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Banned Discovery Channel Documentary - Conspiracy of Silence avi






Discovery Channel Documentary - Conspiracy of Silence -Banned-


Video/TV shows


2008-10-28 (by ipontus)


Homosexual prostitution inquiry Reagen/Bush, Lawrence King, Boys Town. Lawrence E. King, was eventually convicted of embezzling thirty-eight million dollars as manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Nebraska. Adult material for mature audiences. This is the Discovery Channel program they did not want you to see. "Conspiracy of Silence", a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.


  1. Reagan
  2. Bush
  3. Lawrence King
  4. Franklin
  5. Boys
  6. Homosexual
  7. prostitution
  8. corruption
  9. blackmail
  10. coverup
  11. BBC
  12. Banned
  13. Documentary

Files count:



455.63 Mb




al1984 (2008-10-28)

More like, the program we don't want to see.

ipontus (2008-10-28)

Then donĀ“t watch it..

hongwan (2008-10-28)

First the tards were saying Bush and Cheney blew up the world trade center and now I suppose there are eye witness tard accounts that they were seen running away holding hands after lighting the fuses? Isn't this straying a bit from your favorite specialty topic ipontus?, you know alien abductions and their accompanying rectal probes?

moebetta72 (2008-10-29)

To "dongwan" Dickwan, Fuckwan whatever your name is):
Even Stevie Wonder could see that the World Trade fiasco was a DEMOLITION!! You are obviously influenced br Mainstream media and the Government and couldn't see your way out of an invisible box!!
P.S. If you check the FACTS, you will find that one of Bush's relatives is closely linked to the Security of the bulidings

Lastly, if you don't believe the government is capable of wholesale pre-meditated murder, Look up the meaning of Collateral Damage!
Cynically Yours,
A U.S. Veteran

hongwan (2008-10-29)

Who banned this and when asshole? Just like the material you upload your titles and descriptions are bald faced lies. Nothing has ever been "Banned" that was on the Discovery channel. Do everyone here a favor. either post proof about this having been banned or shove it up your lying ass. The problem with assholes like you is you not only believe someone elses bull shit, but you also believe your own. Then you run around thinking you can enlighten the rest of us. Tell us what the process is for banning documentarys in the U.S., and tell us where we can find the list of U.S. banned documentarys and books. Are you beginning to see how stupid you look yet? Also please stop announcing that you're a U.S. veteran. your embarrassing the rest of us. What scares the hell out of me is that they give drivers licenses and voting cards to idiots like you. Thank God the misinformation you pedal stays within the retard community.

dippindotz (2008-10-29)

Notice the Reagan/Bush line? The one that made you comment? Well take your blinders off and realize that Reagan was president before BOTH Bushes. So this documentary couldnt be about 9-11. Why the fuck would you assume it was to begin with? Before you spew anti-anti-bush rhetoric use google and you would see that yes this documentary was made and set to air on the discovery channel but was pulled before its air date for unknown reasons. So at best you should be arguing that the uploaders title is wrong to say "banned". On a side note you can watch this documentary on google video.

hongwan (2008-10-29)

perhaps dippindotz because this guy is a conspiracy nut who currently has 4 9/11 conspiracy documentarys on TPB. That's not to mention other conspiracy documentarys he has on TPB now and in the past. Secondly it was humor directed at ipontus which obviously went right over your head. See that's the problem. I don't assume anything while you and he assume everything. I believe I have already made my point to him about him calling this "Banned". When a documentary is shot and it can't be marketed because it is not fact based.
the owners always try to discredit the organizations refusing to show it by saying they were part of a conspiracy to hide the truth, or they were threatened. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt to attract public interest to their film so they still might profit from it. I challenge you to find info from the discovery channel themselves stating they were pressured by government agencies not to show it because it was truthfully shocking. You're repeating the same old lies and B.S. put out by the films maker and marketers. You think with the U.S. parties being as divided as they are, that nobody would ever bring this up? Why do all and I mean ALL major and credible news sources laugh at stories like these? Your talking about a conspiracy involving scores of thousands in the long run. The U.S. government couldn't even keep the stealth bomber a secret. Tell me which channel on cable airs all the 9/11 conspiracy films we find on these torrent sites. Wise up goofy. TV stations climb all over each other and pay millions just to be the first to air stories of public interest. The catch all is that the stories must be true. This shit here is truly for the young and naive.

ipontus (2008-10-29)

As for why some things are reported the mainstream media and why other things are only found on Youtube or here is well explained in another fine video posted here by another concerned citizen.

I understand this discovery video is not about 911 and happened prior to 911 so this is not a 911 discussion but believe the official 911 story is a conspiracy theory. You may draw your own conclusions as to why this documentary was pulled from broadcast but the fact that it was is also mentioned on:
Toward the end of the article.
?The world is a freak show and if we are lucky enough to live in the USA we get a front row seat?

dippindotz (2008-10-29)

My quote: "pulled before its air date for unknown reasons."
Your Quotes: "I don't assume anything while you and he assume everything."
"When a documentary is shot and it can't be marketed because it is not fact based.
the owners always try to discredit the organizations refusing to show it by saying they were part of a conspiracy to hide the truth, or they were threatened."(btw nice sentences ya got there sparky)
Do you understand how much of an ass that makes you look like? Heres a hint: I dont assume anything! (the very NEXT sentence (if you can even call it a sentence, more like a paragraph with an ill-placed period in the middle) you go on to ASSUME. Brilliant!

hongwan (2008-10-29)

I notice dippindotz you have tapped danced around all my questions and statements concerning these conspiracy videos. This must be because even you know you're full of shit. This is what Ignorant Liberals usually do. You clowns are sooooo predictable. Go back to the projects and smoke your crack pipe behind the dumpster you moron. Have you ever wondered why hardly anyone over the age of 40 believes any of this shit? Only stupid impressionable kids believe in this stuff. You're the ones they target.
I love the part where you criticized my sentences on this message board. LOL! that's always the dead give away that you just had your ass handed to you on the argument. Maybe next time you pick up a gauntlet you'll be better prepared to fight. But I doubt it LOL!

Gatmad (2008-10-30)

WoW, deucalion you're the best, i inderstod mor then i shall had inderstand if you were god in englitch

lifemare (2008-11-17)

You just have to love retards like Hongman, who are not only genetically incapable of questioning the status quo, they'll actually go out of their way to piss off everyone else who doesn't take the media garbage and soap-newspapers for granted. Funny how educated these tards allways seem to be about something they haven't even watched.
I applaud your efforts to remain narrow-minded!
In this day and age, with all kind of information easily available, tards like you are an endangered species (i hope) and should be kept as pets by those who are constantly seeking the truth and aren't afraid to question their beliefs, so we can be constantly and annoyingly reminded of what it means to do otherwise.

DarkRendition (2008-12-06)

Conspiracy theorists cannot be reasoned with, rational people should avoid arguing with them at all costs. They are more often then not sheep that run with a smaller flock just as most Americans are tools of the media. They warp and contort information until it conveniently wraps around their "alternative" series of events. Even when blatantly presented with evidence to negate their theory they endlessly attempt to discredit the source in an attempt to shift attention away from any reasonable scrutiny or elegantly evade competing information when the default tactic fails. Ignore conspiracy theorists, they're warped sense of reality cannot be reasoned with.

timlit (2009-01-08)

TO disctract from the origin of the financial crisis.

GilmoreGirl (2009-02-06)

I, for one, am thankful to all the 'conspiracy nuts' as, being one of them, I feel it is of the utmost importance to educate one's self on what is actually happening in the world, rather than believing what we are just meant to see.
If you would rather live a blinkered, sheltered existence, where the only things that get through to you are from the mainstream, corrupt news sources, then that's your loss. But why even bother to comment on torrents like this? If you don't like it, you don't have to watch it. Simple.
Thanks a lot ipontius, I appreciate your work x

bluntdrunk024 (2009-03-06)

I think if hongwan were to be reviewed, I'd ban him for lack of proper english, lack of "length", and for insulting a fellow veteran. Hooh! Fuck your half inch cock and fuck your logic. There is no banned list of books, if there were we would obviously find them! In america, you ban something by selecting the topic (book name) and creating an opinion (say whatever you want, as long as it sticks) and then people create a reaction (their own opinion) and then you open a line of dialogue the causes people to think negatively of it(it caused 911) and then people associate it with something stupid or stone solid, but never questioning it. (conspiracy nut/true story) once it hits this point, the idea has died for most intents and purposes. Thats how you ban something in america, you create it, you shape it, you reveal it, you kill it. Don't belive me? watch a commercial, then ask yourself why did i think of this product, why do i have an opinion now? why do i like or dislike this? because an advertising agency was paid to create the idea, that made the opinion, that created your preference, and from nothing you now have a thought that came from something foreign. Ideas are viral, infecting yourself to everything can sometimes be dangerous.

CanWire (2009-03-16)

valiant effort, but if they don't take their meds, they can't follow your logic. They are very similar to the evangelists in their ability to base a worldview on faith, and also like evangelists they can vote, drive, and influence the curriculum here. Hopefully they will revolt against their imaginary enemies and be removed from our gene pool. Perhaps like the republicans we could control them with fear rhetoric and drive them to war with the religious right....

CanWire (2009-03-16)


sinister9999 (2009-04-01)

if the documentary is as entertaining as the comments here i`ll sure have a good laugh... again XD
i`d pay for your comments. LOL.

komprezzor (2009-06-16)

This is excellent and should be mandatory viewing.

vazza123 (2009-08-20)


snowbirds (2010-05-12)

Ignore the trolls posting comments here. Their job is to steer you away from educating yourself and waking up.
There IS credible evidence of a cover-up related to a sex ring, as stated in this documentary. Whether it happened or not, I don't know, but don't let trolls like "hongwan" discourage you from reviewing the evidence for yourself.

kneebutt (2010-06-20)

Hey folks - my two cents would be that there is no harm in watching 'conspiracy' docos. I too enjoy hearing both sides of the story. But I would have to agree that most conspiracy enthusiasts are essentially idiots. There is a sad recurring theme of attempting to demonstrate enlightenment and open-mindedness by loudly dismissing ALL mainstream media. I could forgive you for being narrow-minded, but the bragging about your opinion when it's actually based on the dubious ramblings of ONE person you've never heard of but for some reason trust - well - that makes you a cunt.
Grow up & don't inflict your low standards on others.

prakhar_mishy (2011-03-12)

@ Hongwan - I don't assume anything either. But now i KNOW you're just an ignorant little boy looking to save some face on the internet because you have none left in real life ..
Please, PLEASE do some actual research (atleast google some shit man, c'mon .. ffs ..) before you attempt to "joke" again ..

Lyca77 (2012-05-19)

The U.S. government protects child rapists.

kjhgviyvoiyoi (2013-02-19)

What's this with alien belivers and rectal probing?
Do they use the belivers dowsing rod as a probe?
And why would they travel milions of lightyears across the universe just to stick probes up the asshole of humans? And why only on odd outsiders?

.KRAAG. (2013-09-19)

Does Religion help cover up the crimes of pedophiles worldwide?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Look at the new Royal Comission into Child Sexual Abuse in Australia -
Also here is an extremely detailed account of what really happened at Port Arthur Massacre PsyOp in Australia in 1996

Australia is a fucking testing ground for human depravity

.KRAAG. (2013-09-19)

Pathetic: Australian Politik...
They will do a Royal Comission into kiddy sex
But they won't do a Royal Comission into the Port Arthur Massacre - Australias WORST EVER massacre?!

NobleBear (2014-11-27)

I looked for this film (and found this torrent) after reading this text:

Draw your own conclusions.


1. Banned Discovery Channel Documentary - Conspiracy of Silence.avi 455.63 Mb