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Improve Your American English Accent






Improve Your American English Accent


Audio/Audio books


2006-12-11 (by frschach)


Improve Your American English Accent offers language learners an easy and enjoyable way to master the most challenging American English speech characteristics. Focusing exclusively on the core features that have the greatest impact on understanding American English speakers and being understood by them, it comprises six 35-minute lessons on three CDs, and a booklet containing written pronunciation guidelines and transcriptions of the sounds, words, and sentences introduced on the recording. Each lesson is short enough to be completed at one sitting and is presented in a friendly and lively manner that the learner will find engaging. Have fun !

Files count:



298.71 Mb




Rosielux71 (2006-12-13)

Why improve a horrible American accent?

frschach (2006-12-13)

Thanks for your remarks

nibbe828 (2006-12-17)

Thank You for this. We swedes are only taught an archaic kind of english accent in school. I wish I had this before I went to america. Would have saved me quite a few embarassing moments.

mgorky (2006-12-25)

To fit in when visiting the US ? a country notorious for it?s lack of easy acceptance of ascents.
To work in an overseas phone centre.
To play a part in a film.
To pretend to be American, for nefarious reasons.
Could go on, but the point, not to be rude ? just frank, is that the question is kind of silly.

III-Rome (2006-12-27)

Do you have iprove your british english accent? Oh :)

xoticar (2007-01-02)

To all you America haters: The worst thing I could wish for you have already happened to you - because you are not American.
Why learn American English? One reason. It is the International language of business. You can be happy and be poor - go for it! Be mediocre and enjoy it.
The rest of us are going to accept America is a living and evolving experiment that in about 200+ years puts every culture and every prior civilization of the entire world to SHAME.
Join us or perish. Better yet, just perish but do it quietly with your terrorist friends in the desert. Or at least stop stealing our movies and software. OK?

Carnegie (2007-01-14)

"xoticar" is the reason why many people think all Americans are dumb. Yeah american "culture"...I think he should have elaborated cause Im not sure whether there is such a thing. Obviously, he has never been to any country besides the US and all he thinks he knows about the world around him is from some hollywood films which present the rest of the world....wait? what is "the rest of the world": There actually exist some countries other than the USA? Oh yeah I know thats where the terrorists live!

Sadsimon (2007-02-01)

xoticar -
More likely that you will put every culture and every prior civilization of the entire world into ASHES!

ispitescu (2007-04-13)

Hello, I have troubles opening the booklet in PDF that is inside this torent. Did somebody else have this problem? I have an Adobe Acrobat 5 and it says that "There was an error opening this document. This viewer cannot decrypt this document." How did you resolve the problem?

freestand (2007-06-16)

everything works well, thanks. btw In regards to your responses, I think you all are out of line for criticizing other nations accompaniments. Most nations had contributed their own share to society as a whole. You people seem to be stuck on nationalism as your only means of justification?at the end of the day it?s your fault for the quarrels. And I am an American, and in light of our wrong doings through out history, we have actually been one of the more altruistic nations. Most of our problems today are in regards to trying to ?help? others through inefficient means. So please if your American respect others, and if your home land is somewhere else do a little research before trying to make critical remarks, after all in contemporary times we are at least your equal; in most matters anyways. Btw you should learn to speak English if your planning on doing business or living here, and you should have no room to argue against this. Most of the non-English countries cant even speak English in a international airport, why would you expect us to speak all 7 main languages? Its bad enough we have 3 now.

stevethetyke (2007-06-17)

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as 'Euro-English'.
In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.
The hard 'c' will be dropped in favour of 'k'. This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome 'ph' will be replaced with 'f'. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.
In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent 'e' in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w'with 'v'.
During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.
Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
I f zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

jdogatl (2007-07-02)

God i love this conversation :D First off, props to nibbe828, 'Would have saved me quite a few embarassing moments.' Try to bum a fag from someone xD i feel for you.
xoticar has succesfully addressed many important issues that we americans believe and at the same time added fuel to oppositionists arguments. Basically "living and evolving experiment that in about 200+ years" and "every culture and every prior civilization of the entire world to SHAME."
No one likes to be second but it is hard as the one in first place to accept criticism (Sorry, monopower currently so stfu, this is fact). But we are not without faults, our society is not perfect (Sicko). Other countries do some things better but still, USofA is the most succesful country buisness wise. Socially i have my doubts, that is why i moved to the EU ;)
Last point, 've vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.' L O L , life is short people, dont waste it either blowing yourself up(er, the bad guys) or going somewhere to blow someone else up(...Afgan, Iraq, Bosnia(yes still at war with Bosnia), etc).

Gosteh (2007-09-26)

Claiming that this torrent is without use is incorrect, even if it's simply for academic purposes.
Most Europeans don't hate Americans, just the attitude and ignorance of a very vocal minority. America *is* the dominant military and economic power at present, but at the same time most Europeans would hate to live in the USA because they prefer universal healthcare, etc.
Name-calling will get you nowhere (especially on the internet where no-one really gives a damn). Calling Americans stupid or arrogant is unfairly generalising based on the views of only a few. On the other hand, if it weren't for the occasional country standing up to the U S of A then we wouldn't be free to have this argument on this website as it would have been shut down.

Curley00 (2007-11-17)

Sure! Lets make a deal. How bout we stop stealing your stuff if you give back all that you have taken from Europe?
Lets start by you getting out of our colonies and you can have windows and every steven segal movie back

Cobras2 (2008-01-03)

> Sure! ... if you give back all that you have taken from Europe ...
Does that mean all we North Americans whose ancestors come from Europe have to move back to Europe? :)
Wow, would Europe ever be crowded then.

zolizoli (2008-02-14)

First of all thanks for the torrent!
I was wondering when I saw what a debate emerged from a single post! GREAT!
This torrent useful for everyone willing to go/work/study in the US, and also for TOEFL test takers. OK, we learnt the old-school British accent, but this is a great addition.
If you want to learn British accent, check the In Use serie from Cambridge UP!

giover20 (2008-03-22)

Thanks for posting this torrent, I'm studying for my ECPE - Michigan n this information will surely be very helpful.
I'll be seeding it for some weeks...

rodriguez777 (2008-03-24)

Seed plz!

Maoxx (2008-03-28)

Excellent torrent! Learn to befoul the beautiful english language in three easy steps! Learn how to properly use colloquialisms such as "Y'all" and "A'ma" and how to twist and contort your vocabulary into obscene grunts and snorts!
As to bragging about a "culture" being more than 200 years old and brandishing that as an accomplishment in the face of a european cultural heritage spanning millennia indicates that you should probably invest some of that blood-oil money of yours in a functioning educational system. The US will chew itself up and explode, fascist tyrranies always collapse under their own weight in the end. I will stand there holding hands with the rest of the world and cheer when it does.

skyraval (2008-05-21)

please seed...just gettin 2 kbps:(

morango (2008-07-25)

LOL, yeah, why to improve the American accent? It brings me the idea to search for Scottish, Welch, New Zealand accents...

aaandrew (2008-08-26)

About the US:
Of course there are some sh***y things about the US, but obviously not enough to deter immigration--why would so many people want to go to such a place.
And, for some reason, the US is worth copying. Europeans now enjoy the benefit of common currency since following lead of the US, albeit 2 centuries later. And what about republican government. The US ditched monarchy a long time ago and slowly, little by little, others have come to see the light.
There are thousands of examples where the US cut the path for the world. This interferes with nationalistic pride for some. But what's the point? If you don't like the US, ignore it. With just 5% of the world population and with so little to offer in terms of innovation and culture it seems like you could forget about the US and go on your merry way.
One thing though, you may have to pass some laws in your home countries to ensure that your best and brightest don't go to the US for education or career and your citizens and central banks don't buy US debt or invest in the NYSE. Add to that restrictions on US cultural imports or borrowing in US financial markets. Just eliminate any type of competition between your country and the US and you will all feel much better.
About American English:
It is immigration that causes American English to evolve; the combination of people from different places. Language is alive and by definition evolves. Americans don't want or need an academy to preserve outmoded language in the name of heritage or identity. Anyway, no matter where you are from or what language you speak, I'm pretty sure if you picked up a text from 500 years ago you'd see your own language has evolved. It's natural, so get over yourselves. If you want to use a different variety of English, help yourselves; there are hundreds to choose from.

saabster.999 (2008-12-06)

Why would I want to improve such an horrible accent, it doesn´t make any sense what so ever...

JoiresWay-II (2010-01-21)

looking thro the comments... everybody seems to be intelligent except me.

besand_ttx (2010-09-17)




iknouluvmi (2011-03-09)

People would want to improve their American accent for many reason. I, for example, have a very strong Philly accent that I need to get rid of for my acting, since it's so easily recognizable.
Yes, the American language and dialect came from all of the immigrants, but there are many reasons why someone would want to "learn" it. I already know it, I just need to get rid of my dialect.
Stop fighting about who's better and grow up!

elnasr (2011-03-14)

i see no reason to hate america , in every nation their are the good and the bad one's too.

superuploaderVI (2011-09-16)


Plasmadude (2012-01-20)

Yeah, I really like arrogant, prissy Englsih accents, fukn annoying listening to them flap their mouth. It was rare to identify beautiful women during my 10 day stay in London. I came to the conclusion why these drunks fight all the time....its over that one good looking female n the bar or football stadium for that matter.

Kra3zd (2012-12-16)

Stevethetyke- That's hillarious! I love it:)


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3. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/imag.jpeg 160.26 Kb
4. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/01 - Introduction To Improve Your AmE Accent.mp3 2.13 Mb
5. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/02 - What's In Session One.mp3 869.92 Kb
6. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/03 - The Vowels 1, 6, And 10.mp3 8.38 Mb
7. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/04 - Vowel Sound 11.mp3 8.49 Mb
8. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/05 - Syllables.mp3 5.38 Mb
9. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/06 - Syllable Stress.mp3 4.04 Mb
10. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/07 - Consonants_ Stops And Continuants.mp3 3.07 Mb
11. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/08 - The Glottal Stop_ An Important Extra Stop Sound.mp3 8.06 Mb
12. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/09 - Voicing And Vowel Duration.mp3 5.00 Mb
13. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/10 - Stress In Abbreviations And Initials.mp3 1.84 Mb
14. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/11 - Let's Try To Apply This Information.mp3 2.30 Mb
15. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/12 - Assignment.mp3 1.13 Mb
16. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/13 - What's In Session Two.mp3 1.39 Mb
17. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/14 - The Vowels_ Review Of Vowels 6 And 11.mp3 2.36 Mb
18. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/15 - The Vowels_ Introducing Vowels 3, 4, And 5.mp3 9.79 Mb
19. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/16 - Different Ways To Pronounce Stops.mp3 4.89 Mb
20. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/17 - Linking Words Together.mp3 7.46 Mb
21. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/18 - Three Variations Of -S -Es Noun And Verb Endings.mp3 12.28 Mb
22. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/19 - Syllable Stress With Suffixes -Ion, -Sion, -Tion.mp3 2.35 Mb
23. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/20 - Word Stress In ADJective Noun Phrases.mp3 2.51 Mb
24. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/21 - Let's Try To Apply All This Information.mp3 2.75 Mb
25. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD1/22 - Assignment.mp3 2.34 Mb
26. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/01 - What's In Session Five.mp3 2.33 Mb
27. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/02 - The Vowels_ Lower Vowels 6, 7, 8, And 11.mp3 9.84 Mb
28. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/03 - Practicing Stress, Pitch, Liking, And Reductions In Declarative Sentences.mp3 9.32 Mb
29. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/04 - Practicing Non-Stress.mp3 9.59 Mb
30. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/05 - Summary Of Some Important Speech Aspects.mp3 972.80 Kb
31. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/06 - When Joining A Front Vowel.mp3 4.10 Mb
32. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/07 - When Joining A Back Vowel.mp3 3.60 Mb
33. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/08 - Forming New Sounds By Joining Sounds Together.mp3 4.01 Mb
34. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/11 - Assignment.mp3 953.79 Kb
35. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/12 - What's In Session Six.mp3 9.37 Mb
36. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/13 - Pitch Pattern Change After A Subject Has Been Introduced.mp3 3.59 Mb
37. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/14 - Usual Pitch Patterns In English Information Questions.mp3 2.85 Mb
38. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/15 - Usual Pitch Patterns In North American English Yes-No Questions.mp3 4.47 Mb
39. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/16 - Usual Pitch Patterns In North American English Either-Or Questions.mp3 5.35 Mb
40. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/17 - Usual Pitch Patterns In North American English Attached Questions.mp3 5.66 Mb
41. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/18 - Breaking The Rules Of Stress In Special Situations.mp3 4.67 Mb
42. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/19 - Let's Try To Apply All This Information.mp3 2.32 Mb
43. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/20 - Assignment.mp3 1.86 Mb
44. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/10 - Practice With Some Common Helping Verbs.mp3 10.09 Mb
45. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD3/09 - Linking Words With The Same (Or Closely Related) Sounds.mp3 2.38 Mb
46. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/Improveyouramericanenglishaccent.pdf 765.57 Kb
47. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
48. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/01 - What's In Session Three.mp3 1.59 Mb
49. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/02 - The Vowels_ 1 And 2.mp3 7.60 Mb
50. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/03 - The Vowels_ Front Vowels 1, 2, 3, And 4.mp3 9.31 Mb
51. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/04 - The Vowels_ Vowel 12.mp3 3.12 Mb
52. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/05 - The Three -Ed Verb Endings.mp3 6.70 Mb
53. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/06 - Practice Using The -Ed Endings.mp3 4.74 Mb
54. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/07 - The Between-Vowel (Intervocalic) D Or T Flap.mp3 2.68 Mb
55. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/08 - Practice Using The D Or T Flap.mp3 3.52 Mb
56. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/09 - Stress In ADJectives With -Al, -Ial, Or -Ual Suffixes.mp3 3.31 Mb
57. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/10 - Stress In Noun Noun Phrase.mp3 3.68 Mb
58. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/11 - To Stress Or Not To Stress_ The Schwa.mp3 3.04 Mb
59. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/12 - Stress And Non-Stress In Some Useful Words.mp3 2.39 Mb
60. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/13 - Let's Try To Apply All This Information.mp3 3.09 Mb
61. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/14 - Assignment.mp3 2.99 Mb
62. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/15 - What's In Session Four.mp3 974.62 Kb
63. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/16 - Vowels_ Vowel Sound 8.mp3 3.30 Mb
64. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/17 - Vowels_ Back Vowels 8, 9, And 10.mp3 6.37 Mb
65. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/18 - Contractions_ Is.mp3 5.29 Mb
66. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/19 - Contractions_ Are.mp3 2.94 Mb
67. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/20 - Contractions_ Does.mp3 3.11 Mb
68. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/21 - Contractions_ Did.mp3 3.17 Mb
69. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/22 - Contractions_ Will.mp3 2.73 Mb
70. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/23 - Contractions_ Would.mp3 2.91 Mb
71. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/24 - Contractions_ Can And Can't.mp3 2.84 Mb
72. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/25 - Reducing The H In Words That Are Not Important.mp3 4.42 Mb
73. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/26 - Stress With The Common Suffix -Ity.mp3 2.99 Mb
74. Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) - seeded -/ImproveAmericanEnglishAccentCD2/27 - Assignment.mp3 2.75 Mb