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The History of Romanism - by John-Dowling 1853 - Htm-Pdf-Text






The History of Romanism - by John-Dowling 1853 - Htm-Pdf-Text




2010-11-04 (by UR-Djavu)


The History of Romanism - by John-Dowling - Htm-Pdf-Text 1853 The History of Romanism - by John-Dowling - From The Earliest Corruptions Of Christianity upto 1853. (taken from the 700 page book - with extensive references) just open the page index_History-of-Romanism.htm in your favorite browser. (This file includes a PDF version of 29 MB and a Text version of 2.5 MB) Publishers Notice ...has already obtained a circulation much more extensive than any other large volume ever published in America, upon the subject of which it treats; or perhaps in England, with the single exception of Fox s Book of Martyrs. pronouncing upon the work, and upon its character as a standard authority upon the subject of which it treats BOOK I Popery in Embryo. From The Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Papal Supremacy A.D. 606. CHAPTER I. Christianity Primitive and Papal. CHAPTER II. Religion in Alliance with the State. CHAPTER III. Steps Towards Papal Supremacy. CHAPTER IV. Divine Right of Supremacy Claimed and Disproved. CHAPTER V. Popery Fully Established. The Man of Sin Revealed. CHAPTER VI. Papal Supremacy. The Actors in its Establishment. The Tyrant Phocas. The Saint Gregory, and the Pope Boniface. BOOK II Popery at its Birth, A.D. 606. Its Doctrinal and Ritual Character at This Epoch. CHAPTER I. Romish Errors Traced to their Origin. Their Early Growth - No Argument in Their Favor. CHAPTER II. Origin of Romish Errors Continued. Celibacy of the Clergy. CHAPTER III. Origin of Romish Errors Continued. Worship of the Virgin Mary. CHAPTER IV. Origin of Romish Errors Continued. Monkery. CHAPTER V. Origin of Romish Errors Continued. Worship of Saints and Relics, etc. CHAPTER VI. Striking Resemblance Between Pagan and Papal Ceremonies. The Latter Derived from the Former. BOOK III Popery Advancing. From the Establishment of the Spiritual Supremacy, A.D. 606, To the Popes Temporal Sovereignty, 756, and to the Crowning of the Emperor Charlemagne, 800. CHAPTER I. Gradual Increase of the Papal Power. Darkness, Superstition, and Ignorance of this Period. CHAPTER II. History of the Monothelite Controversy. Pope Honorius Condemned as a Heretic by the Sixth General Council, A.D. 680. CHAPTER III. Image Worship. From the Beginning of the Great Controversy on This Subject, to the Death of the Emperor Leo, and of Pope Gregory III., Both in the Same Year, A. D. 741. CHAPTER IV. Continuation of the Controversy on Image-Worship. From the Death of Leo and Gregory, A. D. 741, to the Final Establishment of This Idolatry, by the Second Council of Nice, A. D. 787. CHAPTER V. The Pope Finally Becomes a Temporal Sovereign, A. D. 756. CHAPTER VI. The Confirmation and Increase of the Pope's Temporal Power, to the Coronation of Charlemagne, A. D. 800. BOOK IV Popery in its Glory. - The Worlds Midnight. - A.D, 800-1073, From the Coronation of Charlemagne, A.D. 800. to the Beginning of the Pontificate of Pope Hildebrand or Gregory VII., A.D. 1073. CHAPTER I. Proofs of the Darkness of This Period. Forged Decretals. Reverence for Monks, Saints and Relics. Worship of the Virgin. Purgatory. CHAPTER II. Proofs of the Darkness of this Period Continued. Origin and Final Establishment of Transubstantiation. Persecution of Berenger, its Famous Opposer. Popish Miracles in its Proof. CHAPTER III. Proofs of the Darkness of This Period Continued. Baptism of Bells, and Festival of the Asses. CHAPTER IV. Profligate Popes and Clergy of This Period. CHAPTER V. Popery in England, Prior to the Conquest. Augustin the Missionary, and Dunstan the Monk. BOOK V Popery the Worlds Despot. From the Accession of Pope Gregory VII., A.D. 1073, to the Death of Boniface VIII., A.D. 1303. CHAPTER I. The Life and Reign of Pope Hildebrand or Gregory VII. CHAPTER II. Life of Gregory VII. Continued. Other Instances of His Tyranny and Usurpation. CHAPTER III. Pope Urban and the Crusades. CHAPTER IV. Popery in England After the Conquest. Archbishops Anselm and Thomas A Becket. CHAPTER V. Popery in England Continued. Pope Innocent and King John. CHAPTER VI. More Instances of Papal Despotism. Popes Adrian IV., Alexander III., and Innocent III. CHAPTER VII. The Waldenses and Albigenses. CHAPTER VIII. Pope Innocent's Bloody Crusade Against the Albigenses, Under His Legate, The Ferocious Abbot of Citeaux, and Simon, Earl of Montfort. CHAPTER IX. Establishment of the Mendicant Orders. Saint Dominic and Saint Francis. CHAPTER X. The Fourth Council of Lateran Decrees the Extermination of Heretics, Transubstantiation, and Auricular Confession. CHAPTER XI. Contests Between the Popes and the Emperor Frederick II. Guelphs and Ghibelines. CHAPTER XII. Purgatory, Indulgences, and Romish Jubilees. BOOK VI Popery on a Tottering Throne, From the Death of Boniface VIII. A.D. 1303, to the Commencement of the Council of Trent, A.D. 1545. CHAPTER I. The Residence of the Popes at Avignon, and the Great Western Schism. CHAPTER II. Wickliff, the English Reformer. The Condemnation of His Works, and the Burning of His Bones, by Order of the Council of Constance. CHAPTER III. John Huss of Bohemia. His Condemnation and Martyrdom by the Council of Constance. CHAPTER IV. Jerome of Prague, at the Council of Constance. His Condemnation and Martyrdom. CHAPTER V. Popery and the Popes for the Century Preceding the Reformation. CHAPTER VI. The Reformation. Luther and Tetzel. The Reformer's War Against Indulgences. CHAPTER VII. Luther and Cajetan. - The Noble Constancy of the Reformer. CHAPTER VIII. Luther Strikes at the Throne of Anti-Christ. The Breach Made Irreparable. CHAPTER IX. Luther at the Diet of Worms, and in His Patmos at Wartburg. BOOK VII Popery at Trent, From the Opening Session of the Council of Trent, A.D. 1545, to the Closing Session, A.D. 1563. CHAPTER I. The First Four Sessions. Preliminaries, and Decree Upon the Authority of Tradition and the Apocrypha. CHAPTER II. Fourth Session Continued. Latin Vulgate Exalted Above the Inspired Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Private Judgment and Liberty of the Press Forbidden, and a Popish Censorship of the Press Established. CHAPTER III. Original Sin and Justification. CHAPTER IV. The Sacraments and the Doctrine of Intention. - Baptism and Confirmation. CHAPTER V. Suspension of the Council in 1549, and Resumption Under Pope Julius III. in 1551. - Decree on Transubstantiation. CHAPTER VI. On Penance, Auricular Confession, Satisfaction, and Extreme Unction - to the Second Suspension in April, 1552. CHAPTER VII. From the Seventeenth to the Twenty-Fifth and Closing Session. - Denial of the Cup to the Laity. The Mass. Sacraments of Orders and Matrimony. Purgatory. Indulgences. Relics, &C. CHAPTER VIII. Conclusion of the Council. - Acclamations of the Fathers, and Pope Pius's Creed. BOOK VIII Popery Drunk With the Blood of the Saints, Persecutions of Popery to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, A.D. 1685. CHAPTER I. Persecution Proved From Decrees of General Councils and Writings of Celebrated Divines to be an Essential Doctrine of Popery. CHAPTER II. Sufferings of the English Protestants Under Bloody Queen Mary. - The Burning of Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer, &C. CHAPTER III. The Inquisition. - Seizure of the Victims. - Modes of Torture, and Celebration of the Auto Da Fe. CHAPTER IV. Inhuman Persecutions of the Waldenses. CHAPTER V. Persecutions in France. - Massacre of St. Bartholomew, and Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. BOOK IX Popery in its Dotage. From the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, A.D. 1685, to the Present Time, A.D. 1845. CHAPTER I. The Jesuits. - Their Missions. - Their Suppression, Revival, and Present Position. CHAPTER II. The Persecuting and Intolerant Spirit of Popery, as Exhibited in the Eighteenth And Nineteenth Centuries. CHAPTER III. Popery Unchanged. - Modern Documentary Evidence of its Hatred to Liberty of Opinion, Separation of Church and State, Freedom of the Press, and a Translated Bible. CHAPTER IV. Popery as it Now is. - Testimony of Eye-Witnesses. - Its Modern Pious Frauds and Pretended Miracles. CHAPTER V. Recent Events. - Discontent in Italy. - Puseyism. - The Holy Coat, and the Priest Ronge. - Jesuits in Switzerland. - Statistics. - Conclusion. SUPPLEMENT - 1 From the Election of Pope Pius IX. to the Present Time A.D. 1846-1853. SUPPLEMENT - 2 From the Election of Pope Pius IX. to the Present Time A.D. 1846-1853. Excellent historical account with plenty of references from an abundance of noteworthy historians and scholars throughout the centuries !


  1. John-Dowling
  2. Pope
  3. Catholic
  4. Roman-Catholic
  5. Vatican
  6. History
  7. Religion
  8. Christ
  9. God
  10. Antichrist

Files count:



29.51 Mb

