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WoW Patch 3.0.2 Europe(Eng) for Windows






WoW Patch 3.0.2 Europe(Eng) for Windows




2008-10-15 (by Severin84)


WoW patch from 2.4.3 to the new pre-WotLK 3.0.2 Everything included in this, both the WoW-2.4.3-to-3.0.1-TBC-EU-Update and the WoW-3.0.1-to-3.0.2-Update How to deploy: Unrar and put the Updates folder in your world of warcraft-directory Happy patch day :D -Severin


  1. WoW
  2. Patch
  3. 3.0.2
  4. Final Version
  5. Europe
  6. Windows
  7. echoes of doom
  8. doom
  9. echoes
  10. 3 0 2

Files count:



1619.53 Mb




Severin84 (2008-10-15)

Uploading with 3 mb/sec atm ^^
plz seed when done with your DL

waildy (2008-10-15)

thx Severin84 keep it up pliz, if i am done i uppload 300%

Severin84 (2008-10-15)

yw :) happy to help out

waildy (2008-10-15)

blizzard download really sucks :D around 100kb/s and my fw is off.. god they suck :D

Zredrix (2008-10-15)

Will be uploading at ~7Mbit/sec All day, have a blast ingame and hope you all have a nice day.

Severin84 (2008-10-15)

Current ratio: 18:1 (or 1:18, whatever)

tutti_dk (2008-10-15)

lol ty for this, my own wow says ivalid trorrent

svump (2008-10-15)

Wonderful, the speed kicks the shit out of Blizzards own servers.. tnx a lot !

shingui (2008-10-15)

can't seem to get this to go over 10kb/s,
any help?

Sinistrea (2008-10-15)

Works wonders and i have doublechecked for keyloggers, trojans etc. (no offence meant Severin84 ^^)
Wonderful speed and nicely packed!

joloba (2008-10-15)

i also get invalid torrent from blizz, so this is just great. ty alot

Severin84 (2008-10-15)

Ye, sry about the .rar :(
I'd uploaded the folders at first, but then i got the last update after i uploaded it to tpb, so i quickly deleted that torrent, only to find out that it isnt possible to reupload the same data, so i kinda had to.
But cheers

fungi1994 (2008-10-15)

This is like the second torrent iv'e ever downloaded so i'm a nooblet. but i am downloading updates.rar through Vuze and i'm getting like 30.6kb/s any suggestions?

Severin84 (2008-10-15)

try fiddling around with your torrent-client's preferences. Increasing the number of connections for downloads, removing the download cap. Maybe shut down the client for some mins and try again and hope for a better seeder. Also, try setting the bandwidth allocation to 'high'.
Idk, no techie =/

fungi1994 (2008-10-15)

mehh, its not working probs coz of the 90 seeders and 588 leechers i'll just do it the shit way, blizzard downloader :/

riddleren (2008-10-15)

Seeders: 98
Leechers: 695
Thanks for sharing Severin84

dibbo11 (2008-10-15)

its at Leechers: 1000 now.. kinda sucks
come on more seeds plz :D
and thanks Severin84

BulmerUK (2008-10-15)

Note: Anyone downloading this, at least seed 10% of it. That way everyone wins.

joloba (2008-10-15)

I still get invalid torrent file when trying to run WOW

zeverus (2008-10-15)

2 slow, omg whats wrong when bliz downlaoder is downloading at 150 kb/sec and torrents stuck at 4 kb/sec. was expecting 1 mb/sec ~~ from here

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

Lol, i'll tell you what is wrong with Blizzard Downloader..
It is a customized bit torrent program, works just like the ones we all use except you cannot modify the settings, and it uploads at MAX (unlimited) all the time so the upload speed is choking your download speed.
Thanks for this torrent, although im barely getting it much faster than the blizzard one :(
Please seed peeps!!

searon (2008-10-15)

downloading with 4mb/sec ... UL with 2.9.. will keep seeding .. GJ severin ....

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

W00t, getting 400-500kbs now guys! Keep up the seeding :D

annils92 (2008-10-15)

I can't get mine to work neither..
I extracted the update folder to C/programx86/world of warcraft and tried to update to 3.0.1 but then I just receive an error message saying
World of Warcraft could not be found. Please make sure the game is properly installed.
I have windows Vista 64 bits, can you tell me how I get this to work?

joloba (2008-10-15)

same problem here and i have no clue what to do

frunns (2008-10-15)

yeah, something's terribly messed up, only get speeds below 10KB/s...

the__end (2008-10-15)

My download speed is rly good, 8mb/s now it takes under a min to get the whole file. mutch faster than wow´s downloader... thx m8

lafprut (2008-10-15)

Thx guys getting 2MB/s at the moment... blizzards downloader is running parallel at 100KB/s .... shutting it down now.

lafprut (2008-10-15)

And to you vista guys.... i read somwhere that the updater can't update properly when the game is installed under program files.... (security issue). In fact .... it shouldn't be installed there in the first place.
Google moving the install or resinstall in a diffrent (public) folder.

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

Or just turn off UAC :)

dibbo11 (2008-10-15)

UAC ? god i hate vista...

Severin84 (2008-10-15)

Makes me happy to see i could help in some way :D and to all the vista guys and ppl with slow downloads, im sry, i dont know what you should do =/
But i guess for the majority it works :)

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

I second that!
I had Vista on my PC for 5 mins and already turned UAC off..

joloba (2008-10-15)

and what UAC

joloba (2008-10-15)

and whats UAC? :)

dibbo11 (2008-10-15)

i would really like to know that aswell ;:D

joloba (2008-10-15)

but anyways ...
when i click on the uppdater it says wow cant be found . make sure wow is properly installed..
Dos the UAC have anything to do with that?

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

Well UAC (User Account Control) is the feature in Vista which pops up and annoys you everytime you want to open a program or change a setting etc.. it also prevents you from FULL admin access, most of you may not know that your "administrator" account is not the real admin account but it is a fake version so that you dont mess your computer up, supposedly.
I agree with it to be honest, the amount of retards out there that have admin accounts on their PC and dont even know what a Virus is.
But for the more advanced user, it is not very nice having UAC hassling you all the time.
Anyway I found a link for you and it will tell you all about it and how to disable it.

annils92 (2008-10-15)

You can turn off UAC at the account management in Start directory for example.
Just press the start button and then click on your login picture, you'll see UAC as the last sentence.

annils92 (2008-10-15)

I didn't get this downloaded patch to work when I removed UAC.
But now I got the blizzard downloader to work, so I suggest you to try that.

annils92 (2008-10-15)

And btw.. Thanks for the UAC tip, would never guessed that :D

joloba (2008-10-15)

it dosnt say unvalid torrent anymore for u when u start the wow?

dibbo11 (2008-10-15)

i cant get it to work it keeps saying that i havent installed wow

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

Well guys mine is installing right now so I guess its fine.. for peeps who get the errors, Im guessing if it is not UAC then you must need the real admin access.
Thanks again to Severin84 :)

vex1337 (2008-10-15)

for those who runs vista and gets this problem:
*World of Warcraft could not be found. Please make sure the game is properly installed.*
this is who you fix it:
right click on your wow.exe file, then select "run as administrator". this will register wow in the system. then restart.
i hope this helped.

Jabba999 (2008-10-15)

to the guys who could install this one right:
where exactly do u put this Update folder? i got a WoW directory in my C/programfiles, but also in

first one only has a Patches directory, second one has both a Patches and an Updates directory..
don't know in what directory to place the new directory from this download...
i'm new at this, sorry :D don't know where to put what. Can anyone help pls?

the__end (2008-10-15)

Turning of UAC dosent work, not for me any way. but just try to update and then move it to the public directory automatic with the update.

true_blue1878 (2008-10-15)

Make sure you are putting the 2 folders that come in the rar file into your World of Warcraft directory. DONT put a folder called Update into your WoW directory, you must put these 2 folders in there instead;
Once you have placed these folders from the rar file into your WoW directory, go into WoW-2.4.3-to-3.0.1-TBC-EU-Update and run Update.exe
after it is complete, go into the other folder WoW-3.0.1-to-3.0.2-Update and run Update.exe.
Then it should work.
My GF had a message pop up asking her to move WoW to a public location for the install but it did it automatically for her. So it should be easy for everyone else.
However for the people getting errors "You dont have wow installed" then you must not have extracted the patch folders to the correct place like I just said above.

Jabba999 (2008-10-15)

ty very much, this will certainly help me

vex1337 (2008-10-15)

please read my first comment...THIS WILL HELP YOU.
I had the same problem.. it said that my wow wasnt installed. then a ran wow.exe as admin, and woala.. it worked.

sirbobernik (2008-10-15)

Hey :), i'm downloading it now. I pray that it works Blizz d. is totally messed-up im not getting n e where with it. Thx a million severin. seeding is slow but should get it in 2hours. I will seed for ages if it works

riddleren (2008-10-15)

W A R N I N G !!!
I just installed this and it's working fine except for 1 small detail.. My FUCKIGN keyboard stopped working...
Just after the installation i launched WoW and I could not write my login... Found out my keyboard diddent work.. tryed to switch it and still nothing.. I am using G15 logitech USB (tested with 2 of em).
The strange thing is that every other USB device is working prefecttly. I can acces the bios using the keyboard and even write my password for windows, but as soon as windows is done loading (after typing the password) the keyboard just stop working.. No error.. just not working.. If I log on with another use it works fine. I can even run wow from this login, but as soon as i log back, the keyobard stopped working..
Im using
Windows Vista - Ultimate - 64 Bit - OEM
I dont wanna blame this torrent, but it IS 2 exe files and it did happen just after I installed it..
Anyone else that have had this problem ?
Any sugestions ?

riddleren (2008-10-15)

Ohh and OFC i have tryed remving all programs taht launch from regedit and start folder and i tryd shutting down everything in the task manneger, but still no change :(

sirbobernik (2008-10-15)

sorry kiddleren i have no idea only thing i can suggest is rebooting if you havnt already done that... im still downloading files, but i have only 1 Updater.exe file is this normal? or am i just being stupid? the advice given on a previous page suggests that ther are 2x Updater.exe files so i guess im just wondering if thats the case for every1??

sirbobernik (2008-10-16)

Might be spaming here but fuckk it i cant seem to get answers anywhere else, i downloaded & installed fine but on login screen im on version "3.0.1" is that normal? there wasnt an "updater.exe" for WoW-3.0.1-to-3.0.2-Update is that the cause?? some1 plz shed some light on this ... i'm just totally lost and confused :(

riddleren (2008-10-16)

@ Gravedigger76
The keyboard work fine if I log off my main windows account on vista... I have a 2nd guest account set up for this kind of scenario. Just shows it's clearly some software / driver problem, since the problem (non working keyboard) on is pressent when im logged on to my main windows vista account.

riddleren (2008-10-16)

Even when I run windows in safe mode the keyboard is not working on 1 specefic account (my main admin account). I can switch user and the keyboard instantly start working :/
I am really lost for ideas... Any input would be much apreciated...

Severin84 (2008-10-16)

hmmm, that sounds really weird o0
I assure you this is genuine, there are 2 exe files yes, there is 1 Updater.exe in the WoW-3.0.1-to-3.0.2-Update-folder, and 1 Updater.exe in the WoW-2.4.3-to-3.0.1-TBC-EU-Update.
Anyways, i suppose my words don't count for much when i'm the seeder/uploader, but trust me on this one, it's not a trojan/virus/UFO/whatever. It's the real McCoy :)

Jabba999 (2008-10-16)

i can assure you that this is a good torrent :D
any error u encounter must be because u unrarred the file on the wrong place
however my words probably won't count for much either ;)

apowell0224 (2008-10-16)

it says that this is the europe version.... will the patch work with the US version of wow as well?

Severin84 (2008-10-16)

dont think so, apowell, there are some links on wowwiki to some us-versions if you need it

Popara (2008-10-16)

guys can u pls tell me what is the build of the patch is it (9061) (9056) or (8926)

riddleren (2008-10-17)

@ Severin84
Thanks for the confirmation, and your words counts for a little bit at least :)
I tryd running the updates on my 2nd pc and did not run in to the same problem, so it seems clearly to be a problem with my setup and not this update..

INSANE_ORACLE (2008-10-19)

happy birthday

Harrewho (2008-11-02)

Unrar and put the files that are inside the folders you just unrared and put them in your world of warcraft-directory (I have Vista 64)
--))))!!!!Changing Your Realmlist In Vista!!!!!!((((--
If you wanna play on private-servers (!changing your realmlist in Vista!) you should just MOVE, don't copy, the whole wow folder and put it somewhere that ISN'T the "Program Files" folder! =D I put it into "My Documents" folder, works fine!
After that you can open with notepad and set the realmlist to anything you wish

Harrewho (2008-11-02)

oh I forgott one small thingy with the patches.
You need to open the "Updater.exe" and then it should start by itself =)

Zatony (2008-11-12)

I Have a problem!:S I had download it, but when i used "Update.exe" It sad: "This update requires the "North American English/Latin American Spanish" version of this software. Currently the "European English" version is installed."
Help plz!:)

Asucawee (2008-11-14)

Jeeesus! it would take me 4 hours to download it all. but with this. it took me 20 min. thank you:D

jolpa (2008-11-15)

When o download this when im finished its not a rar file and theres one file in it named "Updates" in updates theres WoW-2.4.3-to-3.0.1-TBC-EU-Update and in that file Installer Tome 2.mpq so what should i do ?