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Ultimate January Updates
Ultimate January Updates
2006-01-29 (by CCRunner524)
Ultimate January Updates
Ultimate Extinction: 1
Ultimate Spiderman: 89
Ultimate X-Men: 66
Ultimate X-Men vs FF: 2
Ill try to keep this up as long as i can!
Files count:
47.83 Mb
Xeno2007 (2006-02-04)
What about Ultimate Fantastic Four Nr 27???? Ah, the best one of the lot!golder247 (2006-02-04)
Hey.. you know you rock.. if you had breasts and werent totally anonymous well...Keep it up there fella... this ultimate stuff rocks like nothing else.
Although.. hulk and wolverine... where did it go.. Boo hoo... sob sob etc etc etc
Thanks again
CCRunner524 (2006-02-06)
Ultimate FF 27 comes out 02-15-2006, and ultimate hulk vs Wolv comes out 02-22-2006. BTW i offically am pissed of with Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine because after the 2nd one comes out the 3rd isnt coming out till April!!Xeno2007 (2006-02-08)
Thanks CCrunner for doing these updates. I've got a store nearby that sells these and just found out from them that FF27 isn't out yet. But I'd rather read them on CDdisplay, much more enjoyable, and saves me scanning them! I'm a bit miffed with Ultimate Spiderman now. The story telling is too slow and they can waste one whole page on 1 plate with no diaglogue. This to me is lazyness, the story telling is so slow it's like reading 2 pages of a 1000 page novel every week. It's great when you read them one after the other (I had 80 to get through initially) but when waiting 2-3 weeks for a copy and it advances the story by a miniscule amount, it pisses me off. I started reading the original Amazing spiderman's, and to my surprise I'm enjoying them much more - fast paced and full of character and humour. But that Ultimate Fantastic 4 rocks. The intelligent story lines and characterization are nothing short of inspired. If only the movie had used the scripts from it, it would have been a major hit, instead of the total tripe it turned out to be. Just my thoughts. What's other people's opinions?Keep up the good work CCrunner, I stopped reading comics years ago, and these torrents on here have got me into reading something I never thought I would again, and even buying some of them.
Xeno2007 (2006-02-08)
Oh, and Hulk vs Wolferine? Hulk found with a harem of scantily clad females? Now that is just too far-fetched. So he gives his gigantic green hulk cock to them all does he? Can you imagine this 100 ton (or whatever) monster giving these girls joy? Somehow I think they wouldn't survive the encounter. Every female in the village with him. Sounds like just one of the writers erotic fantasies to me. Might as well have drawn the girls totally naked and giving Hulk head, and sell it as alternative porn. Well all this is what they are implying in the damn storyline. Come on! This story is a joke. And also - rips Wolverine's legs off and hurls them 4 miles through mountains and snow? Damn that must have taken a long crawl. All bloody stupid if you ask me.Xeno2007 (2006-02-08)
Ok, last comment. What about the Ultimate Zombie Universe? (Not sure if it's called that) the spin off from the story line from Ultimate Fantastic Four. Any plans to put that up? If not, no probs, I'll go buy. I could then scan them and put them up myself, but I have no idea how this tracker thing works. I need some help with this torrent lark and uploading the seed or whatever.PDG1 (2006-03-20)
Yeah!thanks CCRunner! I thought that my comic book reading was done for at Ultimate Spiderman 86... but you put out 87+88 earlier and now I've got 89... almost done getting 90...
so far... I haven't read any of the other ultimate books... but with you're updates that come out, I think I'll get into reading some others to.
Thanks again
it's so hard to find a good book these days.