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[RNL] An Inconvenient Truth (2006) - Davis Guggenheim






[DEAD] An Inconvenient Truth (2006) - Davis Guggenheim


Video/Movies DVDR


2006-11-29 (by Alia_Erenel )



DON'T DOWNLOAD. DEAD TORRENT. Keeping it only for the record. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) - /English/French/+Subs - DvdRip Multi Untouched ___________________________ An Inconvenient Truth (2006) Directed by Davis Guggenheim Genre: Documentary Tagline: A Global Warning Plot Outline: A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide. ___________________________ Complete DVD Rip with DvdShrink. Untouched at all! (Menus + Film + Bonus) Dvd 5 - NTSC - Multizone - Widescreen Menus: English Languages: English / French Subtitles: English / French Imdb link: Cover available at


  1. [RNL]
  2. RNL
  3. Gore
  4. Inconvenient Truth

Files count:



4464.57 Mb




 Alia_Erenel (2006-11-29)

Additional informations:
- Both soundtrack (english and french) are in 5.1
- File format is .ISO
- Ripped from a NTSC Dvd
- It's a great movie, even if you don't care
Post your comments, I'd like to know what's wrong, what's good for the future releases. Thanx.

uraphake (2006-12-05)

Al Gore invented the Internet and he's going to track down all of the evil pirates downloading this. :P

dominic (2006-12-23)

Merci, c'est à voir, sur.

dareu (2007-01-07)

"seriously dont be stupid you liberal assholes!"
jroc261: Ohh u have the answer, guess u have watch "The planet", apperently, Republican as u are. stfu or comment the quality instead! Ur a joke.
Think ur a stupied Republican asshole and should watch Outfoxed.
Thx Alia_Erenel for a great work ;)

Burlak (2007-01-12)

Why does the film end after 30min with a copyright warning?
Should I check my clothes for bugs and build a nest of chicken-metal-string to keep the FBI spy-sats off my ass?

JazonX (2007-02-10)

Global warming is a fraud used by the globalists to push for the North American Union and ultimately a one world government.
They're even saying now that the "solution" for this fake problem is a "Global Tax" and global economy. (Which means the end of all sovereign nations)
How stupid do they think we are?
... If you want to see a documentary about REAL things, download "America - Freedom To Fascism" or "Terrorstorm - A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism", or "Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State"...
Anyway, on the issue of global warming again, in reality, the core of the Sun is heating up, like it always has - from time to time - but now more rapidly than ever before, and it's effecting ALL planets in the solar system. Your SUVs have NOTHING to do with it.
There's a difference between real science and popular beliefs.

 catchuppp (2007-02-20)

if you like this movie you should definitely watch The Planet:


Heatlander (2007-05-03)

Norge tar krafttag mot växthusgaserna. Landet planerar att ta täten i kampen mot koldioxidutsläppen i världen. Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg presenterade under Arbeiderpartiets kongress i Oslo en konkret och mycket tuff plan, rapporterar Sveriges Radios Ekot-redaktion.
Planen, som troligen blir konkret politik för Norge redan i vår, är betydligt mer långtgående än både Kyotoavtalet och EUs politik mot växthusgaserna.
? Vi i Norge måste vara beredda på att på oss väsentligt större ansvar för utsläpp än idag. Jag vill därför lägga fram en plan på Arbeiderpartiets landsmöte om tre mål för vår klimatpolitik, sa Jens Stoltenberg enligt Ekot, i något som har liknats vid en kupp.
Den kuppartade planen slår fast att utsläppen 2012 ska ha minskat med tio procent jämfört med 1990 års utsläpp. 2020 ska utsläppen ha minskats med 30 procent och 2050 ska Norge ta ansvar för att ha minskat världens utsläpp med en mängd som motsvarar 100 procent, det vill säga alla, av Norges utsläpp.
FNs förre generalsekreterare Kofi Annan har kallat planen för nummer ett i världen. Han uppmanar alla att följa efter.
/Eat your shorts

Heatlander (2007-05-03)

jroc261 is a a hacking retard! He claims the movie is for free, trying to collect your e-mail adresses to spam you!!!

kongdvd (2007-07-04)

You are now ready for an even more important documentary:
ZEITGEIST The Movie - DVD - including cover art

oldngrey (2007-10-17)

This film would make a great prestiage if it would tell you the truth about global warming , it's quick flashing scenes and ill begotten music gave me a sense of forboding and doesn't not help to convey a sense of workable energy alternatives, this film made me feel helpless and depresssed. Much of the film is with Al Gore without anyone really backing up his views , it is like a big ego trip.My conclusion is if you want a pure disaster horror film then this is the one for you, but if you want a unbiased view of global temprature change then look to the bbc horizion documentary about global climate change. the nobelprice has lost all of his meaning and prestige since Al Gore got his. If anyone believes that humans causes global warming is either ignorant or having an agenda. Al Gore does have an agenda, look at his new company which buys and sells carbon credits, instant money for nothing.The "Greener" religion just doesn't standup to Scientific facts. Al Gore would sell his mother for a little feel good publicity. Alfred Nobel is probably rolling in his grave over what the Nobel prize become. The Nobel Peace Prize had lost it prestige long ago when it was given to Arafat, the father of modern terrorism.
The nine alleged errors in the film
# Mr Gore claims that a sea-level rise of up to 20 feet would be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland "in the near future". The judge said: "This is distinctly alarmist and part of Mr Gore's "wake-up call". He agreed that if Greenland melted it would release this amount of water - "but only after, and over, millennia"."The Armageddon scenario he predicts, insofar as it suggests that sea level rises of seven metres might occur in the immediate future, is not in line with the scientific consensus."
# The film claims that low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls "are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming" but the judge ruled there was no evidence of any evacuation having yet happened.
# The documentary speaks of global warming "shutting down the Ocean Conveyor" - the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to western Europe. Citing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the judge said that it was "very unlikely" that the Ocean Conveyor, also known as the Meridional Overturning Circulation, would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.
# Mr Gore claims that two graphs, one plotting a rise in C02 and the other the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years, showed "an exact fit". The judge said that, although there was general scientific agreement that there was a connection, "the two graphs do not establish what Mr Gore asserts".
# Mr Gore says the disappearance of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was directly attributable to global warming, but the judge ruled that it scientists have not established that the recession of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro is primarily attributable to human-induced climate change.
# The film contends that the drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming but the judge said there was insufficient evidence, and that "it is apparently considered to be far more likely to result from other factors, such as population increase and over-grazing, and regional climate variability."
# Mr Gore blames Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans on global warming, but the judge ruled there was "insufficient evidence to show that".
# Mr Gore cites a scientific study that shows, for the first time, that polar bears were being found after drowning from "swimming long distances - up to 60 miles - to find the ice" The judge said: "The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm."That was not to say there might not in future be drowning-related deaths of bears if the trend of regression of pack ice continued - "but it plainly does not support Mr Gore's description".
# Mr Gore said that coral

trungdq73 (2008-06-19)

Can anyone seed? Thanks!

freakindawg (2008-06-22)

While I agree that jroc261 is a dufus, this movie is less than accurate.
For in depth information on the IPCC and the real global warming phenomena, see The Global Warming Swindle and take a grade 10 level biology 101 course.
Global warming is happening but CO2 is a symptom, not a cause. CO2 doesn't make the planet warmer, the sun does. Civilisation isn't a major producer of CO2, the ocean is.
There are only two inconvenient truths on this planet. We all pay taxes to the world's bankers and eventually, we all die.

Mimimae (2008-10-12)

No, "oldngrey", you are not the only one (who believes in whatever he wants), but you are one of very, very few, and increasingly fewer, who still finds it meaningful to challenge the major thesis or the film, namely that we are seriously contributing to global warming by filling the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.
And frankly, I would buy stuff from you company too, if you had scientific decency to mention that the same judge you are so keen of quoting concluded that the major thesis of the film stands and that it is suitable for the in class, school education, if completed with more less dramatical and more scientific evidence. Look at this (and yes, I do make it possible to check my sources in full):

High Court Judge Michael Burton, deciding a lawsuit that questioned the film's suitability for showing in British classrooms, said Wednesday that the movie builds a "powerful" case that global warming is caused by humans and that urgent means are needed to counter it.
And "oldngrey", remember that Gore's and Guggenheim's film is just an informative/propaganda film, for something that really needs propaganda, for it has been oversighted for too long, and as such, a damn good one film, too.

 Alia_Erenel (2009-11-24)

Keeping it only for the record.