROR/CD1/MIR-SIMS2NL.mdf 746.97 Mb
2. The.Sims.2.Nightlife.CloneCD-MiRROR/CD1/MIR-SIMS2NL.mds 2.76 Kb
3. The.Sims.2.Nightlife.CloneCD-MiRROR/CD2/MIR-SIMS2NL2.bin 529.87 Mb
4. The.Sims.2.Nightlife.CloneCD-MiRROR/CD2/MIR-SIMS2NL2.cue 75 bytes
5. The.Sims.2.Nightlife.CloneCD-MiRROR/cd-key.txt 54 bytes
6. The.Sims.2.Nightlife.CloneCD-MiRROR/mir-sims2nl.nfo 11.74 Kb