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History Channel Jesus The Lost 40 Days HDTV XviD-DiVERGE








Video/TV shows


2011-04-21 (by TvTeam )


. : The Hottest Private Tracker On The Net!!! To Avoid Fakes, ALWAYS Check That The Torrent Was Added By: TvTeam. www . TorrentDay . Com (((((((((((((= Enjoy No RAR releases =)))))))))))))))))))) ...................................NFO:.................................... .History.Channel.Jesus.The.Lost.40.Days.HDTV.XviD-DiVERGE Release Date.....: 2011-04-21 Filesize.........: 700.2 MB Runtime..........: 01:27:58 Video ...........: 977 kb/s XviD Audio ...........: 128 kb/s, 2ch MP3 Frame Size.......: 624x352 Frame Rate.......: 23.976 Description......: According to the Bible, Jesus came back from the dead and walked the earth for 40 days before ascending to heaven. But the New Testament reveals little about this defining miracle of the Christian faith. Using tools of history, technology, science and faith, HISTORY tells the little-known story. Long-buried non-Biblical sources, such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the Secret Revelation of John and the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus yield astonishing information and detail about these seemingly lost 40 days. Could Jesus' words in these ancient manuscripts contain some of his most important teachings, even though they were not included in the New Testament? The producers also build upon the CGI image of the crucified Christ created from the Shroud of Turin in The Real Face of Jesus to visually depict the moments when Jesus appears to his followers in resurrected form.

Files count:



706.03 Mb




mrtvi (2011-04-23)

christian propaganda

ItsNotYouItsMe (2011-04-24)

@ rra137 - No offense to your religious beliefs, but you really should get your facts straight. ALL of the books of the bible were written well after the first century, and certainly not by anyone contemporaneous with Jesus, or any one who could have possibly known him. Christianity dates from 325 A.D. - the Council of Nicaea, convened under Constantine the Great for the sole purpose of bringing literally hundreds of warring factions together and forcing them to agree on a standard. The canonized books are not eyewitness accounts by any means; they are a compromise, and are no more historically reliable than the so-called Apocrypha, which
greatly outnumber the canonized versions - a minor "miracle" in itself, considering the Church's historical propensity for burning
anything that contradicted their mandates.
You speak of the "point of view of on-christians" as if there were actually any christians to speak of, when the fact is the disciples scattered and began teaching various different versions of things they were supposed to have all witnessed, giving us conflicting stories in the bible to this day, even after numerous revisions over the centuries. The discoveries at Qumraan have been dated much more closely to the time in question, so what - pray tell - leads you to call them unreliable? The one thing we know for
certain is that those writings have never been subjected to the redactions and alterations of the christian bible. Hold whatever beliefs you wish, but in the end, belief is what you have in the absence of fact, and all you can do in that case, is have faith.

netrek (2011-04-25)


netrek (2011-04-25)

ItsNotYouItsMe you are ignorant of history and in spiritual darkness.

netrek (2011-04-25)

mrtvi it's not propaganda it's historical fact you jackass. it's pathetic you stupid atheists are so consumed by hatred you feel compelled to comment on Christian videos. no one forced you to come to this torrent and comment you blithering fool!

ItsNotYouItsMe (2011-04-25)

Netrek, since I am apparently so ignorant of historical fact, please enlighten all of us who are living in darkness by refuting - with scientifically provable evidence, not diatribe and dogma - one single thing that I stated. I can prove what I wrote, so how about you?
Also, just to allay your fears for my immortal soul, I am in fact a christian, but I am a realistic one, who realizes that the bible is nothing more than a guide, and intended for a populace wherein only royalty and the priesthood were even literate. Historical fact does not invalidate the value of christian philosophy, but it does point up the fact that we, as modern humans, do need to understand it's roots in order to understand it's modern applications. The realization that the bible is not very accurate historically does not cause a crisis in faith for me, it's only scary for people who do not really understand the true point of Jesus' teachings.
For example, take the story of Jesus healing the blind man. Maybe he really did cure a physical condition, or maybe he showed him the path to actual enlightenment, and "the scales fell from his eyes". That doesn't seem to have worked in your case, but by all means, keep the faith if that's what works for you. The God I believe in isn't afraid of a little scientific truth, and if yours is, what does that tell you?

peerman75 (2011-04-27)

nice words "itsnotyouitsme"

peerman75 (2011-04-27)

the real matter is for us to believe in jesus and try to find the hidden messages and get some more stop hating eachother everyone and start loving one another!!!..

sarsapil (2011-05-02)

Talking of far-fetched ideas... Actually, I think he spent that time shacking up with Mary Magdalene, for whom he had the hots for a very long time, before going back to heaven and all that boring blessing and judging and playing chess with angels forever routine...