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[PSP] Final Fantasy 9 EBOOT [EULOGY]
[PSP] Final Fantasy 9 EBOOT [EULOGY].rar
2008-02-29 (by Eulo)
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.--------; .-----------------==-=-===-------====--------|[ EULOGY PRESENTS ]|----==========--------------------====----------i
.---------------------------===----------------=====-----------\FINAL FANTASY 9//---------======---------===----------------------|------.
_______________________ '-----==------' |
|RELEASE DATE| SIZE | || ___________________ |
l | 11/14/00 | 1.75gb | || | FINAL FANTASY 9 | |
. ------------------------- | ==========, | (c) SQUARE-ENIX | |
'______ __-4_DISCS-__/ .||. \ /.__________________. |
.~_~_~ ******************* \ // ~=~=~ _____|
___w_________________________________________________' MORE INFO '__\__________//________________________________________________/___|
' ' '-------------------' " "
IF YOU ARE NOT EVEN RUNNING CUSTOM FIRMWARE ON YOUR PSP THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Visit for help if you want to mod your psp. You'll need
a friend with an already modded PSP or an old fat PSP still running 1.50 official firmware.
Ripped and Converted by EULOGY
Eboot graphics thrown together by our very own graphics artist
Original CD's supplied by KiNETiC.
If you haven't heard of Final Fantasy, you must live under a rock. Copy/pasted from
Dark times have spread over the world of Gaia. Four separate governing nations, some blinded by their short-sighted greed, some persevering in
the name of justice, are battling on and off in a deadly game for power. One kingdom, that of Lindblum, headed by the honorable and trustworthy
Regent Cid, finally decides to take a stand against the unspeakable massacres by the troops of Alexandria.
Enlisting the aid of mere bandits to kidnap Princess Garnet of the Alexandria Empire, for information and interrogation, Garnet and her
bodyguard actually join Cid's cause, knowing full well the outlandish recklessness of the governing Queen, who counterattacks with an onslaught of
warriors. Thus begins a crossfire that would engulf the world in something far worse than political standoffs.
Out of the band of thieves, one boy along with his entourage must battle his way through several awe-inspiring challenges to restore order and peace.
1. Unrar with winrar.
2. Copy the disc1 eboot.pbp & keys.bin to ms0:/PSP/GAME/finalfantasy9 using USB transfer.
3. Run the game from the game/memorystick menu.
4. ENJOY! When you need the next disc just copy over the old disc's eboot.pbp and keys.bin.
Whenever you enjoy a game, BUY iT! This one's probably a bit too old to buy, but go buy a square-enix game the next time you have extra money.
They well deserve it, bringing you classic RPGs one after another.
Files count:
1819.21 Mb
Eulo (2008-02-29)
I only tested this on 3.90 m33-2kukawbubuh19 (2008-03-01)
how is it with 3.90?Eulo (2008-03-03)
runs perfect on 3.80 m33-5 and 3.90 m33-2spencerbarnes (2008-03-04)
do you need popsloader (im still a noob trying to get psptube to work better...........)Eulo (2008-03-05)
I don't think you need popsloader. It's an eboot file. As long as you can run homebrew, you should be OK.kukawbubuh19 (2008-03-08)
ei.. bro do you happen to have ff VII that can run in 3.90?kukawbubuh19 (2008-03-08)
WHY IS THAT IM ALWAYS ENCOUNTERING HANGS IN THE middle of a battle im using 3.90 any suggestionsEulo (2008-03-08)
I don't know why you're having trouble. I've ran it on about 5 psp's, however they were all slims. Are you running it on a fat psp? Do you have the same issues with any psx game?Earthwolf1983 (2008-03-21)
If anyone is running any CFW and are having problems email me at [email protected] and i will help are probably running the wrong umd iso driver. you do not need popsloader. i ran it and it runs fine
thnx good ebbot Eulo. Keep up the good work and i hope to see more from you
drian09 (2008-04-15)
seEd pLEase...its noT evEn downloading..
guys pLs hELp..
that what i nEed..
xXzarkonXx (2008-05-10)
thanks hope some will seed more for this files still downloading it :)cdoggg (2008-06-02)
plz seed thankscryo30 (2008-06-03)
please help how do i change altitude of airship im on disc 3 just got alexandrian airship i need the exact button combos_bryan_m (2008-06-27)
Can someone please tell me if the opening scene and the scenes from then on show the sound that their supposed to thanks for your helpToggy1337 (2009-02-18)
Umm, hi guys, I've never downloaded anything for PsP so could you please give me some guidelines on how to do it? Also could you please seed, i cleared this game when i was little and i want to do it over again :]Thanks!
mosnwaka (2011-09-15)
Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...
Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...
Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...
Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...
Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...
Seed Please Men i want to try this Game please ...
1. [PSP] Final Fantasy 9 EBOOT [EULOGY].rar 1819.21 Mb