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Vaccines - The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices






Vaccines - The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices




2008-11-29 (by Colors`of`the`Wind)


"Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity." Dr. Herbert Shelton "My final conclusion after 40 years or more in this business is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization and the unofficial policy of the Save the Children's Fund and almost all those organizations is one of murder and genocide" Dr. Archie Kalokerinos "Never in the history of medicine has there been produced so false a theory, such fraudulent assumptions, such disastrous and damning results as have followed the practice of vaccination; it is the ultima thule (extremity) of learned quackery, and lacks, and has ever lacked, the faintest shadow of a scientific basis. The fears of the people have been played upon as to the dangers of smallpox and the sure prevention by vaccination, until nearly the whole civilized world has become physically corrupted by its practice. The life-blood of nations has become the cesspool of vaccinators wherein they have poured the foul excretions that are thrown off from diseased beasts, nature adjudging it too vile to contaminate the system of any living creature." Dr. E. M. Ripley "My honest opinion is that vaccination is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name." Dr. Harry R. Baybee "The fact is that many countries that call themselves free succumbed to medical dictatorship...people are sicker and less healthy...A country which mandates vaccination is not a free country...It is a country of zombies who do what they are told by vested interests who intimidate them and use them to make money." Dr. Viera Scheibner Ph.D "The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day." 1970 Dr. Herbert Ley, former FDA commissioner "In conclusion, vaccines are a perfect manifestation of everything that is satanic. They represent an adulterous and arrogant tampering with divine creation, based on the intellectual conceit of "perfecting" creation. They are poisonous, containing derivatives from metals such as mercury and aluminum, and from preservatives such as formaldehyde. They are made from the cell lines and viruses of biblically unclean animals such as monkeys, cats, etc. Worst of all, they are made from the cell lines of premeditatedly murdered children. When such abortion-derived vaccines are injected into other living human beings, a subtle form of cannibalism has occurred, a satanic sacrament has been partaken of, straight from the "table of demons" (1 Cor. 10:21). " Bob Sperlazzo, Informed Christian Digest, 11/29/2002

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468.59 Mb

