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911 - EYEWITNESS - New Raw footage, A/V analysis !






911 - EYEWITNESS - New Raw footage, A/V analysis !




2005-12-25 (by ReVIsed)


***Some folks in here have a nasty habit of spamming my posts with false virus warnings, and would eventually, possibly, try to get me banned from this place. I upload A LOT of material about 9/11 being a staged event, and they seem to trigger a lot of those false virus warnings from users named "b2pilot187" and "transcout" (they're probably the same person). Now, he is obviously either a disinformer or simply just the everyday-idiot, because my files are videofiles, hence impossible to infect with a virus. This user has been reported to the admins of this place, so I hope this matter will be setled sooner rather than later. Until then, simply ignore this person. But I would urge anyone not to ignore a virusscan in any event. I suspect he won't even read this, because he simply searches for "911" (and now "Alex Jones" too) and spam each and every post with these warnings. Hence, you will probably find another one below, in the comment section.*** 911EYEWITNESS - SEVEN LAWS of SCIENCE prove TREASON, FRAUD & MURDER. SLOW MOTION, FREEZE-FRAME VIDEO and AUDIO ANAYLSIS reveal the HIDDEN TRUTH FEMA TERROR DRILL @ World Trade Center Resulted in CONTROLLED DEMOLITION During WAR GAME EXERCISE Week Simulating 22 HIJACKED PLANES on Sept. 11, 2001 In memory of all those who perished... In tribute to all those who were injured physically, emotionally and psycologically... This program was made by Patriots - for Patriots! Has enough time passed to allow us all to take a closer look at the events of September 11, 2001? Can we now look the "evil doers" squarely in the eye and demand the return of our constitutional freedoms? Internet webcasting pioneer Richard A Siegel, of OnlineTV fame, captured both of the World Trade Towers collapsing and a lot more. See the raw footage and listen to Rick's eyewitness testimony of the daring helicopter rescue on the roof of the south tower, WTC2, only moments before it collapsed into "a pile of dust." For the first time, see and hear the massive explosions at the base of the towers causing clouds of dust to rise up from street level before each tower fell. Prepare yourself for the shocking reality of raw digital video that was removed from the internet when all the OnlineTV computers were seized. Despite legal attempts to recover them, they remain locked away to this day... Stand in the shoes of a 9-11 Eyewitness. Believe your own eyes and ears. Reach your own conclusion. Develop your own opinion. Act upon your conscience. Name.........: 911 Eyewitness.avi Filesize.....: 678 MB (or 695,190 KB or 711,874,560 bytes) Runtime......: 01:44:41 (188,225 fr) Video Codec..: XviD Video Bitrate: 791 kb/s Audio Codec..: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio Bitrate: 106 kb/s (53/ch, stereo) VBR LAME3.96r Frame Size...: 640x480 (1.33:1) [=4:3] Please Visit to see the preview, the evidence, and to support their work with a purchase of the full DVD

Files count:



678.90 Mb




Dead-Inside (2006-01-03)

I love "conspiracy theory" believeing people. Such weak minds I cannot believe it. It's like being religious but 5 times worse.

Quirky_Puppy (2006-01-19)


fargas-seeker8172 (2006-02-05)

Dead-Inside is right. Conspiracy theorists are weak. Our government does not lie. It is truthful if you are truthful. We should do whatever our kind and honest leader says. If he needs more oil from under Iraq and Iran, we should support him and not question him. The government is love. Blindly go day to day without questioning anything or you are unpatriotic. Just bend over and take it like a good boy.

MountainLion (2006-02-10)

Ok its simple, If you download this torrent and you start it in bitlord or similar, you will see that it contains 1 avi file.
So its NOT a virus.
So if this dude has an opinion, he does't say.
Keep Your Eyes and Ears open. Some things are tru some are for your to decide.

jassolaamanen (2006-02-28)

Watch this document, it's brilliant!
i wonder what can create that amount of heat since it makes nearby building catch on fire...

evilcr3ture666 (2006-03-04)

transcout is an idiot, it is not a virsus, dont worry ppl

mtoivo (2006-03-07)

This document has some very fine footage i hadn't seen before. Worth watching, absolutely. Especially the way WTC7 penthouse fell down before the rest of the building...

Halbermunken (2006-03-09)

The "failure" to stop 9/11 suited PNAC agenda just fine. Remarkable considering arabs with nothing but mere boxcutters succeeded in outsmarting the entire USA defense system even though the pre-warnings were in massive numbers.
Here's some of the latest in the press:

Sirerdrick (2006-03-24)

Ok, the government is trying to stop this footage from being released. Does THAT not in and of itself lend to the credibility of this video? I will go in with a fresh mind, but that might be a little bit difficult considering the press this is getting.
Governments representing a large group of people are always bound to become corrupt. Humans are just not meant to live as we do in the "modern world."
If you enjoy this (which I still haven't watched) you should check out any of the books written by Jerry Mander. I would suggest starting with "In the Absence of the Sacred" or "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television."

UK.DK (2006-04-03)

transcout is a lamer don't listen to him.

lostboy69 (2006-04-04)

Folk who say there is no conspiracy theories are in fact correct, it is NO theory. It's all about power-wayyyy beyond mere wealth kids.
It's happening right in front of your eyes. Brainwashed fuck wits.
yours SINcerely,
H. Kissenger.

lester_shangrila (2006-05-03)

this is a good video

lester_shangrila (2006-05-03)

You should watch this video. It is a good one and it can enlighten you about what actually happened on 9-11. I don't consider this one as a conspiracy theory because there are more questions that the US government failed to answer. And there are more evidences that contradicted the government's version of actually what happened. In this case, the government's claim about 9-11 is more likely to be the conspiracy theory.
Anyway, so much for that, I would like to recommend another video that I downloaded here before. It's the "loose change 2nd edition". You can also watch the video directly from google video if you don't want to download it. Here is the link:

Just a piece of advice, please reserve your comments after watching the video. Just watch and listen carefully. Be skeptical but open-minded and enjoy the video.

jebu.hristo (2006-05-15)

it's just a :AVI, it's not compressed, or zipped.
and it doesn't start any homepage or install
during the whole movie..

ashraine (2006-08-19)

im going to download this one... thanks for the up!

Osaka (2006-10-25)

Everyone who says Documentary Films About Truth is viruses are just small internet trolls working for the neo-con fascist regime of the USA.

kloktok (2006-11-19)

snikpeis (2006-11-25)

i just cannot believe how narrow minded some people are. i was going to write something, but now i'm just stunned.....
i will, however, thank anyone who upload alternative views on any subject. people need to THINK for themselves, and not just eat the shit that comes out of your governments ass like it was candy
dead-inside: judging from your comment, you couldn't have chosen a better name

Hiero101 (2007-07-04)

I totally agree with sikpenis :-)

Kidnice (2008-02-26)

You guys who think the 911 Tragedy was a Conspiracy..I got 1 question for you.Are you guys all in a Mental Institution? LOL! Wow when did they allow computers in a Mental Ward ?.. All I have to say .. Is that 911 is no conspiracy man..I live in NYC and have family and friends who were in the neigborhood and they saw airplanes air...planes... not rockets not aliens not missiles they are called airplanes...So get all those false thoughts out your minds already and face the truth.You really think..The USA Government would want to see people jumping off a high Building com'on man...Wow you guys must have alot of time in your hands.SMH The real terrorist here are those freaken Terrorist those are the ones you should attack before they kill us all with there ignorance so WAKEUP !These films make me LAUGH! So I will download it just for a laugh SMH..I don't beleive everything the goverment say or do but this is rediculous !!

kyu55s (2008-03-25)

@ kidnice
re: WTC collapses i dont think anyone in their right mind can suggest that aeroplanes did not crash into the buildings. Youre right. And you are also right that noone would make up the thousands of dead as a result.
Anyone who trawls through enough white papers, videos & images, knows that;
1) no aeroplane hit WTC7, it wasnt structurally compromised in the 1 & 2 collapse (see the buildings next to it), and it still collapsed
2) the aeroplanes that did hit the buildings were not sufficient to topple the buildings alone. WTC1 and WTC2 were built to withstand 2 x Boeing 707 impacts apiece and remain standing.
3) It is convenient that all of the WTC buildings (7 included) were destroyed just weeks after the new leasee took over the complex, and they were able to successfully sue for twice their insured value because of the two separate attacks on them.
i'm not saying that any of the stuff that obviously occurred (planes, people jumping to their death, collapses) was false, just that the reasons given by the establishment are not correct.
6 of the FBI's 19 named hijackers are still alive and well and have alibis for Sep 11 2001.
I would suggest that something is awry, when anyone who wants to show WTC7 footage on US TV is almost prohibited from doing so (see Steven Jones interviews)
I would suggest that something is awry when the computers that host videos like this are siezed, never to be returned.
This smacks at best of withholding important evidence from the constituency and the world and at worst is indicative of the conspiracy theorist's favourite - "Cover Up"
thank you for the seed.

awwgoddammit (2010-05-26)

I dunno kids. I'm all for thinking that anything is possible - esp. re. 9/11 - but Missing Links smacks as raw antisemitism. The language used in this film really points at Jews as a whole rather than just pointing at the Israeli powers that be.
I have a VERY open mind and this still makes me VERY uncomfortable!