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Guide To Install The Sims 3 + The Sims 3 World Adventures {[BJor






Guide To Install The Sims 3 + The Sims 3 World Adventures




2010-01-05 (by BJornxD)


I upload this because it's irritating to find all the information on different sites , so i put it together. have fun playing! PEACE ^.^


  1. The Sims 3 guide
  2. The Sims 3
  3. guide
  4. The Sims 3 World Adventures
  5. The Sims 3 WA

Files count:



32.50 Kb




Bimbombalie (2010-01-06)

There is one part missing, or i am the only one with the problem. When i press step 1 in the patching program thing, it says: This file contains invalid data. So i hoped that it was in here but it wasn't. Please help me

BJornxD (2010-01-06)

how do u mean "press step 1 "??
in the patching programm do u click autorun?
cus that didn't work for me,
if that's what u did, try opening the map "files"
and then "patches".
so don't open the program , just go to the patches map and install one by one :)

Bimbombalie (2010-01-06)

i'm sorry i didn't saw that it was actualy in there and thanks :D i still cant play but thanks XD

kevmeister95 (2010-01-06)

bimbo, check your version number. you might have a pre-release beta. I did and couldn't patch it. I had to download a cracked version all over.

toony55 (2010-01-06)

right i done all this. lots of times. tryed different ways. different torrents and its starting to kill my soul :)
look if someone wants to talk me over it by msn?? or come on in by teamviewer or whatever. i would be in your debt.
add me -
cheers for the help anyways :)

davskies (2010-01-07)

I don't understand this part:
When you updated to 1.0.631 open your
Download from the patches.
Go to : files --> patches, and install one by
All the updates. If you get the problem
That there?s an invalid file, go to this site and
Download the 2nd file
Sims 3 Patch Log Viewer (.NET3.5)

That program should say what file is invalid.
I only know what you could do if
It?s the file : skuversion
If that?s the one you need to change the file.
It shows the game version as 1.0.632.00002
Change this to 1.0.631.00002.
Then just install all updates.
where's the files --> patches route..? I went to the folder Final Version Patch and ran the patch .. it started and at the end it said invalid file so I followed your steps but.. I can't see the web site you linked, therefore i can't get the 2nd file 'Sims 3 Patch Log Viewer ' I googled it and couldnt find anything.. hope you can helpme on this one
sorry, should have thanked you before for the work you put on doing this for us.. ;).
thanks BJornxD

BJornxD (2010-01-07)

the website is :

if you still can't see it you can go to modthesims , then to the help catagory and type in the search bar "invalid file" , you'll find it there :)

waffleamos (2010-01-09)

I have being trying to get the world adventures pack all day....trying all kinds of stuff and when I finally got it all installed and ready to play it says that I need to insert a disk......what do I need to do?

BJornxD (2010-01-09)

you need to put the .exe file from the crack in the bin map ( Sims 3 WA -> Game -> bin )
it will ask if you want to overwrite it , do that, if you're scared it won't work , make a back-up

Jakeydread (2010-01-12)

I copied it from BJornxD because his guild was helpful but didn?t quite get the game working for me but it contained useful info. After working at it for just over a week I finally got The Sims 3 World Adventure to work. I?ll share with you here how I did it.
Let?s begin:
Step 1 : this is a list of stuff you should download:
- The Sims 3

- The Sims 3 World Adventures

- Patches

included in the above link)

Step 2 : When the downloads are ready, you install
The Sims 3 (load .rar file in deamontools or any virtual drive, use
Keygen for serial , should install just fine).
When install don?t replace the .exe file with the cracked one.
Step 3 : Updating is the irritating part. You can get so
Many problems, but I?m gonna solve them for
You. The first thing you do is install the patch
That came with the download of The Sims 3.
A problem with that could be it says you?re in
The wrong region. What I did is : Go to
Search, type in regedit, open the program.
-->Sims --> SKU
Double click and change the number (1-7)
Try different numbers until it?s the good one.

After you got past that problem , update
When you updated to 1.0.631 open your
Download from the patches.
Go to : files --> patches, and install one by
One up till 1.7.9_from_1.6.6 then install Sims3_1.8.25.003002_from_1.7.9.002002 . Step 4 : install The Sims 3 World Adventures use the keygen for serial
It should install with no problem then go on to install
rest of the updates
the file : skuversion It shows the game version as 1.0.632.00002
Change this to 1.0.631.00002.
Doubleclick and you?re ready to play the game
Step 5 : Enjoy the game :D
If you have any problems just leave a comment.
(All credits go to the uploaders of all the content, and BJornxD
i just refined it :D)

davskies (2010-01-13)

I dunno if this happens to you but I have not been able to play.. the install went just fine, I followed the guide BJornxD uploaded. Everything was ok, the game starts and loads the main screen but when I try to load the City the fills up to about 15% and the game just closes.
Do you have a solution for this? I tried this but didn't work and I couldn't find the Mods folder:

MindFr3ak (2010-01-24)

I have exactly the same problem that davskies has. Anybody solved it?

d-rod- (2010-01-28)

where can i find the patches i need?

that link doesnt work

d-rod- (2010-01-28)

can anyone please help me
would really appreciate it

MindFr3ak (2010-01-28)


MindFr3ak (2010-01-28)

BjornxD! Do you have any advice for me.. I did all of your steps and everything was great. I was very eager when I started the game, but when I started to load the city it just closes the sims 3 and there is no error message or anything..?

AuroraLunis (2010-01-30)

my game loads up fine, but after i select pleasantville it loads about 10 sec and then crashes to desktop without any error messages. has anyone got a solution for this? please help. I managed to patch up to the last version, and i deleted my user files from my docs

geoakhs98 (2011-10-22)

where can i find the "cracker"?

geoakhs98 (2011-10-22)

also, i had bought the sims 3 and i would want to inform me how to install the sims 3 world adventures

Bluemartian (2012-08-07)

Please help. I installed sims 3 RELOADED release. Then patched it to 1.3.45 or whatever it is. Then installed world adventures RELOADED. Then patched it incrementally all the way to Then I replaced the game exe with the crack for version Now it should be done. I hot enter on the exe, it brings me into the game. Then into the pick a save file screen and says I have disc authentication error.

I'm pretty sure I did it perfectly so this is pissing me off, been trying to get this to work all weekend and today.
Help would be appreciated and grateful for it.