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Family Guy Season 6 DvDrip-McTav
Video TV
Family Guy Season 6 DvDrip-McTav
Video/TV shows
2009-06-26 (by McTav )
Family Guy Season 6 DvDrip-McTav
Files count:
1881.18 Mb
McTav (2009-06-26)
I will not be seeding untill tonight, but i thought i would put this up now anyways.and so i dont have to deal with it later, yes i know the file sizes are odd, but it dosnt matter the quality is exactly the same as all my other videos so no nonsense about it this time, be great full your download will go that much faster.
McTav (2009-07-10)
@superbo3considering season 7 isn't fully out on dvd yet i haven't released a season 7 torrent soo...
im guessing you downloaded something else that wasnt from me
LeXeR1 (2009-07-15)
Hey thanks i just registered to say thanks. ca i aska how long it will take until season 7 just can wait :)McTav (2009-07-15)
will be a while for season 7, it just ended airing and the next dvd set will have the rest of season 7 and some of 8, so like i said a good while. prolly around christmas timepartchimp (2009-07-31)
Thank you McTav!lurch707 (2009-08-02)
Hey McTav, i just wanted to let you know i downloaded Season 1-6 and put them up on PtN. I left it all as it is, i did not try to impersonate you. I upped it anonymous i left it exactly as i downloaded it. So i just wanted to let you know. I was thinking about getting the south park series and putting them up, but i wanted to ask you first. Ill be checking back here for your response. Thanks for the great work.McTav (2009-08-03)
as long as its my original torrent i really dont mind, if it gets more seeders its fine by me. I mean your intentions are good, its fine by me. I put in there for people to come here for my new stuff. so really if someone tries to impersonate me they will do it and i wont have any control. i know a few people upload my stuff elsewhere and its fine as long as my original stuff is there and nothing else. well its late and im not sure if that made sense but go ahead if you havnt changed anythingZomBiese303 (2009-08-06)
Thanks! Excellent torrent!crook16 (2009-08-23)
is it just me or is the backgroud flickering alot...champion23 (2009-08-24)
What is the resolution to all of your family guy season dvdrips ??????????????????McTav (2009-08-26)
all my rips resolutions are as such:4:3 = 512x384
16:9 = 608x352
champion23 (2009-08-27)
McTav is there anything i can do for you anything becuz u made me so happy i feel like paying you. your uploads are the best ever bcuz i've uploaded lots of family guy epsiodes from ppl to compare to your and yours is the absolute best quality out there PERIOD. thank you so muchh mann.johnnyballsac (2009-09-22)
This release is from PAL source (25 fps), it has the PAL speedup (voices/speed is 4% higher).McTav (2009-09-24)
@johnnyballsacnot really sure what that has to do with anything, but no it is not PAL, although you are correct on the fps.
johnnyballsac (2009-09-28)
I only downloaded four of the first episodes and now noticed the 25 fps is only in the first (of the four first that I checked). Other four were 23.976 FPS.When 23.976 -> 25 FPS transformation is made 99% of the time they just speed up the play rate, hence the 4 % speedup in the voices/sound (and overall video).
Sometimes, VERY rarely, they make the correction in the audio.
pki1 (2009-10-31)
Where is season 7SinWindow (2009-11-14)
Thanks for the up McTav!johnny, you really are a ballsack, stfu already
m-k_gangsta (2009-11-17)
hey McTav your a legend your rips r great best stuff ive downloaded i got ur family guy season 1-6 and im loven em im just wondering if ur gonna put up family guy season 7-8?? please replym-k_gangsta (2009-11-18)
??????m-k_gangsta (2009-11-28)
McTav are you going to upload Family Guy Season 7?m-k_gangsta (2009-12-05)
hey McTav r u going to be uploading the cleveland show seasons to when they come out on DVD ALLSO WAITING ON FAMILY GUY SEASON 7 :) GREAT WORK McTav!..dp2746 (2009-12-05)
McTav, you are the man, i've downloaded family guy seasons 1-6 from you with quality beyond exceptional, however its been quite some time that family guy season 7 has been out on dvd. i was just wondering if your going to upload it?richmondorient (2009-12-14)
All of your family guy torrents are fantastic! Thanks so much!Just wondering if you are going to be uploading season 7?
m-k_gangsta (2009-12-21)
its around Christmas time. Cant wait for u to upload Season 7 ahhhhhhhhahahah Soooooo excited Love YOUr TORrents : ) : ) : ) : ).....m-k_gangsta (2009-12-21)
BOW DOWN TO McTav!!.. Merry X-Mas and a happy new year McTavbertalert01 (2010-02-01)
I have downloaded all your Family Guy torrents and they are fantastic!Thank you so much!
oversoul53 (2010-05-24)
hey MacTV, Volume 8 coms out June 15th and it has the rest of the season 7 episodes and the first half of season 8, are u gunna season 7 dvdrip when it comes out then?also, if u could upload the first half of season 8 from the vol 8 dvd that'd be AWESOME. I wanna see Road to the Multiverse uncensored
Jlas2h (2010-07-28)
are these uncensoredTheEnlightened (2010-08-21)
Hey people, you can download Family Guy Volume 8 right here on The Pirate Bay! Which includes the rest of Season 7 & part of Season 8.But I would also like to say thanks to McTav for Seasons 1-6 of Family Guy which is uncensored!
emilroh (2010-11-04)
The rest of the episodes from season 7 is out in both UK and USA now, so please McTav can you upload season 7? That would be awesome!Kotteeen (2011-01-11)
can you upload season 7,8,9 please
bron_giovanni (2011-09-02)
Excellent work McTavDonnybob (2011-09-24)
Thanks for all the great stuff McTav. Small question though, when are you uploading Family Guy season 7?qui-gon-gin (2011-10-19)
can you upload seasons 7,8,9 that would be awesome of you if you can you are one of the best tv shows uploader thus far, and yours are always the best quality. A/10 V/10 All seasons 1-6rediany (2012-04-03)
Dude ive been downloadin alot of ur stuff and its fukin sik!!! thanks for so many great torrents!! everythin is 10, HANDS DOWNTinna_30 (2012-08-01)
Thanks from Brazil =]ekesky (2012-08-07)
thanks McTav this is the second torrent ive dl from you n i hope to get supernatural season 8 from you wen it comes out and also can u help me get the amazing spiderman coz all d others ive seen have poor quality tnx mehnpeace