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2011-10-04 (by globeplus)


* RMVB CAM * 01H21M54S * Worked with the Dub plugins FILE INFO : =========== - NO BLACK BORDERS IN FULL SCREEN - COLOURS IMPROVED - NO BORRING PARTICLES ON THE SCREEN BACKGROUND NOTE : THE USER OF THIS VIDEO FILE WILL BE SURPRISED BY THE EXCELENT QUALITY ON THE PICTURE BESIDE THE LOWER SIZE OF THE VIDEO FILE , FOR WHAT WAS POSSIBLE TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL THE FINAL WORK OBTAINED IT IS SIMPLY EXCELLENT !!! SUGGESTED PLAYERS : =================== - RMVB PLAYER or - MEDIACOPE (BOTH FREEWARE) * Plot : ======== Publisher Will Atenton (Daniel Craig) moves from New York City to a suburban Connecticut town with his wife Libby (Rachel Weisz) and their young daughters Trish (Taylor Geare) and Dee Dee (Claire Geare) so that Will can work on a novel. There, Will meets their new neighbors, Ann Patterson (Naomi Watts), who is divorcing her husband, Jack Patterson (Marton Csokas), and fighting for full custody of their teenage daughter, Chloe (Rachel G. Fox). Trish and Dee Dee start seeing a man watching the house from the front yard, and Will and Libby find evidence that something has happened to the house\'s previous owners. Will eventually discovers that, years prior, a woman named Elizabeth and her daughters Beatrice and Katherine were murdered, and her husband, Peter Ward, was the main suspect, but was let off because of lack of evidence. Will starts believing that Peter Ward has returned and is stalking his family, and starts searching for more information about him.Will\'s research leads him to the psychiatric hospital where Peter Ward was committed after being arrested for murdering his family. There, Will discovers that he is Peter Ward, and created a new identity for himself in order to cope with the grief of his family\'s death. He is informed by the doctors that he claimed he was innocent. He returns to his house, which is actually abandoned and decrepit, and converses with the projections of his wife and daughters, who claim that they believe in his innocence. * enjoy ... * GLOBE FILES 2011

Files count:



169.80 Mb




 globeplus (2011-10-05)

HI ! Because the size this video file needed to be at the Other section of the movies but i am writing this comment to say that it is very impressive the obtained quality of the picture for the lower size ... simply amazing ... the original cam got 2 big almost usual black borders at the top and bottom of the screen with about 15 cm high each and this little borring to the viewer was corrected to a perfect no borders full screen and a little unfocus screen full of lost particles gained life with brillant colours and focus brightness giving to the viewer a soft clean view of the picture , all the work on this video file it is simply wonderfull in the way that for the size that the video file it is presented the viewer get the perfect cam picture best as possible for the circunstances that the original was presented and the definition of the screen for not too much size of the video it is simply frightnen and incredible , this type of video secures a perfect definition of the screen for not too much bitrate and this is amazing for a typical video type with slight imperfections and pixelization happen with frequency in full screen for other video types with this kind of bitrate and then only possible to keep a stable picture in lower resolutions for the available bitrate , in the RMVB video even the full screen still with good definition and this is the best point for this kind of video for the lower sizes videos ... it is a kind of schoking watching a perfect picture going on for an insigficant video size but at the same time working perfectly like or even better than many avis or mp4s with more than a giga and this is true , watch for yourselves and don´t forget to get the mediacope or rmvb player for a perfect viewing of the video file , both are freeware .
Happy movie file to all of you .

sagar2011 (2011-10-05)

another useless upload by the great globeplus.......dude we want games from u not this bullshit.....

 globeplus (2011-10-05)

To sagar2011 : i understand that you want games from me and thank you for recognise my possible competence ikn doing a nice positive work for games but with my currebt slow net it is the only files i can upload is smaller size files but i have to tell you i am choosing great new movies and what a fantastic work in each one of them , if the smaller sizes video files with great quality wasn´t enough even the spetacular black borders corrections on the screen and the brillant colours with no borring particles floating around like in many new cams , this is purely a great work with new nice movies and everyone like new movies not only games ... and new nice games are not available all the time , i can´t do that type of files for the moment but if you like my competence for that type of files take a look at my competence on this movie files and you will be schoocking delicous with the work watching smaller size video files having more quality to watch then the more common giga avis and you having no doubt in prefering this ones to watch comparing to the bigger size video files because no borders and borring particles anfd the top of the line is that you get the screen of the movie perfect to view and if you want just grab a normal nice converter and convert the RMVB to an high quality avi or mp4 to be ok in any player , the RMVBs are really ok to watch but i still recommend the mediacope or the RMVB player to watch them , because some players can have audio rmvb problems or little lags on the view and this ones are appropriate without problems .
See you and all my positive sharing spirit keeps alive with great work now in nice new movies with fantastic smaller size video files but with probably more quality than many giga video files around and this is true , watch for yourself .

rubak48 (2011-10-05)

i agree sagar2011, i think globe having problem with his slow speed net connection

vishesh24 (2011-10-05)

plz upload RAGE pc game

 globeplus (2011-10-06)

To vishesh24 : you must be joking because i can´t upload in nice time a couple of giga game probably with the users for days downloading , imagine a possible tough work for an 18 gb game , it is completly out of my league for the moment , i can´t have the game with this kind of connection and certainly can´t putting the possible users weeks waiting for a game file independtly of the possible nice work possible but thank you for thinking in me for that kind of work and no one more than me liked to be useful wasting maybe 12 or more hours at least analising all the conteud of the game to do the properly work , i am a specialist without a essencial tool : in this case a normal nice net that let me getting and upload the game with more normality as possible but who knows the future my friendly users ... maybe one of this next few months i get a lucky opportunity or something but for the moment it is impossble .
Thank you again for trust in my possible good work for the game files but like i said i am a real specialist without all the necessary tools for the moment , see all of you around and please get my movie files because they are really excelent work with the movies presented in full screen without black borders and borring particles in the screen background for lower sizes with very nice definition in full screen anyway , i repeat : it is absolutly delicious watch one of my rmvb movie files , getting the impression of having a better file for the current downloaded movie than many giga avis or mp4s around ... simply amazing !!! see all of you. .

muscletree (2011-10-06)

With all do respect globeplus its nice that you found a way to compress the bitrate and create a considerably smaller size download but not all of us want to be downloading more crap into our computers just to watch this movie especially. Perhaps you may consider those of us that like to watch our PB movies in our regular VLC players and this movie showed horribly in it. I will thank you for your efforts nonetheless you didn't have to make it available for us to dwnld. Thanks.

 globeplus (2011-10-06)

To muscletree : thank you for your comment and with some more attention in my descriptions and comments you already getted the point about that specific situation , you have 2 clean options to use this RMVB video files :
1 - watch them in the mediacope or in the rmvb player (freeware both) and then not a single problem during the viewing
2 - simply grab your favourite video converter and convert the rmvb (they are very easily accepted for conversion for any converter) to an high quality avi or mp4 for example and then my friendly user they are lot and lot of nice players including the vlc without any problem to watch the movie
so, my friendly user wherever you look for this kind of smaller size for this type of video the possibilitys are too many for you have any borring with anything , it is just a matter of understanding the conception of the general use for the designated video type file
Cheers and you welcome anytime to commentate for trying to get explained about any circunstancial doubt , it is a pleasure to me explain this things to any well intencionated user that only want some more useful information about the current file that is downloading . Thank you for your comment .

4966 (2011-10-08)

globe whts happened to u why are u not making games rip ?????
plz make some games rip we guys love u

Sishan55 (2011-10-09)

Hey globe,c'mon dude what r u doing.plz bro come back in game ripping bussines again because i want pro evolution soccer 2012 and i dont want to download it from that shit tptb.plz stop uploading movies and start uploading ripped games :-)

 globeplus (2011-10-09)

To 4966 and Sishan55 : you both don´t know how much i appreciate the comments recognising my possible good work on game files and if i got the opportunity certainly my game files will be another valid option to the possible users but my present circunstances with a slow connection net is forcing me to don´t do the work , i can´t put the downloaders days or a week or more downloading a probable less than a couple of giga file , it is ridiculous and a correct uploader have to consider all the aspects before make an upload , for the moment only very nice work in new nice movies with black borders in full screen corrected , reducing to the minimum borring particles at the background of the picture frequently in many cams and making the movie colours more alive giving the correct serenity during the view better as possible under the circunstances that the original as presented giving away any impression more as possible of the another entedious cam for a new movie and this movie files are really good work and it is inegable that everyone like to watch new nice movies , to finish i have to say that no one more than me liked to present nice game files for the new nice games putting them more pratical as possible , i am a specialist for that kind of job that can´t make the work because i am missing the necessary nice connection net to make the work and upload with normality , sorry for this but who knows in sometime if i got a opportunity to improve my net or something , for the moment i am limitated to smaller file sizes but keeping my best good work anyway with new positive creative files taking in mind all the nice arguments that any user like to have when get a possible cam for a new nice movie , ok thank you both for the comments and i really didn´t mind to be another valid option for that kind of files but for the moment it is impossible but please you both when i upload a new movie file don´t forget to download him because certainly a nice positive work for the present movie was maked thinking in the best watching for the user for the lower size possible , thank you again and of course any of you are welcome to commentate any of my files anytime .

Sishan55 (2011-10-09)

Ok,budy now i understand your problem. Dont wory take your time till your internet connection will be in good speed and upload after that. Its almost year back when i downloaded your modern warfare 2 rip(with nice compression) and now its mdrn warfare 3 that i want from you. So plz come back before this game get realesed.
come back soon budy B-)

4966 (2011-10-10)

@globe i certainly download ur movies and i like them.
Still whenever u get chance plz rip games like upcomming mw3